Crysis news/info thread

Oh well, not interested in DX10 too much.

I'm not getting Vista for at least a couple of years.
I'm not getting Vista until they cracked the shit out of it :E

Or until Microsoft releases a Vista version that gives me 100% certainty that I can play my HD-games on my HD-burner with my HD-video card on my HD-monitor without the video feed getting unnecessarily gimped all the time.
There's been quite a lot of new information and media in the last few weeks.

1. Gamespot has a "Crysis Designer Diary (part 1)", in which Harald Seeley from Crytek talks about Crysis and CryENGINE 2.

Designer Diary, part 1

2. With the designer diary came a direct feed version of the tech demo trailer which was shown at GDC this year.

Tech trailer

3. The "Summit" event which was arranged by Crytek and EA, allowed many members from the Crysis community to get a chance to visit Crytek's office in Frankfurt, Germany. This means that we'll be receiving a lot of new information and media, some of which has been released already.

Some tech videos

Random info from the event

More media and information will be released over time.
I saw these earlier today. Everything is looking solid at this point. Possibly some optimizing left to do. Those Animations are amazing, the technology in this engine is mind blowing.
;( looks so much fun. I can't wait for the day that I own a computer which can run it in DX10 mode.
;( looks so much fun. I can't wait for the day that I own a computer which can run it in DX10 mode.

That day will come one day. :)

This game will change gaming forever!!!! Well for me atleast :)

PE2 Thanks for the info things are coming together nicely.
Im really curious to see what Valve is doing with Quad Core and DX10. As amazing as Crysis looks and will be. Im wondering what the greatest minds in gaming will come out with. DO IT AGAIN VALVE! WE KNOW YOU CAN!

Are Crytek going to try and sell this engine to other gaming companies? because there is tons of potential here. I mean, think of what iD, Valve and Epic have done with their engines. Crytek are sitting on a goldmine here.
This game will change gaming forever!!!!
I can't help but laugh my ass off whenever I see someone write that about a game that's not even out yet, because it just reminds me so heavily of all these other games that were hyped like the second coming of Jesus and turned out very average(Like Daikatana)!:LOL:
Seriously, take away the outer shell of Crysis(The very fancy graphics), what do you have that makes it special? We've already seen just as impressive physics in Alan Wake for example, and heck, Alan Wake has just as impressive graphics imo, especially environmentwise.
Are Crytek going to try and sell this engine to other gaming companies? because there is tons of potential here. I mean, think of what iD, Valve and Epic have done with their engines. Crytek are sitting on a goldmine here.

Crytek is probably going to sell the engine, after all why put so much effort in a game engine if you can't make a profit. However I'm surprised nobody bought and used for other games the first Cryengine, I mean that one looked great at the time.
And I have a suspicion that the same thing will happen with Cryengine2.
No American company like say Valve or Id are going to by Cryengine2 simply because it's made by foreigners, namely Germans. Yeah I know it's a retarded reason but just wait and see.
I would be suprised if Valved havn't started on some kind of next generation engine by now that exceeds anything we can imagine.

But I'm not sure still, they are upgrading the source engine with all these new features so it's pretty much on par with everything else, really makes you wonder weither upgrading source is their main focus or not.

Either way all they need to do is divide source by zero come episode 3 and the world will implode.

I'd say its the other way around, Alan Wake's graphics (Well at least the environment and lighting) are better than Crysis, but the physics are only barely approaching what Crysis is doing. The only real impressive bit of physics in Alan Wake was the twister but there were only a few set things that were affected. In Crysis it seems more like theres only a few set things that aren't affected by physics.

Asuka & clarky:

Valve amazes with design, not tech. When EP2 comes out, it will barely be catching up to the tech out at that time, even some thats out now. But it will still look ****ing amazing.

I'd say its the other way around, Alan Wake's graphics (Well at least the environment and lighting) are better than Crysis, but the physics are only barely approaching what Crysis is doing. The only real impressive bit of physics in Alan Wake was the twister but there were only a few set things that were affected. In Crysis it seems more like theres only a few set things that aren't affected by physics.

Asuka & clarky:

Valve amazes with design, not tech. When EP2 comes out, it will barely be catching up to the tech out at that time, even some thats out now. But it will still look ****ing amazing.

I dont agree.

Alan Wake looks great but in no way shape or form better then Crysis.
Another point is back when source came out and Valve demoed the engine it was INSANE better then Doom 3 Engine better then everything. All the Engines like CryEngine 2 and Unreal 3 have been in production since around or before source engine came out. Those engines where focused on being developed in advance for the future. If Valve wanted and im sure they are working on something they can surpass or match that of Crysis, UT3 easily.
Valve amazes with design, not tech.

That couldn't be more untrue, while their game design is still in my opinion the best, the engine tech they developed facilitated the ability to make such an immersive design. Most people were stunned by the face tech and physics tech at E3, that's what wowed everyone to begin with, it just so happened they put it all to perfect use so the game itself was kickass too.

