Crysis news/info thread

I'm pretty sure the video with the aliens was leaked, we were never meant to see it.
Oh, well it's a sweet video. I wonder why we weren;t meant to see it? On that note, if anyone wants it and can't find it, I can upload the HD version.
Ummm... we already know what the aliens look like. They were in the most recent Crysis video released. And they do look pretty badass.

The interview looks like it was done before. He says in May they might show them off. Its may now.

I'm pretty sure the video with the aliens was leaked, we were never meant to see it.

Ya it was released early.
I definitely need to buy me an little x800 isn't cutting the beef.
The Ultra came out going for 950$ so the other cards should be going down soon.
I'm pretty sure the video with the aliens was leaked, we were never meant to see it.
Asuka said:
Ya it was released early.
No, that particular video was never meant to be released. The footage is months old, and doesn't represent the current state of Crysis; and the aliens were meant to be a big surprise.

It would be appreciated if people didn't spread the video.
Crysis Designer Diary #2 - Multiplayer and Nanosuit Details ( new video + screens )

Meh, all three bags have the same texture on them.

It does look pretty sexy though.

yah. At least they have unique decals though.

I want to play games that look like that, or better than that, at 60fps. Think I'll have to I upgrade my Celeron chip? :|
Meh, all three bags have the same texture on them.

It does look pretty sexy though.

Are you seriously going to tell me you notice a big enough difference in real life stacked bags to point something like that out....Its like a brick wall on a building OMG SAME TEXTURE THE WHOLE BLOCK!!!!!>...11111
I wish the ****ing FilePlanet Beta would be released already so I can see how this ****ing game runs on my ****ing computer for ****s sake!
Are you seriously going to tell me you notice a big enough difference in real life stacked bags to point something like that out....Its like a brick wall on a building OMG SAME TEXTURE THE WHOLE BLOCK!!!!!>...11111

I'm sure it'll be nearly unnoticeable when actually playing the game, but it's a screenshot... it's there for us to look at.
Wait a minute i dont think those are ingame shots it looks too good to be.
maybe they are and they have been totally redone to make it look that amazing. there is no way the game could look like that when we are playing it. If it is then Crytech have been working hard on there baby.
video looks nice but i hope they have more multiplayer options exept Deathmatch. And i wish they would make it harder to aim and also have an option to make it impossible to sprint super fast (Server Option that the admin puts)
They have a power struggle game mode which sounds kickass. Check out some interviews with Cevat Yerli for the details.
Wait a minute i dont think those are ingame shots it looks too good to be.
maybe they are and they have been totally redone to make it look that amazing. there is no way the game could look like that when we are playing it. If it is then Crytech have been working hard on there baby.
Those are most certainly ingame, however, the question is if any modern comp can get such graphics without a Quad-Core CPU, dual SLI 8800GTXes!:LOL:
But definitely it can be ingame, just look at Alan Wake, looks just as amazing as Crysis imo and it has been shown in motion too looking just as good as the screens.:)
Those are most certainly ingame, however, the question is if any modern comp can get such graphics without a Quad-Core CPU, dual SLI 8800GTXes!:LOL:
But definitely it can be ingame, just look at Alan Wake, looks just as amazing as Crysis imo and it has been shown in motion too looking just as good as the screens.:)

Im hoping it looks that good on my pc i have a 8800gtx . I heard that they will have graphics settings that we could take advantage in the future to make the game look much better than it can look now for future hardware releases. Thats cool.
Im hoping it looks that good on my pc i have a 8800gtx . I heard that they will have graphics settings that we could take advantage in the future to make the game look much better than it can look now for future hardware releases. Thats cool.
I'll believe that last line when I see it tbh. Sounds alot like pre-release hype to make the game sell more to me.

Anyway, I'm guessing you can get it pretty goodlooking on your 8800GTX but it will all depend on what res and AA etc, I doubt a comp with just one 8800GTX can run this game at 1600x1200 at all settings maxed.
I'll believe that last line when I see it tbh. Sounds alot like pre-release hype to make the game sell more to me.

Anyway, I'm guessing you can get it pretty goodlooking on your 8800GTX but it will all depend on what res and AA etc, I doubt a comp with just one 8800GTX can run this game at 1600x1200 at all settings maxed.

i just want it at 1024 X 768, Then i usually go to nvidia control panel and force AA and AF to the max like i did with HL2 and it looked beautifull.
Those gunships have to be one of the ugliest, most generic looking gunship designs I have ever seen!:p
The VTOL looks better from the front, Stealth craft arn't supposed to be pretty anyway :p
Hmm ... I do not believe I have had the oportunity to lay eyes upon such a vehicle sir.
Oh, I like the different tail fins compared to the Stealth bomber. The rest of it is pretty in a way, like the kindof way you might find a Klingon attractive.
Looking good guys but i want to know when the game or aleast a demo will be out.
The latest PCG:US, has a hands on and describes poking around in the last half of the game, which features more claustrophobic, metallic, zero gravity environments.

The editor describes firing a rifle and being propelled backwards in which he was impaled by an icy extremity in the environment.

Also mentioned was the use of small equalizing thrusters equipped on the suit, which acted to set movements straight so that you wouldn't do 100 spins while jumping. The enemies described are "a mix of man, squid and hammer-head shark". Floating around, beautifully animated, with bodies that seem to be perfect for zero gravity environments. The editor also goes out of his way to mention that the same environment destruction is possible here, and even in more interesting ways (i.e. using alien weapons and tech).

I'm very happy to hear that they aren't just going for gorgeous visuals, but also original game-play mechanics.
I wanna know if he actually was IMPALED(Seeing the extremity sticking out of him) or just 'hit' it and recieved a bunch of healthloss..
I wanna know if he actually was IMPALED(Seeing the extremity sticking out of him) or just 'hit' it and recieved a bunch of healthloss..

Digging it up the exact quote is:
PCG said:
for example, actually pushed me back against the wall, where, if I wasn't careful, I could impale myself on a spike!

I should also note he speaks VERY highly of the included editor, which includes a feature that allows the map maker to play sections of the map as they tweak / create, with one click. Undeniably kick-ass (and useful) if I do say so myself. Could save hours of time spend compiling and recompiling maps.
Is there pop caps?

EDIT: ^^^ Ignore, idiot me was supposed to post it in Starcraft thread!