Dark Souls Official Announcement trailer (Demon's Souls 2)

Her tail is just a dagger. Has a really nice bleed stat, but it's still a dagger. :P

And daggers are awesome if you can parry. Their crit damage is insane.

Also, scaling outdoes elemental damage at higher level, insanely.
Hahaha, **** Four Kings. Got summoned to a couple other games for practice and helped some people beat theirs, didn't have any trouble. Just cast iron flesh and hammered on them two-handed. Came back in human form and summoned two decked-out phantoms to help me and got trounced. What the **** happened?! Got 50k souls sitting down in the abyss, no way I can give up now...
Hahaha, **** Four Kings. Got summoned to a couple other games for practice and helped some people beat theirs, didn't have any trouble. Just cast iron flesh and hammered on them two-handed. Came back in human form and summoned two decked-out phantoms to help me and got trounced. What the **** happened?! Got 50k souls sitting down in the abyss, no way I can give up now...

That fight was all kinds of ridiculous. Didn't have Iron flesh so i just went in there and wailed on them without even trying to block, healing as needed. Beat them with a sliver of health and no estus. :)

Now I'm trying to parry the final boss, without actually parrying an enemy since those knights from undead parish.
Man, that hawk girl at the undead asylum really hooked me up!! You can trade shit like moss for demon titanite!! Of course, you only get one trade per item, but still, got me some twinkling titanite and demon titanite and a nice chunk too. GOOD times.

Just beat Sif finally too, along with Ceaseless Discharge and Pinwheel (<--easiest boss ever?). Still very satisfying. But **** the Tomb of Giants. I think I'll finish Anor Londo before messing with that awful area. At least the framerate is better than Blightown so my deaths will not be due to a technical flaw. :)

There are four titanite demons in the Sen's basement. First two are easy enough and can be fought separately, second two are tougher and much harder to separate. Haven't figured out an easy way to get them yet. Oh well, don't have a boss weapon I actually want to upgrade yet. Got the Demon's Spear from Shiva of the East, which classifies as a boss weapon somehow (it's that big gnarly bony thing the white gargoyles use in Anor Londo), but I wiki'd it and at +5 the damage doesn't stack up to a +5 lightning spear at all, even though it has both lightning damage and stat scaling from str/dex. Really holding out on that patch to do something about weapon scaling, because elemental weapons are really the be-all-end-all at the moment and I'd like for interesting weapons like this to actually be competitive. :(
Yeah, I have now killed the first two and will be trying the next two in a little while, but you are right that it is tough with them in the same big room. I got a demon spear drop from one of those gargoyles in Anor Londo, but it is still not as good as my lightning spear, so yeah, I agree with you about the scaling, though maybe if I get it up to +5 my 50 STR will kick it up a notch? Guess we'll see. :)
Isnt Pinwheel in the painted land?

Jesus, those bloody rolling skeletons in the tunnels, ARGH! Impossible!

If they get you in the corridor, you can block them as they keep rolling and drain your stamina while blocking, then nail you as your shield gets flung to your side.
Pinwheel is the boss at the end of Catacombs. I actually had a bit of trouble with him for some reason, but he wasn't particularly difficult. Move to one side so the rolling skeletons pass by you and (ideally) stop on the wall behind you, then nail them with a strong attack while they're recovering. You want to try and get one at a time so they're not ganging up on you, otherwise you're pretty much... heh... boned.

So I gave up on Four Kings for now after being summoned to some guy who had no idea what he was doing (I mean come on, at least give it a courtesy try by yourself first so you're not wasting my time). We couldn't kill them quick enough and they ganged up on me, and I got hit by the humanity sucking attack twice, taking the two humanity I'd gained from my previous two summons on the fight. Woo. So, frustrated, I used a cracked red eye orb and surely enough invaded the same guy who'd just summoned me. So, at least I got one humanity back. ;)

Just took on the Demon Ruins after previously chickening out from seeing Taurus and Capra demons everywhere. Turns out they're not that bad once you get them in a relatively open environment. Made my way through without too much issue, one-shot both bosses and... found Lost Izalith. Oh sweet jesus, I think I'll keep trying Four Kings after all. :|

Man, that hawk girl at the undead asylum really hooked me up!! You can trade shit like moss for demon titanite!! Of course, you only get one trade per item, but still, got me some twinkling titanite and demon titanite and a nice chunk too. GOOD times.

A list, in case you hadn't already looked it up: http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/Snuggly

Oh, and if you feel like getting cheaty, there's a

glitch that lets you trade infinite twinkling titanite with her. I haven't done it, but I might take advantage in subsequent play-throughs since that stuff is absurdly difficult to farm and is needed for many, many weapons and armor. Don't have a link on hand but it should be easy to find.

