Crysis news/info thread

I don't see why everyone is complaining about the damage guns do. I have no trouble taking guys out from a distance, even if I don't kill them on the first shot (with a silencer). The assault rifles are very accurate. I've only played on delta, and in my opinion I think it's actually too easy.

The trees falling all over the place during a large firefight is spectacular. I really don't mind that it plays a lot like Farcry with addition of the suit and weapon customization. Like many, I enjoyed farcry up until the trigens and their horrible AI.
I've formed my opinion:

It's fun, but when you want to get critical, it brings nothing "new" to the table besides the nanosuit aspect, which is pretty nifty I might add.

But I can't particularly understand why most people are so critical about it. It's not like anyone else out there has made some gigantic step forward in gameplay in the past few years (Wii aside).


How do you skip the craptastic intro videos?

Hit esc.

The trees falling all over the place during a large firefight is spectacular. I really don't mind that it plays a lot like Farcry with addition of the suit and weapon customization. Like many, I enjoyed farcry up until the trigens and their horrible AI.

I second this.
Its funny you say that, because i remember a few people having a go at me when i said FEAR looked repetitive before it came out, and that Doom 3 looked like an average FPS before it came out. Then both games came out and were exactly that.

I never said it was bad either, i just don't see anything special about it. All i said was that its alot like FarCry Instincts, and if you've played FarCry Instincs you'll know what i mean.

Both games were that IN YOUR OPINION, that does not make it fact many people would disagree with you about those games.

Anyway, I enjoyed it, with options for different strategies to firefights, and well, those graphics, even in DX9 they are the best I have seen on a home pc.

I can run it well on my AMD X2 64 with all options on high:

Both games were that IN YOUR OPINION, that does not make it fact many people would disagree with you about those games.

Very true, but FEAR was repetitive. There's no denying that.
You'll need a pc powered by God to be able to do that.

Im sure my new pc will be able to handle it just fine. Its ether going to be the blackbird or building it myself. Im just waiting on the new nvidia cards and intel cpus.
No real suprise that the people dissing the game before it came out are dissing it now.

That's probably because those of us that aren't nuts over this game have been looking at the core gameplay elements, difficulty and AI in all the videos and didn't like what we saw. Now we played it and saw the same things ingame.

The trees falling all over the place during a large firefight is spectacular. I really don't mind that it plays a lot like Farcry with addition of the suit and weapon customization. Like many, I enjoyed farcry up until the trigens and their horrible AI.

I still think that knocking down trees is just cheesy and horribly unrealistic. They need to give those trees some credit instead of having them topple over after 1-5 bullets.

I had hopes of this being at least a good Far Cry clone with extra realism, but single-shotting soldiers 10-15 times in the back before they go down at distance (w/ the silencer), the bad AI, the suit that makes the game horribly easy - even on Delta, make me want to just wait for Far Cry 2 and hope that will be fun.

I just wish games with realistic difficulties could make it actually realistic, as in enemies kill you in 1-2 hits and you do the same to them.

I also don't like how the helicopter handles :( I love helicopters in games and they screwed this one up if you ask me.
Very true, but FEAR was repetitive. There's no denying that.

Again, your opinion.

I know many people who quite happily played through and wanted more, hence the expansions.

Personally, I have never been able to sit through it that long, even now my new system runs it maxed out, I agree it is somewhat repetitive, but again, my opinion does not override everyone else`s.

On a side not, were we not told that there would be no day/night cycles or breakable trees in DX9, or was that just multiplay?
Trust me to be at home when this comes out. I'll be downloading this onto my laptop, then transferring it back to my awesome computer when I get to uni. \o/.
Runs great on my 3ghz, 1gb ram, x800. I put most of the options onto medium and it still ran smooth so I could probably up it some more.

I like how the AI can't see you through walls this time. It makes it more fun sneaking around. They react to sound pretty well too letting you create some nice diversions.
So tonight I'll be downloading this on my main machine

Athalon 64 x2 3800+
1gb DDR2
ATI x1800xl

I actually failed the compatability test for recommended and required because for some reason the damn thing thought I use Windows 2000 :|. Hope it runs.
So, I played the demo.

The nanosuit idea works quite well. The graphics are, as expected, top notch.

It is, however, Just More Far Cry.

The editor is pretty funky, but don't expect to see anything beyond variations on a theme of tropical islands. Also, lowering the effective barrier to entry of mapping, and you get a massive increase in dross.

Also of note - there's a config file for a "Bauer" level of difficulty.
Is there a way to stop cloaking without having to select another suit option? Not including shooting.
Also of note - there's a config file for a "Bauer" level of difficulty.

