Catholic school board pulls The Golden Compass from library: author is atheist

This is just retarded. I don't not read books by christians, or buddhists, or muslims. I don't give a shit what the author is like as long as it is a good book.
Sadly, retards happen.
True. That would be similar to not playing a game or watching a good movie or reading a good book because the main religion in the universe is not based around Christianity. Most of us play,watch,or read those movies/games/books because they know it's fictional however. The main situation of the thread is alittle different. Catholic schools are a religion based institution after all, so it's no wonder they would want to ban something that they would deem detrimental to their goal. Same goes for atheist communities. They probably wouldn't want any religious books in their libraries that would try to debunk their primary goal either. It mainly depends on the parents and how they want to raise their children. Be it religious or atheist. The institution, imo has no impact beyond what the parents want from their kids. The parents are not forced to send their kids to a private Catholic school after all. NOW, if they forced their views a.l.a theocratic society, and FORCED all kids to attend Catholic school, THAT would be wrong.
Catholic schools were originally made to make you join the priesthood, mright? So even though 99% don't chose priesthood afterwards, the whole point of the school is to learn your faith. That's kind of the reason they go there.
We all agree Bush lied. Thought that was pretty obvious.

And all of the original message of Christianity has been lost. That's pretty obvious too. The original words of Jesus didn't change though. There are over a hundred sects of Christianity, each that broke off at different times, and all have little arguments of why their right. But all agree on what Jesus said.

Yet you just said all the original message was lost, and Hebrew civilization pretty much existed to transcribe that book religiously so it is pretty well what was written, grab a rabbis copy of it and see.

Oh yea, GreatEmperor. Here in America, the chances of ANY religious school EVER getting banned are as likely as Bush getting popular support ever again. Being that 90% of America is religious, it will never get banned. Jews have their schools, Catholics have theirs, Protestants have theirs, etc etc. And all will stand united to defend their school systems. But hey, if you think you can force change on what 90% of America thinks, be my guest. Here in America we call that dictatorship. And it's the reason we're allowed to own guns too. So we can un-force the change.

Thats an idea on what to do with Bush, and yeah, I live here as well, dont remind me, and not too long ago the number was even higher, some improvement is good but more is to be desired. It is a sign of cultural advancement the lower that number goes and the higher aptitude tests go.
I was talking about the new testament, not the old one.

And I have no idea what you mean on religious schools. It's people's God given, and state given, right to worship as they please and their schools are perfectly legal and fine so long the state doesn't fund them.

If your talking about cultural things, there's 30 million Mexicans and 30 million more Russians coming over here. Two of the most religious people on the face of the Earth. It's almost guaranteed that more will be going to religious schools, or if they're poor, public schools to which the second generation's kids will go to religious schools with the money they have. That's usually how it works.