I got a demon spear drop from one of those gargoyles in Anor Londo, but it is still not as good as my lightning spear, so yeah, I agree with you about the scaling, though maybe if I get it up to +5 my 50 STR will kick it up a notch? Guess we'll see. :)

I'd wait until after the patch when they have weapon scaling squared away. Should be any day now...
Ok, just made my way to the Anor Lando Boss(es). Gads, once they go through that change that I won't spoil here, they get TOUGH. Ran through a bunch of humanity getting Solaire summoned to try and help but it almost made things tougher. Got invaded by some asshole who backstabbed ALL of my health bar away too, so that was nice. Does that one stone NOT work for casting out black phantoms if they are not in your field of view?? I tried to use it and it said there were no black phantoms so I went on my merry way only to get ****ing backstabbed to death a few seconds later by some creepy dick. Don't worry though, I indicted him immediately after. Dirty whore.

Oh, and if you feel like getting cheaty, there's a

glitch that lets you trade infinite twinkling titanite with her. I haven't done it, but I might take advantage in subsequent play-throughs since that stuff is absurdly difficult to farm and is needed for many, many weapons and armor. Don't have a link on hand but it should be easy to find.
Yes, I think this will be worth looking into at this point. Farming stones was the one thing about Demon's Souls that irked the crap out of me enough to not bother with. May end up doing the same with Dark Souls despite my love for the game itself.

EDIT: Just co-op'ed Ornstein and Smough with 2 awesome phantoms and it was brilliant. I was really hoping for an invader before we got to the boss room, but no luck. Loving the warping now too. It is like real Dark Souls starts here too. :)

EDIT 2: Beat the hydra in the Basin today (how easy was that?? gravelord sword +5 = 1 hit, 1 head killed). Went through Duke's Archives and killed all the golems for that onion knight's daughter. Joined the chaos covenant. Upgraded my pyromancy flame to +10. Yesterday I stupidly killed the traitor knight and got the special firekeeper soul but then just used it like any other rather than bringing the shrine lady back to life. I wish they would have blocked that from your choices, but this game punishes you properly for being too hasty. I am trying to help folks with my summon sign but no one seems to care. :( Will be hunting darkwraiths for titanite slabs in a bit. I can't get enough of this game.
Be sure to post how you lose your Dark Souls cherry, I for one would be interested to know. :P

Well I promised I would come back when I got the game so here goes...

The very beginning of the game wasn't so bad, I was really nervous starting out so I took my time killing the enemies one by one. Technically my first death was when you had to run for the door when you first meet the Asylum Demon, but I won't count that for the reason that my second death was much more interesting.

So I'm going through the Undead Burg, still a bit cautious but a little cocky because I had managed to kill the Asylum Demon on my first try once I got my sword. I'm moving along, slowly making my way through the castle, and I get to this area where paths branch. I go down one path and spot a different looking enemy with his back to me. I remembered hearing about backstab bonuses somewhere in the prologue, so stupidly I started to sneak up on this enemy. It's only when I'm right behind him that I realize he is WAY taller than me and has a gigantic sword, shield, and black armour. He turns around just before I went for the attack, and my only reaction is "Uhhh.... ****".

He charged me and took off 2/3 of my health. Thinking to myself "it's okay, just block his attacks and strike when he is recoiling", I brace to fight him. He takes two swings, takes away all of my stamina, then hits me a third and final time while I'm stunned. Dead.

My next major death was also funny, as I decided to give up fighting this big guy (who I realized is the infamous Black Knight people talk about), and go into a large tower with a spiral staircase. I'm almost at the bottom of the stairs, and see ANOTHER big guy wielding a huge club and sprinting at me. I panicked and booked it back up the stairs, only to have him catch up to me and one-hit KO me with his club.

Sigh... this game is hard and frustrating sometimes but I love it all the same. Cant wait to play more.
Got this about half a week ago and love it, only a lvl 12 Knight right now but the game is addicting. Also I feel like baby steps with this game but its very challenging if your not paying attention
Thank god, I FINALLY made it to the bridge of the Burg, kicking down that ladder was so satisfying :D
LVL 147, invaded a player as Darkwraith, stole 20 humanity from him before knocking his ass off the cliff with one swift kick.

I loved every second of it.
So I'm going through the Undead Burg, still a bit cautious but a little cocky because I had managed to kill the Asylum Demon on my first try once I got my sword. I'm moving along, slowly making my way through the castle, and I get to this area where paths branch. I go down one path and spot a different looking enemy with his back to me. I remembered hearing about backstab bonuses somewhere in the prologue, so stupidly I started to sneak up on this enemy. It's only when I'm right behind him that I realize he is WAY taller than me and has a gigantic sword, shield, and black armour. He turns around just before I went for the attack, and my only reaction is "Uhhh.... ****".