All you have to do is look at Crytek's characters to know that they have built the most amazing character pipeline since valve showed off theirs.

edit: there are a bunch of new videos showing it off in more detail over at incrysis.
That couldn't be more untrue, while their game design is still in my opinion the best, the engine tech they developed facilitated the ability to make such an immersive design. Most people were stunned by the face tech and physics tech at E3, that's what wowed everyone to begin with, it just so happened they put it all to perfect use so the game itself was kickass too.

All you have to do is look at Crytek's characters to know that they have built the most amazing character pipeline since valve showed off theirs.

edit: there are a bunch of new videos showing it off in more detail over at incrysis.


Exactly what Valve did back in 2003 is what CryTek is doing now in 2007. Its the same thing different GFX Generation.
I can't help but laugh my ass off whenever I see someone write that about a game that's not even out yet, because it just reminds me so heavily of all these other games that were hyped like the second coming of Jesus and turned out very average(Like Daikatana)!:LOL:
Seriously, take away the outer shell of Crysis(The very fancy graphics), what do you have that makes it special? We've already seen just as impressive physics in Alan Wake for example, and heck, Alan Wake has just as impressive graphics imo, especially environmentwise.

Just take a look at the video of Crysis with the atomic bomb, and you might have a different opinion.
Just take a look at the video of Crysis with the atomic bomb, and you might have a different opinion.

I think we've seen enough to say that this game is going to be pretty much amazing.

All released media has been nothing but pure awesome.
No the game will be crap. The engine will be fantastic.
My computer can't even run stalker with any lighting other than static....I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outta the loop for this game.
So? Name change and a different setting. I can be somewhat sure the single player will flop in some way or fashion. I'm only looking forward to the MP. If they break away from the generic shooter standard it should be all good however.
Their first game wasn't exactly stellar.

For CryTek's first game it was exceptional in every way.

AI - still some of the best
GFX - Great to this day
Gameplay - Great to good
Story - Enough to keep you going (bad)
MP - A good try but lack of exp lead to a bad mp.

For a 1st game FarCry was amazing.
FarCry's AI was terrible. Aimbot/Wallhacks do not = good AI.
MP - A good try but lack of exp lead to a bad mp.

The guys that made counter-strike didn't have much experience either. You can still make a good MP game just the same. When the longevity of your game arguably relies on it's multi player component you need to put more thought into it. Otherwise working on mod ability never hurt.

Games are hyped way too much these days.
I'm with Kyo that this will pretty much be a tech demo by way of story, but it will be one HELL of a tech demo.
The guys that made counter-strike didn't have much experience either. You can still make a good MP game just the same. When the longevity of your game arguably relies on it's multi player component you need to put more thought into it. Otherwise working on mod ability never hurt.

Games are hyped way too much these days.

Do you really think crytek has their heads in the sand and won't listen to the complaints brought up in the last game? I'm certain that they realized their story was shit in the last game and will improve it vastly. Remember that Far Cry was a first effort, and a damn good one at that; I'm sure that with the experience and feedback taken from Far Cry, they will create something steller.
Do you really think crytek has their heads in the sand and won't listen to the complaints brought up in the last game? I'm certain that they realized their story was shit in the last game and will improve it vastly. Remember that Far Cry was a first effort, and a damn good one at that; I'm sure that with the experience and feedback taken from Far Cry, they will create something steller.

Agreed 100%
^ Same Here

Man, those tech videos were very interesting, especially the nuke and freeze ray videos!
Do you really think crytek has their heads in the sand and won't listen to the complaints brought up in the last game?

Hey it's happened before with other companies. They either listen, don't listen or listen too much. The latter being the worst case scenario and usually results in a tonne of MP nerfing.

I'm more concerned with Quake Wars as it is.
Just take a look at the video of Crysis with the atomic bomb, and you might have a different opinion.
Erm, so? Alan Wake can do that too, trust me, they showed off a tornado in Alan Wake, it ripped apart EVERYTHING, just like that a-bomb.:)
Erm, so? Alan Wake can do that too, trust me, they showed off a tornado in Alan Wake, it ripped apart EVERYTHING, just like that a-bomb.:)

Hopefully both these games can pull of the awsomeness that they show in the videos. They only thing I'm truly worried about is how these games will bend my system over the nearest sofa and donkey punch it till it bleeds.
Yeah, imo it's a bit of a shame that Crysis ain't coming to consoles currently, but hey, atleast Alan Wake is, and on maxed settings.

I myself am sorta expecting to run Crysis on medium-high, high-max if I get a DX10 GPU soon.
some of the mid-top range R600 cores had better be able to play crysis on full without having to be crossfired. It's like the first Dx10 game to come out, it shouldn't be running on hardware that isn't out yet.