Building comp., lots of help needed.

If you had read earlier on, you would know I'm not going to overclock.
DannyC. said:
Oooh, this one looks nice, has good reviews; fast, but not much noise. Good storage capacity, and has good game loading times. But will it go good with my other stuff?

Also, should I be adding these to a cart? The part list seems to be growing...

Edit: sinko, how is it that you always post at the same time I do? I read your post, but I think I might have to let you figure a portion of the HD stuff out. I'm still trying to grasp all the information I'm learning.


That's a very good drive. Almost as fast as a Raptor, thanks to NCQ.

And yeah, it'll work just fine.

Adding stuff to a cart... You mean to tell me you haven't added any of this stuff to your cart :P Yes, a very good idea. Can help us grasp how much it'll cost very easily, not to mention it'll save some stress when you're ready to purchase.

Ok, if I were you, i'd get the drive you mentioned, and this:
Should I create an account on there before I start adding things? The internet on my computer isn't going very well, so right now I'm on a lap top, so I don't want to add things if it will only show up on this lap top.
DannyC. said:
Should I create an account on there before I start adding things? The internet on my computer isn't going very well, so right now I'm on a lap top, so I don't want to add things if it will only show up on this lap top.

Yes, very good idea to create an account, so you can skip straight to your purchase when you're ready.

And then you can create a wishlist and we can watch it as you add stuff :)
I was about to go to bed when I looked at it last night, and I didn't feel like doing all that. I'll have it some time today, I'll add the parts that we've got so far to my cart, then we can continue.

Thanks again, sinko and others.

Edit: Bah, looks like I'll be able to make my account today or tommorow. However, as long as the parts I get are linked in this thread, once I have my account I'll just find the links to them. I'm going to do some more looking around, mabye find a suitable processor. We didn't fully decide on a particular one, did we?

Edit 2: This one looks pretty good, for a fair price. One of the reviews said it was great for a medium-high end computer, exactly what I'm going for. Another one said that it keeps a reasonable temp., so that's good too. It's AMD Athlon 64, has a 939 socket type, is there anything else you have to check?

I might be able to afford something better, so I'll check the processor section again after I look at some other stuff.
Oh hell yeah. I think that's worth the money I'll have to save up.

Offtopic: It's my birthday today, and one of the things I got that my bro got was the Half-Life 1 collection thing. Looks like I won't have to download Opposing Force and Blue Shift afterall :D. That and Half-Life 2 will be the first things I install on my new comp (after Windows XP, of course).
DannyC. said:
Oh hell yeah. I think that's worth the money I'll have to save up.

Offtopic: It's my birthday today, and one of the things I got that my bro got was the Half-Life 1 collection thing. Looks like I won't have to download Opposing Force and Blue Shift afterall :D. That and Half-Life 2 will be the first things I install on my new comp (after Windows XP, of course).

very nice get that
giant384 said:
very nice get that

Ok, but...

:flame: :angry: :flame: :angry: WHERE THE HELL'S MY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!?:flame: :angry: :flame: :angry:
lol demanding arent you

:cheers: HAPPY BDAY!!!!:cheers:

giant384 said:
lol demanding arent you

:cheers: HAPPY BDAY!!!!:cheers:



Now lets get back on business.

What have we got so far...

RAM (could possibly be changed)
Drive (2)

That it? Now I need a graphics card, once we really know whats going on with the new ATIs (there will be plenty of time :)), cooling, and a power unit.

How many types of cooling are there? What fans already come with parts? Isn't there one on the power unit, and I'll get case fans, but what others do I absolutely need, and what are some that I should probably get?
there will be fans in the psu unless you get one of those passively cooled ones which is just silly since they are really unrelible i think, could be wrong. You will need to get some fans with your case, because most of the time the ones that come with cases are cheap and noisy. Could get some akasa ambers or silenx ones. They are pretty good. Could look into water cooling, but it can be expensive and hard to setup if you are new to that sort of thing.
I'm new in that I've never done it before.

