Dark Souls Official Announcement trailer (Demon's Souls 2)

Oh yeah, **** that place too. You can take a shortcut to the Four Kings fog door if you drop down by the first set of stairs after the bridge where the ghosts appear. Then just run like hell past the Darkwraights and book it down to the Abyss before the ghosts catch up with you.

But uh, yeah, you can't summon people or be summoned this way, which is kind of a pain.
I know I'm a little late to the party but....
I ****ing love this game! So glad I decided to pick it up instead of Skyrim
Having played Demon's Souls, I figured I would have a bit of an advantage going in, and perhaps it would end up being too easy for me....
I was so wrong. And I'm so glad that I was cause the difficulty, as we all know, is what makes this game so satisfying.

Anyone still playing?
Anyone feel like a bit of jolly cooperation over Xbox Live sometime?
I know I'm a little late to the party but....
I ****ing love this game! So glad I decided to pick it up instead of Skyrim
Having played Demon's Souls, I figured I would have a bit of an advantage going in, and perhaps it would end up being too easy for me....
I was so wrong. And I'm so glad that I was cause the difficulty, as we all know, is what makes this game so satisfying.

Anyone still playing?
Anyone feel like a bit of jolly cooperation over Xbox Live sometime?

I'd be up for it, just rang the first bell and really don't know what to do to not get raped by six different bosses.
Man, I wish I could continue playing this game, but my Xbox RROD'd so I'm stuck until I get that fixed (not that I wasn't stuck before that anyways :p)
Last time I booted this up on my NG+ I lost 300,000 souls on that ****ing ****ing ****ing bit at Anor Londo. You know the one. I was saving them to buy a shitload of twinkling titanite from the giant blacksmith right after that. Whoops!

So yeah, I'm taking a break for a while so I don't break stuff.
How the hell do you kill the first dragon in Undead Burg? They patched the game so I can't spam arrows from under the bridge. Thinking about unpatching it and just playing offline.
I saw one guy cut off his tail by luring him onto the bridge and attacking it at just the right moment when he landed. He was able to get it right at the start of the game, just by using some lightning dust on his weapon. I've tried to replicate it but haven't had any success. :P

As for killing him, you'd probably have to outlevel him so the fire doesn't insta-kill you, but the souls probably wouldn't be worth it by then.
Got the Drake Sword but I can't figure out a way to attack him yet, though his fire doesn't insta-kill me. Sucks having a boss in each direction I need to go.

Except New Londo Ruins. But **** ghosts.
Which bosses? I can tell you which one will **** you up the least, if you want. :B
Which bosses? I can tell you which one will **** you up the least, if you want. :B

Havel the Rock - He insta-kills me
Wyvern - **** da dragon
The Capra Demon - To chaotic in his little room

Skeletons I'm too weak to fight, ghosts are one hit kills but last time I went into a room with a bunch of jars and they swarmed me. Also, the Titanite Demon in the Undead Parish keeps ****ing me over.
Havel and the Wyvern are both optional and pretty tough. Havel is the easier of the two, but I'd still advise you hold off on him unless you feel like cheesing him with pyromancy or something. He drops an awesome ring, especially for heavy armor users. The Wyvern drops a bunch of souls, but there's not much point to beating him where you're at. Your first call should be Capra, as that's how you'll gain access to the next area you want to go. Use the stairs to funnel the dogs so you're not fighting all three at once, once they're dead he's not particularly difficult. Your main enemy is the tiny space they give you to fight him in, so try to familiarise yourself with his attacks to the point where you can dodge past him if he gets you against a wall. Then it's just like any other boss fight - learn how to block or avoid their attacks, and know your openings.
Havel is a piece of cake... just lead him up the spiral staircase.
Learn his attack patterns (he is very slow), avoid attacks and when there's an opening, attack once and back off.

Capra demon will quite often glitch out and not track you properly if you make it up the stairs and use ranged combat... especially in co-op.
If you can, lead him below the ledge and do falling attacks for massive damage, much like the Taurus demon.
Tried the Capra Demon but he slaughtered me within 3 seconds of walking in. Killed the Titanite Demon though so I may explore behind him until I run into another unkillable beast.

Edit: Managed to run past the Wyvern which made him fly away. Not sure if it'll return.
It will.

