
I don't get this game at all. It doesn't seem like there's much more to it than ploughing half brain-dead through mob after boring mob, using weapons that feel more like HP sappers than actual guns. Where is the fun?

both me and my roommate are worried about this... we're about two hours into it...
Dude, you have played the dick out of D2, yet are worried about this? I think you're nuts.

Also, I'm running Win7 x64.
I don't get this game at all. It doesn't seem like there's much more to it than ploughing half brain-dead through mob after boring mob, using weapons that feel more like HP sappers than actual guns. Where is the fun?

One of the problems I had as well.

Dragon Age is awesome for me, though.
exact opposite actually, just tried dragon age a bit and it felt bland and stale with the exact same ****ing setting with elves and dwarfs that every other fantasy rpg has done. I'm tired of that shit.

My pc is an ageing 939 setup. X2 4200+ running at 3 Ghz, 2Gb RAM and a 512 8800GTS on Windows XP.

I do have the itch to upgrade, but to be honest it does a great job considering how outdated most of the technology is. Parts of my system are over 3 years old now.

I run the game at 1680 x 1050 with everything on high and 8xAF. It looks great and runs between 30-50 FPS, not buttery smooth all of the time, but fine most of the time.

The only reason i have the itch to upgrade is that my monitor has a 1920 x 1600 native resolution, which stretches the system a little ! But don't worry, you're not the only person running games on what some people would consider a mediocre rig.


Intel Quad Core 2.40GHz
2 GB
Hard Drive:
500 GB
Video Card:
EVGA 9800GTX (stock)
Sound Card:
Realtek High Definition Audio
Platronics Gamecom Pro 1
HP Wired Office Keyboard
Logitech Marble Mouse
Mouse Surface:
Glass desk
Operating System:
Windows Vista Home Edition (Service Pack 2)
Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R
Computer Case:
Antec 900

From here: I built this computer with the same parts in it since 2007. I can run every game that has come out since then with maxed settings EXCEPT for Crysis, Crysis expansion pack, and Far Cry 2.

We all know Vista is junk. Even if you have no problems with it, it's still junk. Does anyone here have Vista installed & have problems with the game running correctly? I have Vista Ultimate 32, but I have no intention of installing it just to test with.
Is an outright lie and runs very similar to Win7. After Service Pack 1, it ran way faster than XP.
Dude, you have played the dick out of D2, yet are worried about this? I think you're nuts.

Also, I'm running Win7 x64.

It's the HP sapper part... Killing people takes too long. Maybe we started in a bad area with people that are slightly higher level than us.
I notice that Vista becomes sluggish only after installing Windows Live Messenger, on at least 2 occasions. Could just be coincidence, but I'm having an itch.
Finished my first run through the game.

The ending was indeed very uninspired. The boss fight itself was quite boring. Shooting at a beached giant squid, really GBX? Also, I found the lack of good loot disturbing.

Other than that great game. Just started my second run with my Siren. She is lvl 38 now. Bring on the DLC.
Finished my first run through the game.

The ending was indeed very uninspired. The boss fight itself was quite boring. Shooting at a beached giant squid, really GBX? Also, I found the lack of good loot disturbing.

Other than that great game. Just started my second run with my Siren. She is lvl 38 now. Bring on the DLC.
Same here. I knew what it was going to be after having spoiled the game a while beforehand, but god damn.
After playing with Hool, I realize he's one of those "Loot loot loot don't share" kinda guys. :|

I've not really found anything decent gun wise for my zerker. So, I just hide until my action is charged and use that. Bleh. Currently lvl 40, sitting on like 700 shields and 1400 health. My shield gives me +60% health, it's like D:
After playing with Hool, I realize he's one of those "Loot loot loot don't share" kinda guys. :|

I've not really found anything decent gun wise for my zerker. So, I just hide until my action is charged and use that. Bleh. Currently lvl 40, sitting on like 700 shields and 1400 health. My shield gives me +60% health, it's like D:
Well when you stare at the gun for longer than 15 sec, it's mine. When the little screen pops up, it is comparing the gun to the one you already have. I mean if all values are green, take it!
Dayum. I only wish I could get my hands on something like that...
Deals a huge amount of critical hit damage. Reference to Smack My Bitch Up by Prodigy probably.
Well when you stare at the gun for longer than 15 sec, it's mine. When the little screen pops up, it is comparing the gun to the one you already have. I mean if all values are green, take it!

Of course, why even MENTION the gun dropped? Do I have to follow your every move? Quit making excuses, you're a looter.

And I've never seen that yellow gun. Didn't even know it existed until the roomie was like "Uhh, has Hool asked you about that gun?"
After playing with Hool, I realize he's one of those "Loot loot loot don't share" kinda guys. :|

AHEM, so are you pal.

