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Hmmm that was odd. Erestheux, your name was something...different a minute ago :| Or am I going crazy.

But anyway, take care Ritz and Raziaar, all the best.
Raziaar said:
I'm out too. These forums are SERIOUSLY starting to suck. I encourage all the other long time posters to consider hopping aboard this train out of these forums. Buh bye! Not that anyone would miss me, of course. Maybe my dancing cow...

buh bye
JiMmEh said:
Hmmm that was odd. Erestheux, your name was something...different a minute ago :| Or am I going crazy.
Really? :/
Bye bye Ritz(or Burn) and all the other leavers.
The casualties of the civil war so far:

Foxtrot: 6,043 posts.
Ritz: 3,417 posts.
Joule: 3,446 posts.
Raziaar: 4,642 posts.

Requiem eternaem dona eis, domine.
That's "Requiem aeternam dona eis, domine."
:dozey: If the people who left come back... i'm going to laugh til I shit.
Which wouldn't have happened if "someone(s)" (I will not name names) started all this shit.The forums wouldn't have got shitter and people wouldn't have left.Hell...they said we was trying to destroy the forum when in fact they are doing/did that themselves.

Anyways ya'll will be missed...stay safe and have a good journey in life.
in 2 or 3 of the cases the banning of certain people was long overdue ...other members leaving is just a by-product of the bannings. It's always sad when a long time member leaves ...but it's a shock when people are banned because the reasons are never quite clear
Erestheux said:
Really? :/

Yeah, it was a piss take version of Pi Mu Rhos name. I can't remember it now but AntiAnto posted it before he edited it. I clicked on the name and it took me to your profile :S Then when I went back it said Erestheux. Maybe I'm going nuts :o
It appeared very briefly, and was banned just as quickly.
Why was Ritz banned anyways? Are people claiming to leave getting banned out now?
Banned? :(

Wtf is going on with my precious username! ;(
ailevation said:
Why was Ritz banned anyways? Are people claiming to leave getting banned out now?

Read the sticky.

Updated casualty: bvasgm: 1,214 posts.
Oh right. Well, I'm glad to know I'm still relatively sane.
TheSomeone said:
Read the sticky.

Updated casualty: bvasgm: 1,214 posts.
Sad sad....What is this?Some "war"? :laugh:
TheSomeone said:
The casualties of the civil war so far:

Foxtrot: 6,043 posts.
Ritz: 3,417 posts.
Joule: 3,446 posts.
Raziaar: 4,642 posts.

Requiem eternaem dona eis, domine.
joule too!!!?noooooooooooooooooooooooo:O

btw where exactly are these greener pastures people are frequenting?
hey!!!! you take that back or there'll be consequences!!! POLITICAL consequences :rolling:
oh but you need to stand trial for crimes against humanity ...meh at least a corpse cant testify ;)
Okay okay, you win this battle.... ;(

But on topic, the mighty ban stick has seen a lot of action in the last few days.
And by the way, those 5 members alone constitute over 1% of the post on this forum ( I did the math). That means that those 5 members out of _16,000_ have made 1 post for every hundred.

Another funfact: Only one of the casualties is permanently banned, and only two are banned at all (including the permanent ban)
If so many are killed, we're gonna have to recruit new soldiers.
Not really...one thing I noticed is the forums are more peaceful and no trolls.Hell even politics is calm.
Tr0n said:
Not really...one thing I noticed is the forums are more peaceful and no trolls.Hell even politics is calm.

I'm glad you see the good in the community falling apart.
That all depends on your perspective.
Maybe we could have a fresh new start? Maybe not...
TheSomeone said:
I'm glad you see the good in the community falling apart.
Tr0n said:
Which wouldn't have happened if "someone(s)" (I will not name names) started all this shit.The forums wouldn't have got shitter and people wouldn't have left.Hell...they said we was trying to destroy the forum when in fact they are doing/did that themselves.

Anyways ya'll will be missed...stay safe and have a good journey in life.
That's what it is falling apart...well ether that or it's just another down slope.Like I said before...ya'll brought this on to yourselves.So I advise ya'll to stop being hypocritcal.
Tr0n said:
That's what it is falling apart...well ether that or it's just another down slope.Like I said before...ya'll brought this on to yourselves.So I advise ya'll to stop being hypocritcal.

Obviously this forum is not the place to discuss this. I've accepted we ar both at fault, if you still think we're the only ones at fault, you should really try to walk a mile in the shoes of the people who weren't accepted into Heitara (I personally don't give a shit since I'm not a senior member, but I know people that do).

Ennui wrote:
That's the truth, that the site itself was already on a downward spiral. Hetairia was trying to slow that spiral but that pretty much backfired it would seem Sad

Raziaar wrote:
It backfired, because they only extended life rafts to their best and closest buddies. Nevermind those others who were deserving as well.
How are we at fault?Did we start a huge flame/troll war because of some secret forum?No.

