Brian Damage's Mod Art...

Thanks, dude. It took me the longest out of all of them so far. Now I'm finding it hard to type due to exhaustion of my right hand :E.

Think I have a chance in the art contest?
Brian Damage said:
Thanks, dude. It took me the longest out of all of them so far. Now I'm finding it hard to type due to exhaustion of my right hand :E.

Think I have a chance in the art contest?
Might aswell try.. though isn't the mech one the modeling one? or is that the crowbar one? I can never remember.. next one should be cool though ;)
Nice mod, Brian. I can't believe I missed this...
I like all the silly characters, and I'm looking forward to beating up Morris.
I don't actually like the robot much, but it's well drawn. I like your style.
You know, I imigined the Xylen like huge lumbering bundles of weeds, like plant-ish dinosaurs, sort of. Ah well. Draw a heavy weapons robot bloke(wassisname again?).
Hey, thanks Sulkdodds.

Does everyone want to beat up on poor Morris :E ? I'll bet you were one of those people who loved to lead Barney straight into a gun turret, weren't you ;) ?

Stay tuned, your "plant-ish dinosaurs" idea is not so far from something I have in mind...

(Who's wassisname :p ?)
Wossname? You know, there was a squaddie wossname, and a squad leader wossname, and a heavy weapons wossname.
Well, you see, the thing about Morris is that he's a robot, and therefore provokes no instinctual compassion in the human mind; therefore any compassion for him would be based on his character and since he seems to be a more violent Marvin (Hitchiker's guide) I would have no qualms about beating him up. Whereas Barney, due to a mix of base human instincts and the highly immersive situation you are placed in, garners your sympathy. In the events that conspire on that fateful day at Black Mesa you feel as if you have to band together with your fellow humans to survive the nightmare. I was genuinly shocked and horrified the first time I led Barney and a scientist into a turret. The horror...
So. How about an unlockable 'beat up Morris' mini-game?
Woah. That's really deep.

Morris is.. well... a little eccentric. He's only really violent when he feels that his ship (which he still feel that he is in charge of) is threatened.

I believe that the wossnames you refer to are the Grelgets. Rest assured that there are Heavy Weapons and Squad leader versions coming soon...

Dunno about the mini game. I'll have to read up on that thread about unlockable stuff...
Hee-hee. Morris, I can see this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship...
I feel that I should warn you; cruelty to sentient robots is illegal according to the AI Equality laws passed in 2316, ie, paragraph 31, sub-paragraph 18, of section 22 in the GalFed lawbooks:

All self aware robots and AI lifeforms shall be treated with the respect due to any sapient being, and all laws and rights that apply to any sentient lifeform shall apply to the aforementioned AI/robotic lifeforms also.

Of course, there are extra laws and stuff pertaining to the artificial nature of AI's and robots, but I don't want to bore you...
Is it a second version of Firggy? :)

Man your design is wikid, Brian's Robot Vs The Dog in HL2
Is what a second version of Friggy? My avatar? If so, it's a little animation of him I whipped up in PSP, dancing to that Junior/Senior song. Friggy gettin' jiggy.

The design... that would be the mech? It's about 15 meters tall (just a rough estimate). I wonder if DOG would stand a chance :E.
Mouahah :LOL:
I meant the Mech one not your ave (By the way ur ave looks like a frog is swimming in black pool).:)

Are you going to implement it in your HL2's Mod? And whats your mod's Name.
A frog swimming in a black pool... I'm just glad, for your sake, that Friggy's english comprehension skills suck.

And, yes, the mech will be in the mod. Have you seen the thread in the General Editing section? The mod's name is Edge of Justice (EoJ), and we've actually got some forums (check the links in my siggy), as well as a website, but the website's not really ready yet.
Woo, forums. With you all they way, Brian. It's an interesting mod, that's for sure...
Don't worry. By that I mean 'good'.
Brian Damage said:
A frog swimming in a black pool... I'm just glad, for your sake, that Friggy's english comprehension skills suck.