I thought they were going to name it 'delta', but I guess Bauer works well too :LOL:

If you want to stop cloaking, either shoot or select the Default suit setting; Armor
this game runs surprising well. On my 2.2 ghz 1 gig ram 9800 pro pc, with highest resolution and lowest settings, i was getting around 30 fps constant
The suit\weapons modification adds nothing. It's armor+cloak and that's it. The charging levels are unbalanced, all it does is making the game easier. You cloak, you kill, switch to Armor for it to recharge. The enemies do take too much damage. It really is Far Cry "improved".

and i'm still not over the terrible pick-up-ammo-manually stupid decision.
yeah, the picking up ammo thing winds me up aswell

i played it through the first time and was out of ammo and didn't figure out why until i realised you have to manually pick it all up

apart from that though, yeah its fun
The "bauer"-difficulty is named "delta" in-game, and you can make your own difficulty by tweaking the configs. I'm playing on hard (I'm a wuss, and delta is friggin unforgiving) but I wanted the korean speech, and korean it is.

That said I love the demo. It's pretty much everything they promised. I'm not going to name it goty untill I actually played the whole thing, but it seems like it is going to be a strong contender.

One thing I am extremely impressed by is how short the loading-times are after you die, and that there seems to be no loading-times mid-level.

All the gripes I read on this forum (that is apparently dedicated to hate on crysis) are very minor. I mean, I understand that not everybody will find crysis fun, but I mostly disagree with the reaons. (I love picking up items.)
I love picking up items.
Same. Nice addition.

I'd like someone to name a recent FPS that's re-invented itself as much as they were expecting Crysis to. This doesn't include HL2 as it was released 100 years after the original.
I still think that knocking down trees is just cheesy and horribly unrealistic. They need to give those trees some credit instead of having them topple over after 1-5 bullets.

At least you CAN have trees topple over, which is far more realistic than having a tree do nothing after shooting it with hundreds of rounds. Not all trees can be destroyed anyways, but the smaller ones can and some larger ones can. I don't find it cheesy at all. It's true that many smaller trees shouldn't break completely with just one bullet, but Cryengine 2 is definitely on the right track as far as physics effects like this. It's great that they actually break right at the spots where you shoot them.
Has anyone messed around with voxels in the editor?

WOW, they are amazing.
So i played the Demo, and yeah, its not living upto the hype...i have to admit...

HOWEVER, ive had some genuinely awesome moments that no other game can give. Using strength to lob a grenade into a group MILES away is quite awesome.

My favourite moment that made me laugh aswell, was using speed and sprinting toward a last guy (DAMN you move fast) and watching him stutter backward with the look of 'Holy ***t' on his face just before i grabbed him to chuck him off a cliff. Was truly a gaming moment that will stick in my mind. And for that alone, i take my hat off to the game.

And damn it aswell, yes, its basically Far Cry. There, its said. Just 100x 'cooler'.

Will still get it, no doubt, this is next gen gaming.

One thing really irritated me though. Shader option. You set it to high and its jaw-dropping. Medium and its clear you loose all the nice shading and lighting gizmo's from the engine, but why when you change the AA from off to any other setting does the shader quality ramp straight to max again?????? WTF???

Im running 1280 res at about 10fps min, 25-30max, which is bareable i guess. 1024 res and im pushing the 50s with 30s min. Its just annoying that you cant go 1280 res, lower the shader and up the AA.

Anyway, was fun. Gonna try it on hard later.

[Edit] Oh and the physics are FINALLY AWESOME in a game. Throw a nade in a wood hut blows a part away, shacks fall down crushing all within, and i laughed so hard when a tree i was hiding behind got leveled and i died due to being so exposed. Was one of those comical moments, like in a film, where the thing someone is hiding behind slowly falls forward.
All the gripes I read on this forum (that is apparently dedicated to hate on crysis) are very minor. I mean, I understand that not everybody will find crysis fun, but I mostly disagree with the reaons. (I love picking up items.)

Because crap AI is clearly a very minor gripe... It brings nothing new whatsoever, and is the same game as FarCry. And yes, Half Life 2 DID bring something new... Physics as a gameplay element, and NPC/AI interactions.

As well, I will lose all remaining faith in gaming magazines if Crysis gets GOTY over the Orange Box...

Played it on high today, ran okay I suppose... but still had a metric ton of graphical issues. Then again I don't have the beta drivers.

But really, my biggest problem with games like this (such as Halo 3) is the ridiculous hyping and how many people buy into graphics. I'm going to go play Dwarf Fortress to repent for all of you.
I think Nvidia needs to release a new driver ASAP. The 169.01s actually gave me worse performance than the previous. Many people are also saying that their ATI cards are giving them better performance than Nvidia counterparts. Considering the game was designed on Nvidia hardware, something must be wrong there.

