Compliment a member of our community

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Mikael Grizzly, for his theories and arguments. Always fun to play off theories and debate with him.
I'd like to thank Raziaar for being one of the few "legends" who manages to be legendary without buying into his own hype.
Uriel, for utterly misunderstanding a simple sentence.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say Beerdude, for being an awesome cybernations ally!
Goddamn it. My post always gets knocked down to the bottom of the page.

And the (perma)banned of Spammers. I miss Dalamari and his genious avatars :(

Only one was a permabanned.

CptStern: for creating threads that often go on for weeks.
OvA: for being my bitch (mutual).
Dalamari: for being the funny guy he is (I'm sure he'll thank me in 10 days).
All the BF2 guys (Cyberpitz, Digi, Amish, Glenn, Unfocused, etc.): for all the great, fun games.
All the mods: for putting up (or not putting up) with my random shit.
Uriel: for being the first male model I've ever "known."
Comrade: for being so fashionably knowledgeable and for putting up with all of our yank opinions.
JNight: for... being him.
Ennui: for... he knows why.
Absin(the): for turning me on to amazing music and his very agreeable point of views.
All the regulars: for making up a great community.

Also, Tom Green: for...

Stern, your first post about the "fat kids are harder to kidnapp" I heard that 5 years ago when one of my friends randomly said that to me. Then I also heard it on this program called Sh1t Talker V1.2 by JAUNDICE....

GJ to rambler for getting all the pussy.

I had a serious one but I can't remember who it was for.
Personally I would like to thank:

Samon- Because its just great to hear his side of the argument & he makes the most interesting points.

Lepobz- I love his avatar. :D

Dalamari- Because of that bald pic of his of the "This is the presidents of Asia, your argument is invalid!"
Sulkdodds for writing always with eloquency. Cptstern for being generally cool/likeable. CrazyHarij for his sechsy music. Ova for being a hilarious dude. Raziaar is cooler, too.
Aww thanks. You'll always be Evil Milk to me!
I'm just going to choose...Raziaar. I wub him.

And TDE was cool, I thought he was a girl. That was the last I heard anyway.
Bryanf for being the best wingman ever. Shamrock needs to learn how to stay INSIDE the helicopter.
TDE...the coolest member ever....


Why, why did I unban you yesterday...why?

Erm. Mikael_Grizzly, because not only is he several shades of awesome, but he presents some pretty interesting points. Polaris, because despite his lax posting, he's quite the scientist.
I'd like to thank, in no particular order:

Qonfused for being awesome.
JNightshade for being the man.
Badger for being the height of cool.
Samon for being the source for everything Half-Life.
Angry Lawyer for having more character than anyone else here.
Ennui for being a great mod and a cool guy.
Raziaar for the dancing cow.
LePobz for the avatar.
OvA for being ROFL personified.
Sulkdodds for his dry British wit.
Shippi and bliink for proving that (hot) girls do exist on the internet.
Solaris for being so wrong it's funny.
Short Recoil for everything he's ever said.
MechaGodzilla for being the voice of logic and reason.
Veggie for his awesome flash animations.
Ikerous, Cyberpitz and that stray sheep for emailing me those videos. :naughty:
All the BF2 guys for kicking more ass than I have time to describe.
Every other member of the LOL Squad.
SixThree, Hectic Glenn, Sinkoman, Absinthe, dekstar, DeusExMachina, Beerdude, The Brick, kirovman, Shakermaker, Evo and the rest of the regulars that I know I'm forgetting, for just being awesome.

Later bitches.
Why, why did I unban you yesterday...why?

Erm. Mikael_Grizzly, because not only is he several shades of awesome, but he presents some pretty interesting points. Polaris, because despite his lax posting, he's quite the scientist.

What did I do now?
I'd also like to thank myself, for being pretty nice to me, even if I was being a jerk.
Oh yeah thanks to Diputs who wrote my sig. I had such a good laugh that I decided to immortalize it by bringing it with me everywhere.
I luv you atomic_piggy. (Forgot actual name. :))
I luv you.
I have been sigged, and this was the greatest day of my life. Other than the day my grandma gave me 500$ for no reason.

Originally Posted by Acepilotf14
Also, the larvae will hear you and start screaming "ZOMG INFIDELS!!" stupid muslim antlions..

