Building comp., lots of help needed.

If you keep stuff in your cart for too long, it all goes away -- you need to put it in a wish list.

Oh, heh, threw me off. Yea, the USB one's you don't want, those are EXTERNAL (I.E. out of your case). The PCI ones are the ones you want.
Ok. Well, the cart thing doesn't matter all that much; I'll just add it all once I know everything, then order it.

I don't need such an expesnive sound card or those speakers really. I've heard headphones are great on games, so I'll just use those and a decent sound card.

Was looking at the fan capacity on cases, and this one looks pretty good. Two 120 mm., two 90 mm., and it's big. That will help airflow, be easy to work with (me being a first timer and all), and I could also fit one or two water cooling units in it.

Edit: Bah, screw headphones, I've never liked wearing them. I'll stick by getting some good speakers and possibly an xfi card like giant mentioned, such as this,
Yea, that case it good... although the Shark looks 100% better, but as I said, the case it up to the builder.

Headphones do WONDERS in gaming, you won't know until you try it. You play a game with speakers and then switch to headphones... you hear stuff you've never heard before. Really amasing.

That sound card will boost your FPS by a little which is always good.

Seems like a very good, future-proof system... although I wouldn't go water cooling. Seriously.
If you say so. Alright, I'll get that sound card, and I'll try headphones (Is there a place for them to clip in the on the little panel on the back of the computer?), but still get a two-speaker set for when I'm on Newgrounds and such. What's so bad about water cooling? I think I'll fill up the sections on the case where the fans go, and mabye get some fans for my hard drives and processor.
Um, usually people don't have fans AND watcooling in the same case. The reason I don't like watercooler because it's kinda complicated. Also, there's a rish the tubes might leak, although the chances are very slim. Get a comfy pair of headphones because cheap ones suck and they hurt your ears.
I was planning on getting nice headphones. Leaking, that's what I was worried about as I was scanning the cooling device pages. I think I am going to get that case I mentioned earlier, and I was looking around some 120 mm. fans I could fit in those two places.

I was considering these. There's a bit of a conflict though; they say it's absolutely silent, but can't move as much air as it could. What do you think? Get those for 120 mm. slots, and some good 90 mm. to make up for the air flow?
Eh... that's not the point of 120mm fans, man. They're supposed to move lots of air, those don't. Those push the amount a 80mm fan would. Besides, 120mm are quiet in the first place.
Alright. I'll check some others out, then. I'll come back in a bit with the results.

Edit: Gah, I've seen some of those blue lighted fans, And I think it would look awesome in my case, but at the same time, I'm worried that seeing it in the corner of my eye while gaming will start to irritate me.

EditEdit: Eh?
Well, tell me what you think about the case fan above, and I think along with the case fans I'll get a fan for the processor or something. What would be more important to have a fan for?
You'll need a fans for the case, possibly 1 or 2 for intake and 1 output fan. You also need one for your cpu, but it might be included in teh heatsink you choose, depends on what one you want.

The fan you choose above will be good, but it might be abit noisy.
Well, they say it's pretty quiet, but still moves good air. Besides, from what I've seen, I think all 120 mm. fans are going to be noisy. I have four fan places on my case in all, two for 120 mm. and two for 90 mm. What will be a good combination for that?

Forgot entirely about heatsinks. I'll go look at some, see if I like any fans that come with them. For the processor? I was guessing hard drive would be the thing that needs the most cooling.
If you buy the CPU as "Retail," it comes with a heatsink and fan, so don't worry about that. Stock heatsinks are really nice.

There are fans for HDD's but aren't GENERALLY needed, although, in my upcoming build, I'll be putting a HDD fan in my system.

^ I like that one because it blows air up from the bottom on the HDD, instead of blowing air from the outside onto it... that means lots of dust...
Huh. You wouldn't think that a fan that comes with the part would be very good.

When I play Half-Life 2 the hard drive in this crappy Dell heats up really fast, so that's why I was asking. Do you think I should get a fan for my hard drives?

A small question, I have two drives, so do they both hook up to one big memory space, or if I install a game on one, will it take up memory on that one only? I also need to check those drives to see if either of them are CD drives.
DannyC. said:
Huh. You wouldn't think that a fan that comes with the part would be very good.

