Daily Sketch Thread

oooohhhh he looks ok. ive finished it now, but ill wait for the contest to open on sunday b4 showing any1.
I Know What It Needs.... Toilet Roll Tubes!!!! Yay!!!
no, that would just make him look stupid. not that he looks stupid now or anything.....
What are you making the box-suit with?

Edit: I drew this for the contest, but I think I'll enter another one instead.
He's making it with photoshop, the b*stard. Which I still don't have and due to circumstance beyond my control do not have.
Mechagodzilla said:
What are you making the box-suit with?

Edit: I drew this for the contest, but I think I'll enter another one instead.

Don't forget, you can have 2 entries :)
photoshop is c00l. when cutting out objects from a pic, u can cut with straight lines, unlike paint. simple but good... ive finished mine now. im just waiting for the comp to open...
tim8604 said:
Don't forget, you can have 2 entries :)

It's really more an issue of interestingness. It's a bit bland in the sketch-form. Maybe the colour will help, but who knows.

Also, suicide, could have sworn that the boxes were 3d models. That's some quality 'shopping.
LOL... i just went on mamma.com and clicked "search for images" and typed in cardboard box. i CAREFULLY cut them out on photoshop, CAREFULLY put them together and HAPHAZARDLY sketched on some random squiggles. I have now added gordon and two paper tubes, but no peeking.

p.s. dont think i did little work, as it took ages to cut the images out and stick em down, seeing as photoshop is only slightly better than paint. It uses up a lot of memory. i WOULD notice but my pc is too 0wnage.
lolage..... er... what does he do?
make him do a backflip for the circus!
lol, Greenasaurus looks like my friend named Ike. No kidding.
Suicide42 said:
lolage..... er... what does he do?
make him do a backflip for the circus!

Greenasaurus can't do a backflip, bone structure you see.
i love that, to drive a person crazy, just give him a pandora's box type thing. "push this and something horrible will happen, dont push it and youll never find out what and your curiousity will drive you nuts for the rest of your life (Mwahahaha! if youre in the mood for an evil laugh)"
Hey alot of you guys look like rly good artists. NE of you looking for mod positions for concepts?
RRAAWWWWWWWRR!!!! looked better and more colorful as a bmp :/
This is my first concept art I've ever made. Please rate it 0-10? :)
Could I get there with practise or am I an impossible case? Please be honest :)
z2k, read some anatomy books...has helped me a lot.
also, practice on the head.

If i had to act a judge, from a gamin company i would rate i 1-2 ...but no it aint all that bad, you just need some practice..suddently it will be a lot easier, to make something look nice...Not that i have gotten that far either, but im working on it :)
Nostradamus, thanks for the comments. :)
About the anatomy, I will try to look into it.
Might get back here later for more comment hunting ;)
Z2k ur pic looks like an action figure.. Fully posable in 37 different groin positions!
Allright guys, I really like the idea of this thread, I'll just have to contribute...

Two pics, one colo(u)red and one sketch. I just got my wacom graphire 3 yesterday (WOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1111!!) and these were my first two pieces. I'm still not used to it.. but I'm getting there.

so enjoy (?) ! :bounce:
ive never used a wacom, so i dont know how hard it is but i have to admit those drawings are pretty good for a first try. I like snubble myself ;)
Thx for the kind words suicide..

But it's "snubbe"... :p
I was too lazy to translate the names from swedish..
"Snubbe" means dude, and "ansikte" means face...

That's all for todays lesson... I'll put some more sketches up when I make 'em.
The main things that look odd are his right arm and his head. Otherwise, The rest is fine. Especially for a first try.
You can actually draw legs and torsos a crapload better than I can.
It would look better inked or coloured too, but then it wouldn't be in the sketch thread, now would it?

Anyway, here's:
I have no idea how this happened. This is pretty much way beyond my usual skills. I guess I must blame my Graphire 3, which i got two days ago now. I didn't know they actually improved your drawing... It took me like 1 1/2 - 2 hrs, so the quality was consistent all the time.

This is a very crazy "Cyborgfreak". :borg: Quite original name right?
I kind of pictured some artwork from Doom 1, and this is what came out. it does look a lot better in 1920 * 1080, but whatchagonnado?

Well here it is. Here's hoping I can color it (non-crappy) too..

ps. 97.1 KB... Take that, 100KB limit ! I know my compressing.. :P
Great!! Subliminal messages do work then!

thx a bunch for comments.. I guess the head stands out, it was the first thing I did, and I imagined a more cartoony guy from the beginning so there's no shading on the head or anything.

The coloring is going all to hell though, but I'll see what I can do, and if it improves I'll show you........