CNNMoney: new HL2 release date!

un om bun said:
The sad thing is that there wasn't one good game released in many months. If you'd all have anything to play, you wouldn't care so much about this Half Life 2... stupid waste of time...

we got Call of Duty, and Halo PC last fall. Both of those single player games were awesome. (I never touched the xbox halo, so it was all new to me). But their multiplayer components were pretty weak. Right now, the only games I play online are RtCW: ET, and Halo. But they're getting pretty old. I just want Valve to rush HL2 out the door, so they can focus on their MP games (CS2, TF2, DoDx). We haven't had a great new MP FPS release since BF42 was originally released a long long time ago. Hopefully Far Cry MP will be awesome. Or maybe ut2k4/bf:v? Damn it, please release the games!
could i be any more disenchanted with valve? if you can feel comfortable enough to declare a specific date for release, how can you possibly continue to delay the release every quarter? this blows. it seems to be the trend in the industry though.
Yeah, I've had it with :sniper: Valve and their dates that just keep getting pushed back.

I understand that they want a great game that everyone raves about. But, if they don't get it out the door soon it will be DOA. Most people will dismiss it as "old graphics, gameplay etc" because everyone and their grandmother will have games out that already do the stuff that Half-Life 2 does and some may even do it better.

I mean how could they have been 6+ months off on their estimate of how long it would take them to finish the game. I know that the hacker probably caused them to lose 1-2 months to rewrite the Steam/MP code so that it couldn't be exploited. But, I would be willing to bet that they took care of that issue before Christmas and here we are with an estimated date in the summer.

Unfortunately, for me this means that the likely date will be September 30, 2004 as a likely release date. I'm afraid to say this....but Valve you may not have a customer who is still willing to buy the game by then. :eek:

Also, I wouldn't be suprised if the people that Valve has licensed their Source engine to acutally come out with their games before Half-Life 2 is released.
I still find it absolutely astonishing that people still think VALVe ever pointed to April 2004 being the month of release.
both doug lombardi and the other members of valve can suck my dick. I used to be in love with half life until it got "hacked". And YES< IT TAKES ONE WHOLE ****ING YEAR TO REWRITE THE SOURCE CODE..... SUUUUUURE assholes.

Even Microsoft can spit out a WHOLE ****ing game while you "rewrite" , "one-third" of the source. This is pathetic. Im all about doom III, at least john carmack doesn't talk bullshit all the time. Hell, DOOM III already has an official website. WHERE is Half Life 2's website????

Hey guys guess what....when he said "september 30th" he meant 2006!!!!!!! Many of you say...."NONONO u n00b"......well just see....we might see another "source theft", or soembody might accidentally kill the entire valve staff, blow up the building....u just don't know.....lot of crazy people out there, valve keeps ****ing around someone might just snap.
O NOS~ A game is delayed, let's talk about how evil VALVe are for delaying a game JUST to keep the consumer angry at them! Seriously. VALVe is taking their time, I (and most everyone) would rather see a very well polished game than a sloppy, unpolished bug-ridden game. You act like VALVe PROMISED April 2004, when they infact never even said that was the date.

They missed one date, one timeline, missed both and since haven't said anything else (up until now). You act like they've been promising new release dates every week, which they haven't been doing. VALVe is keeping quiet, and for good reason.
To you people who say we can just play far cry till hl2..

oops... looks like we might be waiting months/years/never to see far cry:

It seems that they have developed the game with 1miliion euro worth of stolen software. They may never get their hardware/storage back ever again. I hope someone made a backup of the code, and hid it offsite somewhere.
Well May is summer (May 23rd Is start of summer I think) so it could be that we only have to wait another month though it's cutting it a bit fine.

Plus Valve don't really need to worry now as every other major FPS under the sun has also been delayed.
not that i really give a sh*t, but if you think about it, the person who said that valve has not been promising us release dates.....they promised one: sept 23rd. They missed it, blamed it on the code....yatta yatta ....etc etc. Anyways, my argument stands: If ALL they had to do is rewrite the SOURCE CODE (NOT THE CONTENT), then they should have been done in 1 MONTH MAX. IS everybody understanding this??? The problem is is this: THEY WERE NOT DONE WITH CONTENT. In other words, even if there was no "source leak", valve would have had nothing.

the hacker wasn't lying.
atkamano said:
If ALL they had to do is rewrite the SOURCE CODE (NOT THE CONTENT), then they should have been done in 1 MONTH MAX. IS everybody understanding this???

