Crysis news/info thread

Demo was indeed OK. Now I'm sinking my jaws into the editor... now where the hell do I start? It's nothing like mapping Duke Nukem! :frown:

And the god damn help file is missing! :(

Edit: Sweet, there's a template!
Ok guys, I reverted back to the 163.75 and OC'd my 8800 GTS back to 600/900 (the new drivers wouldn't let me overclock) and I'm getting MUCH MUCH better performance. Running pretty smoothly with all settings on high (very high textures) with no AA and 1600x1200 res.
2972kb/sec, ohhh yea....

this is stupid, i'm already 26% done and it's been like 4 minutes...
Anyone play the demo that doesn't have a high end rig with an 8800?
Anyone play the demo that doesn't have a high end rig with an 8800?

Yep. It runs ok on 1024res with everything is set to high except for the post processing is set to low. The frame rate is 20-30,

FX55 with two 7800GTX SLI and 2GB memory.

The frame drops to 4 during action.:eek: ;(

Next month when G92 hit, I'm getting a new system from
I have:

AMD 3200+
1gb pc3200 ram
8600GT (temporary replacement for my 6800GT - I know my cpu is bottlenecking this card).

I play it on lowest but at like 1440x900-something. It gets a bit choppy here and there but overall it runs alright. Overall it doesn't look as good as Far Cry, but the character models are better than Far Cry's at this detail.

The game itself isn't that entertaining. The AI is terrible. I was shooting at some guys from a distance with a silenced SCAR. There were 5 of them among rocks and a jeep with a gunner. I'd try to shoot one guy (I only had the reflex sight) and he'd start running backwards towards me, just looking at where my bullets were landing, or just taking bullets in the back like a champ. The other AI either just stood there or did almost the same thing.

On another occasion I was stealthing around, somebody in a patrol spots me, they all start running back towards a cliff face. They all just sit there huddled up tight together, not making any advances on me or even trying to be aggressive in any way. I just creep up to where I can only see the tops of their heads. I pop one in the head. The others yell, but don't move otherwise. Same goes as I drop the other two. The AI is also terrible at throwing grenades. I didn't even have to move to avoid damage from them.

The silencer must take a LOT of damage off, because it takes a lot of hits to take somebody down center mass. The game is too easy as well. I purposely played with the dumbest tactics ever, and never used the reflex scope except at great distance and I didn't even come close to dying.

Shooting trees down is so cheesy. You fire like 3 bullets into a tree semi-large tree trunk it will go down.

I think I'll play it again on Delta difficulty. See if it's any fun or more realistic.
2.13 core 2 duo
2gb ddr 800
640mb 8800

I just kept what the game had set, turned AA to 2x, and 1280x1024 and it played no problems. I'm glad the suit got better for single player, but like somebody else said the AI was unimpressive and the weapons seemed weak with the silencer. Sometimes it felt like I put 20 rounds into a guy and he'd still be walking around.
At first I wanted to see how it would run at max settings, so I went to 1600x1200, set everything to Very High, and put AA on 16Qx. Needless to say, it was a slideshow. Not really disappointed, I played with AA and my resolution but found no good balance. I ended up turning all the settings to just High, and played with the resolution and AA once again, and achieved smooth frames at 1024x768, 4x AA, everything High except for textures and some other settings. I kept those at Very High.

My rig:
Q6600 (stock)
8800gtx (slightly OC'ed)

Even though it ran well at the settings I had it at, I would have liked to have been able to use better settings. Kind of disappointed, so I'm hoping the community will come out with some uber tweaks via config files or something. :/
I'm running on a 7800 GTX and an AMD 4000+ on XP. The game is set to medium and it looks like shit. There's pop-in textures at every turn and the framerates are virtually slide show. And I'm not gonna plunk down $800.00 to upgrade my system so that I can play Crysis. Hopefully they optimize a bit more before release; otherwise, only the folks with uber high end rigs will be this enjoying this game.
I'm running on a 7800 GTX and an AMD 4000+ on XP. The game is set to medium and it looks like shit. There's pop-in textures at every turn and the framerates are virtually slide show. And I'm not gonna plunk down $800.00 to upgrade my system so that I can play Crysis. Hopefully they optimize a bit more before release; otherwise, only the folks with uber high end rigs will be this enjoying this game.

...which they have... about 18 days according to GMT+1 to do! :-/
The cloak is a complete gg tool. So is the tranq dart thing they give you. As long as you hit somebody center mass or in the head they go down instantly. I just played through the demo on Delta without firing a single bullet. I only used the recharging tranq attachment and grenades. After they were unconscious, I'd go up and punch them.

