Compliment a member of our community

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The Music Forum Regulars, for having such awesome tastes in music and for introducing me to awesome awesome music. That's all that really matters.
can't forget Asus, the denizen of the hardware forum, fully knowledgeable about every electron moving piece of silicon known to man.
This thread makes me cry. People only like the avatar :(
I couldn't possibly remember all of you in a list, so to avoid making me and other people feel bad I won't try, but you all know why I <3 you
I <3 everybody, as long as they do a reach around once in a while.

All the mods are aweshens aswell, no matter if the reason is being a good modder, being a good modder or having 20ft banstick.

In other news, this post was typed entirely with an on-screen keyboard. D:
Erm. Mikael_Grizzly, because not only is he several shades of awesome, but he presents some pretty interesting points. Polaris, because despite his lax posting, he's quite the scientist.
Thanks <3 :o
I want glorify especially these lovely persons:

Kupoartist - for being awesome person, genius and brilliant star of this forum, etc.
Samon - for being best moderator ever, true HL hardcore fan, fair play cool guy, straight debater, etc.
ríomhaire - great Irishman with great knowledge of HL world, big charisma
Mechagodzilla - another charismatic halflifer and politic, always with great arguments, kick ass stern
kirovman - pretty cool person, rational debater, fellow man of science
A True Canadian - for being true canadian, unnecessarily modest member, man without avatar, awesome halflifer
Darkside55 - another hardcore halflifer, returned hero
Mikael_Grizzly - great new halflifer, neighbour from Poland
Loke - amazing halflifer, source of informations about Decay, etc.
clarky003 - ZPE, sc*lar waves - hell yeah!
Beerdude26 - helped me with Episode One problem
I <3 you Danimal! Do not feel left out. You are teh funneys.
This thread has really made me realise what an awesome bunch you lot are <3
All of these people....

... for mentioning me in this thread. <3
One that hasn't been mentioned yet: Apos, for being awesome <3
I forgot to mention Angry Lawyer, Kirovman, and PvtRyan for being intelligent and truly funny.
ríomhaire is pure genius.
I love every SP (and ex-R&) section regular, Numbers for just being Numbers Angry Lawyer for being awesome, Firefox for bringing me to this site when I typed halflife2 into my browser, all the staff for keeping this forum great, Danimal whom without the Vortigaunt Revolution never would have gotten off the ground without, skaadi for being another awesome Aussie, Lemonking's Mum for laughter, so many people for posts of pure awesome and Sparda for being a suck up
And Ikerous, Cyberpitz & Short Recoil for making this forum the gay love-fest it is today.
love this thread,

and I <3 all members who gave more than 50 hours of their time visiting these forums...
All those who i have had lil chats/debates on here with or on MSN/Xfire

Heck most of you really!

I would like to compliment Warbie and Slacker. The first one because he likes Mario Kart DS, the latter one because I like his icon. I would also like to compliment Mechagodzilla. A man of great intellect and excellent forum writing skills, Mechagodzilla is a pillar of wisdom and knowledge, a moral bastion and, above all, a great friend.
Evo. He's great. He allows me free reign to entertain my own little theories about C&C over at More of you should be on, you know that?
Damn straight. If I wasn't lazy and stupid, I'd figure out a way to draw an asciiart heart that takes up not one, but TWO lines, just for you.

I'm gonna say:

JNightshade: For being the man, for appreciating my humor, and making me wish I was him at any and every given point I've had a conversation with him.
Qonfused: Also for appreciating my humor, and generally being really f**king awesome. And also having a hand in my introduction to NIN (favorite artist ever).
Ennui: Even though we don't talk no more, you be's a one cool like dude, yo.
Vegeta: Besides being over nine thousand (!!!), he's a damn fine animator and a great guy. Your HL2:FLC flash is legendary, as is ISOtown.
Que-Ever: For being always awesome and consistently funny. Plus you drew that death ray, which made me lol.
PvtRyan: Hilarious. Always hilarious.
CptStern: For consistently trolling the flag of the libertarian movement through the Politics forum :P
MechaGodzilla: For being a political and rhetorical genius, and also being really cool. And also for Christian Atheism.
Reginald: For always being left out of compliment threads.
Dalamari: for being funny and interesting, and for being a member of the Band of Spammers.
Jangle: Best avatar. As much as I love Pobz' boobies, the Muppets win out over sex 100% of the time.
Kirovman: Great guy, and funny.
Shamrock: for making me lol many times.
the guy who goes by holywtf sometimes: for going by "holywtf" sometimes. Awesome.

Plus everyone else for being cool most and/or all of the time.
Oh Absinthe too, cuz I like the way he defends his arguments plus general coolness. And Ennui is pretty cool too.
Compliment me now, biznitches!
Pobz for being a bang-up Brit!

Notice the alliteration - under normal circumstances I'd charge for such literal decadence, but this one's on the house.
Evo: Peniiownage. The Brotherhood is still strong!
Shamrock: Will Smith is indeed God.
Samon: Disagreement is impossible.
Qonfused: The Qonfy Song. Need I say more?
Vegeta: ISOtown and the Full-Life Consequences flash are awesome.

Less than three everyone.
Qonfused: The Qonfy Song. Need I say more?
Vegeta: ISOtown and the Full-Life Consequences flash are awesome.
I made the Qonfy song D:
But it would have been nothing without his sexeh voiceh.

I'd like to compliment Absinthe and Crazy Harij for being awesome.
Chris D was awesome when he was around, TDE was awesome too. Shuzer was the number one though he's gone, and Eres is great too though he doesn't post anymore.

And <3 for anyone who has enjoyed a flash or picture from me.
I made the Qonfy song D:
But it would have been nothing without his sexeh voiceh.

I'd like to compliment Absinthe and Crazy Harij for being awesome.
Chris D was awesome when he was around, TDE was awesome too. Shuzer was the number one though he's gone, and Eres is great too though he doesn't post anymore.
Oh shit, deed noot no! Still, banana <3.

Tollbooth Willie, for responding in a sensical manner to my non-sensicalness.
<3 Ducks, and rain.
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