Brian Damage's Mod Art...

Interesting. Similar, but I don't think my idea's been stolen. Possibly that model was inspired by my art.

If that were true, then I would be flattered in the extreme, but I don't think it is.

Should I ask the guy?
he's not stolen the idea.. its a popular appearance, actually Quake had one like it way back when. and i think they borrowed the idea too from something before that. Daggerfall and Morrowind "almost" have them aswell.

bloody nice model though no doubt about that
Yeah, the guy certainly has talent. For me, the lower half of the Marauder was for the most part inspired by the... er... "Scrab", I think it was, from the oddworld games. But only a little.

EDIT: I dunno. The shape of the head and the eye. The shape of the lower body and chest.. The pose of the legs. The attitude of the hands.

There's even similar plating on the head...

actually on closer inspection it looks to be partially based on a QuakeIV model from the leaked screenshots.. one of the concepts have similar capsules on the back, so he probably got the idea from Quake in general
dunno the scab... you should ask the guy to work on your mod, that would look nice.. get him to model the high poly versions for you ;)
Heh, he'd probably want paying:E.

The QIV model... are you talking about Makron?
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Heh, he'd probably want paying:E.

The QIV model... are you talking about Makron?

i don't remember the name, was an annoying bad guy though i remember that heh

and yeah he probably would want paying, wouldn't you? :)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
actually on closer inspection it looks to be partially based on a QuakeIV model from the leaked screenshots.. one of the concepts have similar capsules on the back, so he probably got the idea from Quake in general
dunno the scab... you should ask the guy to work on your mod, that would look nice.. get him to model the high poly versions for you ;)

He models in cinema 4D which is hopeless for games.

Squidinc has been around for quite a long time so god knows where he got his imspiration from.
Heck yes, I'd want paying:E.

But I'd only be able to pay in Monopoly money unless VALVe took me under their wing. Which is highly unlikely.
Originally posted by mrchimp
He models in cinema 4D which is hopeless for games.

Squidinc has been around for quite a long time so god knows where he got his imspiration from.

well cinema 4D IMO is hopeless.. period, but don't let me get started on my views towards Cinema4D and Truespace *grins*

the model is certainly familiar, the way its stood aswell.. I can't put my finger on it, though I'm sure Quake is in the re somewhere.. mind you, i don't mind what inspires him, everyone has to be inspired from something. If he outright copied it though, then thats bad

hmm, Feng whatshisface (always forgetting his name, poor guy haha) he had a concept design with the leg placement too.. and that other guy who did the mock concepts for how he saw a new version of that old classic the name of which I have forgotton AGAIN argh!.. oh wait, hmm nope can't remember, never mind, not with it today atall, i should maybe go to sleep or something
Go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep, go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep, go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep little Fenric.

I get real creepy late at night...

EDIT: C4D certainly is hopeless. Unless you're some kind of kids tv station ident artist.:E
Cinema 4D isn't completely hopeless, not for everything. The renderer is good for a start and it's quite easy to texture with it. Also the physics and particle effects are good if you can wrap your head round [INSERT NAME OF THING THAT CONTROLS LOGIC IN C4D].

On the other hand you only appear to be able to box model in it, but that doesn't stop some artists which have managed to creat some very interesting work whith C4D.
Tell me about it. The only thing that I can reliably work out how to make in C4D in angular spaceships.

And, HV, I'm not even sure whether they're fingers or not. They could be claws. Or are you referring to one of my pieces of work?
Looks nice indeed, the Crawler is almost like those, um "new" tyranids thingys.
Thanks, dude.

Raveners? A bit similar, I'll admit. But it was mostly inspired by a nightmare I had.
Brian Damage,

You have a very nice concept. I mean I would give it 6* out of 10*.


do not judge now. If I would give you 9 or more stars I would like to see these modeld to be very models with high polys and their physics is exteremly well thought off. Such as the physics in DOOM3.

Brian I would give your concept 9.5* after I see your models come to live with the best physical skeleton you could possibly do.
I am not being negative, I am only saying that your ideas are Hot man and I would like to give you some direction to make it look sexy.
Thanks, G0rgon. Sure thing. Teaching myself to use GMax right now, as that's the only good modeling proggy I have.

I would apreciate if anyone out there could suggest a better cheap/free modeling program, if there is one. I have no budget.:E

Wha? I go away for a day and I get something about "Removed"?

Did somebody post something about warez?

... And why, nw909, was it funny?
Originally posted by Brian Damage
... And when did you become a mod, Fenric?

<Dies from confusion>


See what you miss when you don't come here for a day. Thats why I just leave a browser window on here 24/7, don't wanna miss stuff :D

anyway I'd love to chat but we're all off to play HL2 multiplayer since that was released this morning too

joking about that last bit, unfortunately. we can all dream though right :)
Yo, all.

A coloured version of the Crawler. I personally like the colour graduation on the body and shell, but I'm not sure about the claws.

Maybe later I'll try to add an iridescent effect to the shell. I've just gotta figure out how. Still working out what made it look so cool on the Marauder.

But I digress.

As always, opinions, comments and constructive criticism are welcome.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, Fenric: Congratulations. I forgot earlier.
Maybe. Then again, some of the most peculiarly coloured creatures live in dark areas.
This is Morris. He's been on his own for a very long time...

Colour version coming soon, both here and in the editing section. You'll find more info on him in the mod setion when I post it.

As always, C/O/C welcome.:E
Thanks man. Y'know, with every picture I think I learn something new. With this one, it was how to draw torn fabric. With the Marauder, it was how to draw shinyness. With Saturday, plant textures.

And continually, with all of them: That I should keep my drawing glove on at all times.:E
My mate had a bird called morris that escaped it's encapsulation and got eaten by a fox...

When I say bird I don't mean girlfriend, I mean parrot type thing. :cheese:

BTW please make morris into a proper model for HL2 I want to hit him with a stick and shoot at his feet to make him dance. OMG that would be so cool to have mod just based around beating the shit out of a robot called morris.
Well, just for you mrchimp, here's the colour version of Morris. Don't think you can hit him with a stick (*CLANG!*) without repercussions, though. That frying pan's not used for cooking any more...
good coloring brian, but maybe needs a bit of variation in shades/colors

MrChimp, your a cruel person :p hehe
Originally posted by Brian Damage
I think I'll put some stains on the shirt...

Have you thought about watercolors? I dunno, your style might work really well with watercolor for the color, takes a bit of practice though and personally I don't like painting in watercolor. But it could work well for yours. Just a thought :)
I dunno. Don't really like watercolours much. Too randomish.:E

Oh, how about some rust? He looks too clean for a 'bot who's been hiding in a spaceship's hull for months...
Originally posted by Brian Damage
I dunno. Don't really like watercolours much. Too randomish.:E

Oh, how about some rust? He looks too clean for a 'bot who's been hiding in a spaceship's hull for months...

yep rust would be good, maybe some loose wiring, torn clothing etc and so on