As far as the actual gameplay goes, no, it isn't new and innovative, but it's still a lot of fun. More than anything I'm excited about the actual engine and I hope we see more games making use of it. I've just been messing around and exploring the island in the demo. Crysis' major selling point is definitely Cryengine 2 (and I can see why). I feel Crytek did a great job on it, even with some AI issues.
The cloaking stuff doesn't feel right, kinda gimmicky. I found myself just constantly switching back and forth between cloaking and armor. Use cloaking for 10 seconds, then hide behind rock, switch to armor for a few seconds, turn cloaking back on, proceed forward and find another hiding place. Repeat over and over.
I never played Far Cry, so I have no problems with it being the same :) Still have awhile to go for the demo to finish downloading... maybe. Its hard to tell because my download speed keeps going from 300kb/s to 1.2mb/s.
Because crap AI is clearly a very minor gripe... It brings nothing new whatsoever, and is the same game as FarCry. And yes, Half Life 2 DID bring something new... Physics as a gameplay element, and NPC/AI interactions.

As well, I will lose all remaining faith in gaming magazines if Crysis gets GOTY over the Orange Box...

Played it on high today, ran okay I suppose... but still had a metric ton of graphical issues. Then again I don't have the beta drivers.

But really, my biggest problem with games like this (such as Halo 3) is the ridiculous hyping and how many people buy into graphics. I'm going to go play Dwarf Fortress to repent for all of you.

The AI in crysis is far from "crap". They make decisions based on what's going on. Sometimes they don't have a clue as to what's going on, other times they will make a bad call, and sometimes the AI glitches. There is no game with good AI that does not glitch.

As for goty, I am assuming that tob is not counted as one game and as such wont be a contender for goty.

I understand your points about "not bringing anything new" and "too much hype", but disliking games that err in these two departments would mean not playing many games at all.

Personally I like games that offer a fun action experience while pushing the technical envelope, and that crysis does.
The "i love picking up items" excuse for the way the game handles ammo is possibly the most laughable one i read.
When i'm under attack and in mid-battle i really don't want to search the ground for ammo, it's stupid and frustrating and i've yet found the logic behind that decision. Especially with the jungle setting, you can have trouble spotting.

Indeed, they have made some stupid\weird decisions in that regard. The "ak47" gun has 31 bullet clips, when you ran out of ammo it doesn't switch for another weapon automaticlly so it really can be maddening in a middle of a fight, but yeah the ammo pickup thing is the most annoying thing ever.

Btw, when you choke someone, you can drown him if you just walk inside the water and i like how you can pick up crabs and birds lol.
just finsihed the demo ran it on med/high on 8600gts,1024x768, min 10 max 35fps
i really liked it, but the sleep dart thing made it too easy, cloak,armour, dart, cloak. but i love maximum strength, knocking down buildings, uncloaking behind somebody and then grabbing them and chucking them into his freind!
but i think it will all get tougher with the alien fights, i dont think you will be able to sneak up and punch them :p
The "i love picking up items" excuse for the way the game handles ammo is possibly the most laughable one i read.
When i'm under attack and in mid-battle i really don't want to search the ground for ammo, it's stupid and frustrating and i've yet found the logic behind that decision. Especially with the jungle setting, you can have trouble spotting.
Even more laughable is walking near an item and it automatically teleporting into your inventory.

Guns fall near dead bodies. Simple.
Most realistic characters yet seen in PC games.

Yeah, the animations in this game are great. Everything looks so natural, especially all the fauna you can find on the island.
Hahah, that second pic made me laugh because of his "uhh wut?" expression.

Also HOLY DAMN that looks good.
I'm getting 17-20 FPS on my setup all setting high and 16x AA. WTF?
Crysis is nothing but a better looking Far Cry. WTF?
Very disappointed with Crysis. WTF?
The "i love picking up items" excuse for the way the game handles ammo is possibly the most laughable one i read.
When i'm under attack and in mid-battle i really don't want to search the ground for ammo, it's stupid and frustrating and i've yet found the logic behind that decision. Especially with the jungle setting, you can have trouble spotting.

Indeed, they have made some stupid\weird decisions in that regard. The "ak47" gun has 31 bullet clips, when you ran out of ammo it doesn't switch for another weapon automaticlly so it really can be maddening in a middle of a fight, but yeah the ammo pickup thing is the most annoying thing ever.

Yeah I hate it when games make me do things! Why cant my gun just fire when I see someone on my screen?! Its absolutely maddening that I have to push a button during combat!