Don't get a passively cooled psu (I know you said you're not sure on that, but I'll play it safe), akasa amber or silenx case fans. Alright then, I'll give newegg a look around.
I couldn't find any of the brands you suggested, but this seems pretty good. However, there's a bit of confusion about the sound: I read quite a few of the reviews, and a few were saying that it's near silent for them, some said it can be a little loud, but it's fixable, and one guy of a few more said it was hard to sleep in the same room as it. I don't know what to think.

I'll keep looking around for more. How many case fans should I have? Two, one in and one out?
DannyC. said:
I couldn't find any of the brands you suggested, but this seems pretty good. However, there's a bit of confusion about the sound: I read quite a few of the reviews, and a few were saying that it's near silent for them, some said it can be a little loud, but it's fixable, and one guy of a few more said it was hard to sleep in the same room as it. I don't know what to think.

I'll keep looking around for more. How many case fans should I have? Two, one in and one out?
go with this cooler i heard it cools very well i might get one for me soon
o and also u may need 2 in front(intake) 1 side(intake) and 2 back (outake)
possibly 1 top(outake)but it all depends on the case u buy
Looks good, and it will go on theeee... processor? I hope it's not too big when I finally have everything.

Whats that Arctic 5 people are mentioning?
DannyC. said:
Whats that Arctic 5 people are mentioning?

its the thermal paste that you put on the cpu to improve teh contact between it and the heatsink so that it improves heat transfer. The arctic silver range is the industry leader in thermal paste imo.
Ah. Just got home, and I'll look at more fans.

I wonder why sinkoman isn't posting anymore. He's been on the past two nights, I've seen his name. Mabye he just got tired of helping. :(

You and Giant are a big help as well though, so I can pull through.
If you get those you'll have to make sure that your case has 120mm fan slots and not 80mm fan slots. Many cases in the rear have either 2 80mm slots or 1 120mm. has great prices on fans, light up stuff too =). Plus, the fans you have listed from newegg dont have crap for airflow, but they are very quiet. Generally with better cooling comes more noise. It's a decision thats up to you, but I'd get something with 25+ cfm.

As for the HSF on the processor, if you buy a retail 3500+ the stock AMD cooler works great if you dont do any overclocking. No use wasting money on the Zalman listed above.
Eh, I'd rather get the 4000 and get an extra fan. Well then, looks like I'll be picking the cooling and the case together once I have all my other parts. And sinko said I should pick my video card before my power supply, and the power supply, video card, cooling, and case are the only parts left that I need (I think...). So now, I'm stuck on video card. Time to wait until some official answers about those new ones ATI is bringing out, because I really am dead set on ATI. Until then.........?
Well you'll have to wait then. Why are you so dead set on ATI? nVidia's new 7 series is great.


Well, I have heard that it works better with Half-Life games. One person that confirmed it being my brother. He bought one for his Dell, and it looks pretty good.
Meh, it's just up to you which brand you want. Personally, I'm in the middle right now. I love ATi's performance, yet their drivers are VERY wonky with a lot of my games, causing the game to crash/freeze every 10 mintues.

In my next build, I'm set for a 6800GT (nVidia) and might ATi next time 'round.

EDIT: And about the "works better with HL2" comment, all video cards work just the same with any game (unless they're better; more power, etc.). And of course there's exceptions but mostly you'll ever see if maybe 4 FPS more (no big deal).
Just in case there was any confusion, in my post when I said I've heard they're better for Half-Life, I meant the ATIs.

Eh, I'll still stick with an ATI. If I don't like it, I'll sell it some someone, possibly, and try an Nvidia.
DannyC. said:
Just in case there was any confusion, in my post when I said I've heard they're better for Half-Life, I meant the ATIs.

Eh, I'll still stick with an ATI. If I don't like it, I'll sell it some someone, possibly, and try an Nvidia.

thats where your wrong atis and nvidia's work well in hl2 they just said that because the 6 series and the x800s werent out yet.
the atis ran it well because they can only do 16 and 24 fpp.geforce fxs can do 16 and 32 fpp but the fxs were to slow to utilize 32 fpp smoothly

so ati or nvidia your choice either will run well
I'll try an ATI first. I don't know which card I'll decide on yet, but lets get that out of the way.
My dads desktop has a 6800gt, my desktop has a 6800, my laptop has a 256 meg 6800..and they all run Half Life 2 and mods flawlessly.