One of the areas beyond that titanite demon has the ember you need to make holy weapons, if you feel brave enough to try the Catacombs at that point in the game.
Made it through the Darkroot Basin back to Undead Burg and saw the Hydra, but not much else. Unless said ember is in the Darkroot Garden or beyond the Hydra?
Heh, managed to dodge Havel and sneak out the back door, killed four crystal Golems and ran around the Hydra. Climbed a ladder and ran past the cats (I could totally kill them if I had enough arrows) and found the Stone Armor. Is there a Covenent around here, some sign said there was but the only human around attacked and killed me with ease?
Heh, managed to dodge Havel and sneak out the back door, killed four crystal Golems and ran around the Hydra. Climbed a ladder and ran past the cats (I could totally kill them if I had enough arrows) and found the Stone Armor. Is there a Covenent around here, some sign said there was but the only human around attacked and killed me with ease?

ya the Forest bros...
between the giant cats and the entrance to the forest that's opened with a seal is what's left of a stone building of some kind... in there you'll find a smaller cat perched on a windowsill... that's the leader of the covenant
before talking to her, make sure that you want to join, otherwise leave it for later... the reason being, if you choose "NO" to her questions, you will not be given another chance to join unless the spend the souls to absolve your sins
Havel is just a pain in my god damn ass. I was doing quite well, had him 3/4 dead when I dodged the wrong way and got one-hit-killed. I have never screamed obscenities so loud. Got the Ring of the Wolf though, which seems nice, and I'm killing Ents, Frog-Rays and Skeletons with 2-3 hits. I need about 8000 souls to level up again, so it's starting to feel like I should be able to kill another boss. Might try the Giant Cats or the Hydra unless you guys would say there's an easier boss to go after?
have you done the Butteryfly in darkroot garden? it's quite easy if you summon the witch to aid you
Nope, only saw her once but I was hollow and had no arrows. Didn't know there was a witch to summon. Guess I'll try that, thanks.

EDIT: Killed the Butterfly with ease, leveled twice, Havel still one hits me and the Hydra won't stop spamming the water attack. Taking a break for a few days because my butt is very mad.
Heh, don't really like double posting but I wanna bump this thread to ask for some advice.

As of tonight I've killed Sif the Wolf, Darkroot Basin Hydra, the Giant Cats, the Gaping Dragon (in the Depths), the Undead Dragon in the Valley of Drakes, and Pinwheel from the Catacombs. Basically I'm not sure where I should be going next. I know I have to kill Quelaag but that means a trip to Blighttown that I am not ready for (though I did kill a ton of toxic dart shooters in the rear entrance). I also have to kill the Four Kings in the Abyss but I don't have enough Transient Curses to get through New Londo Ruins. However there is that pathway behind the tombstone Pinwheel was in that's illuminated by those strange orbs. Should I take my chances and follow that path or make Quelaag the next priority?

Edit: Watched some gameplay of the Four Kings and Gravelord Nito. Neither seem really tough to beat, both players were lower level then I am currently.
I know I have to kill Quelaag but that means a trip to Blighttown that I am not ready for (though I did kill a ton of toxic dart shooters in the rear entrance).

Yeah you are. I beat Blighttown and Quelaag before I did most of the bosses you just mentioned. BT is a giant pain in the ass but that has nothing to do with what level you are when you resign yourself to dredging through it. :P

I also have to kill the Four Kings in the Abyss but I don't have enough Transient Curses to get through New Londo Ruins.

You won't be able to unlock the lower half to get to the fight until you have the New Londo key. The guy who has it won't give it to you until you have the Lordvessel or you kill him. Killing him is inadvisable for a first playthrough unless you absolutely know what you're doing. Otherwise, you won't get the Lordvessel until you can get to Anor Londo, which is through Sen's Fortress, which you unlock by beating Blighttown. Does that make your path much more clear? ;)

Oh and also, the ghosts drop transient curses at a fairly decent rate.

However there is that pathway behind the tombstone Pinwheel was in that's illuminated by those strange orbs. Should I take my chances and follow that path




Nope. Do not under any circumstances do Giant's Tomb until you find an item that generates light. There are a few in the game, if you can't find any by the time you want to do it then post again.

Seriously, do Quelaag. If you absolutely don't want to do BT and you have the master key (which it sounds like you do), go through the back entrance and straight down. However, you'd be missing out on a bunch of items, and more importantly, an entire area on your first playthrough. It can be grueling, but it's not particularly long.
Yeah you are. I beat Blighttown and Quelaag before I did most of the bosses you just mentioned. BT is a giant pain in the ass but that has nothing to do with what level you are when you resign yourself to dredging through it. :P

You won't be able to unlock the lower half to get to the fight until you have the New Londo key. The guy who has it won't give it to you until you have the Lordvessel or you kill him. Killing him is inadvisable for a first playthrough unless you absolutely know what you're doing. Otherwise, you won't get the Lordvessel until you can get to Anor Londo, which is through Sen's Fortress, which you unlock by beating Blighttown. Does that make your path much more clear? ;)

Oh and also, the ghosts drop transient curses at a fairly decent rate.




