Dark Souls Official Announcement trailer (Demon's Souls 2)

I returned to my faith build. High Endurance, Health and Faith. Up to Okami boss and good grief is it easy spare one attack that hits twice. I found some really high defence stone armour if anyone wants me to spoil the location.

It died, so sad.
I ordered the guide from Amazon last week (when it popped back in stock) on the recommendations of some on the gamefaqs ps3 board, and it arrived today. Only flipped through it for a few minutes, but it is ****ing awesome. A ~380 page hardbound book, chock full of charts, maps, screenshots and goodness. It looks like a college engineering textbook. And only $14 or so from Amazon.

I am teh suck at the Souls games, but I am loving this experience so far. The only thing that holds it back is the wonky p2p online system, as opposed to the dedicated servers of Demon's Souls.
Why, WHYYYYYY did I have to try and venture into the Tomb of Giants right after defeating that boss? 11k down the toilet. Not a huge amount but still enough for a level and then some where I'm at.

I need to stop playing this for hours on end, I always get way too cocksure after a while. :v
I ordered the guide from Amazon last week (when it popped back in stock) on the recommendations of some on the gamefaqs ps3 board, and it arrived today. Only flipped through it for a few minutes, but it is ****ing awesome. A ~380 page hardbound book, chock full of charts, maps, screenshots and goodness. It looks like a college engineering textbook. And only $14 or so from Amazon.

Apparently the guide is wrong in some things.

Honestly you would have been better off waiting for the wiki to get seriously updated.
Damn, I'm reeeaally interested in these games and I think I should get into the series. Which one do you recommend to be played first, Demon's or Dark?
Damn, I'm reeeaally interested in these games and I think I should get into the series. Which one do you recommend to be played first, Demon's or Dark?
The good news is you can't go wrong with either. The bad news is you will lose hundreds of hours of your life to each. Mind you, they will be some of the most amazing and incredible and seriously aggravating hours you have ever spent, so forewarned is forearmed to some extent. I would go with Demon's Souls first just because that is the natural progression that many of us have experienced. Plus, once you are done with that many of the niggling issues with Dark Souls should be cleared up and more people will be playing and online will not be quite as troublesome for folks. Good luck!!! I hope to have some of my gravelords killing you soon! :P
Guide to farming souls. When you see you cannot unsee.

I never needed to farm anything.

You guys are scrubs.

Now using the furysword +2, lifehunt scythe, and a lightning iaito +2.
I just beat the game, and am currently grinding my way through NG+. It's incredible how ****ing huge the game world is. Just when you think they can't introduce a new area, you find out theres a whole cavern/hellscape/catacombs/ or some gigantic underground lake. Even the painted world which was completely optional was pretty huge. I went with a sorcery build, and just pumped intelligence, attunement, vit, and endurance, and a few points into strength to be able to wield a decent melee weapon when the game needed me to do so. By the time you get to Sen's Fortress and free Big Hat Logan you've pretty much beat the game. Soul Spear, and Homing Soul missle or whatever the hell its called do ridiculous amounts of damage.
By the time you get to Sen's Fortress and free Big Hat Logan you've pretty much beat the game. Soul Spear, and Homing Soul missle or whatever the hell its called do ridiculous amounts of damage.

Pfff, not for me. I beat Sens Fortress, (which was fun), then I get to Anor Londo and those giant knights rape my ass. It's very difficult playing as a thief with a dagger, I depend too much on backstabs and critical hits. :(

Painted World was cool though even though they trap you in it until you beat the level.
I just got to Sen's Fortress and MAN is it tough. Got some great equipment this evening though so hopefully I will be able to progress through it with fewer uttered curses than Blightown caused me to YELL AT MY TV.
Sen's isn't bad at all. I actually had a lot of fun with it, it's clever and by the end you realize just how well put together the whole place is.

Painted world was similarly neat, and I got a sweet scythe out of that deal too.

And Adrik- yeah, in the Souls game magic has always been OP. That's why I tend to prefer to run no-magic.
Had a guy invade me in the forest and try to spam soul arrow.
Tl;dr he took 1300 points or so of scythe bleed damage.
Just finished Sen's. Besides an early couple deaths which cost me another 10k it wasn't so bad. Lightning Spear rips up, got it to +3 immediately and took down the golem in a few tries. Now I'm in Anor Londo and completely stuck, heh. Maybe I should backtrack a little and do those bosses I tried so hard to ignore...
Yeah I've been using lightning spear +5. It's pretty amazing since it attacks so fast. Too bad it doesn't scale with any stats or it would be ever better.

Just killed the four kings and am starting to make my way down the tomb of the giants. Made it really far without finding a bonfire and died. I quit since I didn't feel like doing it all over again.
Tomb of Giants seems insane. Is there any way to see in that ****ing place?
Guh, hit another wall, tried branching out into a few different areas and they're all terrifying. I'd continue through Anor Londo but those ****ing black knight archers... oh god.


Guh, hit another wall, tried branching out into a few different areas and they're all terrifying. I'd continue through Anor Londo but those ****ing black knight archers... oh god.

