Crysis news/info thread

If there is one thing it's not, it's definitely NOT a generic shooter.
I foresee Gordon vs Master Chief vs Nano Suit Guy threads in the future LOL:p
Lets wait for the games release before we say anything else, but seeing the gamplay vids it looks amazing to say the least.

We really need a demo now , or it needs to get leaked asap.
There aren't very many PC games which ship with co-op, and there is alreay a mod in the works for Crysis (Obsidian Edge 2) which will have co-op to my knowledge. :)

As for zero-g environments, that would be awesome to see in multiplayer, but as long as there are map-makers out there willing to make some, I'll be fine.

I don't really find either of these a surprise, nor a letdown of any sort.
There aren't very many PC games which ship with co-op, and there is alreay a mod in the works for Crysis (Obsidian Edge 2) which will have co-op to my knowledge. :)

As for zero-g environments, that would be awesome to see in multiplayer, but as long as there are map-makers out there willing to make some, I'll be fine.

I don't really find either of these a surprise, nor a letdown of any sort.

Kind of seems like knit picking. I bet when this game comes out gamespot will dock points for not having zero g multiplayer.
Im not really pissed about the co-op they never said it would be included, but Zero-G SP levels is a major part of the game. I think you guys thought they are talking about no Zero-G MP levels. I dont think thats what they meant.
Im not really pissed about the co-op they never said it would be included, but Zero-G SP levels is a major part of the game. I think you guys thought they are talking about no Zero-G MP levels. I dont think thats what they meant.
That is exactly what they meant. Zero-g in singleplayer is one of the interesting parts of Crysis, and a key element of the alien ship environment. Crytek just won't be making any zero-g multiplyer maps themselves, but the community is free to make as many as they wish.

Here's the statement from the Eurogamer article:

Eurogamer: Are you allowed to tell us if there are zero-gravity multiplayer-levels?

Bernd Diemer: We let our mod-community create them. You can do it, but we won't. Just like Coop. That is something we would really like to do but we just don't have the time.
From the shear video previews alone, I've marked down at least 10 creative and completely unique gameplay features that I've never seen in a FPS genre. This game definately has alot of promise.
From the shear video previews alone, I've marked down at least 10 creative and completely unique gameplay features that I've never seen in a FPS genre. This game definately has alot of promise.

Feel free to list them for the rest of us.
That is exactly what they meant. Zero-g in singleplayer is one of the interesting parts of Crysis, and a key element of the alien ship environment. Crytek just won't be making any zero-g multiplyer maps themselves, but the community is free to make as many as they wish.

Here's the statement from the Eurogamer article:

Eurogamer: Are you allowed to tell us if there are zero-gravity multiplayer-levels?

Bernd Diemer: We let our mod-community create them. You can do it, but we won't. Just like Coop. That is something we would really like to do but we just don't have the time.

Thanks, im happy again!

Not that the game doesn't look like it'll be fun to play or anything, but it really does look like it plays out like any other FPS.


Maybe he just means there hasnt been a single fps game that has all the features. But yeah, every feature Ive seen has already been done in some other game.
From the shear video previews alone, I've marked down at least 10 creative and completely unique gameplay features that I've never seen in a FPS genre. This game definately has alot of promise.

Not x5, I totally agree with you for some reason people just like to hate on games they know will do well or that do well. Forget the graphics what other fps has the kind of destructibility that Crysis has? What game has come out recently that offers the level of both SP and MP that Crysis seems to offer? (granted none of us have played the game yet Im just going by what we know/hear)
Not x5, I totally agree with you for some reason people just like to hate on games they know will do well or that do well. Forget the graphics what other fps has the kind of destructibility that Crysis has? What game has come out recently that offers the level of both SP and MP that Crysis seems to offer? (granted none of us have played the game yet Im just going by what we know/hear)

The destructibility can be done in Half-Life 2, Red Faction, and can't think of anything else at the moment but I'm sure there's more, and what do you mean by "the of level of both SP and MP" ?
Not x5, I totally agree with you for some reason people just like to hate on games they know will do well or that do well. Forget the graphics what other fps has the kind of destructibility that Crysis has? What game has come out recently that offers the level of both SP and MP that Crysis seems to offer? (granted none of us have played the game yet Im just going by what we know/hear)


x5 from me then.