And, yes, the mech will be in the mod. Have you seen the thread in the General Editing section? The mod's name is Edge of Justice (EoJ), and we've actually got some forums (check the links in my siggy), as well as a website, but the website's not really ready yet.

Man don't take everything SO SERIUOSLY:)

And thanks I will look forward to read it.
Hey, when you live with a datasprite that has a tendency to glue your head to your pillow if you do something he doesn't like, you learn to take him seriously ;).

EDIT: Thanks, both of you.
Yeah, about the mech, I just think it's mainly the joints on the legs and the front end of the 'box' unit that look bad to me. But hey, everyone else likes it. I'm just nit-picking.
btw, Gorgon, you got pwn3d. Watch out, Friggy's coming for you.
I think I'll perhaps surround the joints with flexible piping or metal sheathing, or make the sockets internal.
Thanks, but what prompted that?

I know about the free versions of XSI and Maya, but they need WinXP to run, and I won't have that for a little while yet...
My monochrome pic of Borgo, a shipwrecked (and slightly bonkers) merchant, and Sweetums, a bottlecap.
Brian Damage said:
My monochrome pic of Borgo, a shipwrecked (and slightly bonkers) merchant, and Sweetums, a bottlecap.

Very nice,

Two negative thing about your design: Jaw and Mouth.

You made it look like a Gorilla (Spelling). I suggest that you take off the round Jaw,Mouth and replace them with Sharp Pointy Jaw. Such as:

The second thing is that the Body is fat and without MUSCLES. I recommend that you make his body coverd with Sharp devided MUSCLES. :E

Imagine Superman mixed with your design + the Sharp Jaw.
The skin around his mouth is supposed to be wrinkly... I'll alter it slightly for the final coloured version...

Funnily enough, G0rgon, you actually spelled "Gorilla" correctly...

And... errr... he is fat. He's a merchant. And he really likes his food.

I don't think pointy teeth or jaw would work exactly... he's not a monster, just a marooned Ferjolian merchant...
And the coloured version...

EDIT: And, wouldn't you know it? I forgot to colour Sweetums. Oh, well. He's red.
Well, what is the story of this thing? I mean what can he/she do in your mod?

New art here. This little fellow is a "Kruga".

Give me your opinons and suggestions. I'd especially like suggestions for a colour scheme, as I'm a little stumped on this one... I was going to go for a reddish shell and a lavender body...
Thanks, dude.

What colours say "I'm a dangerous little bastard who likes to leap out of dark places and bite protruding bodyparts with my venomous teeth!"?

(Yes, that's right: Taking a "Natural" leak in a Marauder controlled zone on the Xylen world is not advised...)
Looks great.. you really got ALOT better. Congrats!
Thanks, man. I'm particularly pleased with the teeth, antennae (left more than right) and the vein detail...
Okay, here's the coloured version... I hope I made the little devil look suitably poisonous...
Brian Damage said:
Okay! Morod' Hai soldier (no equipment, by the way) reposted!

Tell me what you think. I darkened the body, head, arms and front legs, lightened the back legs, and put more shading in.

I had an idea too. Notice the spots on the shoulders and waist? As a Marauder matures, the spots extend to cover it's entire skin. Soldiers are half-grown. The sensory hairs on the head also lengthen with age, and the oral and "finger" tentacles extend.

Darkened this picture in general using the histogram functions in Paintshop Pro. Might try tinting a version of it later to experiment with colour schemes?

As always, opinions, suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome. I think I might make a new post, as it has occurred to me that "Brian Damage's Mod Art", posted by Brian Damage, might look slightly pompous.

I do waffle on, don't I?


hl2 + stalker model = ur model....
If you're saying I was inspired by those weird tentacly humanoids from STALKER, I wasn't. I drew the Marauder way before I saw my first screenie of those things. Most of the Marauder is based on a nightmare I had, anyway. Same with the Cave Crawler.