He charged me and took off 2/3 of my health. Thinking to myself "it's okay, just block his attacks and strike when he is recoiling", I brace to fight him. He takes two swings, takes away all of my stamina, then hits me a third and final time while I'm stunned. Dead.

Hah, this actually mirrors my first death (after the Asylum demon) pretty well, except I came at him from the other side. There's a spot you can jump down to that outcrop with the item from the bridge with all the firebomb guys. There was a message there that said to jump, so I did! Miiiiiistaaaaaaaaaaake.

My next major death was also funny, as I decided to give up fighting this big guy (who I realized is the infamous Black Knight people talk about), and go into a large tower with a spiral staircase. I'm almost at the bottom of the stairs, and see ANOTHER big guy wielding a huge club and sprinting at me. I panicked and booked it back up the stairs, only to have him catch up to me and one-hit KO me with his club.

Sigh... this game is hard and frustrating sometimes but I love it all the same. Cant wait to play more.

Aaaand this is why I didn't pick the master key for my first play-through. ;)

(That guy has an amazing ring, though.)
Chucked a link to a better and more complete translation above. Unfortunately it seems like the date given on that page is only for PS3, no word on when it's going to go through Xbox cert. Microsooooooooooft. :(

Oh well, here's a handy thing.

Just picked up a copy. Any recommendations on a starting class?
What happens when you pick the master key? I figured it would be useful but i didn't want to start with a thief
Master key lets you open certain doors that would otherwise require a dedicated key to progress through. There are certain areas you can benefit from skipping to early on, but you kind of have to know what you're doing, otherwise you'll probably just stumble into some enemies that are way out of your depth.

You'll be able to buy a master key at a certain vendor after the patch... whenever it decides to show up.

Just picked up a copy. Any recommendations on a starting class?

Doesn't matter too much, classes don't lock you into anything, only determine your starting stats/equips. Just try and find one that seems most conducive to the playstyle you prefer, none of them are really underpowered. If you don't like one after you finish the starting area, go back and pick another, it's easy to breeze through again.
Goddamn it. So I won't be able to help anyone on those bosses with my lvl 90 fella then. Well, I suppose there are the later ones...and NG+ too I guess. I need to do more PvP. SO much fun despite some really shit deaths. :)
Humanity system is confusing me. You can get 'humanity points' by defeating bosses or sumit? These points are shown on the HUD in the top left corner and if you die are lost? So if you defeat a boss should you immediately use them since you are gona die again pretty soon anyway? Do they just reverse hollowing and let you kindle fires? I haven't knidled any fires yet.

Also, there is humanity in the form of a consumable but I haven't used them yet. They aren't lost if killed right?
Humanity affects a lot of things, including your DEF and item drop rate. They are counted in the corner in the top left and lost if you die(much like souls; they can be recovered). You can use them to reverse hollowing(allows you to use a lot of MP features) or kindle bonfires(you get +5 extra estus when you rest at that bonfire to a maximum of 20 for 3 kindles, the bonfire at the center hub is already kindled once for instance).

You can get humanity from NPCs, other players, enemies that drop them(mostly rats, somehow), defeating bosses or finding them as loot. The ones that are consumable are the same as the 'Large soul of x' whatever.
Yeah this game is frikken hard. I finally made it to the gargoyles in the Undead Parish, as they and the Titanite Demon are the only things I have yet to beat. Currently I'm only a level 14 knight, is attacking either of these a good idea?
Gargoyles are the way to go, just try coming back in human form and see if you find anything helpful outside the fog door.

In other news **** Lost Izalith uuuuggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
It's actually bordering 'medium to easy', but only once you've learnt your enemies' attack sequences. You have to know what that particular swing he/she just did is followed by. Once you KNOW that this forward lunge is followed by 3 seconds of him standing there and not blocking, THAT's when you attack. It's a game of observation, and most, MOST importantly, patience. The amount of times I've died in a soul farming run due to being impatient, I dare not count for embarrassment.

What I love is that, if you die, it's almost always (makes no sense) your fault. Fighting one-on-one with a dark knight then get stabbed from behind? That's because you didnt take that other guy out first. I get mad, yeah, and want to snap the controller, but I'm always mad at MYSELF, and never the game. It punishes you for your own..not necessarily stupidity, but it certainly punches you down when you make a mistake, then as you look up it smashes you down again. And again. And again.

