cs, only multi.

Vital-Life said:
Maybe early in HL1's life. But games like DoD, CS, TFC, Sven Coop kept a lot of people involved with HL, including me.

Erm, those are third party mods.
Vital-Life said:
Maybe early in HL1's life. But games like DoD, CS, TFC, Sven Coop kept a lot of people involved with HL, including me.
I'm confused. I thought I just said that by including "third party mods."

EDIT: Feeth beat me to it... :E
....I dont know. . .how many times does the moderator have to mention that someone working at valve stated that there would be no HL mp besides CS
Tab said:
....I dont know. . .how many times does the moderator have to mention that someone working at valve stated that there would be no HL mp besides CS

Well, he hasn't come up with a quote.
"cliffe: Half-Life 2 will come with CS: Source. Right now, we do not plan to include any other multiplayer games with Half-Life 2." Is that a good enough quote for you? http://www.csnation.net/articles.php/192/3/

Theres no real release date yet, all the websites are giving different dates.
Haven't read the rest of the thread, but the original quote has been posted thousands of times; the answer is that Gamespot can suck it.
Thanks, Chris_D gave me the quote as well. To me it does look like he is saying that CS:S is the only multiplayer component, but there's a slight chance he could've just been saying that CS:S will be the only other Source Conversion to come with Half-Life 2.
poseyjmac said:
yes but remember now there isn't going to be a SP only version.

But their was. And Valve were undecided whether to include CS:S with Half-Life 2 until recently.

So that means, if Valve went with the original SKU plans, then you would've got a SP version or a MP version. The MP version would've just included mod support (if they didn't include CS:S). This seems unlikely.

And Gabe did say before that he'd been playing Half-Life 2 multiplayer and it was a lot of fun, it didn't seem like he was referring to CS:S.
Brain Damage are you trying to say that there will be no other SEPERATE game included with half life 2 but CSS? And that there will be a HL2 multiplayer? Or are you saying that CSS will be the only multiplayer. Because I believe that Cliffs post was pretty straight forward and I dont believe hes trying to hide and secret messages in his statement.
Something interesting from the Valve Info thread that some people might have forgotten:

CyberSh33p said:
-----Original Message-----
From: Kenny Aksentiev [mailto:[email protected] g]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 8:30 PM
To: Jess Cliffe
Subject: question regarding multiplayer

First off, hello to you, thanks for working on the game of the
millenium, etc

I just have a quick question regarding multiplayer, to settle any doubt.

You said that CS:Source is going to be the only multiplayer packaged
with half-life 2. Now, does this mean additional multiplayer,(in
addition to half-life2 deathmatch), or the ONLY multiplayer? Or is this

non-discloseable just yet? It just seems it would be a bad decision to
only have CS for multiplayer, but my friend thinks it is.

Thanks hopefully for your reply

It's really a matter of artist/engineer bandwidth. HL2 and CSS are
incredibly complex games to build. We can't do 5 games at once.

thanks a lot for the reply Its the first one(not that I've sent many)
that I've gotten back so far. So does this mean. That CS:S is indeed the
only one, or is it all depending on how much can get done before the

thanks once again.

We'll see what we can get done.....
... and then in the very next post:

CyberSh33p said:
By shoezer's request, because I am his ever-serving manslave, I post to the forums the latest message I got from cliffe, already in another thread.

BTW, what I'm referring to in this email thread with you is the lack of
DoD: Source information we've been putting out. Most everybody from the
DoD team is busy jamming on CS:S right now. We'll release new DoD:S info
sometime later. A couple people on the hl2.net forums are reading too
far into my statements...
I'm pretty sure he was referring to us interpreting his words as "HL2 will have no multiplayer component other than CS:S"

EDIT: I cleaned up the order of the first quote.
Thats what I believe he was saying also. People are used to Valve hiding stuff in their statements. I think what Cliff was saying is the truth and I wont be suprised if CSS is all we get.
Tab said:
Brain Damage are you trying to say that there will be no other SEPERATE game included with half life 2 but CSS? And that there will be a HL2 multiplayer? Or are you saying that CSS will be the only multiplayer. Because I believe that Cliffs post was pretty straight forward and I dont believe hes trying to hide and secret messages in his statement.

