CREMATOR666's Artwork (edited screenshot wallpapers)

I like the combine solitude one the best, oblivious serenade..
also, moved to Art & Design
A nice portrait of kleiner and lamarr in happier times :p hehe
Hmmm...veeerrryyy interesting....

maybe i'll do just that, a sensitive/touching ones...
thanks for the idea!
Wow... That is really sad :(

Very good work!! It actually made my eyes water ;(
No! Lamarr... ;( Awww..

That is awesome work. If it wasn't so depressing, I'd use it as a wallpaper :p Very nice :)
Well, it was dramatic for me because I have lost a few pets in my days ;(
Not lamarr... no.... *sobs*

That's really good, i love the dramatic effect. AND WHO SAID BLUR WAS BAD???
Just like the other ones you've done...

However, "happier" with three p's? :p

And who's feeling sorry for Lamar ?? He/She/it is just creepy...

Good job!
Three P's OMG!!

Spelling typo! Dang just when I thought I wont do it again....
Any more suggestions? :rolling:
Stupid Site!!!!

BTW, here's a new link for my first wallpaper which got banned off the site because they dont know what HL2 is and is claiming I 'copied' someone else's work in the site! These guys r so STUUUPID! :sniper:

Gordon/Alyx Wallpapah

Here's a new one, with Gordon/Alyx admiring their handiwork :)


PS Still sorry for Lamarr, but it's art, y'know :(
thats cool..

The lamarr one was just... great, its the stuff that gives emotion thats the best.
I know...

It's removed by that stupid webmaster who thought I was copying "HL2's" work. (he probably wasn't a gamer for he referred to HL2 as a person :hmph: )
Anyways, check out the new links in the "Happier Times" thread
I'd love to see you do something with the Citadel, or maybe another Gman image :)

Maybe even something with Breen or the trainstation :D
Well, I am a humble guy by nature.
PS I kinda like Lamarr too so it make feel guilty making this one. (i got so nervous that I mispelled the "happpier" thing :p )
Wait a minute, what model did you use for Gordon?

The HEV suit with like someones head? LOL I can imagine that...

Man, keep up the good work. I really loved the Lammar one. Like, REALLY.
I like those. They feel quite dreamy. Very cool work Cremator.

I chuckled at the Lamar scene, but it certainly wasn't due to a lack of drama in the painting. I'm just a horrible person.