Cookies and Cheating GFS

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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Official story:
I changed computers and I want to transfer my Internet cookies from my old computer to my new computer so not to loose time rewriting passwords.

Where do I find my cookies on Windows Seven?

Unnoficial story:
I'm at my GF's parents home in Italy for a 2 week holidays, I have strong belief that she is cheating on me with.... my flat-mate.

The only way to confirm this is by checking her inbox, wich will give me a clear answer.

I'm thinking of "borrowing" her cookies from her computer and transfering them to mine in order to acces her inbox.

Is that going to work?

I know this is not ethical, but I rather confirm this before making a hassel and buying a 200 euros plane ticket back to France.

Hi there stranger, it's been a while.

Also, what tl said.
Can't you just ask, "are you ****ing my flat-mate?"
Not sure about the other browsers, but in Firefox, in the options, you can view the remembered passwords list, unless it is blocked by a master password (which by default it isn't), so you could try that.
Go by your gut, **** evidence.
I think you should just confront her and do your best to gauge her reaction to see if she's lying.

In before KA telling me I'm stupid and always give awful advice when it comes to relationships.
Yes you can, i actually just did this the other day for some unrelated problems. But im too lazy to tell you. Overall you need to go into the persons documents folder and find the firefox folder and in there there is some kind of file that stores everything and you just copy that one.

I know, big help i was huh?
I think you should just confront her and do your best to gauge her reaction to see if she's lying.

In before KA telling me I'm stupid and always give awful advice when it comes to relationships.

I remember accusing someone of taking my wallet once, then getting into a scrap over it because he seemed nervous and guilty. It was all the telltale signs - the things he said, the shaky nervous voice.

After the scrap I was threatened by firearm not to do that again. And when I got out of jail, I calmed the hell down and remembered I put it in the drawer in my bathroom before showering.

I don't anymore think you can safely judge guilt by reactions and I wouldn't recommend it. Also, I wouldn't go with your gut whether a girl is cheating unless it seems obvious. And if it is, you should speak to her - don't accuse her - but speak to her about cheating. She may feel sorry about a mistake and may be wanting to come clean already, but if you are angry about it she won't tell you.

Finally, I will say that - most times - it's all in your mind! If she was 'sleeping with your flatmate', don't you think they would approach you about it? She would end it with you. People don't tend to cheat forever. If she wants to be with him, she will leave you for him soon enough. There is absolutely no sense in what you are doing. Breaking into her personal documents isn't right, it's also illegal. Get a hold of yourself.

Do yourself a favor: compare how many times you didn't trust a girl to how many times they've actually cheated on you. This will tell you if you have a problem. If you never trust a girl, you will never keep one. If you go around being jealous of a girl, it's dead obvious to everyone, and what that does is promote that girl above you. You will make the nightmare a reality; a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Relax; she is with you. If she leaves you, then so be it. Nothing lasts forever. Enjoy the time with her and don't worry.

Even if she did sleep with him, she is still with you! So that right there tells you she made a mistake and wants to stay with you. So ask yourself, do you want to be with her, or do you want to leave her because she made a mistake or because she seems guilty?

There may even be some flirting you have to let go when you are with someone. A lot of women thrive on it, but that alone doesn't make them unfaithful.

Hope that helps.

Focus on your career and she should stick by you. Otherwise, this will be something you deal with (over and over) for the rest of your life. You shouldn't have a flat-mate if you are getting serious with this woman. What are you going to marry her while living with a friend? I've never heard of that working in all my life. She will be gone and all you'll have is a flat-mate friend that you didn't (and don't) trust.
Not sure about the other browsers, but in Firefox, in the options, you can view the remembered passwords list, unless it is blocked by a master password (which by default it isn't), so you could try that.
Wait, people actually use that? I never understood the point of that feature when basically every site ever lets you store passwords in cookies (and if they don't it's probably a bank or something). Surely that'd be more secure since you can just open your browser's remembered passwords with the click of a button?
I remember accusing someone of taking my wallet once, then getting into a scrap over it because he seemed nervous and guilty. It was all the telltale signs - the things he said, the shaky nervous voice.