But whatever, it's your choice. I'd personally get a 7800gt or gtx.
We can look into it once we have info on the new cards. Can almost get that account on the site. :)
Damnit, there's sinkoman again. He made very long, helpful posts. :(
DannyC. said:
We can look into it once we have info on the new cards. Can almost get that account on the site. :)

what account are u talking about?
I personally like ATI cards better (settings and features etc) although at the time when I bought my card the 6800GT was the better pick. Right now ATI does have a card that gives you basicly the same performance for a little less money (X800XL). Have no clue how the new cards will perform but they will have the same Shader version as the Nvidia cards so that won't be an issue with anyone. I like the All-in-wonder ATI cards since they have a TV tuner and Audio/Video recording added to them. ;)

Just check back around the 26th of Sept, I think that is when they will be releasing some cards and you can see some reviews. Either then or begining of Oct.

You will want to pick from Antec, Enermax, Fortron or Thermaltake for a safe choice on Powersupplies (there are others but these are the most popular). 450Watts or more. As a general rule, don't use Powersupplies that are included with Cases since it's mostly cheaper case brands that do this. They suck...
You don't want to get a Powersupply that isn't good enough and a few months down the line have your machine randomly reboot when you have no clue why.

Also the new boards with PCI-Express have a 24pin ATX power connector. You will probably need to make sure your Powersupply has the new 24pin ATX power connector and not the older 20pin style.

If you use a SATA harddrive for your Windows installation then you will need to have the SATA drivers for your motherboard on a floppy disk and ready when you install Windows. Windows does not know what SATA is and so it doesn't know where to install itself. You need to press F6 to specify the drivers Windows needs to use during the installation to see your SATA harddrive. If you use a harddrive with IDE instead then you won't have to go through that. It's just a small bump for installing. Nothing major. ;)

Getting Windows XP pro or home? It doesn't matter, I'm just asking. :)
I mean an account on Newegg, so I can have all my parts ready to order when I want to.

Asus, I'll keep in mind what you said about the power supplies, but for when the time comes, how can I get SATA on a floppy disk, and I'm not sure if this one I'm building will even have a drive for them. My current Dell doesn't.

Getting Windows XP pro or home?

What's the difference?
Since you're looking at the 4000+ as an option, I would suggest you get the 3800+ x2. They are about the same price, and if there is any performance loss it will be negligible. Plus you will have to advantage of have extra programs run in the background and you'll be able to take advantage of multi-threaded games as they come out.
x2? Do you mean that I'll have two 3800 processors? I don't really know anything at all. Everything I know is what has been said here. What's a multi-threaded game?
DannyC. said:
x2? Do you mean that I'll have two 3800 processors? I don't really know anything at all. Everything I know is what has been said here. What's a multi-threaded game?

its called dual core its meant to have multiple procceses open at one time like mabye 3 freakin games open at one time but i wouldnt really have an opinion unless u ask someone who has one
The Athlon 64 x2's are dual core processors. Meaning that they have two processors on one chip. It will work in the same socket as the 4000+(939) but since there are two processors, you can have multiple programs running without taking a hit while gaming.
I only like to do one thing at a time, as I've said earlier. If I want to play Half-Life, I'll just play Half-Life. If I want to talk on AIM, I'll just talk on AIM. I don't see why you would want to be playing three games at once, and playing Half-Life while having AIM open would bug the hell out of me. I think it would be better if I got the 4000.
DannyC. said:
I only like to do one thing at a time, as I've said earlier. If I want to play Half-Life, I'll just play Half-Life. If I want to talk on AIM, I'll just talk on AIM. I don't see why you would want to be playing three games at once, and playing Half-Life while having AIM open would bug the hell out of me. I think it would be better if I got the 4000.

well what were talking about is prog. that take alot of cpu like winamp and hl2 open at the same time i have hl2 and aim open all the time it will go to ur desktop in like 3 seconds and back to the game in 6 seconds i have 3200+ btw
Won't the 4000 be able to put a lot of energy into one thing at a time? Because that's what I'm going to do.