Those aren't black knights.

Those aren't black knights.

Yeah, this is what made me put it away for the day. I'll probably try again tonight but that shit is TOUGH--tiny walkways, pincer attack by HUGE silver knights and if you get close to one he pulls a huge sword while the other shoots you in the back with his HUGE arrows. UGH.
Demons Souls has always really interested me but I could never pick it up due to the lack of PS3 in my house. Dark Souls is looking awesome, so I'm going to probably pick this up next week. For fun I'm going to try seeing how long it takes me to die without looking at the wiki or walkthroughs...
Be sure to post how you lose your Dark Souls cherry, I for one would be interested to know. :P

Oh god, I finally made it past those silver knight archers. Dashed up to the right one, got right in his face so the other one couldn't get line of sight on me, then knocked that ****er off with a few force miracles. Felt like a boss. Section after that (spoilers) is a huge relief, even with all the knights around, they're much easier to go toe to toe with. Managed to clear it out pretty quickly, found the giant blacksmith (currently upgrading some crappy shield to turn into the Moonlit Butterfly's unique), tried my hand at the area bosses (fuuuuuck that), then went and paid Lautrec a visit and restored the Firelink keeper.

Progress is fun.~
As tough as the black and silver knights seem, as in Demon's Souls, every thing in the game has a huge weakness.

''Oh no, he couldn't make that swing more obvious that it's coming and could kill me in one hit...I'll just uh, step back a pace or two *wham* and jump forward *slice slice slice*, roll back and continue this little dance. Oh he's swinging from his right horizontally, so now I know he's going to swing left to right in the same way, and then finish off with a forward slam, so I wont go anywhere near him until he slams the ground and I know he's completely open, because if I hit him before, I dont interrupt his animation.''

Unfortunately you have to die to learn the animations sometimes.

Oh and ***k Blighttown. Grinding the slugs down there SUCKS. Hate poison, hate the darkness, hate the low fps, hate Blighttown.

Surprised at how easy some of the bigger bosses are. That Gaping Dragon was lol. Takes up a full screen yet couldnt hit you if it tried. Reminded me of the Dragon God in Demon's Souls. One hit kills but super slow.

One thing that's bugging me though is the fact that I have to keep referring to the wiki pages. I want to know what this soul does from a boss, so look it up and it says I need to upgrade x-shield to 10 or whatever and then use the soul to create a unique shield. Or the soul can be used to create a sword/armour, which makes me rage as it means you have to replay it to get the platinum. But I want that platinum....Ahhh memories, how you have pulled me back in to the grind.
Yeah, I told myself I'd stay away from wikis/walkthroughs my first time through, but it's just about impossible to do without lots of guesswork and frustration. I'd have probably messed up my weapon upgrades something awful by now if I hadn't looked into it.

Very true about getting used to the enemies' animations. The silver knights become a hell of a lot easier once you figure out when it's safe to parry. The spear-wielding ones are a little more unpredictable than the sword-wielding ones, though. Also about grinding slugs for ore - the swamp becomes a bit less annoying once you have a certain set of armour from the area just beyond Blighttown. Specifically:

just past the first fog door in Demon Ruins. There's a boss there, but he's
big, slow and easy. :P

Edit: Oh hey, just realised I hadn't mentioned it here. Old news by now but there's a patch incoming, meant to be up before the end of the month, that addresses a few things people are concerned about. Namely, they're going to try and improve matchmaking, and are doing things like widening the level gap between players that can summon/invade one another. The other big thing is that they're taking another look at elemental damage and stat scaling, so those non-elemental weapons might be worth a shit now. Besides that there's a bunch of little fixes, mostly stuff like changing items and abilities that people use to cheese pvp - things like the fog ring and that slowing miracle.

Speaking of matchmaking, I can't speak for people on PS3, but if you're playing on Xbox then make sure you have an open NAT. Go to your network settings from the dashboard and test your XBL connection. If it displays an error about having low or moderate NAT at the end, you probably need to mess with some router settings or forward some ports to get it working properly. The error dialog directs you to this page: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live/troubleshoot/connection-issues/connect-xbox-live
Don't think I've died to silver knights once actually, besides some very unfun pvp shenanigans I don't want to go into.

They're just so easy to backstab.
Can't wait to play this game, I'll get this game next Friday on my birthday :D
Be sure to post how you lose your Dark Souls cherry, I for one would be interested to know. :P

Heh, I'll be sure to post it, though it will likely be to some low level grunt right at the start of the game.

Also, Dandan my birthday is next saturday! :D
Don't think I've died to silver knights once actually, besides some very unfun pvp shenanigans I don't want to go into.

They're just so easy to backstab.

Hmm, really? Maybe your character is quicker than mine, I'm sticking with relatively heavy armour and going with the medium (<50%) speed. I circle around them constantly and can never quite get in a backstab. No worries though, parries are pretty easy now.

Speaking of which, anyone else get the crit ring from that one boss area? Try it out some time, you might be surprised at what it actually does to your parries/backstabs. :D
Forest hunter covenant is useless. Whenever it makes me invade another player, the player is either in a completely different league with higher level than my character with better equipment or using a god damn fog ring.