After the scrap I was threatened by firearm not to do that again. And when I got out of jail, I calmed the hell down and remembered I put it in the drawer in my bathroom before showering.

Wow thats crazy. I almost had a similar moment where i displaced over 100 euros at a friends house that i was sleeping at. He had a younger brother age 13 or something, and ofcourse i thought he was the culprit. At first i kept my cool, just asking politely if hes seen it. As he continued to deny it i got more angry, but before i outright accused him i went through my stuff once more and found it. I would of felt horrible if i actually cursed him out and shit, being a guest in his house.
Wow thats crazy. I almost had a similar moment where i displaced over 100 euros at a friends house that i was sleeping at. He had a younger brother age 13 or something, and ofcourse i thought he was the culprit. At first i kept my cool, just asking politely if hes seen it. As he continued to deny it i got more angry, but before i outright accused him i went through my stuff once more and found it. I would of felt horrible if i actually cursed him out and shit, being a guest in his house.
I was very frustrated looking for my wallet. I turned my ****ing room upside down. I knew I had seen it the day before, and I hadn't left the house since. I knew it had to be in my room (but it wasn't - it was in my bathroom drawer, where I had never put it before). So, as I was eliminating the places in my room and bathroom, I began to get more and more furious and suspicious of 'the only other person that had been in my room'. But I was determined not to accuse someone unless I was damn sure. I'd learned that already. After looking LITERALLY everywhere, there was no other place it could be.

I remember it so clearly. As I approached him and asked him, he sounded very guilty. His voice was shaking. I was quite sure I no longer had the wallet... I just got more and more angry and lost control. Literally. People say they lost control and it doesn't really mean much when they say it, but I honestly wasn't really in control of my body, it was like an involuntary knee-jerk kind of reaction with my arms.

Anyway, live and learn.

I had my wallet stolen from a shared bathroom at my old house a few years previous. I accidentally left my wallet in my pants that I was wearing before showering and changing, and we had some 'new friends' over. -$80. So, I was still angry about that and I guess it made me more furious, thinking it had happened again. That's probably why I hid it [from myself] in the bathroom drawer!
Thanks for the advise guys.

I think I going to go old school commando tonight while she is taking a shower.

I'll keep you updated.
I think I going to go old school commando tonight while she is taking a shower.

I'll keep you updated.
[wallet stories]

There was a time I went to work and looked in my wallet and couldn't find my cash. I did get a bit paranoid, but after 15 minutes or so, remembered that my mom had come and removed my cash from my wallet and hidden it in my apartment. Because that's what she does, and it pisses me off because I can never find anything afterwards.

However, there was another time where I was absolutely sure my roommate was stealing crap from me, because all the tell-tale signs of kleptomania were there -- e.g. stealing really stupid crap like candy and granola bars, along with more valuable crap like my ipod. This was both before and after I explicitly mentioned "Hey someone stole my granola bars," so she wasn't just one of those awful but mostly-innocent "I assumed all your food is my food" people.

One time I went out for a shower, came back in, and found her on my side of the room staring at stuff on the shelves. And a couple of times I actually snooped through her stuff trying to find that ipod, but aside from some granola bar wrappers, extra pairs of ipod headphones, and what appeared to be a list of books to read including something to the tune of "How to Steal without Getting Caught" at the top of the list (not even kidding here, wtf!), I was unsuccessful. In some ways I wish I had followed through with my plans to hide under the bed and catch her red-handed (or, alternatively, discretely coat the handles of my dresser drawers with red powder/food coloring and literally catch her red-handed). But after a while I had to give up and lock up all my stuff.

