cs, only multi.

I don't think it was an intentional lie, but technically he DID lie. When you set a release date, then when you don't release the game then, it's lie.
But he had good reasons I suppose.
McFly said:

hey, ill even make a pool. If HL2 does not have its own multiplayer, ill buy you a copy.
Hey, you're on, man.

Joe (from Family Guy) voice: BRING IT ON!!!!
McFly said:

hey, ill even make a pool. If HL2 does not have its own multiplayer, ill buy you a copy.

I will take you up on that. I take cash, money order, or check.
poseyjmac said:
1. they are just delaying inevitable disapointment of hl2 fans so they stay interested and buy the game. or 2. they do have something

Yes, but number 1 just doesn't make sense. If you're a hl2 fan, by definition you're paying attention and will buy the game whether it has its own mp or not, so what use is it to jerk everyone along unless you have a surprise?

BTW, anyone sent an email about this recently?
I didn't really care one way or the other before, but with how hard some people are insisting there is a MP I'm going to have a good laugh if there isn't.:)
Question: Who is the right person to email about this? I want to work together to write an explicitly worded, no getting around the truth, question that Valve will have to answer.
i emailed a little less than week ago, but no answer. ill try again.
How can people STILL deny it. I've been saying it for months now, the fact that Valve wouldn't even give a "yes/no" answer when asked about Hl2's own MP mode was all you really needed to realize this. And yes, it's lame as hell. CS is cool and all, but it's CS. It's not HL2. It's not a team-based Resistance vs. Combine MP like I know alot of people wanted.

And I know a mod team can do it, but **** that. I wanted a stable, official MP mode.
i email valve from time to time asking, trying to think of clever ways to word it so they will reply. but never a reply. last one i think i said, please tell us if there isa hl2mp, the modding community needs to know so we can start working on a mod if there isn't. argh
Soundwave said:
And I know a mod team can do it, but **** that. I wanted a stable, official MP mode.

hey with the right talent, ideas from the community, and playtesting, it could turn out really good if not better.
poseyjmac said:
i email valve from time to time asking, trying to think of clever ways to word it so they will reply. but never a reply. last one i think i said, please tell us if there isa hl2mp, the modding community needs to know so we can start working on a mod if there isn't. argh
Hmm... So much for that.

Regardless, I'll be content with just a stellar single player. But it better be really good.
That would be nice if someone got a response back, sure would set some things straight. :smoking:
We should send an E-Mail asking:
"Will players like the HLMP if they don't enjoy CS?"
Eh... They probably wouldn't reply...
MetEoRA said:
We should send an E-Mail asking:
"Will players like the HLMP if they don't enjoy CS?"
Eh... They probably wouldn't reply...
Not a bad idea! It couldn't hurt.

Commence writing!
Are you going to do it? I would, but I don't know who to send it to or anything.
MetEoRA said:
Are you going to do it? I would, but I don't know who to send it to or anything.
Me either. Let a mod do it or something, for clarity and general respectability.
I am sure its just that it wasnt said clear and it just ment the only remake included. Valve arnt stupid enough to relese HL2 without a real multiplayer. CS:S is an old game people need something new. You would think valve would want to make some nice multiplayer mode instead of settling with an old mod that some people made for HL which they bought the rights to.
Soundwave said:
How can people STILL deny it. I've been saying it for months now, the fact that Valve wouldn't even give a "yes/no" answer when asked about Hl2's own MP mode was all you really needed to realize this. And yes, it's lame as hell. CS is cool and all, but it's CS. It's not HL2. It's not a team-based Resistance vs. Combine MP like I know alot of people wanted.

And I know a mod team can do it, but **** that. I wanted a stable, official MP mode.
And how is that proof that there isnt a hl2 mp? At E3 2k3 gabe said the mp was fun and he played it everyday, there was also a comment in the info thread by gabe or someone saying they would not reveal anything about it. When e3 2k4 rolled around and they showed Cs:s they said it begun production in january of '04, obviously at e3 2k3 he was refering to a different mp.

EDIT: also like someone said earlier, they said at first they were unsure of putting cs:s with hl2 sp/mp but then decided too later on. Plus they obviously had it set up back with the whole sp only, sp/mp only...etc. a year ago. There is a hl2 mp they just choose to keep quit about it.
Yes, but that different MP could have been scrapped. I sure hope it wasn't though...
MetEoRA said:
Yes, but that different MP could have been scrapped. I sure hope it wasn't though...
It could have but I highly doubt it, since like I said in my above edit they werent sure if they wanted to add cs:s with the sp/mp set up for hl2.
McFly said:
its all in the minds of the CS fanboys................
I'm a CS fanboy, but I still want MP badly.

