Crytek better than source?

Originally posted by Bass
yo anwar, I didnt watch the vid, but as I posted above, is it the one that goes seamlessly from a video of Chernobyl into the game? if it is that is the most impressive reality to game transition I have ever seen. I nearly crapped myself when I first watched that a month or two ago

It starts off showing real video of Chernobyl and goes to in game but I don’t know if it’s the same one you saw. It then goes on for a long time with real in game footage much like HL2's e3 demos. They show off the physics, you will see boxes bounce around correctly, rag-doll bodies, vehicles tires having real grab on the ground. He stands on the end of an upside down car and it tilts because of his weight. There is another part where something falls on a car and the cars shocks absorb the fall very realistically. The show tons of examples of bump mapping used in the game. The use of dynamic lighting is fantastic. In one part his hands are on the steering wheel when driving and they shine a movie projector over the car and you can see the light pass through everything its incredible. He shoots a bird out of the sky, and blows up lots of rats. Speaking of the sky it looks real and different in just about every part of the game. Everything looks fantastic.
Yeah thats the one, f'in amazing stuff. Second half 2003/First half 2004 is going to be an amazing year for games.
Yeah Ive preordered HL2 and Max Payne 2 so far, STALKER will be next, maybe UT2K4, and well see what kinda reviews FarCry and Doom III get.
The vid anwar describes does appear to have much more graphical detail on the later footage in the vid than the earlier stuff. I guess it's different builds of the software. I can't wait to see the physics stuff with the lighting etc from the latter half of the vid
I think for me the selling point for STALKER isnt the graphics or physics, its the atmosphere of it all.
Yeah ww2ol has a large draw distance but it's not a very detailed landscape from what i seem to remember but that being said I haven't seen it since a very early build and I know how the ww2ol community hates people commenting on it without seeing later builds so I'll keep bow to your knowledge good sir.

Hehe, It gets patched probably twice a month so yeah, it has changed TONS since release. There is still flat wall buildings but that is about to change

Just for the heck of it, here is some pics from the latest version




The graphics still aren't superb but I love the immersiveness of it. The special effects are amazing though :)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and HL2 are going to be the only games I get this year (or next.....).

Edit: I'm with you, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks phenomenal (sp?)
Check this movie out on the unreal2 engine. It looks awesome.

point: engines (lighting and stuff) can be changed for what you need specifically on your project. It's not an all or none thing, it's a balance.
Originally posted by Bass
I think for me the selling point for STALKER isnt the graphics or physics, its the atmosphere of it all.

yeah, its atmosphere is unique, but i like the one of far cry better. stalker is the hell and far cry is the paradise. Beside, i find far cry to have better graphics, physics and dynamic lighting&shadowing than stalker. I think a computer that could run smooth in far cry is able to run smooth in any other upcoming fps games(hl2, doom3, stalker and any other).
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
i just realize how blind i was for watch too much hl2.

Too much?? Theyve probably shown us less than 5% of the game.
Originally posted by Jagermeister
That's because it's more of an RPG.
Fair enough, but personally I find that limping and bleeding (in games that have implemented it) to be pretty annoying. It sounds like a good idea, but seems to end up horrible.
Well the bleeding he said wouldn't do anything but leave blood for enemies to follow.
Originally posted by Bass
Too much?? Theyve probably shown us less than 5% of the game.

u don't seem to understand what i'm saying. anyway, say whatever u want.
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
u don't seem to understand what i'm saying. anyway, say whatever u want.

I just want you to explain what you mean
if i said:"anyway say whatever u want", i'm tired of giving an explaination. but if u insist in understanding me and what i said, u can read my post which talks about the atmosphere in far cry(the one that reply ur thought on stalker). hints: the last two sentence in that post
Ah so you feel FarCry is the game you should have been truning your attention too, and not HL2?
Before HL2 was announced, I was keeping my eye on Farcry... but as of now I couldn't care less.

*edit-back in the day, before it was going to be an fps, it was going to be a dinosaur adventure game. HAHA
i mean hl2 is great, but it's not the only one. Cry engine is the best engine i have seen so far, I'm talking about the engine's abilities and i'm not talking about the game.
ahh ohhh umm delete, sry hl2 has far greater capabilities, and I'm not just saying that.

*edit- apart from the level editor.
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
i mean hl2 is great, but it's not the only one. Cry engine is the best engine i have seen so far, I'm talking about the engine's abilities and i'm not talking about the game.
What is it about CryTech that draws you in? No, Im not egging you on, I enjoy mature conversation, and I feel I may be a bit undereducated about CryTech. All I really know about it is that it has amazing draw distance, and sports excellent visuals. Because in terms of straight visuals I say hands down Doom 3 engine personally.

maybe you can point out some -->facts<-- to prove your point. because you are just saying it.
anwar, it is impossible to confirm that at this point... but from what I have gathered, yes that is my opinion I guess. Sry. Until then noone can confirm that Cry engine capabilities are better then Source. Right?
No one can state right now that any of the Source/CryTek/DoomIII/X-Ray(STALKER) engines are better than eachother, none of them are even released for goodness sake.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
ahh ohhh umm delete, sry hl2 has far greater capabilities, and I'm not just saying that.