I'm NOT saying that CS:S will be the only multiplayer.

I'm interpreting that article to mean that, at that stage in the process, CS:S was the only separate multiplayer game that was going to be included with all versions of HL2, including the now cancelled SP version. Meaning that there will be a HL2 MP mode as well.
The statement at CSNation says nothing about HL2. It is talking about the other game(s) that will be included with HL2. If HL2 has a multiplayer component it is still a true statement because the multiplayer would be part of HL2. It's not another game if it is part of HL2. I'm pretty sure he means they won't be including other games like DOD:S, TFC:S/TF2, DMC:S, etc with HL2 & CS:S at the initial release. Someone send him a link to this thread.
Ok i'm going to try for the 17th time to see if i can get an answer on the HL2 multiplayer situation.

I'll see if Doug has anything to say on the matter.
Best of luck, I really don't see it happening. It's mystifying to me why they can't simply say -

"yes, HL2 has it's own multiplayer that is not part of CS:S."
"No, the only multiplayer component shipping with HL2 is CS:S".

It really is a simple question and answering it in that fashion doesn't tell anyone anything other than it will be there, your suprise (if any) is preserved for the actual release and people can stop getting their knickers in a twist.

The only reason dodging around that question this late in the day could possibly make sense (considering their openness elsewhere) is if the second option is the truth and they don't want people to find out in advance. Which is an equally absurd position to take from a public relations standpoint, then again many of Valves PR decisions and statements seem to be 'unique'.
Maybe they had to drop MP to get HL2 shipped in time?
Porting CS to Source is way faster than making a new MP from scratch.
And the reason why they dodge this issue is pretty obvoius, forums/websites all over will go crazy if they announce it.
Or they're intentionally not giving anything away to make fans speculate on it, and thus attract attention to it. Maybe.
CS:S began production in early 2004, while Gabe made comments in 2003 on how he played the hl2 mp everyday. Surely this shows CS:S isn't the hl2 mp portion?
He could still be referring to CS though, and how he'd planned to port CS over to Source

Why can't Munro join up with a few other admins from other HL2 fansites and each email Valve the same question "Is there a HL2 Themed multiplayer portion that comes with HL2?"
KagePrototype said:
CS:S began production in early 2004, while Gabe made comments in 2003 on how he played the hl2 mp everyday. Surely this shows CS:S isn't the hl2 mp portion?

Exactly! besides the whole point of keeping it secret is just that, they're not gonna say "yes" or "no" now, not this far into the development stage.
I would be surprised if there were no HL2 DM Multiplayer. Like it's been said, Gabe talked in the past of multiplayer even before CS:Source. Could it have been scrapped because it wasn't that good? Maybe. But I highly doubt it.
If valve is going to make css the official HL2'Smp then 5 years working on THE SP must be special. :|
It just doesn't make sense at all that they can't even say if HL 2 has its own mp or not. A simple yes or no would do. It wouldn't spoil anything at all.

So I think they are keeping quiet cause they don't wanna dissapoint people already.
Wowbagger said:
Maybe they had to drop MP to get HL2 shipped in time?
Porting CS to Source is way faster than making a new MP from scratch.
And the reason why they dodge this issue is pretty obvoius, forums/websites all over will go crazy if they announce it.
I agree.

It just doesn't make sense at all that they can't even say if HL 2 has its own mp or not. A simple yes or no would do. It wouldn't spoil anything at all.

So I think they are keeping quiet cause they don't wanna dissapoint people already.
I agree.

