Breaking Bad Season 3

Did anyone else not notice that Gus is quite possibly gay... and now, possibly for Walt?

EDIT, maybe not for Walt just throwing that out there. Weird vibe initially. Anyway Walt is married. But he really likes Walt on a personal level - no mistaking that.

I think it's just more of a respect for professionalism. When you think about it, Gus invited Walt over for a nice dinner and basically said "you ****ed up, don't let it happen again" which pretty much means "you ****ed up, do it again and you're dead"...all the while exchanging pleasantries in a respectful manner.

I like Gus a lot more now and I hope we see his dark side before the end of the season.
Man Jesse looked totally badass at the end. I want his jacket.
Great ep.

Looks like Jesse will do something even more stupid than what he’s already doing, but I'm looking forward to it.
Anyone else curious how Gus will mess up ? Great character though. So far he has been infallible, but I am sure there will be a hitch.
I don't know how it's going to go down, but Gus is going to have his sense of honour taken advantage of. Bitch gon' get stabbed, and such.
Is it just me, or does the "Previously on breaking bad" part only show completely unrelated and unimportant events that doesnt even make sense? Its supposed to explain what happened in the last few episodes, but they just take random clips from random episodes from random seasons and make a montage out of it :/
Is it just me, or does the "Previously on breaking bad" part only show completely unrelated and unimportant events that doesnt even make sense? Its supposed to explain what happened in the last few episodes, but they just take random clips from random episodes from random seasons and make a montage out of it :/

Some examples?

From what I have seen, they typically make sense. Like where it showed Skyler talking about the divorce papers and stuff... which we later realize in this episode she never signed.
They usually show you the important stuff related to the current episode, regardless of whether or not it was during the prior week's show.
Is it just me, or does the "Previously on breaking bad" part only show completely unrelated and unimportant events that doesnt even make sense? Its supposed to explain what happened in the last few episodes, but they just take random clips from random episodes from random seasons and make a montage out of it :/

You dumb or something? Its not showing stuff that happened in the last few episodes, its showing stuff that happened in any episode prior that has an effect on things that are going to happen in the new one. The one before last it showed stuff from the episode where whats-her-name OD'd because Walt was feeling guilty and ended up talking about it with Jesse. How could you not make that connection?
Personally, it ruins the intro flow for me. Cold opens are where it's at, I don't need no recaps to bring me up to speed on my favourite show. On the other hand, it's probably extremely helpful for people who are new to the show, and Breaking Bad can always use a larger audience.
Personally, it ruins the intro flow for me. Cold opens are where it's at, I don't need no recaps to bring me up to speed on my favourite show.
Hell yeah.
On the other hand, it's probably extremely helpful for people who are new to the show, and Breaking Bad can always use a larger audience.
Yes, but who cares about them.

They should release the DVDs and have all the episodes available at their website. (like TNT) Then newbies should catch up by watching them in order.
Yeah, it was a total pain in the ass catching up with S3 without a reliable source of episodes. I've always found recaps useless except in cases where the show be mad convoluted.
I watched the encore and I feel like I should've seen it coming with the speech walt gave to jesse in the beginning. The finale is going to be 2 hours and oh my god is it going to be intense.
Holy mother of sweet jesus-****ing **** waffles. That was the most awesome thing I've ever seen.
That was some cold blooded shit.

Hell ****ing yeah!!! That was awesome. The build up with Jessie approaching and the way Walt just... Holy shit.
Absolutely phenomenal. Was actually hoping that Jesse would was going to refuse to shake their hands and then leave, but Gus compromising the point and telling them to end it with the children was even better.

Was anyone else slightly confused about how/why Tomas was killed?
The thing I didn't realize is that it would be season finale already. Damn, this season seems like it went by way too fast. Maybe I got spoiled by 24.
Was anyone else slightly confused about how/why Tomas was killed?

There's nothing confusing about it. They were ordered to stop using kids to peddle their drugs. He was useless to them at that point. Nothing but a safety risk.

As for the last scene. I saw it coming after Walt left the house. Jesse had no chance against both of them with their guns drawn. Looks like Walt deeply cares for Jesse's well being.
What will happen to Jesse now?
I see it as twofold. One, what TwwIX said... and two, they don't like Jesse obviously and they know killing the kid would likely make Gus think it was Jesse who did it if they stirred the pot regarding his death.

But now that doesn't matter because they're dead. DEAD! Stupid drug peddling gang bangers.
Yeah, it was pretty obvious that Walt was going to show up, but that doesn't make it any less ****ing awesome.
There's nothing confusing about it. They were ordered to stop using kids to peddle their drugs. He was useless to them at that point. Nothing but a safety risk.

Silly me, if only I had your intellect :rolleyes: I'd thought of that, it just seemed like kind of a silly, unnecessary move, which at best would give them a chance to hurt Jesse, at worst, would really piss Gus off. Well, obviously that's not the worst option, but that would be the worst option I would think of if I were considering the plan, but I guess you just chalk that up to them being reckless, emotional gangsters. It didn't seem to add up too well to me, so I thought maybe I'd missed something.
Silly me, if only I had your intellect :rolleyes: I'd thought of that, it just seemed like kind of a silly, unnecessary move, which at best would give them a chance to hurt Jesse, at worst, would really piss Gus off. Well, obviously that's not the worst option, but that would be the worst option I would think of if I were considering the plan, but I guess you just chalk that up to them being reckless, emotional gangsters.