WE CANNOT INVITE THE WHOLE COMMUNITY AT ONCE.How many ****ing times are we going to say that?Seriously do you just like to avoid what we have been saying?Here let me copy and paste for you:

theGreenBunny said:
(As posted on the frontpage)

If you're here, you were probably linked here by Pes or Foxtrot in a thread or PM. They're both trying very hard to make Hetairia look like an evil elitist cult bent on destroying hl2.net and all that you hold dear. The big surprise is, of course, that that's bullshit. Bear with me while I take a quick peek at the PM that was sent out by them, before we go on to the interesting stuff. Feel free to skip ahead of course.

Messages from above

The PM, sounding like a doom prophet on crack, spoke of "words of revelation" and crap like that, it went on to disclose Hetairia's a secret forum with 60 or so members. So far so good. Then comes the good part where we're, hopefully humourously called malicious and heretic. Hetairia certainly never done anything to harm HL2.net; the altered banner was a joke. Talking about jokes, according to the PM Foxtrot is an "esteemed member", really puts the whole of HL2.net in perspective doesn't it? But this funny was not enough, because it goes on to say Valve has "shut off the funds" for the forum, and Munro would've implemented the linkads as compensation. A flat out lie, of course, ask Munro himself. And though it's true many (not all) Hetairia members dislike the linkads, removing them is not going to "destroy the forums". Nice try at fear mongering there. I won't even go into the ridiculous talk that is the last paragraph of the PM, portraying us as some kind of shadow government of HL2.net. I wish.

Grasping at the threads of love

Enough about that PM, the Pes & Fox gang went on to post a thread, spreading some more misinformation along the way. Many many people believed them and started flaming us and insulting HL2.net mods. Starting with those mods, they have always remained in partial, at times even banning Hetairians who went out of line at HL2.net. That gets us nicely into the structure of Hetairia. Hetairia isn't intent on the destruction of HL2.net. Many of the members did become friends there, which is why most of our invitees come from HL2.net. But Hetairia is by its very nature not above or below HL2.net, it is on the side. Hetairia is a place to post and have fun without trolls and assholes, without much moderation (you'd be surprised how little is needed if everyone is friendly). It was started long ago, when some HL2.net regulars were unhappy about the forum's decline and decided to form their own community. It would be largely secret, and only people all the members knew and liked were invited, for if everone could walk in it would become nothing than a copy of HL2.net. It was successful and grew, though not without its problems. Many Hetairians kept on posting at HL2.net, while others found Hetairia to be all the forum they needed.

Structures in the sky

I mentioned how Hetairia is invite-only. This is not an ideal state of affairs, and has been discussed many times. However, each time we found no better way to keep Hetairia the cool place it was. Technically speaking, a forum is nothing but the sum of its members, and if you have no control over who is a member and who isn't, you can't guarantee the sum will be a great one. With this approach comes a certain amount of conservatism, where people are only voted in if they're both well known and well liked by a large majority of the current members. If you're not in, you may simply be not well known to some of us, or one of the members may have objections (shit happens, people dislike each other, such is life). Of course, this sucks for people who don't get in. Guess why we kept it secret? This is a definite case of "ignorance is bliss". If HL2.net still hadn't known about Hetairia, no one would have been angry, and some of those who are angry now would probably have been invited. Apparently, this secrecy was destroyed because one of the members told someone he trusted about Hetairia, and this person proceeded to betray his trust. But much is unclear about this and I'm hesitant to point fingers. Except for Foxtrot and Pes of course, who with blatant disregard for the nature of Hetairia assumed we were elitist assholes and brought it out in the open, even starting a kind of hate campaign against us.

Click here to Continue to the summary

Hopefully you have a better understanding of Hetairia now, even if you may still disagree with our "policies". We're not elitist, we only want to keep a great and fun forum just that, great and fun. We're not trying to destroy HL2.net. We're not trying show you how awesome we are compared to you. We only want a nice place to talk and post, and I think I speak for all of us if I say we appreciate it if you left us to it. You really have no reason to be angry at us, only because Hetairia exists.

Thanks for reading,


Some notes

* The Public Section of the forums is only a tiny part of Hetairia (not even 10%), we know it's quite spammy, no one ever goes there much :P
* Apologies to anyone who has been offended for not getting invited. It was never our intention to hurt anyone by making a forum for us.
* Foxtrot and Pesmerga are not a trustworthy source of information about Hetairia. They know no more than you how Hetairia works and why it exists. Read this page instead, I don't lie.
If I get banned for this post...so be it, but I want to clear it up for you all.
TheSomeone said:
Raziaar wrote:
It backfired, because they only extended life rafts to their best and closest buddies. Nevermind those others who were deserving as well.

That's such a subjective thing. How does anyone deserve to be part of a group of friends. And I know for a fact Hetairia was full of people I hardly knew from this forum. In fact, a few people join who I hardly know.

We don't get any special priviledges you know. We just like talking to each other. There's no criteria other than that. So if that means our "best buddies" get in at the expense of people we don't know that well. So be it.
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