Compliment a member of our community

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Qonfy's got a date with a metal baseball bat, I'll teach him to steal my glory.
Now, now. I'm sure there's a way we can settle this like gentlemen.


Well, my brain is ****ed, let's just go with the violence. FIGHT TO THE DEATH!
Oh, I forgot to thank Viper. Not only for getting those voice clips but just being awesome.
And Qonf.
**** your green road.

Roads aren't ****ing green.
That would explain the snowy white ground...

Touche Qonfused, touche.

/sechs Vegeta for over nine thousand hawt points.
Oh baby, let me go super saiyan first.

KEOKAN... TIMES THREE! That's all I remember from my years of watching Dragonball Z. That, and Bulma.

I think I'll just respond to the people who post before me... so if you want me to tell you why I love you, post before me.

Vegeta, I love you for hours of Skype last summer, lots of AIM conversations, and still not hating me even though you're not in that super secret place. Also for loving the Phex like I do, and for making that banging flash. Also because you're named Devin.
I also forgot to mention tollbooth willie, for being one of the coolest guys to join after me (also acepilot for the same reasons)

and then of course al lthe other guys I mention avery time these threads come up.
I less than three j00. Spanish ftw, also. If que is Spanish. Then ftw. If not....Still ftmfw.
I'm not really spanish. I do like the language, though.

Well, I'm part gypsy. Does that count?
I always get confused between Que-ever and Qonfused
We're actually quite interchangable, seeing as how we're the same person.
You can be a part of us Uriel. We shall now assimilate you...Just as we did Lewis Black.
...I'm scared. TollBooth Willie, for scaring me over the internets.
I always associate the word "Assimilating" with the movie The Thing.

k, see ya.
/end useless post
All the mods, for being awesome. Particularly Onwee, 'cause we talk all the time and he's basically the man.

Qonfused, for saying what everybody's thinking, but nobody says out loud.
Soupstorm (Stigmata), for being completely f*cking hilarious.
Bvasgm, for being completely awesome. Also, his voice is pure sechs.
Angry Lawyer, because he's Angry f*cking Lawyer :D
All the BF2 guys, for the good times.
BryanF, CSS represent!
Sulk: you crack me up WITHOUT FAIL.
Beerdude: you're funny as ****, and your name is awesome.
Dreadlord: gone, but not forgotten.
Absinthe: THE leading argument for drug use.
Geogaddi/OvA: screw "George", your name IS Popef*cker.
Sinko: because you talk about weed more than anyone I've ever met :p
Que: because you rock mah world.
All the older members, because you guys are legends.
Stern: the sheer amount of time you put in here should net you a medal.
Mecha: I hope to GOD I never have to debate you in real life D: (thankfully, I tend to agree with you :p)
Veggie: you like airsoft, and kick ass with Flash. 'Nuff said.
Smoke: Zombie Mod, Presidents of Asia... good times.
Shens: fantasticness.
Que-Ever, for sending me a nice birthday PM. I forgot about that! (Senility)
Cormeh for one time on someones TS channel and us two rambling away like loons :D
Samon, because his power trips are an inspiration to us all. And he's always keen to talk in IM (even when I have a train to catch).

Loke, for apparently being the only person who ever played Half-Life Decay.

And of course Polaris, because reciprocal praise is never a chore when only one person mentions you. Oh, he's a nice person too :P
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