Though some days I think of posting "GIVE ME BACK MY IPOD, KLEPTO FREAK" to her facebook wall, four years after the fact :P.
sleep with her mother; that'll teach her to cheat on you

also how do you know she's cheating? methinks you're guessing
stealing really stupid crap like candy and granola bars

Sometimes I don't really care about the item stolen, but I'm just really offended that a friend would show no respect by stealing, and to put a price value on my friendship. How much is my new friendship worth to them? Apparently, a bottle of cologne or a CD, in some cases. Yeah, I take it personal. In some cases, I plan a little payback.
She's either cheating on you and you should break up with her immediately, or she isn't cheating on you and you don't trust her enough to ask which is an entirely different problem with your relationship. The right thing to do is to confront her about it and then break up with her if you aren't convinced.

I do recommend checking her email though, if you have any doubt that she isn't completely faithful.
If you have enough time to leisurely flip through whichever email looks interesting to you, you're doing it wrong and you have crossed the boundary from just being a bad person to actually acting unethically in a relationship, congrats

On some fundamental level I kindof agree with what you're saying, but I don't think the distinction is all that useful, or even coherent - rooting through your partners e-mails for these kind of reasons seems to constitute 'acting unethically in a relationship' however you do it. But yeah, if you hang around and check lots I guess you are being a bigger tool than you need to be
I am waiting in anticipation for the answer to cheating.
In regards to email snooping, in all those 48 Hours / Dateline investigations, they snoop through people's emails after the fact to find out that the spousal suspect was cheating and conspired with their lover for murder. So OP should definitely snoop through her email to see whether his GF and flatmate aren't simply having an affair but also conspiring to murder him.

I'm kidding, geez
Why not get a flat with just you and your girl? She can help pay the rent instead of your current flat-mate. Run it by her and see what she thinks. She may decide its a good time to tell you she's been cheating on you, or she may be interested (maybe not cheating after all).
Why not get a flat with just you and your girl? She can help pay the rent instead of your current flat-mate. Run it by her and see what she thinks. She may decide its a good time to tell you she's been cheating on you, or she may be interested (maybe not cheating after all).

Most sensible advice in this whole thread TBH.
If he's not actually prepared to do something like that with her, I don't think he should do it just to test her.

That's manipulative and shit.
"I think my girlfriend is cheating on me and violating my trust so I'm go to read through her personal correspondence." And you people are saying this is a good idea? Is this website made of crazy people and I've just not noticed till now? If you think your girlfriend has done something horrible doing something else horrible to check (when you don't even know if she did anything or not) is just ****ing stupid. You do not own her and you have no right to read her emails you crazy ****er.
"I think my girlfriend is cheating on me and violating my trust so I'm go to read through her personal correspondence." And you people are saying this is a good idea? Is this website made of crazy people and I've just not noticed till now? If you think your girlfriend has done something horrible doing something else horrible to check (when you don't even know if she did anything or not) is just ****ing stupid. You do not own her and you have no right to read her emails you crazy ****er.

Don't listen to this guy.

Read her emails and torture her if needed. Get the answer asap.
for about $500 you can hire a private dick to take photos of your girl screwing around on you. I'll need $200 deposit before taking the job
God, you guys are such stalking newbs. Pick one of the following:

- Install a key logger on her computer
- Don't have access to the computer? Install a packet sniffer on the network (cain and able)
- If she uses Yahoo or Gmail you can probably reset her password if you know some basic info about her, problem is she will know it was reset

Or you can take the old school route, confront her about it.
If I was cheating on a girlfriend and she confronted me about it I wouldn't admit it. I mean that's the point, right? The person you're cheating on isn't supposed to know.
If I was cheating on a girlfriend and she confronted me about it I wouldn't admit it. I mean that's the point, right? The person you're cheating on isn't supposed to know.

No man, you're supposed to crumble down, apologize, then be without the person for a bit of time, doing whatever you can to win them back because deep down you realize you love them more than anything. Then, one day, a terrible tragedy occurs and you get back together.
No man, you're supposed to crumble down, apologize, then be without the person for a bit of time, doing whatever you can to win them back because deep down you realize you love them more than anything. Then, one day, a terrible tragedy occurs and you get back together.

My version: "Yeah, you're right I am cheating on you. I want to break up, but can we still be friends?"
