cs/de_xcom (my latest map in 2 flavors)


Aug 8, 2003
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This is something I have been working on for the past couple weeks. It is set on a skyscraper, will be a hostage rescue map, and a defusal map, with slight variations in the map to suit both types of gameplay. Overall progress stands around 60% right now, should be released late march. Nothing in these screens are final, I still have alot more detailing to do and effects to impliment. P.S. Xcom is the name of the tech company I work for -Dj

Main lobby

Helicopter hovering (animated model) above lobby outside, will be adding repelling ropes and broken glass (might have a couple spawns drop thru glass at round start.


One of the collision points where some fighting is bound to take place (hard to get a good angle in this area for a screenshot.


This is inside the emergency stairwell. (one of two)


Conference room


Outside of the conference room.


2 pics of the tech lab


Yeah damn nice map mate, i was thinking of doing something along the lines of this when i get back into Hammer, for some strange reason the Tech Labs reminded me of "Die Hard" where their shooting the glass so he cant walk! ****ing Awsome :p
Nice textures, everything seems to fit really well.
Nice job on the map
Thats only 60%, wow your doing a nice job so far... I like the atmosphere you have created.

Aquick question in here.. when i want to take a short compile just to see if my lights are working right.. which do i check, bsp and rad, or rad only??
I'll hazard a guess and guess that you played SiN at some point in your life. Because certain bits of this level are very like the first few maps that were released with the demo.

Nice work nonetheless.

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-Crispy- said:
I'll hazard a guess and guess that you played SiN at some point in your life. Because certain bits of this level are very like the first few maps that were released with the demo.

Nice work nonetheless.

[Edit] Bold font...

actually no I havent, I dont even know what sin is. This map is loosely based on die hard, I captured screens while watching it to influence me on what textures to use etc.
That is a very sweet map, alot of attention to getail and Id think alot of plannig went into that. hopfully it will become server poular!
wow that looks neet... where did you get the chopper model? i've been wanting to add one to my map but haven't been able to get any.
Looks great! I dunno if it's just me or what, but that blue-tint color in some of the areas make my head spin with memories of some hl2 SP maps (more specifically, the combine levels). I like the effect of the helicopter over-head. Although it looks like there's too much rust on that yellow staircase handle.
Nicely done - reminds me a lot of that quality old game Sin :D
you said you worked for this company xcom, any of the building recreated from where you work? It would be cool to kill people in your real cubicle or office, then work there the next day
I'm thoroughly impressed.

Does the company you work for specialise in combatting extra-terrestrials, though??

On a more serious note - this map definately looks like something special.

-Angry Lawyer
don_johnson said:
you said you worked for this company xcom, any of the building recreated from where you work? It would be cool to kill people in your real cubicle or office, then work there the next day

I'd say that you were one creepy kid, but alas, we've all had similar fantasies I'm sure. Guns don't kill people, violent videogames do!
My company works on hardware engineering dealing mainly with ntds (naval tactical data system) equipment and switching. Our office isnt nearly as nice as this one in particular, I just spiced it up for this map. My favorite parts are the main lobby and the choice in textures I used outside of the conference room in the hallway. Red/black/tan I think = winnar. This will be hopefully the best looking custom map once I am done, its actually pretty far from being fully detailed, and I still get I would say 150 fps avg almost everywhere. Looks are important I think, but not as important as gameplay.
A very nice map! Keep up the good work mate!
But this reminds me of a map from splinter cell "1"
WOOOOOOOOW that is awesome. When you finish it post a very easily noticeable link so i can get a peice of that...lol really nice job
wow that looks neet... where did you get the chopper model? i've been wanting to add one to my map but haven't been able to get any.

Dangles7 said:

small sumo, a guy who did alot of models for cs ported that model over from hl to source engine and added all the animations and glossy metallic effects. It will be available for others to use once i release this map. :cheers:
Do you have a timeline for when you think your map will be at release stage? or are you having a beta first?
you ruined that one screen shot putting the giant spool of wire in it
I didnt ruin anything. Where I work, we have spools just like that. Its ntds cabling but there was no way for you to know that.
really like the look of this map...good job and nice atmosphere too
Bourgeo, do you have a release timeline? are you going to have beta or just a plain releasE?

Well im entering this in 2 mapping competitions so it needs to be done by the end of march. I dont see that being a problem since im almost finished with the layout.
Ok I got some screenshots like I promised. Some are pretty new, others are updated shots of areas you have already seen. The new large room with the xcom sign is what I have been working on the past couple of days. Its roughly 60% done as it stands right now until I get the other textures and finish adding details in it. Theres a little employee cafe inside but just for eyecandy its not an area you can get to. Ill show a screen of that later but its not done so i didnt wanna show it yet.

Heres a pretty final shot of the conference room.

This shot shows the security camera I put in, it rotates scanning back and forth.


2 more shots of the lab area.



And the last one for now, the new large room I was talking about.

Awesome. Although, you might consider adding some special lighting lower to the ground.
Updated screens, heres the rooftop I have been working on, this is where cts will spawn (cs version)



This is amazingly good.

Also, your first shot above has some textures not aligned properly on the floor.

The rooftop (helicopter and such) is awesome.