So the hot new thing to do in Crysis is shoot down trees and shoot leaves...sounds like a revolution is coming to the FPS genre!!!

The only new things I see in Crysis are zero-g battles (if you can properly control yourself in a thruster pack or something I'll be very disappointed - then the zero-g environment would mean virtually nothing - and the destructible trees/plants out there (which will have almost NO impact on actual gameplay unless everybody is planning on killing every one of their enemies by trying to get a tree to fall on top of them).

Everything else has been done in some form or another.

Super suit: See console Far Cry games. Same principle.

Island combat vs humans and aliens: Too obvious to mention.

Customizable guns: Since when is that new? We've seen plenty of games with interchangeable scopes, silencers, grenade launchers, laser sights, ammo-types, etc. Maybe not on the fly, but having to plan ahead for missions in those other games is what makes it more fun. I think it's better to find a good combination of weapons and attachments that could suit your coming situation and then make do with what you have rather than just have everything at your disposal all at once...but that's probably just me.

Multiplayer: If this Power Struggle mode (sounds like BF2 with a buy system + some other bells and whistles) is balanced and worked out properly then bravo.

Everything else I can think of that makes Crysis such a popular coming game is graphic-related.
The destructibility can be done in Half-Life 2, Red Faction, and can't think of anything else at the moment but I'm sure there's more, and what do you mean by "the of level of both SP and MP" ?

Destructibility in HL2 your kidding right? Red Faction well if you call just running around blowing holes in the walls than yah I guess so.

When I talk about SP and MP Im saying that SP will have all these elements combined together for a great SP experience which I don't know any other games that have done so. On top of that you have a goal orientated MP experience each side having their own unique look as well as some building elements thrown in, as well as the different abilities with the suit and the physics in MP. I dont know any game that has offered complexity in both the SP and MP experience in one game. Not to mention it just looks dam good.
Destructibility in HL2 your kidding right? Red Faction well if you call just running around blowing holes in the walls than yah I guess so.

When I talk about SP and MP Im saying that SP will have all these elements combined together for a great SP experience which I don't know any other games that have done so. On top of that you have a goal orientated MP experience each side having their own unique look as well as some building elements thrown in, as well as the different abilities with the suit and the physics in MP. I dont know any game that has offered complexity in both the SP and MP experience in one game. Not to mention it just looks dam good.

In HL2, you can create a building out of destructible material pretty easily.

I believe there was a pretty sweet Episode 2 video somewhere showing that off.
Fine.So the hot new thing to do in Crysis is shoot down trees and shoot leaves...sounds like a revolution is coming to the FPS genre!!!

What about the huts and buildings? What about being able to throw enemy's into them or driving over them with tanks, blowing them to pieces with rockets etc.

And yah ok even if you wanna compare the SP to Farcry and MP to BF2 both of those games are great games, combine the both of them into one game with some amazing graphics and physics and what more do you need?
What about the huts and buildings? What about being able to throw enemy's into them or driving over them with tanks, blowing them to pieces with rockets etc.

Forgot about those tin shacks.

And yah ok even if you wanna compare the SP to Farcry and MP to BF2 both of those games are great games, combine the both of them into one game with some amazing graphics and physics

BF2 is a severely flawed game only aided by mods. Far Cry has been done to death in the PC version and the numerous console versions.

what more do you need?

Something new.
Something new.


And just because BF2 is flawed doesn't mean that Crysis MP will be, although Farcrys MP was shit. Heres to hoping they learned how to do MP properly which judging by what they have said it will be half decent this time round. However Farcry's SP was one of the best SP experiences on PC for me ever, right behind HL1 of course! What other games have offered the non linear/sandbox gameplay that Farcry did and Crysis will do? Please for love of god don't say HL2!
Non-linearity sacrifices quality and polished gameplay IMP. I hope Episode 2 doesn't get too mixed up in it. I'm all for large combat arenas but multiple routes and so on degrade the gameplay quality and really, all you're going to do in Crysis is move from one combat encounter to the other. From what I've seen it has none of the scene by scene gameplay shifts that things like HL2, MGS or even RE4 have.