The silencer is just plain horrible since it makes your bullets turn to rubber. It can take upwards of 10-20 bullets to kill somebody at medium distance with the silencer on.
The silencer is just plain horrible since it makes your bullets turn to rubber. It can take upwards of 10-20 bullets to kill somebody at medium distance with the silencer on.

I never had a problem with taking people down with a silencer on delta... Most of my kills were headshots, but even body shots seemed to bring non-armored enemies down fairly easily.
Rant mode ENGAGE!: Game is mediocre at best (as I was expecting)... On medium it still ran poorer than I'd like and yet I can run Ep2 at maximum on a decent res and be fine. Graphics not impressive at all unless set to high/max levels. I am NOT complaining about the actual graphics here, I have seen the pics, it does look pretty good. I'm complaining about the poor optimization.

Played on Delta until I got sick of the cheating AI, then switched to normal.

The physics are meh:
The trees were just stupid. I can hurl an armored car with one fist, but when it comes to a tree I can't budge it, yet a few pistol shots will do it with ease. When using strength, throwing vehicles is half as likely tokill you as the enemy because of the "realism". I can fall... how far with that suit? But oh no, if I throw the car just so it will kill me instantly on the spin. Sure. I will admit to enjoying jumping on a shack, breaking through the roof, landing inside, and then throwing someone through a wall. But really, it wasn't entertaining long.

AI is meh. Examples:

Humvee (or whatever it is) gunners won't leave their nests even if you're right next to it and out of their firing zone. They'll just shoot (without ammo loss) into the air endlessly while you have your way flipping the vehicle. Even if it lands on its side I believe they were dying instantly rather than getting out... The AI cheats as far as detecting you, unless you're invisible they know exactly where you are once they're triggered. When I went to hack the computer or whatever I just ran inside, and then proceeded to sit there waiting for a while... No one came in the whole camp despite them shouting endlessly. I then proceeded to kill everyone with just my strength mod fists/throws, and a single grenade to set off the conveniently placed explosive barrel (Seriously, ENOUGH WITH THE CONVENIENTLY PLACED EXPLOSIVE BARRELS GAME DEVS, DEAR GOD).

Gameplay as a whole is nothing new, and also generally not that interesting:
-The suit felt for the most part like an updated version of Jedi Knight series force powers. Just getting that one out of the way to stem 'but the suit!!11!' comebacks. Leaping high, running fast, becoming bulletproof, throwing things, choking people and then throwing them, turning invisible? All done in the Jedi Knight series, among other games. And done better too, for that matter.
-Enemy AI is mediocre at best, and cheats. Boat MGers spotting you from hundreds of meters off, for instance. When it doesn't cheat, it is just retarded. For yet another example: sneak up from behind on an armored vehicle. Throw the vehicle. The people around did not react to this, until I hit the thing again and flipped it, killing the crew.
-Weapon selection (in the demo at least) very limited... The shotgun was actually good though, which is a nice change from many other games' shotguns.
-Physics attacks are instakill even when they wouldn't do much of anything in real life. For example, just barely hitting someone in the shin with a barrel. Sure, they might fall down, but DIE instantly?
-At least in this part of the demo, you always fight alone. To top it off, their excuses for it are stupid... It fits with the super-soldier theme, but it's quite dull. What I meant by excuses... what was the reason for the black guy to stay behind (jester?) and deal with the equipment? Oh no, the Koreans will know someone parachuted down, like they wouldn't already. You left him and yourself alone when Aztec had already mysteriously died in the very same spot just SECONDS earlier! What exactly did Boss-man think would stop the creature from returning?

In summary:
The only thing I actually found fun (and even then only for a while) was going max strength and just beating on everyone.

Why do I bother? The game will probably get universal rave reviews like Halo 3... I'll give it a final rating of "I might download it a few months past release if I'm bored, and if it takes any effort at all to get going, I just won't bother at all".
50% done WOOT ! But when i go to install new drivers it says i dont need to update ??? Is that right?
Man, tbh, I had a blast playing this game. Except for the beginning where you are looking at the plane from the outside, I pretty much always have above 30fps. Even in the editor, I never drop below 30fps.

All settings on High

2x AA

DX9 (XP)

Rig below:
On the bright side, the editor is mildly entertaining. You can spawn and use a few more vehicles, tank, apc, helicopter, etc. You can also try out some other weapons and stuff that aren't in the demo.

Unless people hack the demo so we can play maps people create, I think I'm done with this.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and you can spawn a tornado that, while quite small, can pick up and move tanks :|
This is exactly my point... Most of the people posting positively are commenting solely on graphics. God damn...

