Crysis news/info thread

And then when you get the comp, EA announces another delay, and you go "NOOOOOOO!" :p:LOL:

dekstar: No hardware will be able to run Crysis maxed for another two years according to the devs, they say there are hidden code in the game that will unlock true max settings once the hardware becomes avaible on the market, which they said was approx 2 years or so iirc.
Only thing I hate about Crysis are the aliens etc, seems so tacky, I wish it'd only be humans vs humans :<
It looks great fighting the Asian people but as soon as it goes all Icy vs Aliens I'd get bored.
And then when you get the comp, EA announces another delay, and you go "NOOOOOOO!" :p:LOL:

dekstar: No hardware will be able to run Crysis maxed for another two years according to the devs, they say there are hidden code in the game that will unlock true max settings once the hardware becomes avaible on the market, which they said was approx 2 years or so iirc.

As long as i can run the MAX dx 10 settings 1600res. On release im happy.
dekstar: No hardware will be able to run Crysis maxed for another two years according to the devs, they say there are hidden code in the game that will unlock true max settings once the hardware becomes avaible on the market, which they said was approx 2 years or so iirc.
Then what the ****'s the point? I might aswell not get a new computer until I leave uni.
Then what the ****'s the point? I might aswell not get a new computer until I leave uni.

By the time they unlock it Crysis 2 will be out. It wont matter, what they mean is their engine will advance. At least thats how i read it, for the most part.
By the time they unlock it Crysis 2 will be out. It wont matter, what they mean is their engine will advance. At least thats how i read it, for the most part.
So it's like the VALVe engine then? They've got the basis for extra stuff like let's say 1600x1200 pixel textures, but they obviously can't use them yet 'cuz the hardware isn't good enough, but they *could* use it in theory?

That's fine then I guess.
Yeah, that looks like crysis.:rolleyes: You know, the dynamic lighting, the fully destructable environments, the massive draw distances; they all look the same.

Yeah, because those things are COMPLETELY game-changing :|

Besides, Far Cry had large draw distances too.
So it's like the VALVe engine then? They've got the basis for extra stuff like let's say 1600x1200 pixel textures, but they obviously can't use them yet 'cuz the hardware isn't good enough, but they *could* use it in theory?

That's fine then I guess.

Thats how i interpreted it.
Really though, the only similarities between FarCry and Crysis are the setting and the developers.

Even then, Crysis will include the jungle, a frozen jungle, and a zero-g environment inside the alien ship.

The nanosuit and weapon customization also provide a lot of choices, and the 'Power Struggle' multiplayer mode sounds promising so far.

There are many reasons why Crysis could very well be a great game, and very different from FarCry.
^ I agree totally.
Crysis will be a great game, I don't have to play it to know that. I can see from the media alone that I will enjoy it a lot.
The setting is a lot like FarCry's, but how is this bad? The jungle setting is awesome, and it's not like it's the only one in Crysis.

It's not revolutionary or perfect, but it's close.
The shot reminded me of Far Cry Instincts (almost identical), s'all.
Speculation is about like masturbation without the payoff.:| From what I've seen this game is going to rock. :| It's every thing I've ever wanted in a game: fully destructable environments, mind blowing graphics, vehicles, epic monster and the such .:| We won't know if its good till it comes out, but from the looks of things, it's shaping up to be the standard setting FPS. :| I'm hyped for this game beyond any other. :|
Speculation is about like masturbation without the payoff.:| From what I've seen this game is going to rock. :| It's every thing I've ever wanted in a game: fully destructable environments, mind blowing graphics, vehicles, epic monster and the such .:| We won't know if its good till it comes out, but from the looks of things, it's shaping up to be the standard setting FPS. :| I'm hyped for this game beyond any other. :|


This game is gonna kick ass period. Haters be gone, even tho they'll be the first ones rushing out to buy the dam thing! If by some terrible reason this game does suck ass Ill force myself to stay abstinent for 30 days and 30 nights, however if it kicks ass Im going on a non stop hump-fest! How that has anything to do with a video game being good or not I have no idea but it sounded good at the time!:rolling:
Im sure a quadcore, 8800gtx will do it.
Buying a quad-core this year is a bit stupid imo, heck most games still don't even make use of dual-cores.. I'm doubting we will see games make proper use of quad-cores until 2k8, and no large-scale use until late 2008 at earliest, but to each man his own eh, I guess the payoff is that the more you spend on a comp when you buy it, the longer you can go without upgrading.
I guess the payoff is that the more you spend on a comp when you buy it, the longer you can go without upgrading.

Not neccesarily true- buying the best of today doesn't exempt the consumer from missing out on the new tech of tomorrow.
Not neccesarily true- buying the best of today doesn't exempt the consumer from missing out on the new tech of tomorrow.

Very true. My friend shelled out alot on a new DX9 videocard just WEEKS before the 8800 released. Now the price of his card is downright a bargain and its certain to be obsolete in less than 8-10 months.
Very true. My friend shelled out alot on a new DX9 videocard just WEEKS before the 8800 released. Now the price of his card is downright a bargain and its certain to be obsolete in less than 8-10 months.
Same again with the 8800 being Dx10 and the new R600's being apparently Dx10.1
Very true. My friend shelled out alot on a new DX9 videocard just WEEKS before the 8800 released. Now the price of his card is downright a bargain and its certain to be obsolete in less than 8-10 months.

That was my point- you can spend top dollar on the top tech and the next week if they roll out a new technology you miss out because its not supported by your new uber system.

Funny thing is about your friend the price of the 8800 will be most likely a whole lot cheaper if not obsolete by the time there are a handful of games that fully utilize DX10.
Very true. My friend shelled out alot on a new DX9 videocard just WEEKS before the 8800 released. Now the price of his card is downright a bargain and its certain to be obsolete in less than 8-10 months.
Well, you friend seems like a bit of a moron then, everyone knew the 8800 was coming out
Buy middle range gear it decreases in value slower than high end gear. In the long run you get to play kick arse games just the same and get more money back when you upgrade.
Yep it is fairly new, was taken last week at the community leaders conference thingy. shows the cloak too.