It is a silly, unnecessary move... but this is gang life you're talking about. You're in it for life... or you're dead. And well, Gus declared that the kid was no longer in it.
and they know killing the kid would likely make Gus think it was Jesse who did it

Bullshit. That makes zero sense. Jesse was the one trying to HELP the kid by freeing him of the gang life and being used as a killing tool. Gus was the one that came up with the compromise of getting the kid out, that was the part that was supposed to ease Jesse. Gus knows Jesse wouldn't kill him. Gus definitely would know that the gang guys did it.
Bullshit. That makes zero sense. Jesse was the one trying to HELP the kid by freeing him of the gang life and being used as a killing tool. Gus was the one that came up with the compromise of getting the kid out, that was the part that was supposed to ease Jesse. Gus knows Jesse wouldn't kill him. Gus definitely would know that the gang guys did it.

Perhaps. I thought about that possibility too, but honestly I don't think Gus gives a shit about the kid, he only took what Jesse said and used it to get Jesse to calm the **** down before he had to have him executed. And from his information, he'd know that it was the kid who killed his friend, and Jesse was at the very least planning on killing the two guys. He doesn't have the insight into Jesse's head like we do.
That's right, he doesn't have the insight. He thought the 'no more kids' compromise would ease Jesse. So, he clearly thinks that Jesse cares about the kid. So, it would make no sense to Gus that Jesse would kill the kid.
That's right, he doesn't have the insight. He thought the 'no more kids' compromise would ease Jesse. So, he clearly thinks that Jesse cares about the kid. So, it would make no sense to Gus that Jesse would kill the kid.

You clearly underestimate Gus's view of Jesse though. Jesse is nothing but a degenerate drug addict to Gus who is quite capable of anything and everything... to jeopardize his business.

Though, I'll grant you this one. It's a moot point anyway now, since Gus isn't going to care about the Kid, and the two guys can't get punished or killed for killing the kid. The only thing that matters is the two dudes are murdered and Jesse is going to be blamed for it. Not Walt and Jesse... Jesse. And Walt knows this perfectly well.

Why he used his own vehicle though(other than the fact he probably has no other, other than Skyler's), I don't know... he better get that shit fixed. However, I figure he won't, and it'll be a cause of suspicion for himself and further drama.

We just have one episode left, the finale right? I hope planes don't fall out of the sky.
He was probably on his way to stop Jesse, but saw that shit was about to go down, so made a snap decision. He probably didn't intend on running them down when he first decided to come.
He was probably on his way to stop Jesse, but saw that shit was about to go down, so made a snap decision. He probably didn't intend on running them down when he first decided to come.

He should have pulled his handbrake and skidded to smack them with the side of the car. Nobody would suspect that!

Or make sure they did nothing but fly against his windshield. Everybody knows Walt always has windshield problems!
He was probably on his way to stop Jesse, but saw that shit was about to go down, so made a snap decision. He probably didn't intend on running them down when he first decided to come.

It seemed to me that the way he shot the guy in the head at the end made it seem like he knew exactly what he was doing, like it was premediated on his part.
You're a silly cow.


It seemed to me that the way he shot the guy in the head at the end made it seem like he knew exactly what he was doing, like it was premediated on his part.

Eh, I don't think so. I mean, I for once immediately thought "shoot him" when I saw him still moving. When I saw him crawling for his gun, my head ran through possible scenarios as to what would happen if he was allowed to live, and none of them turned out well. If I ran down a couple dealers who were about to shoot my friend, who know my crimelord boss, who killed a child after we'd come to an agreement, and who were still trying to get their guns to shoot me or Jesse... then finishing him off isn't a 'think-about-it' move. Just do it, and... RUN

But yeah... The last 15 seconds of the episode sent shivers up my spine. Just fantastic.
It seemed to me that the way he shot the guy in the head at the end made it seem like he knew exactly what he was doing, like it was premediated on his part.

That was probably an influence from the speech by The Cleaner... no more half measures. The moment he committed, he knew exactly what had to be done.
That was probably an influence from the speech by The Cleaner... no more half measures. The moment he committed, he knew exactly what had to be done.

Yeah but Walt also talked about how they aren't killers. Yet he didn't hesitate for even a fraction of a second before pulling that trigger.
Yeah but Walt also talked about how they aren't killers. Yet he didn't hesitate for even a fraction of a second before pulling that trigger.

That was before he had the talk with Mike. Mike put the fear in him that if he ever pulled a half measure again, he wouldn't be able to make the mistake anymore. So Walt knew as soon as he floored on the gas that he had to finish the job if they survived the hit. He had the gun, and the opportunity, and he took it.

No more half measures.
Yeah but Walt also talked about how they aren't killers. Yet he didn't hesitate for even a fraction of a second before pulling that trigger.

Actions > words. Skyler talked about how she should be the one to launder Walt's money, and it turned out to be just that: talk.
Wait, what?

She is the one to launder Walt's money...
No she's not. Her whole speech to Walt and Saul was nothing but talk. She was researching money laundering so she doesn't appear immediately clueless when it comes time to actually launder Walt's drug money.