When I play Half-Life 2 the hard drive in this crappy Dell heats up really fast, so that's why I was asking. Do you think I should get a fan for my hard drives?

A small question, I have two drives, so do they both hook up to one big memory space, or if I install a game on one, will it take up memory on that one only? I also need to check those drives to see if either of them are CD drives.

1. They are. AMD is a quality brand and they would't put a shitty heatsink on their own processor.

2. Sure, why not.

3. They're separate, i.e. if you install a game on one drive, it'll only take up space on that drive only. 200GB HDD + 200GB HDD doesn't = 400GB drive, they're separate.
I see. How can you tell if a drive is CD or DVD? Another thing on that, will CD's install on DVD drives? I'm pretty sure DVD's can't be installed on CD drives.

How many more parts do we have to go, at this point? Are we pretty much finished (besides clearing up a few things on fans)?

What does i.e. stand for, I've been wondering.
lol danny, im in the same position as you.

i have 800 pounds to spend on parts then im gonna ATTEMPT to put it all together...

this could get messy.
KoreBolteR said:
lol danny, im in the same position as you.

i have 800 pounds to spend on parts then im gonna ATTEMPT to put it all together...

this could get messy.

Heh, I would find someone to give you some info on building it.

Thanks for that little photoshop thing, Qonfused, I'll go look at my drives now.

And umm, I think it's particular, not peticular ;)

Edit: I don't think it says that on mine: 1 2

And another quick question. So games will be on the harddrive that you install it on, but will the performance be based on the drive you install it on, as well? Or does it just take up that drive's memory?

I thought you meant CD and DVD drives not HARDDRIVES. Rofl. Disregard that picture I posted...

I think you're mistaking about the two HDD's thing -- they are in no way related to each other. They run separate, they install separate; the only relation is that they are in the same case and that's about it.
Ok. The harddrives do have those little disky inserty things don't they, or are THOSE the CD and DVD drives, and the hardrives are just the things that they copy to?

How much do we have left? I think I might need a little more conformation of the case fan I posted earlier, I need a harddrive fan, anything else?

My computer plans are almost complete :D So happeh! Once it's finally settled, I'll just save all the links to them on a word document so I can add them to my cart once I have the money stocked up.
HDD's are the things that store all the data (stuff), like, games, etc.
CD/DVD drive's are, yes, the things that you put CD's into to (the slidey-outtie thingers).
Alright, now that I understand that, I've been looking at some DVD drives. What's the difference betweem 8x and 16X? Size?
DannyC. said:
Alright, now that I understand that, I've been looking at some DVD drives. What's the difference betweem 8x and 16X? Size?

no, thats how fast they write
"16x" means like, for example, if it takes 2 hours to watch the movie, it'll take 16 times less time to burn it.
You only need one. When you go to install something, it always gives you the option where you want to install it... so, you just pick which drive you want to save it to.
Didn't know that. Ok, should I get one of those?

I was looking for fans that go underneath the harddrive and push air up, and I think the one you posted is the only one, so I'll get that.

What do you think about these for my 120mm. case slots?
Those will move a lot of air so those'll be fine. And the CD/DVD drive is fine too. Looks like a good system.
Yes, I'm very happy with it :)

Now before this thread comes to a close, some miscellaneous questions:

Will only some screens, speakers, heaphones, etc. fit with my computer, or should I not worry about it?

Do the headphones plug into the back of the computer?

My hard drives are going to be stacked over one another, I'm guessing. If that's the case, should I get two of those fans; won't only one cool the bottom one?
My hard drives are going to be stacked over one another, I'm guessing. If that's the case, should I get two of those fans; won't only one cool the bottom one?

I'm missing something reeeeaaallly obvious there, aren't I?

Common guys, just a little bit more, then we're done. This thread has gone on quite a while, and everything's almost finished.
Meh, sorry for being away from the forums for 12 hours.


Anyway, to the three questions.

No, they'll all work fine.
Sure... don't you have one Raptor and some normal HDD? If that's the case, I'd only get one for the Raptor drive.
The other's a Seagate. Why is the Raptor so important?
It writes and reads super fast and that's why you're paying so much for such a small drive.