*edit- apart from the level editor.

first of all, i'm talking about engine, why do u even mention hl2?!!

secondly the level editor is one thing.

thirdly, don't get me wrong, i consider myself a hl2 fanboy and i have been watching what the source is capable of doing(physics, facial expression, water, lighting,etc). i have to admit that source is a great engine, but try to name something that cry engine can't do(maybe facial expression). besides, cry engine's dynamics lighting and shadowing is unbeatable(u really need to watch the cry engine video to realize what i'm saying).

When u said that "hl2(source engine) has far greater capabilities", you need to name those capabilities and explain how "far greater" are they, otherwise you're just saying some pointless statements. Please name those "far greater capabilities" to enlight me about them.
Originally posted by Bass
No one can state right now that any of the Source/CryTek/DoomIII/X-Ray(STALKER) engines are better than eachother, none of them are even released for goodness sake.

for god's sake, don't you know that their videos are everywhere on internet, some of these games are already "at least" 90% complete and few of them will be released within 1 or 2 months?!!! beside i also juge on what Gabe and developpers of other compagnies say, not just on the videos. Many of the abilities of these engine are clear.
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
for god's sake, don't you know that their videos are everywhere on internet, some of these games are already "at least" 90% complete and few of them will be released within 1 or 2 months?!!! beside i also juge on what Gabe and developpers of other compagnies say, not just on the videos. Many of the abilities of these engine are clear.

No, I am a moron and I did not realize there are videos of all these games floating around:rolleyes: My point was that until you personally get the game and see what the engines are and arent capable of, its hard to pass judgement. Any way what the **** are we arguing about, all these games will knock our socks off.
hey brass, i'm sorry for putting this up with such tone and i'm sorry for making u said that u're a moron.

Usually videogame companies release videos that show everything that the engine is able to do(like the intro in the E3 hl2 video, the crytech engine video, stalker engine video, etc). I just pass my judgement based on these videos and on what the developpers say. SO Far, cry engine is the best one from what I have seen. It's graphics is good as doom3, it has dynamics lighting and shadowing, it has realistic physics, vehicals, water, weather, wind effect, destructable environment, long view distance, vast map, etc, etc. That's why i think it's the best engine so far.("so far", cuz they can come up with a heavily modified source engine, doom3 engine or stuff alike)

here's the cry engine video:
There are other videos on the first page of this thread.
Hey its cool man. I agree that CryTek is damn impressive. At this moment I cant personally pick which engine I feel is the best or most complete. All I know is that all four are damn impressive and I cant wait, Ive had enough of Quake1/2/3 and Unreal Engine powered games for a while. Im quite excited to get my hands on this new generation
first of all, i'm talking about engine, why do u even mention hl2?!!

First of all, no need to rant and flame... I'm not even going to reply to that. All I wanted to say is Source is built for HL2... so whether you use HL2 or Source, its the same thing. KTHX
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
First of all, no need to rant and flame... I'm not even going to reply to that. All I wanted to say is Source is built for HL2... so whether you use HL2 or Source, its the same thing. KTHX

source is not just built for hl2, it's also for mods. some other games use source as well, like vampire masquerade.

u still don't know why we need to separate engine and game when we are dicussing the engine's ability. See hl1 has a relative poor engine, but i enjoy mods that are built on it for the last 5 years. When you mention games, u start talking about story and gameplay, but here we only compare the abilities of different engines.

btw, u still havent answered the most important part of my post: PLease name those "far greater capabilites". If u don't name any, u just make everything u said pointless. well i'm sure u have some points there, so plz name them.
Umm excuse me... Source was built for HL2, Valve hasn't been developing it for 5 years for Vampire Masquerade. Please think before you open your mouth.

Also you must not have read my previous post.
it is impossible to confirm that at this point... but from what I have gathered, yes that is my opinion I guess. Sry. Until then noone can confirm that Cry engine capabilities are better then Source. Right?

Please read all posts before talking, and please think before you speak.

*edit- anyone that says Source wasn't developed solely for HL2 is pretty moronic. Sure Valve had mods in mind but what the heck are you thinking? they are mods from the ORIGINAL GAME. Also when Quake 2 came out with its engine I guess that it wasn't built solely for Quake 2? EH?
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
Umm excuse me... Source was built for HL2, Valve hasn't been developing it for 5 years for Vampire Masquerade. Please think before you open your mouth.

Also you must not have read my previous post.

Please read all posts before talking, and please think before you speak.

Trust me, as an unbiased third party, your argument has no merit, you have not given a single valid point backing up your claims. Hell, you havent given a single point period. And you seem to be confused as to the difference between an engine and the game that utilizes it.
I just stated that in my first post about this topic, that it was completely an opinion... are you not reading that?

Source was developed for HL2, HL2 wasn't developed because of Source. What more can I say?
You arent making any points. gamevoodoo stated his points for CryTek (ie. dynamic lighting, draw distance, etc.) and all you can say its source was made for HL2. Whats your point? CryTek was made for FarCry.