Crysis news/info thread

Still haven't seen anything to get me pumped for it.
It is quite choppy in places, but it's pre alpha and it doesn't seem to stutter, just appears to be optimisation problems which lead to a drop in frame rates.

Even still it's freaking amazing how all that combined tech is working so nicely at this stage. I think this will be king for replay value, your just going to want to replay your most enjoyable segments over and over, destroying as much as you can in some instances, and in others trying not to disturb a leaf.

edit: HD version of that 16 minute video in torrent form.
It looks good and all but still dont find it particulary more impressive than Alan Wake tech-wise.
That was really nice! Lol, that truck got owned at the end. I think my favourite part will be picking up soldiers and chucking them through walls :p
It is quite choppy in places, but it's pre alpha and it doesn't seem to stutter, just appears to be optimisation problems which lead to a drop in frame rates.

I saw several stutters / freezes in that clip, and some places with fps drop. You can bet that it was running on a top-o-the-line rig too.
Reminds me of HL2 and that nasty stuh-uh-utt-utter-ter bug (that we weren't allowed to talk about) caused by a sound loading issue. Hope it's not going to be another one of those every time I want to explode somebody into bits.

Nice leafage though.
Did You See The Tank Mini Nuke!!!!!
Did You See The Tank Mini Nuke!!!!!
Which video? And I doubt it's a TANK Mini-Nuke lol, if they actually have such a retarded thing ingame I'll LMFAO.
My guess is that what you're talking about is a daisycutter bomb if you mean something that's used against tanks.

I didnt see any 'Mini-Nuke' in the FLV video.. If it is that video you're talking about, what second does it play?
Which video? And I doubt it's a TANK Mini-Nuke lol, if they actually have such a retarded thing ingame I'll LMFAO.
My guess is that what you're talking about is a daisycutter bomb if you mean something that's used against tanks.

I didnt see any 'Mini-Nuke' in the FLV video.. If it is that video you're talking about, what second does it play?

Right before the video ends it looks like he shoots a mini nuke. Like 2 secs before it ends. When he does it the crowd goes AHHhhhh!
Crytek have said you can upgrade your tanks in MP, and yes that was an atomic shell that you can obtain in power struggle mode. How can you miss that part of the video :p, there's nothing stupid about it either, it's been done before in real life.
My apologies clarky, I'm a mil geek so I just wasn't familiar with the term 'Mini-nuke', but after some research realized it's slang for Low-Yield Nuclear Warheads, though I still reckon that the MP game map has to be VERY, VERY large for it to even be close to a nuke, even a low-yield one, EVEN if it looks like it VISUALLY.

A low-yield nuclear warhead would still be enough to wipeout atleast a small-city TBH..

But oh well, it's just a game I guess, I just dislike it when they use the term Nuke for something if it doesnt properly to some extent simulate it, such as range, radiation exposure and poisoning etc.:)

But I guess all we can do is wait and see how well-implemented it is ingame.
Looked pretty damn fine to me, considering the distance that shell travelled before it went off there is one hell of a blast radius. Even a shockwave and some local heat damage to the tank and trees too by the looks of it.

There is always a limit to scale in games so a little artistic license is A-ok, especially if it looks as incredible as that, and bear in mind this is the first fps to have a gen-u-ine, mellon farming, billy badass NUKE available to use.

RIP Rocket launchers, your time is up.

But the first thing i'm going to do when I get the game is to hurl me some chickens at cars, dammit...
My apologies clarky, I'm a mil geek so I just wasn't familiar with the term 'Mini-nuke', but after some research realized it's slang for Low-Yield Nuclear Warheads, though I still reckon that the MP game map has to be VERY, VERY large for it to even be close to a nuke, even a low-yield one, EVEN if it looks like it VISUALLY.

A low-yield nuclear warhead would still be enough to wipeout atleast a small-city TBH..

But oh well, it's just a game I guess, I just dislike it when they use the term Nuke for something if it doesnt properly to some extent simulate it, such as range, radiation exposure and poisoning etc.:)

But I guess all we can do is wait and see how well-implemented it is ingame.

Nukes can be ridiculously low-yield and can safely be used on the battlefield as long as the wind blows away from where "you" are. A major military conflict between one or more nuclear powers is guaranteed to see nuclear action. Also, when the aliens come we will nuke them. Unless they are violently allergic to water.

Looked pretty damn fine to me, considering the distance that shell travelled before it went off there is one hell of a blast radius. Even a shockwave and some local heat damage to the tank and trees too by the looks of it.

There is always a limit to scale in games so a little artistic license is A-ok, especially if it looks as incredible as that, and bear in mind this is the first fps to have a gen-u-ine, mellon farming, billy badass NUKE available to use.

RIP Rocket launchers, your time is up.

