Company Of Hereos Public Beta

It says I'm below minimum sys. requirements, and will get poor performance, so not sure if I should sign up and d/l it or not.:(
But then again, this is just another reason for me to buy my new comp :D
MP ? really. downloading now. :D

thanks for teh news
queing now awesome at leat this should tide me off til the battlefield 2142 beta which should be anytime soon
Played the four tutorials and I actually enjoyed those. It's a very good looking game. Plays very smooth. The gameplay is basically Dawn of War WWII style. I like this setting a lot better tho. Being able to destroy everything in sight is cool too. If anyone is up for a game this weekend, let me know.
this is a hell of a lot of fun, i seriously love it
So far I haven't been able to join a game. I've been disconnected a couple of times, and I just had a CTD after joining. Who's playing this afternoon? I want to try this out online!!
Played my first online battle, 1 vs 1. It went quite well. At first I rushed all over the map to conquer as much fuel, ammo and victory points as possible. With about two-thirds of the map under my control, I started to set up defensive positions. My Yankee opponent mounted an offensive, broke through my lines and captured an important VP. But since I upgraded a nearby building to a barracks, I was able to rush in replacements and re-capture the point. I installed a MG squad in a building overlooking the VP and that was basically the end of it. My opponent offered some token resistance but since he was basically out of resource points, that didn't ammount to much. Lessons learned: start out agressively and capture as much territory as possible, then dig in and build defensive positions with the gathered resources. Don't spend too many resources in the beginning, or you will be doomed. Great game.
i had to play a 3v2 game where i was on the side missing a player and my sole teammate had never played and had no idea how to. My opponents obviously did, because they started capping and my teammate just kind of sat there building useless things. I managed to cap about half the map on my own before they rushed in with tanks. I held them off for about 20 minutes by using a few well placed snipers to absolutely rape their mg teams and a few heroic sticky bomb charges on tanks (and a couple of airdropped AT guns of course!) but in the end it was futile.

I'm going to download this at work and play all day.
lol i have never heard of this game, and i dont feel like signing up for hitler planet to download it
One piece of advice I have is that make sure everyone has their graphics settings set to Medium.

The game's netcode relies on P2P, and thus the game only runs as fast as the slowest computer.

So if you are getting bad FPS (which means it's just not updating fast for the other players), tone down your graphics settings! This will help increase performance for not only you, but other players.

Kick ass game though! :)
I signed up for the beta now anyway and am d/ling now, I'll probably have to run it on the lowest settings but meh, if it's as fun as DoW that's fine.:D
there is something unbelievably sexy about a tank rolling into a firefight and driving straight through the wall you're using as cover, and then exploding as you rush it and toss sticky bombs all over it.

this has some of the best gameplay ever, even if it's in the heavily recycled WWII setting. I think the snipers may be a bit too powerful though... they can rape an MG squad in about a minute and thirty seconds.
I can't log in anymore. I constantly get this message:


Does anyone know what could be the problem?
Nope, I've read on the forums and that problem is widespread (including me...)

Try it later tonight or tomorrow... Hopefully we won't have to wait until Monday when everyone is back in the office!
Iced, try and see if you can log in now. According to some people on the Relic forums, the problem has been fixed. I tried and could log in without no problem.

So if anyone is up for a game PM / Xfire me!
i was getting that problem all morning, and it was for everyone, not isolated
argh, i'm at work though, so it doesn't really help me :( i'm going to play COH all night though
i want to play so bad D: D: D: D:
i think i will next time i'm in here, i cba to download the game though
I would be up for a game, but the damn Relic Online servers are being stress-tested to hell, and thus it's hard to connect...

Just had a game with a dude I know from a Dutch forum, but that crashed. Still a lot of fun. I was hosting so now he is setting up another game, to see if that holds. This is so much fun, heheh.
downloading it at work... got about two and a half hours before i can play though. i don't get off for another five so that's fine by me