cs:s How cool would this be!


Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
i was lookin through some posts today, and someone made a comment about some extras,
it got me thinkin... how cool would it be if they could make the game go through a day/night cycle!

i mean.. it gets a bit boring playin the same maps on cs, and there are certian points in the game where its obvious where people will camp, and ambush, but wouldnt those tactics change if the map fell into darkness, especially durin the gameplay.. sort of in real time, as in daylight.. dusk.. the darkness the back to dawn..

maybe im just barking a load of toot.. but wouldt it make the game more interesting and maybe turn the tide of the ct's whoopin the t's for so long lol

Well I definitely want to see something added for nightvision. It actually works in source, yet has no purpose whatsoever.
Night/Day cycles would be nice, but I doubt it will ever be implemented.
its far too complicated and, more to the point, a waste of time and money. wouldnt do anything for me anyway :E
I dont see how its too complicated like, but yeh ok.

Seems a great idea to me, and not too hard to implement it into the game.
$hafter said:
I dont see how its too complicated like, but yeh ok.

Seems a great idea to me, and not too hard to implement it into the game.

Yes, it's actually very hard to implement.

HL2's lighting is "baked" into the levels. To have a day/night cycle, you'd have to bake each level of light in the transition into the level. Bye bye memory! Hello 100mb+ map files!
If you want to play night/day levels go play Joint operations by novalogic. It is sweet but to have that feature the rounds would have to last at least half an hour and people would have to respawn. The reason CS is so popular is due to the fact that it is fast paced and has lots of action. The night/day wouldnt be a popular mod unless you had giant levels like bf1942 or jointops and were able to respawn over and over and had objectives such as capture the flag or king of the mountain style.
I think that the "cycles" should be done after let's say 3 or so rounds. (depends on the server). After 3 rounds it becomes darker, so there is no gradual light that whores memory.

Whether or not this would require multiple bsps is out of my head.
That's a different way to look at it. Get in touch with the mod community and give them some of your ideas.
Dude, this isn't an RPG, we don't need day and night, lol.

Make a seperate map for night time if you want. Although, night vision needs to be put to better use I admit.
ud need like like 4-6 diferent variations of the same map just with different lighting to do that!
The only way I can see this happening is custom maps.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Yes, it's actually very hard to implement.

HL2's lighting is "baked" into the levels. To have a day/night cycle, you'd have to bake each level of light in the transition into the level. Bye bye memory! Hello 100mb+ map files!
aren't you confusing it with HL1? I know the shawdows in that are permanent, but aren't HL2's dynamic? Like, if I moved the light source, in this case the sun, it would automatically cast shadows in the right way.

Don't personally think it would fit CS gameplay.. However, I am looking forwar to some night missions!
Johan_Tayn said:
aren't you confusing it with HL1? I know the shawdows in that are permanent, but aren't HL2's dynamic? Like, if I moved the light source, in this case the sun, it would automatically cast shadows in the right way.

Don't personally think it would fit CS gameplay.. However, I am looking forwar to some night missions!

Half-Life 2 is not dynamic lighting, however the Source engine supports it.
Sounds pretty.... exhausting, just for a few round of night-vision use.

Not that I wouldn't mind a few VALVe night time maps, with maybe moving clouds or something - They haven't made on to my knowledge... Yet.

Get in touch with the modding commune, like VodkA-HLC- said. they could help.

In the meantime, look here:
Night Dust