I have tears in my eyes and am rolling around on myy bed while typing. that is the funniest thing ever, sigged right here, right now.
I'll also mention Absinthe, because I don't think it's possible to be as entertaining as he is when he's arguing.
JNightshade, Qonfused and bvasgm for those awesome games of CS:S and BF2... and just general humor-wise, teamspeak antics ftw.

I feel so unknown. D:

But then again, I've done nothing memorable.
13537, for being awesome at a) argueing and b) telling us wtf is going on in Korea.
13537, for being awesome at a) argueing and b) telling us wtf is going on in Korea.


I suppose I give you people some entertainment when I argue (and inevitably lose) with CptStern, Mechagodzilla, Absinthe, and a few others. :p

Jintor, because he made that great poster and news stories. <3

CptStern, Mechagodzilla, Absinthe, ect for reducing me to ashes. (and convincing me again and again that religion is the great satan. :p <3

Ennui, for convincing me that marijuana is not harmful. <3

Angry Lawyer, for being so goddman awesome. <3 <3

And everyone who posted at that Daily Citizen thread (which is now on a new level of shit :p), namely The_Rebel_Medic, Jintor, Azner, Uh..... thats all that I can think of now... <3

Sulkdodds, because .... uh... can't describe in words. <3 (actually, that;d apply to alot of people here, but he stood out :p)

Kirovman, for being awesome. <3

Thats all I can think of now.
Sparda because I crack him up.
Numbers for not being a filthy communist like Solaris
Danimal for killing all the hippies
KngHenry for existing
The Brick cause of his face
Dreadlord1337 for owning the forums.
Dalamari because he is the president of Asia, my argument is invalid
Zleppelin because he's KngHenry
Rambler/Cherry for being the same sexualy retarted person also because there KngHenry.
*Left out*

Then again, I don't contribute much to the community.

Let's see...

Raziaar - Words cannot describe the general awsomeness of this pile of awsome bovine-awsome... Awsome.

Dalamari - Shame he's banned, he made me smile.

Qonfused - The irrelevant pictures he posts makes chuckle, then delete them. :(

CptStern - He's the captain because he has a hat... Fag.

Pi Mu Rho - Destroyer of the annoying, bringer of the cool.

Aenema - Not because he's awsome, but because he's Lemonking, and I need to thank Lemongking for all the tasty Danimal-Snacks I've been rewarded.

Knghenry - My finger can fit into it's old clothes thanks to my "Close n Ban" excersies.

Angry Lawyer - Do I really need to explain?

Absinthe - Most of the time I completely agree with what he says.

Shens - Shens

Numbers - Keeps reminding me that the world is a ****ed up place.

Munro - The site

Samon - Because he's a mother****ing fish

A fat coW - Because he's a mother****ing cow

Danimal287 - He was the son I never had, even though he only had like 3 posts. About modelling. :(

Sulkdodds - PENIS


Steven - Panda Sex

Beerdude - Free alcohol w00t

jewbird - Because my brother thought he could attack the forum, and he almost made Lemonking's speakers explode. :laugh:

I forgot who said it specifically, but for that "Mod took our ice-cream and put it in his pants" quote. Ho' boy.

Suicide - again for those Forum Drawings

TDE - Although I hate the Discontinuation of Sourceworld, his art made up for it.

Ritz - Because she came back <3


Kirovman - Uniting Nations through Hegromy, one day at a time.

LePobz - Bouncy, bouncy.


Who else?

Rest of the staff

Short Recoil - Whenever I want to know how to fight off a pack of rabid wolves, a giant walking peanut and a trout-swarm while shaving my back with a knife at the same time; I'll send him a PM.

Let me think of who else...


Another one:

Mechagodzilla - Your crusade of truth against Jack Thompson, that, and you make some good arguments.
The hell? Numbers can't argue his way out of a paper bag, the poor guy is always ground into dust!


Wait, not always..... just when I don't agree with CptStern/Mecha.

Which is a lot, but still.... :p

Numbers - Keeps reminding me that the world is a ****ed up place.

D: D: D: :(

I for got danimal, damn..... Danimal, for being Danimal. :E
It's kind of a good thing, Numbers.

Wakes me up to reality in ways.
Ennui, for showing me this site in the first place :P.

Absinthe, for best vocabulary

Dreadlord (RIP) for biggest laughs.

and Stigmata, just cause he's cool.

But pretty much everyone here is awesome, this is honestly the best forum community I've ever been on. I know you all hate me, but I wuv all of you
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