Countdown Thread.

yeah i herd alot about a suprise or somthing with the mp side of hl2 aswell... some interview or somthing mentioned it..
i bet ya you can drive vehicles, but dont plan on playin it straight away, there is gonna be LAG on the content servers, with everyone wanting it at the same time
Goto package offers on browse games :D

Sorry if its old :o lol

edit: hmmm its back to normal :|
I'm pouting to my self that i'm not getting it right now...:( Can someone post alot of screenshots for me? :)
I'll get CS:S about an hour and a half after everyone else does :P Damn math test.
yeah all try and get on b33f 1 server. im called sinnsykt funnily enough. (in cs, not real life, although that would be cool)
Will the ermmm, b33f servers be updated? ;)

I'm not sure if anything can top earlier though.... playing with quite a few of you and two PC GAMER UK guys came on and started chatting to us :).... they like to study us HL2 maniacs it seems! :P
yeps - rgr to that - b33f server is positively the fastest and most reliable server in the beta - mines is F!r3B@ll
OK, only 10 minutes and 4 months left to CS:S ;)

Just kidding people, it's almost here!
hmm i have got 19:42 so it is only 18minutes left :)
is there somewhere in internet a page with timezones and actual time in diffrent zones from all over world??
post your steam account names to add everyone to their friends list on steam, im Sinnsykt
raoulduke said:
OK, only 10 minutes and 4 months left to CS:S ;)

Just kidding people, it's almost here!
hehe yeah i should, but i actually did the hw, so ill turn it in. ill have plenty of time tonight while im procrastinating again :D
Is this thread on Miracle grow or something ?, its growing like mad!!1
YellowPeril said:
hehe yeah i should, but i actually did the hw, so ill turn it in. ill have plenty of time tonight while im procrastinating again :D
14 minutes
It says I have been signed out due to Friends network maintainance! Whats with that?
13 mins according to my clock... And my steam friends name is f0rk if anyone wants to play when its out :D
I'm not going to buy it with steam, but as I played the CSS beta as a press member, there is a chance of 0,0001% that I can now also play CSS. lol :P
12 mins
Mr. Redundant said:
dun na na na
dun nananana
duh duh na na
na na na na

oh geez sorry.

edit: there shouldnt be a countdown.. because in all valve likelyness , its going to be late/delayed.

shhhh... :p
ur gonna anger the masses here ;)
the staff should be celebrating! around 600 people viewing now!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :cheers:
Woot! "The storefront on steam is currently being updated."