Please, resume your regularly scheduled idol-worship.
So what is the consensus?

Crysis is a total piece of a gigabyte shit that's not even worth farting at?

And that it is a total crap shoot whether or not your pc will run the game at a playable balance of performance vs graphics even if you have a high end machine?

I won't be playing the demo because I am on dial up so this game would be a blind buy. I am one of the 6 people that actually enjoyed Far Cry (except for the mutant bullshit) so if Crysis is like Far Cry I would be pleased.
So we jump in using night as cover, with our camouflaged suits and my ****ing team mate walks around with his flashlight turned on? Yeah special ops alright. It's like a bad eighties action movie.
I thought it was awesome I have a shitty rig and you people with your fancy dual cores have problems lol I suggest a defrag.... anyway I buying thos for sure.
I was pleasantly surprised with the demo. After reading posts on forums I was expecting the performance to be shit, but it actually ran quite well.

C2D e6600
2GB of RAM
8800 GTX
Windows XP (32-bit)

Ran it on 1280x1024 with everything on High, and 2x anti-aliasing. I don't know what my FPS was, I wasn't running fraps, but it only got choppy a few times. It was mostly very smooth.
Man this game is Awsome! Dx10 Veryhigh settings no AA 1024X768 the game looks and runs very smooth 50 60 fps Im very happy. Going to run it in Xp now with DX9. :)

Cant wait for the ful1 game.
Crysis is awesome beyond awesome.
It's fun, it looks incredible and it feels so real. Infact, it made me a little squirmy grabbing a guy, it was almost too real.....

Running on a 7950 with a e6300 1.8

Beautiful, wanna play it again and again :D
just read that the german gamestar mag gave Crysis a 94 (1 more than HL2)

Graphics 10/10:
+ incredible effects
+ lighting and shadowing
+ dynamic sunshine
+ detailed facial textures

Sound 10/10:
+ great surround sound
+ good synchronisation
+ if wanted, enemies speak korean
+ dynamic music

Balance 8/10:
+ four difficulty levels
+ player chooses his own tempo
- enemies take too much hits

Atmosphere 10/10:
+believable physics
+deep, living jungle
+destrubtable vegetation

Handling 10/10:
+ perfect saving system
+ nano suit control easy to handle
+ easy weapon configuration

Size/Length 9/10:
+ huge levels
+ long singleplayer part
+ extensive multiplayer mode
+ optional side quests

Leveldesign 10/10:
+ gorgeous environments
+ realistic landscapes with lots of details
+ cool icey scenery
+ Indoor and Outdoor levels

AI 8/10:
+ enemies come searching for you, throw grenades
- dumb boss fight
- long range combat confuses the AI

Weapons/Extras 10/10:
+ ingenious nano suit with great abilities
+ nice vehicles
+ weapons customizable

Storyline 9/10:
+ thrilling cutscenes
+ fast-paced
+ surprising alien attacks
- open end (!)

Total 94/100
Can people please post their specs when giving settings/performance boastage. :p
Imho just another halo-like shooter with good graphics, nothing new under the sun. Personal opinion.
Played the demo. It's what i expected, nothing too special, just a nice game. Gameplay wise, the weapon modifications don't really impact the combat, the same goes for the suit powers. I just use cloack, clearing an area and armor again so it charges the energy in 2 seconds and i repeat the process.

The AI does it job actually but the challenge will come form the stupid decision that crytek made that you need to pick up the weapons manually to get ammo for them! you can't just walk over it. It's lame and frustrating, you ran out of bullets and you can't pickup ammo when everyone's shooting at you. I really don't get what they thought making it these way.
Plus, if the weapon drops next to foliage, it can't take precious seconds till you spot the weapon and pick it's just stupid. Spending the time searching where the gun is.

Voice acting is typical bad.
I played 10min of demo, didn't finish it gameplay is terrible, it's actually laughable how bad it is.

1025x768 all high settings, no AA, 30fps (e2180 @ 2.7ghz, 2gb RAM, 8800GTS 320mb) Didn't even look that good, I really think this is a game for DX10 users, which is a tiny market but oh well.
What's with all the bad games coming out recently? Previously hyped games bomb.
The reason I don't get my "hype meter" out anymore. If a game is coming out that looks awesome, oh well. When it comes out and it rocks, I'm pleasantly surprised. If it sucks, oh well, no loss.
Thought it was great fun. Recommend it. If you don't like it, don't play it.

Some of us enjoy it :D