But the first thing i'm going to do when I get the game is to hurl me some chickens at cars, dammit...
the redeemer in ut2k4 is pretty badass.
The redeemer compared to the blast in that vid = no contest. Mushroom fireball ftw.
Nukes can be ridiculously low-yield and can safely be used on the battlefield as long as the wind blows away from where "you" are. A major military conflict between one or more nuclear powers is guaranteed to see nuclear action. Also, when the aliens come we will nuke them. Unless they are violently allergic to water.

Yeah but in all honesty, MAD was alot of propaganda, in a real-life confrontation between for example Warsaw and NATO forces, the likelyhood of any large-scale use of nuclear weapons were very unlikely, far more likely were large-scale use of chemical weaponry.
Also, when the aliens come we will nuke them. Unless they are violently allergic to water.

LOL at "violently allergic to water" part:p.

And yeah if the scenario in Crysis would play out for real what would be more likely for the military to do: a) send super nano suit guy into alien sphere and find a way to disable it
b) Nuke the hell out of the sphere from orbit

Also on the subject of mini nukes, just out of curiosity, how small can you make a nuclear device with moder tech. For instance is a nuke grenade possible?
How do I actually play .flv files? I mean, I figured 'Flvplayer' would work but noooo...
Just use VLC for all videos.
One thing though, on my pc the older versions work better, the more it updates the more things seem broken on my pc.
A good throwing arm, and then you'd have to turn yourself into a human drill and bury yourself 40 feet under to have any chance of surviving.

Sulk if your still having trouble there's a streaming version at, top news post at the moment.
How do I actually play .flv files? I mean, I figured 'Flvplayer' would work but noooo...

Gray Fox said:
Just use VLC for all videos.
One thing though, on my pc the older versions work better, the more it updates the more things seem broken on my pc.

I think VLC will play anything, even without codecs, because of the way it works, but it might look like ass.

check out their homepage, wiki, or for help - try finding a FAQ or somethin sulkdodds

I guess I'll have to download VLC .. I want to try playing quicktime videos with it. I ****ing hate quicktime - it's like some kind of malicious bastard that keeps trying to sell me shit and install itself. DIE! **** you Apple, you are on notice. I can't boycott you because I never buy your shit anyway, though I do want an ipod.
A couple more new videos from that presentation are now over at incrysis, including a walkthrough of the new single player map that they are showcasing. So download the Second video for more gameplay footage.
LOL at "violently allergic to water" part:p.

Also on the subject of mini nukes, just out of curiosity, how small can you make a nuclear device with moder tech. For instance is a nuke grenade possible?

The smallest tac-nucs could be fired from standard infantry mortar tubes, so I'd say yes.

This is a pretty small artillery shell tac-nuke

one fired from a vehicle-based mortar tube

Granted, they're not quite grenade-sized, but I can tell you the government was definatley working on nuclear grenades in the 70's.
That list pic is of the Davy Crockett nuclear delivery system, tactical nuclear recoilless rifle.:)

I quote wikipedia!

"The Mk-54 weighed about 51 lb (23 kg), with a selectable yield of 10 or 20 tons (very close to the minimum practical size and yield for a fission warhead). "

Notice how it says MINIMUM practical size and yield for a fission warhead, so you probably wouldn't be able to get a NUKE smaller than that, and in all honesty, 23 kgs is still pretty far from a grenade!:LOL:
Notice how it says MINIMUM practical size and yield for a fission warhead, so you probably wouldn't be able to get a NUKE smaller than that, and in all honesty, 23 kgs is still pretty far from a grenade!:LOL:

Dang. So I guess a weapon like the Redeemer isn't possible in real life
How can they get critical mass with so little fission material.
Someone explain this to me.
Some valueable system spec info has come to light, posted by PE2 here taken from PCG uk.

Cevat says that a mid level E6600 CPU is enough to play the game on ULTRA HIGH settings - obviously an 8800 would also be required (8800GTS would be ok but GTX ideal) and 2 GB ram needed - the ram is his highest priority upgrade recommendation. 8800 GTS is currently going for 182 pounds , E6600 bundle going for 300 pounds currently, the chip on its own is currently 148 pounds.

providing you have a good hard drive already and a suitable power supply, it really isn't all that bad at the moment, and can only get better.
Sweet clarky, I have a E6600 OCed to little over 3 GHz on standard cooling and two gigs of RAM, all I need to upgrade is to a DX10 card, which I will do when Crysis actually comes out.
Specs and stuff

Thats awesome, my dad just decided recently to upgrade the home computer and he's already bought these components. Guess i'm prepared then... But at the same time i don't really care for PC gaming at the moment. Oh well.
If those are the specs you need for ultra high settings CryTek got some magic going on. Seriously im even sceptical. But if thats true its really something.