Crysis news/info thread

Jesus in a dress, have you people learned nothing? Expect to add anything between 50% - 100% to that spec on release or prepare to be disappointed.

Old chinese proverb say: official system specs are full of shit.
CR0M is true, they always have far lower recommended and min spec than that's true, why? Because it generates more sales.

New preview and a very interesting part that has been pointed out before but is much more clear now.

"Well, not quite max settings. Crysis actually has graphical features built in that no PC available this year will be able to make use of. Cevat estimates it’ll be 18 months after release before technology catches up with his game. They put these features in partly to keep Crysis current after release - they say it’ll be the best-looking game for the next three years - but also, let’s face it, because they’re enormous graphics geeks."

I believe that and I'm going crazy QUAD to get ready! As soon as a release date is announced im building a pc JUST for this game.
Asuka, about what Cevat says, I'll believe it when I see it, sounds nothing like pre-release hype, if it's true then nice, but I have HIGH doubts it is, keep in mind EA are funding development, do you really think they'd want Crysis to be mega high-end even 2 years after release? Hell no, they'd want it to be aged so they could make a sequel to milk more money from.

Besides, Cevat saying it'll be the best looking game for the next three years is no more trustworthy than the owner of McDonalds saying he makes the best burgers in the world.
lol, well if you read the PCG uk article the whole reason he says you can play it on ultra high settings with an E6600 core is because of the tech they have implemented, such as the automatic occlusion and backface culling. I have no doubt it'll play great on what he says because it's obvious the optimising features that they have put into this engine are a leap in themselves.
clarky, if that was directed me, that wasnt what I was talking about, I was talking about how the team were saying that Crysis would still be the greatest looking game 2 years past its release, which sounds like bullshit to me.
It was just my general opinion, but that is a bold statement yeh. Just have to wait and see I guess, god knows what features they have packed into the engine for the future.
god knows everything?
So if god does exist and knows everything.... God knowns and has always known if I am going to hell or heaven. He has always known what I did last night, what im gonna do tomorrow. So thereby anything I do was going to happen and have I have no control.


It also means god knows the answer to the question!!!
If god can do anything, can he make a rock so big that he cannot lift it?
I lol'd

Moar Screenies, and although the first looks like concept art, It is not.

Wow that first screen is really awesome clarky, though it appears to be 130x100 pixels in size for me, so it's sorta hard to see any details!:p
lol, all fixed :p

I imagine it's going to be like descent on steroids at the end.
Jesus, all of those are actual screens?.. they look like concept art!
Three things I love about this game.

Fire. Smoke. Explosions.

They all look so goddamn awesome.



Three things I love about this game.

Fire. Smoke. Explosions.

They all look so goddamn awesome.

Ehhhhh i don't know. That explosion in the recent batch of screenshots looked pretty poxy to me.
I've decided to force my g/f to become a prostitute so I can buy a 8800GTX and a new CPU by the time this comes out, anyone wanna buy some?
Ehhhhh i don't know. That explosion in the recent batch of screenshots looked pretty poxy to me.

Well, in the recent videos that's been posted in this thread the explosions really stands out. I would go so far and say that Crysis has one of the best explosions I've ever seen in a game.
We shall see, people forget the more niche genres when talking about graphics these days, for example, Silent Hunter 4, Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 and Lock On Modern Air Combat all have AMAZING explosions.
Even if this game ends up blowing chunks, it'll still be praised for the graphics.

And if it runs on my 7600GSOC, I'll be happy.
ya. Even if Crysis sucks balls story wise or whatever it would be INSANELY fun playing the Jungle missions etc. But with all honestly i think this game is going to be a all around amazing.
In all honesty Asuka, I think you're just one big optimist.:p
that preview was quite awesome... except for one thing

why the hell is it in the xbox 360 section?!?! they already announced that it was pc only!
Not really, keep in mind EA are partially funding development, they will definitely make a Crysis game for the 360 and PS3 if it sells well on the PC, either a spinoff or a form of direct port.
this is going to be the most epic game of the past 4 decades, redefining graphics, gameplay and storyline..