When they did announce CS:S at E3, their tone was "Now a lot of people have been wondering about Half-Life 2's multiplayer, well here it is"
*not an exact quote but that's the gist*

And CS:S did not start development this year because there was a very crappy version of it leaked with hl2 leak. That leak was a pre-E3-2003 version, quite old...

What i think happened. Valve had planned a hl2 mp mode but cancelled it and decided to focus effort towards all the source ports which give players much more variety in mp (cs, dod, tfc, opforce, hldm, dmc).

Hopefully within days the answer will be revealed.
Diablo2k said:
It just doesn't make sense at all that they can't even say if HL 2 has mp or not. A simple yes or no would do. It wouldn't spoil anything at all. So I think they are keeping quiet cause they don't wanna dissapoint people already.

That's the thing I can't shake.

I can see keeping the mystery up on WHAT the MP may or may not be. And I can see the wanting to keep some things a surprise. But they've been bombed with question after question since this topic was first introduced last year and no where is there a firm "yes" or "no" on whether there is MP beyond CS:S.

Yes or no wouldn't hurt the mystery of what, surely.

Although I find it hard to believe HL2 will come with only CS:S, I have to admit most evidence seems to point that way. Not that that in any was shows absolute proof though.

We'll all know in a month or two...seems to be the only way this will be answered once and for all.
To all those people thinking that Valve are being especially secretive about whether Half-Life 2 will have its own multiplayer component: You have to look at it from Valve's point of view.

If someone came on and said "Can you jump in Half-Life 2? Gordon doesn't jump in any of the binks" you'd probably think he was a bit of an idiot. But Valve haven't come out and said "Yes, Gordon will be able to jump" or "No, he won't", not because it's a secret, but because they assume that people already know this.

Likewise, just because you need confirmation that Half-Life 2 has a seperate multiplayer component, doesn't mean yuo. As far as Valve is concerned, they don't feel that they are hiding anything. They'd probably be surprised that people are questioning whether there is one or not.
The CSS beta is here to let us send bugs to Valve. Valve will begin preloading HL2 without de Source (onyl audio, textures, etc.). So Valve is waiting to get some bugfixes for HL2. I find it very hard to explain, but I will try. Valve doesn't preload the Source because this can change (if found any bugs in CSS, they can change that), why would they edit source for Singleplayer? the CS: Source beta is mainly for testing the multiplayer aspect of Source. So maybe this means that HL2 has MP. If you can understand me :{

AND the quote was that CSS will be the only multiplayer game WITH HL2.
Its quite obvious

"cliffe: Half-Life 2 will come with CS: Source. Right now, we do not plan to include any other multiplayer games with Half-Life 2. http://www.csnation.net/articles.php/192/3/"

What this means that HL2 will only ship with CS and not DOD or whatever else they may be working on. It DOES NOT mean that HL2 will not have its own multiplayer, this statement does not say anything on it.

The key line is this "...to include any other multiplayer games..." Multiplayer games...CS is a multiplayer game, as is DOD. This statement is only refering to additions on top of Halflife, think the packs that had halflife as well as CS etc that were released in the past.

Don't let any fool tell you that there is NO Multi player from HL2 itself, we simply don't know. Evidence points to the contray anyway:
...The original Single, Single/Multi pack that was to be sold
...Putting CS into the HL release was only decided fairly recently in the development cycle

I for one am sure that HL2 will have multiplayer, but we will find out soon enough anyway ;)
Chris_D said:
Jess Cliffe made that statement on CSNation but everybody seems to ignore it or write it off for some reason.

No he did not.

He said that cs;source is the only MP mod they're thinking of releasing WITH half-life 2 when it releases.

That says NOTHING about the MP of HL2 itself, just about the MP material they releasing WITH it.

Just like the person above me said.

Pff you're a moderator, you should understand this :p
( with all respect :))
Xenome said:
No he did not.

He said that cs;source is the only MP mod they're thinking of releasing WITH half-life 2 when it releases.

That says NOTHING about the MP of HL2 itself, just about the MP material they releasing WITH it.