I'm not a programmer but it seems to me that rewriting a source code is not something to be taken lightly. And as for the hacker: he was wrong. The stolen build could not have been all that VAlVe had at that time, as pointed out many times before, the E3 content showed a lot more content than the leak.
I can relate to your anger but keep in mind that all VALVe is trying to do is make the best game possible. It is up to us to either respect that or just buy other games. Nothing more, nothing less.
CreedoG said:
To you people who say we can just play far cry till hl2..

oops... looks like we might be waiting months/years/never to see far cry:

It seems that they have developed the game with 1miliion euro worth of stolen software. They may never get their hardware/storage back ever again. I hope someone made a backup of the code, and hid it offsite somewhere.

I love how rumors start. Yes, the whole Crytek thing seems to have some truth behind it, but the 1 million euro figure is a huge lie. There are no specific numbers, no one knows for sure what's going on, except those involved. Crytek will have a press release regarding this issue soon enough today, but they say they've been working on the game all today, and it doesn't affect most of the development team.
yah, i support valve and of all of their efforts. and granted, they have had their setbacks, BUT my point is that this game has been in development for how many years?!?! i mean really, how much more "polishing" could there possibly be? maybe that's just the impatient half-life fan in me, but most often when a developer gives a vague release date (i.e. "summer") it usually ends up being at least another whole season before we actually see it. and by now, even the most faithful have got to be getting a bit fed up with the thought of waiting another 6 months to play this game.
bitch bitch cry cry cry

..yall want kleenex and a tampon with that?
I wonder if the game suffers from a bit of scope creep. The guys at valve seem pretty creative and I can see them continually trying to add new features. However, I doubt what they're adding is polish; hardware has changed a lot in five years.
covertghost said:
I guess I will be playing Doom 3 first.

That's not a bad thing, and we're going to get the best, last, as usual (Half -life 2 of course!) :)
Top Secret said:
Not really, you said Sept. 30 2004.


Its just a hoax... like Santa Claus and Janet's boob slip. :LOL:
Well... I detect a lot of forehead-shaped holes in walls...

Personally, I don't mind delays. When it comes out, it'll have a delay's-worth of polish on it. I can wait...
this reminds me of most of you

Well, this is yet another delay. I'm guessing it will likely not arrive this summer either :S
ambershee said:
Well, this is yet another delay. I'm guessing it will likely not arrive this summer either :S

Wow, ANOTHER delay? That totals, what, .. 1? VALVe gave one date, September 30th, after that, they gave an estimate of Holidays, which was not a date. This is another estimate. April was never mentioned by VALVe, but some Vivendi employee.

Total number of delays.. 1.
Did Doug Lombardi trade notes with the Iraqi Minister of Disinformation?
Shuzer said:
Wow, ANOTHER delay? That totals, what, .. 1? VALVe gave one date, September 30th, after that, they gave an estimate of Holidays, which was not a date. This is another estimate. April was never mentioned by VALVe, but some Vivendi employee.

Total number of delays.. 1.
Your definition of "delay" is a bit weird.

If Valve says they're targeting for a Holiday release, and then the Holidays are passed without a release, then that means the game is delayed. A specific date is not necessary, any time frame can be missed.

Doom3 never had an official release date anounced and yet everyone knows that game was delayed at least once.
mjrhzrd said:
Did Doug Lombardi trade notes with the Iraqi Minister of Disinformation?

Pleeeaze that lines 6 months old, and you already used it in another thread today. Please fire your writer and get new material. :dozey:

/me slow claps......
Kadayi Polokov said:
Pleeeaze that lines 6 months old, and you already used it in another thread today. Please fire your writer and get new material. :dozey:

/me slow claps......



I'm still cool.......right?
Arno said:
Your definition of "delay" is a bit weird.

If Valve says they're targeting for a Holiday release, and then the Holidays are passed without a release, then that means the game is delayed. A specific date is not necessary, any time frame can be missed.

Doom3 never had an official release date anounced and yet everyone knows that game was delayed at least once.

Either way, it's only 2, then. The term "another" was improper regardless.