I especially hate the fog ring abusers.

My character has shitty vitality stat, most of time I die from two hits. Not to mention, a shitty weapon that only does less than 100 dmg when I hit them.
Just joined the Forest Hunters so I could grab a fog ring and then betray them for a wood grain ring. :cool:

Like I said though, the patch notes mentioned something about the fog ring changing, so with any luck it won't be so cheesy... whenever the patch shows up.
Just joined the Forest Hunters so I could grab a fog ring and then betray them for a wood grain ring. :cool:

Like I said though, the patch notes mentioned something about the fog ring changing, so with any luck it won't be so cheesy... whenever the patch shows up.

Change is you can now target people with it.
Quick question about this game. I know its got the "always online" features, but I dont have a Xbox Live Gold membership anymore. Will I still have access to features like bloodstains and tips? Or are all of those features restricted for Gold members? I have a Silver membership so its not a problem of internet access.
99% sure you won't. :(

Kind of lame, but I had some trial cards saved up, so hey.
Damn thats too bad, though I read up on it and you can have the AI either join you in co-op or invade your game randomly. Thats good enough for me cause I know none of my friends will buy this game anyways. Sucks that I wont be able to see how other people died though...
Damn thats too bad, though I read up on it and you can have the AI either join you in co-op or invade your game randomly. Thats good enough for me cause I know none of my friends will buy this game anyways. Sucks that I wont be able to see how other people died though...

That's somewhat situational depending on the area, and there are a few prerequisites sometimes. Basically, make sure you're in human form as often as possible. The AI phantoms only invade you in specific sections of a few areas and if you're hollow you could well miss them (they don't reappear after you've killed the area boss). A couple of them both invade you and then can be summoned for help later, which... yeah idunno. Also, at least one will only help you later if you summon them when they're first available:

Some witch NPC who can be summoned to help with the Moonlit Butterfly fight. Her sigil is hidden under the stairs somewhere before you go up. It'll reappear by one or more boss fights later, but only if you summoned her in this fight first.
Mostly though it's characters you'll meet as regular NPCs and then they show up as summons before most bosses. They behave a lot differently to summoned players, both in the obvious AI derpiness, and also how their health works. A summoned player will have their regular HP/protection, but won't be able to heal themselves with flasks (miracles work though). The only way for them to benefit from flasks is if the host player uses theirs, it heals them and all their summoned phantoms. AI phantoms on the other hand can't be healed at all, but they have a massive HP bar to make up for it. They kind of behave like mindless tanks, and are really more of a distraction than anything. But hey, much of the time that's all you need.

If it's any further comfort, even friends who can connect are having trouble teaming up. There's some server weirdness that makes it difficult for you to see a specific person's summon sigil, which is exacerbated by things like level range limits and covenants. If you're just after a random player for some help you shouldn't have any problems, but trying to join up with a friend seems pretty difficult.

In other news: finally beat O&S and got the vessel. Hoo-****ing-ray for warping!~
I just finished the Painted World of Arimais and wow was that fun and frustrating, much like the rest of the game I guess. The only thing I failed to do was get that bitch's tail. I've gotten everyone else's which which makes this annoying, but I just wanted to hack her to pieces so wasted little time. I think I am going to upgrade my weapons so more before trying to get through the rest of Anor Londo. I really need to farm some demon titanite though before I do that. Sen's maybe? I'll see what I feel like. I still need to kill Sif too. Man, I love having so many options in this game!!
Can't farm it really.
Well I've heard that the titanite demon in Lost Izalith does respawn so I will try that once the way is open, but yeah, I don't think I can do that now. Some twinkling titanite would be nice as well and I think there are a few places to try for this.
I just finished the Painted World of Arimais and wow was that fun and frustrating, much like the rest of the game I guess. The only thing I failed to do was get that bitch's tail. I've gotten everyone else's which which makes this annoying, but I just wanted to hack her to pieces so wasted little time. I think I am going to upgrade my weapons so more before trying to get through the rest of Anor Londo. I really need to farm some demon titanite though before I do that. Sen's maybe? I'll see what I feel like. I still need to kill Sif too. Man, I love having so many options in this game!!

Her tail is just a dagger. Has a really nice bleed stat, but it's still a dagger. :P

There are four titanite demons in the Sen's basement. First two are easy enough and can be fought separately, second two are tougher and much harder to separate. Haven't figured out an easy way to get them yet. Oh well, don't have a boss weapon I actually want to upgrade yet. Got the Demon's Spear from Shiva of the East, which classifies as a boss weapon somehow (it's that big gnarly bony thing the white gargoyles use in Anor Londo), but I wiki'd it and at +5 the damage doesn't stack up to a +5 lightning spear at all, even though it has both lightning damage and stat scaling from str/dex. Really holding out on that patch to do something about weapon scaling, because elemental weapons are really the be-all-end-all at the moment and I'd like for interesting weapons like this to actually be competitive. :(