Just like the person above me said.

Pff you're a moderator, you should understand this :p
( with all respect :))

Jess Cliffe:
Half-Life 2 will come with CS: Source. Right now, we do not plan to include any other multiplayer games with Half-Life 2.

He says nothing about a MP mod. I don't really understand why no one takes this statement seriously. I mean how much clearer can they make it?

Here, I'll paraphrase it a few different ways to make it more clear:

CS:Source will be the only multiplayer game included with Half-Life 2.

The only multiplayer came included with Half-Life 2 will be CS:Source.

There will not be any other multiplayer games, besides CS:Source, included with Half-Life 2.

Seems pretty self explanatory to me. :p
McFly said:
it will have its own multiplayer, people just think the only multiplayer is CS:S because they are CS fanboys.


1.) I fail to see how thinking that there's no proper HL2 MP makes somebody a fanboy. That's stupid logic.

2.) You're so sure that you're right when you don't even have sufficient enough evidence to back yourself up. Stop acting like a condescending dick keep to speculation, alright? You're no more in the right than anybody, so shut up.
Neutrino said:
Jess Cliffe:

He says nothing about a MP mod. I don't really understand why no one takes this statement seriously. I mean how much clearer can they make it?

Here, I'll paraphrase it a few different ways to make it more clear:

Seems pretty self explanatory to me. :p

Are you arguing for or against a HL2 multiplayer?

Half-Life 2 is a game. That includes it's SP and MP components. So if you ask if there are any other multiplayer games included with Half-Life 2 other than CS:S he would say no. That's because the Half-Life 2 multiplayer isn't seperate from the Half-Life 2 game.
Feath said:
Are you arguing for or against a HL2 multiplayer?

Half-Life 2 is a game. That includes it's SP and MP components. So if you ask if there are any other multiplayer games included with Half-Life 2 other than CS:S he would say no. That's because the Half-Life 2 multiplayer isn't seperate from the Half-Life 2 game.

I'm saying that I think CS:S is the only multiplayer we will get with with the release of HL2. In my opinion, making a distinction between game and component is just wishful thinking.

Between Cliffe's quote and what Gabe said in the e3 video it seems perfectly clear to me that CS:S is the only multiplayer.
Feath said:
Half-Life 2 is a game. That includes it's SP and MP components. So if you ask if there are any other multiplayer games included with Half-Life 2 other than CS:S he would say no. That's because the Half-Life 2 multiplayer isn't seperate from the Half-Life 2 game.

Pure semantics. That statement could be interpreted either way.

Bottom line: Nobody is going to know for certain until Valve gives a clear statement on the issue.

However, it strikes me as very odd that we've heard nothing about any HL2 MP after all this time. They've got about a month until HL2 ships, and there hasn't been a peep. If they don't announce something soon, I doubt they ever will. Nice surprise, my ass. Announcing the HL2 MP would cause more excitement, get more attention, and (if it's awesome enough) get some fence-sitters to pull out their wallet. If the game does indeed have a multiplayer aspect, then Valve certainly isn't going the right way with it.
Absinthe said:
Pure semantics. That statement could be interpreted either way.

Bottom line: Nobody is going to know for certain until Valve gives a clear statement on the issue.

However, I strike it as very odd that we've heard nothing about any HL2 MP after all this time. They've got about a month until HL2 ships, and there hasn't been a peep. If they don't announce something soon, I doubt they ever will. Nice surprise, my ass. Announcing the HL2 MP would cause more excitement, get more attention, and (if it's awesome enough) get some fence-sitters to pull out their wallet. If the game does indeed have a multiplayer aspect, then Valve certainly isn't going the right way with it.

Exactly. This is another reason that I think there is no other multiplayer. If they did have one, it could only help sales by telling us they had it. It would seem that keeping its existence a secret would only hurt sales. Now I'm not saying that they would tell us what it is. But I'm saying they would tell us just that they had it, if they did.