You can't compare CS to HL:MP, simply because CS is set in the "real world" around terrorists and swat guys, it's a tactical game based around teamplay and missions with a set objective.

HL:MP is set in the HL2 world, and it's meant to compliment and tie into the SP game.

So I want both CS:S and HL2:MP but I would still settle for either :sleep:
Well, tactical it's what it set out to achieve, but all the haxxors and 12 yr olds ****ed it up.
I'm not a CS fanboy, in fact I strongly dislike CS. I'm just being realistic. From what we've seen it's looking like there will be no "real" multiplayer.
Feath said:
To all those people thinking that Valve are being especially secretive about whether Half-Life 2 will have its own multiplayer component: You have to look at it from Valve's point of view.

If someone came on and said "Can you jump in Half-Life 2? Gordon doesn't jump in any of the binks" you'd probably think he was a bit of an idiot. But Valve haven't come out and said "Yes, Gordon will be able to jump" or "No, he won't", not because it's a secret, but because they assume that people already know this.

Likewise, just because you need confirmation that Half-Life 2 has a seperate multiplayer component, doesn't mean yuo. As far as Valve is concerned, they don't feel that they are hiding anything. They'd probably be surprised that people are questioning whether there is one or not.

Feath, i hope u understand the difference between having the "jumping" feature in the game confirmed vs having an MP confirmed.

while there may be games out there without the jumping feature, the vast majority of them do have it...and generally isn't an issue really.

there are also games out there which don't have the MP component like Max Payne for example.. but in HL's case (its history) and HL2, gamers want confirmation either way because its not the same as asking for confirmation for that jumping feature :p
Not to mention people have straight up asked Gabe if HL2 had it's own seperate MP mode and the question has been ignored everytime.
iamaelephant said:
I'm not a CS fanboy, in fact I strongly dislike CS. I'm just being realistic. From what we've seen it's looking like there will be no "real" multiplayer.

Valve thought the comeback of cs with nice graphics and better physics might impress people out of their wits. Unfortunately, it didn't work - there are people who don't like cs and some who want something new.

Although cs:s is actually very good, I'd perfer an original and "as good as the SP" kind of a MP Gabe promised. If he was refering to cs:s, then he really has no idea what the community wanted.

Personally, I think valve should've let CS die (not reincarnated it again), and start a new MP fanbase (they could still continue with cs 1.6 and eventually people would get bored and leave it and get into the new MP) - and what better than TF2. Man, how I'd love valve if the MP component of HL2 was TF2...

Unfortunately, it won't. :(
Dr. Freeman said:
Feath, i hope u understand the difference between having the "jumping" feature in the game confirmed vs having an MP confirmed.

while there may be games out there without the jumping feature, the vast majority of them do have it...and generally isn't an issue really.

there are also games out there which don't have the MP component like Max Payne for example.. but in HL's case (its history) and HL2, gamers want confirmation either way because its not the same as asking for confirmation for that jumping feature :p

The point is that Valve won't come out and say that there is definately a Half-Life 2 multiplayer component because they don't think they have to. As far as they are concerned, a Half-Life 2 multiplayer component was confirmed long ago. And when they answer questions they don't feel the need to confirm that there definately is one. Cliffe was probably answering the question "Is there any other Source mods?" because from his point of view, there is no need to say "Half-Life 2 definately has its own multiplayer".

The jump thing was just an example of something Valve would assume you knew, but we had as little evidence of it as the multiplayer.
I see where you're coming from Feath, it does seem obvious after all. BUT they are being asked the question, and have been asked the question multiple times. Each time you either receive an answer that's as ambiguous as a fairground horoscope or, if it's asked in a fashion that would make a straight yes or no answer the only reasonable response it's ignored completely.