You open up a chest, I open up another chest right next to you, you take things from your chest :) Okay good, now let me just drop something so I can take this Rocket Launcher I'm staring directly at from my che- :frown:

*Pitz running away with Rocket Launcher*
You hold E to drop and replace the weapon you currently have in your hands. Don't you know that holding E gets all the money to you Pitz? :p Anyways what yellow gun?

Here is my layout:

Used for massive damage on a target. Also speeds up the recharge of Bloodwing and Bloodwing brings some health back to me after damaging an enemy.

This is my main sniper weapon. Atlas weapon.

This SMG is a monster when dealing HS. I usually run up to people as a Sniper and unload on them. I also have a skill that most of the time ignores shields and damages the enemy. Another Atlas weapon.

Alien canon mainly to take down very large targets such as turrets. The ASCCI code spells out "OMG" according to flamehaus users. Infinite ammo and slow recharge speed.

For my grenade mod I have an Atlas acid shower mod. When 2 or more are thrown on an enemy 99% of the time the enemy is turned into goo. I also have idk, like 2mil in my wallet.
Got my like fifth eridian weapon. It's a shotgun that shoots lightning, 8x150dmg, pretty sweet.
I got the Dove, it's pretty sweet, but kinda useless. It's a pistol that doesn't use any ammo and doesn't need to be reloaded, so you can fire it continuously. The downside is that it doesn't deal much damage.
Found a Mercenary mod and a x4 dmg Anarchy SMG tonight. They kick massive ass together. Constantly critting everyone and everything. I thought Firefly was a fun Siren build but this is even better. Almost lvl 42.
Found a soldier mod that gives me +10 ammo regeneration, amongst other skill bonuses. The game's been super easy since then, with plenty of hilarious rocket spamming. Corrosive rocket spamming.
I absolutely love this game. For a week it looked so garbage, then I picked it up and played. Its so ****ing fun. I'm a level 43 Hunter with almost a full Sniper Skill Tree. Found the Red Rider BB gun easter egg.

First RPG game ever, but I just play like an FPS and grab anything thats better then what I have.
Going to be giving this another try since a fix for older CPUs(like my AMD Athlon XP 2800) has been released... I hope to hell it works.

edit: **** yesssssssssssssssssssss!
Works great! Runs really well on medium settings too.
Load times are a little longer than I'd like but I can bear with them.

You guys better still be playing this game. :frown:

Also, I thought the devs said they were taking extra special care with the PC version? Everything about this stinks of consolization.
The server browser is especially terrible, but I can put up with it I guess.
Lucid said:
Also, I thought the devs said they were taking extra special care with the PC version? Everything about this stinks of consolization.
The server browser is especially terrible, but I can put up with it I guess.

Welcome to two weeks ago. We pc gamers are all hoping that the patch when it eventually comes, will fix some of the more obvious signs that BL is a straight forward port. Congrats on getting it working btw. Enjoy your stay on Pandora.
so... who else thinks its incredibly awesome that you can reload a save that's near a chest and continually open it for phat loot?
so... who else thinks its incredibly awesome that you can reload a save that's near a chest and continually open it for phat loot?

One chest? How about you save in New Haven and keep checking the four chests that are sprawled throughout town? It is loot paradise.
One chest? How about you save in New Haven and keep checking the four chests that are sprawled throughout town? It is loot paradise.

that's actually exactly what i've been doing :P

got me a nice combat rifle that i cant seem to beat in terms of raw power and damage output, for now anyway.
that's actually exactly what i've been doing :P

got me a nice combat rifle that i cant seem to beat in terms of raw power and damage output, for now anyway.

I almost reached New Haven on my second playthrough with my Siren. Can't wait to start checking those chests again. :D
What was the post number that had the map of those chests in New Haven? I remember seeing it, but don't remember what page it was on. I finally made it to New Haven and would like to check them out.
I can't find it either, are you having trouble locating the 4 chests?

Facing the save / teleport pole:
1. One to the right on the building above the punk looking guy who says 'i hate this place', behind some kind of tank.
2. Straight ahead, look up, it's next to the satellite high up, jump on the washing machine to get up.
3. Left, on a ledge around the back of a air conditioning vent or something, you can see it when you jump.
4. Far left, top of a building, do some jumping and you'll see it.

Actually there is a 5th, if you help the claptrap which is broken, he knocks down a wall for you and opens a secret one near him which you must crouch to get into. But...always rubbish drops in that one for me D:
I only check the red chests, only ones that usually drop things worth a damn.

Anyway, once you reach new haven, the way I usually check the 2 red chests are:

Starting from load game:
1. Make a 180 and walk forward up to the big building
2. Turn right and you should see a yellow barrel
3. Jump on the barrel and the subsequent buildings and you can't miss the red chest here.
4. Then go directly forward to the building across from this chest.
5. Climb this building and go around to the other side, red chest is in a little nook on it.