Also, Far Cry sucked. The first couple of levels were fun, but the monsters ruined it, and even if they didn't the combat-only-gameplay would have gotten old fast. Shit gameplay throughout, shit storyline and way, way too long. 20 levels of the same yawn inducing gameplay? I'll pass.
I'm all for large combat arenas but multiple routes and so on degrade the gameplay quality

In games with too many paths, I end up checking all of them, afraid I'm missing out on something, backtracking several times, and repeating things so much that it actually makes the game wear out faster.

If only there could be a game like Oblivion, but better, in a completely different setting, and completely different story of course. Maybe a unique military game with the best guns and best AI.

Is that crysis I'm describing? I don't know enough about the game, I'm not that thrilled about it, but that is partly because I don't have the hardware or software that can play it anyway, but also partly because there are things I don't like about it. Like being in a jungle with an M-16 with huge muzzleflashes again. ZZZ. Didn't like that stage in goldeneye, never liked that rifle, and as much as I loved that game to death, that was probably my least favorite level.

Something about the jungle that is just too wide open and boring. I like to see exotic locations from places I've never seen, settings like.. the ones in some of these futuristic games like Mass Effect. Now that games' environments make me feel like I'm there - In the future! Don't they? And those are just screenshots!

I also loved the facility and science lab type levels from goldeneye007, but something new would be great. So many games just repeat what was great.

I'm so sick of being in a warehouse with industrial machines, in a jungle, or in a military uniform. :x
I think we need to stop having a flame war in this thread and just stick the the Crysis news/info.

Everybody is sick of each others opinions on the game, so why don't we just stop it all together.

Fanboys can be fanboys, haters can be haters.
Actually I'm starting to warm up for crysis.
The superpowers seem to be done quite good and look fun to use, the iron sight view with blur also looks awesome. I can't say it looks original, but it looks like all the cool stuff has been implemented a lot better then in any fps till date. And It looks like the game has some cool visceral combat. If I ever get a new pc I'll be buying crysis for the engine and editor alone.
I don't doubt I'll have fun with it, I just don't see it as anything special and dislike Crytek's approach to 'gameplay'.
I can't say it looks original, but it looks like all the cool stuff has been implemented a lot better then in any fps till date.

If I ever get a new pc I'll be buying crysis for the engine and editor alone.
Actually I'm starting to warm up for crysis.
The superpowers seem to be done quite good and look fun to use, the iron sight view with blur also looks awesome. I can't say it looks original, but it looks like all the cool stuff has been implemented a lot better then in any fps till date. And It looks like the game has some cool visceral combat. If I ever get a new pc I'll be buying crysis for the engine and editor alone.

I don't know. Personally i think a lot of people are just incredibly hyped about it because its the prettiest looking game to come out in a long long time. And this usually happens with pretty games. But when the game actually comes out, people play it and remember graphics aren't everything.

I'm not gonna point fingers (Doom 3) but you get my drift.
If only there could be a game like Oblivion
Yes, if only there could be a game that was dumbed down incredibly for the massmarket appeal and simplified to the point of the extreme, where without mods it is but a shadow of the former games in the series!:upstare:

Now what I dream off is a game like Brigade E5(A fairly unknown game here in the western gaming world, but quite famous in the eastern europe one, russia etc), it's basically a 'spiritual' sequel to the Jagged Alliance games, only much more realistic, now here is the awsome part.

It has more than 130 different REAL-LIFE weapons with more than 10000 modifications in total, all complete with accurate and detailed 3D models, animations, sounds, muzzle flashes etc!

It also has a great open-ended story, with multiple factions and different endings that shape the world!

(And if anyone reads this and checks into the game, make sure to go to the Strategy First official forums for the NA/European version of the game, there are fanmade patches for the western version that fixes tons of bugs and mods that add TONS of new weapons and modifications!!!)

. . . .

Now, imagine a FPS with all this, squad-management, dynamic story, real-life weapons, equipment and some economic management of the team, wouldn't that be ****ing awesome?
Speaking of crysis; I still have never played FarCry...maybe I should go get it.
Moar screenies..




Ummm... we already know what the aliens look like. They were in the most recent Crysis video released. And they do look pretty badass.

The actual aliens themselves?!

I thought they were keeping that hush-hush, all we've seen are the suits and vehicles they use.
I'm pretty sure the video with the aliens was leaked, we were never meant to see it.