And frankly that makes no sense. Why not say "yeah HL2 has it's own multiplayer game" and be up front with it or "no, CS:S is the only multplayer component out of the box." There's no reason to dodge that question when it's asked directly and outright, as it has been frequently since this sort of discussion started to crop up, unless the answer is one you know will upset people. Even then I'd question whether it made sense from a PR perspective.
They have to release the code for a working multiplayer game in the SDK as a base for modders to start from, and you know they'd never release the source code for CS:S if they wanted to prevent cheaters. There has to be at least a simple DM mode, if not more. If Valve wants mods, they have to give the community something to mod.
Feath, do you honestly believe that Valve don't realise there is confusion about this? If it's such a given that HL2 has it's own MP component, why won't they just come out and say "Yes, there will be a MP component based in the Half Life universe, unfortunately we can not divulge any more information at this point"?

It just simply doesn't make sense for Valve to keep this a secret.
iamaelephant said:
Feath, do you honestly believe that Valve don't realise there is confusion about this? If it's such a given that HL2 has it's own MP component, why won't they just come out and say "Yes, there will be a MP component based in the Half Life universe, unfortunately we can not divulge any more information at this point"?

It just simply doesn't make sense for Valve to keep this a secret.

You'd be surprised. If you didn't read this forum you wouldn't know that there was any confusion. People always think Valve are hiding something when they aren't. I remember last year when people thought Half-Life 2 didn't have dynamic lighting because someone asked if it did and Gabe replied saying "I don't understand why people think Half-Life 2 won't have dynamic lighting".

A lot of people claimed he was avoiding the question and this was evidence that Half-Life 2 doesn't have Dynamic lighting.

A similar thing happened when someone asked if Widescreen mode was the only mode available. Gabe replied by saying "Yes, you can get Widescreen mode". Cue lots of "OMG, Half-Life 2 can only be played in Widescreen mode!!" posts. But what Gabe did was answer the wrong question, he thought the guy was asking if Half-Life 2 has a widescreen mode. This is an easy mistake to make because he probably gets so many e-mails, he skim reads them and he wasn't expecting a question like that.

This community does create a lot of confusion itself, and reads too much into everything Valve says.

EDIT: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=71944&postcount=185
Valve are probably dodging the question because they got somin special. I mean it would be nice to actually get some suprise when you get the game. Obviously they CS:S was kind of a make up for the large delay i mean if the game wasnt delayed for about a year it wouldnt even be with the game they could have kept it a suprise but it was used to bring back or bring more interest into HL2. I know what i would have thought if i found CS:S was with my HL2, i would have laughed and thought what it was doing there and then discarded it, dont want no crap taking my HD space up.

I believe Valve will want to leave something to suprise people with after the leak and what not its a good way to sell the game as well. You buy it and find there some cool thing in it like a cool MP mode you go tell your mates who wernt too bothered about the game then they thing wow and rush out and get it or dled it through steam.
I'm still sticking by my guess that HL2 WILL come with it's own MP mode. The reason is very simple:

Valve have said:"CS:S is the only Multiplayer game included with HL2."

Now, when someone asks whether HL2 will have it's own MP mode, Valve doesn't answer. Is it because they are tired of repeating it"


They don't answer because they have a MP mode and are keeping it secret so that when it comes out people will be like "HoOOORAYYY!!!! I'm gettin it NOW!!

But, if they Don't have an MP mode, then Valve can simply say "CS:S is the only MP PERIOD, like we've been trying to get across in the first place".

I mean if they really wanted to tell us this, they would. Trust me, this is not a halflif2.net issue. Lots of other forums are asking this same question. I think Valve LIKES having the question debated in the forums. Keeps people's minds on the game.

If they wait until the game is released to clear this confusion up, and there is NO HL2:MP, then people will get a bad taste in their mouth. It would be good for Valve to just come out and say it and say "the Community will come out with a MP game instead, sorry, we just didn't have time to make a MP game cause we spent so much of our time porting an old game like CS:S to source."
Something else. Here is a snippet from these same forums.

"From: Kees Voesenek [mailto:[email protected] om]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 5:16 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Deathmatch Classic

Hello there,
Will there be a Deathmatch Classic:Source?

That's the plan.

Never expected he would answer that..."

Well, I edited the post to put the answer in line with the rest of the post so it was not confusing.

Anyway, if Deathmatch Classic:Source is included with HL2, then how can CS:S be the ONLY MP Game? I think this helps to reinforce the concept that HL2:MP is not considered a MP Game, but a mode of play of HL2. This post seems to differentiate HL1 in that way.

If HL1:MP were considered a separate game, then CS:S could not be the only MP game included.

Ha... only if logic applies. Maybe i'm hoping too hard! I can only imagine MP with vehicles and manipulator. reminds me that I seem to remember a post talking about using the manipulator in DM....