Nope. Do not under any circumstances do Giant's Tomb until you find an item that generates light. There are a few in the game, if you can't find any by the time you want to do it then post again.

Seriously, do Quelaag. If you absolutely don't want to do BT and you have the master key (which it sounds like you do), go through the back entrance and straight down. However, you'd be missing out on a bunch of items, and more importantly, an entire area on your first playthrough. It can be grueling, but it's not particularly long.

Well I have a skull lantern from a necromancer in the Catacombs, but I still do need to do Quelaag, which means Blighttown, at some point (IE Right now). I just wish those frog things weren't on the way to the front door, it'd make getting into Blighttown that much easier, instead I'm stucking going the back way :/

Edit: Quelaag is dead. The back route into Blighttown (through the Valley of Drakes) makes everything SO easy.

Edit 2: Is there a better light source then a skull lantern? Felt ballsy after Quelaag so I went to the tomb of the giants but that light is no bueno.
Has no one posted about the petition that has gained some serious ground to get it ported to the PC because a Namco Bandai staff member said the following on their forums:

"There is always possibilities to have games adapted on PC and the good news is that Dark Souls is not a 100% typical Console game so the adaptation is possible.
Now to make things happen, let's say the demand has to be properly done. someone to make a successful petition?"


"You are right about petition in a way: when the number of people who actually sign it is low, this turn as a joke. But when it starts to involve thousand(s) people, then it's another story.
Also, petition are not the only way to make a rightful request heard: facebook, youtube comments, twitter are great tools to just do that."

It currently has over 55,000 signatures. Hopefully this means the ball might actually be rolling this time!


Everyone sign that shit!!!
Signed it, would love to have more discussion with some of the PC gamers here.
Signed. I'd probably buy it again if it was a decent port and they tidied up the online shit. Part of the reason I stopped playing (besides being soul raped by Anor Londo) was because it feels a bit shallower without the online component, even as dysfunctional as it was, and I can't really justify an XBL sub for just that.

Edit 2: Is there a better light source then a skull lantern? Felt ballsy after Quelaag so I went to the tomb of the giants but that light is no bueno.

Yes, much later in the game. Let me know when you're up to Lost Izalith. :P
signed it a few days back
pretty surprised at how many signatures it got within the first 48 hours
even if they don't port Dark Souls, hopefully they will consider it for the next game in the series

anyway, been doing some PVP in the "forest" aka Darkroot Garden in NG+
tons of fun, especially when you summon a buddy and go 2v1, 2v2 etc

question to anyone with Darkmoon experience... if I make my way to Anor Londo and piss off Gwyn and the Darkmoon, and then make my way back to the forest for PVP, will the DM covenant be able to invade me there too?
I just ask because it would be awesome to have the potential to be invaded by black phantoms (random invaders), the forest hunters AND the darkmoon bros
lotta action!
Bah, made it to Anor Londo and went exploring (not a particularly hard area) but I kinda went into the Painted World and now I've hit a wall. It's not like the enemies are HARD per say, it's just REALLY easy to get overwhelmed. Especially when the raven things come out.

Edit: nevermind I feel like a scrub for thinking that was hard. Dunno why I needed the peculiar doll though.
Did you read the item description on the peculiar doll? Mostly just a bit of lore fluff, but it's kind of strange that it ends up in your cell like that (even though you wouldn't have been the sole occupant).

Anyway, let me know if you still think Anor Londo is a cakewalk once you've tried to get a bit further in. :)
Did you read the item description on the peculiar doll? Mostly just a bit of lore fluff, but it's kind of strange that it ends up in your cell like that (even though you wouldn't have been the sole occupant).

Anyway, let me know if you still think Anor Londo is a cakewalk once you've tried to get a bit further in. :)

I don't anymore. There's some kind of archer that shoots giant arrows (like the archers in the Tomb of Giants) that push me backwards, and being on the worlds most narrow pillars, just don't work out well. Dunno how I'll get past them. But I will. :)
"Forest of Darkness"? I like it already.

Badhat, it'll most likely be just another area branching off of the main game.
Yes, much later in the game. Let me know when you're up to Lost Izalith. :P

I'm up to Lost Izalith.

Dunno which of the four bosses I wanna take on first, pretty much breezed through Anor Londo and everything up to LI. I dunno where to go in there though.
Alright, there's an enemy who drops a light source in the tunnel that goes along the left side of the horrible lava pit place in Izalith. Gotta get up there first, though. :)