But it also restrains itself sometimes. That first mini-boss demon thing with the huge club you fight ontop of the castle wall; huge swings that smash you backward or on your face. He hits you, but then waits JUST long enough for you to get up and roll away before his next swing. Other bosses dont do that, or enemies.

And some strategies defy your own logic. The wolf for example
needs to be rolled TOWARD when he runs at you and swings, so you can get underneath him and start slashing.
The only time I really feel as though my deaths are cheap is when the game expects you to platform in any capacity, or just throws a bunch of precarious ledges at you. Great Hollow and Crystal Cave can suck satan's cock.
Right, made quite a bit of progress since I got the game.

I'll spoiler some of this just in case: I've completed all of Undead Burg, both upper and lower. Also completed all of Undead Parish. I met
and got the summoning sign but honestly don't know where to use it. I read in wikis about certain spots where you will see his and other NPC's signs but I must be blind as I never spot them. You can only use them while human, right? Haven't felt a need for the help yet, anyway. Also, haven't been invaded or summoned anyone for help but I guess this is due to me being hollow 90% of the time.

Btw, does the
Red Drake
ever leave the end of the bridge in Undead Burg? I used the bow & arrow to obtain the
Drake Sword
from him and also farmed quite alot of souls at the stairs in the centre of the bridge but wanna pick up the loot that he is standing over.

Completed the Depths, too. Got cursed down there which was an absolute bitch. Had to visit the Londo Ruins to try and get a purging stone but gave up after awhile and just bought one from the dude in the first belltower.

Spent a long time in both Darkroot Garden and Darkroot Basin, including killing
Took forever that. I have to say, the enemies in both areas are very cool stylistically. Although, I lol'd at the giant
Mushroom dudes who were killing me in one hit wtf
I kept getting killed by the
Forest Covenant
after defeating the
and going into their area the back route so detoured till I got to the bridge leading to
I then joined the FC so they'd piss off killing me. After all that things started getting a bit more difficult for me.

I tried a bunch to defeat
Sif the Great Wolf
but kept on dieing so left him for awhile. I'm about level 25 I think. I have the Stone Armour Set and Spider/Crest shield with Drake Sword+1 but was hardly hurting him at all. I revisited the
Undead Asylum
next and looted everything, defeating the knights and
but couldn't defeat the

Not sure where to go now. The Catacombs require special weaponry to defeat the enemies there and Blighttown sounds like a bitch. New Londo requires you being cursed to defeat the enemies, too. Also, I keep giving loadsa stuff to Blacksmith Andrei but he never makes anything for me. Wish the game did a better job of explaining what you need to get for him to ascend your weapon or whatever.
Holy god okay. Spoilers ahead, ye be warned (removing tags to avoid formatting nightmare :v).

I met Solaire and got the summoning sign but honestly don't know where to use it. I read in wikis about certain spots where you will see his and other NPC's signs but I must be blind as I never spot them. You can only use them while human, right? Haven't felt a need for the help yet, anyway. Also, haven't been invaded or summoned anyone for help but I guess this is due to me being hollow 90% of the time.

You can use the soapstone wherever you like (as long as it's not greyed out), the spot you use it is the spot it will appear to other players to use it and summon you. You can be summoned as a hollow, but you can't summon others unless you're human. Also you can only be invaded or (in most cases) invade others in human form. Essentially, if you want to experience the game fully with all the online shenanigans, stay human as often as possible. This can make things pretty tense on your first playthrough though, so use your own discretion. :P

Btw, does the Red Drake ever leave the end of the bridge in Undead Burg? I used the bow & arrow to obtain the Drake Sword from him and also farmed quite alot of souls at the stairs in the centre of the bridge but wanna pick up the loot that he is standing over.

He usually flies off if you walk into the building the Parish bonfire is in, or maybe when you walk onto the bridge coming from that side. He'll come back eventually, but you'll have more than enough time to collect the stuff there first.

I tried a bunch to defeat Sif the Great Wolf but kept on dieing so left him for awhile. I'm about level 25 I think. I have the Stone Armour Set and Spider/Crest shield with Drake Sword+1 but was hardly hurting him at all. I revisited the Undead Asylum next and looted everything, defeating the knights and Oscar but couldn't defeat the Demon

Using the stone armour at 25? I'm assuming that means you're waddling around with heavy encumbrance and the fat roll. That's probably the root of your problem with Sif, you need to be quick enough to get in close at opportune moments and get some hits in, and being able to roll through his attacks is much more valuable than just soaking them up/blocking them. Try some lighter armour, even medium encumbrance will do.

As for the Asylum Demon, just be best friends with his butt. In essence, it's the exact same fight as the tutorial demon, except he's much tougher and occasionally explodes. Just know when and how far to back away and he's cake.

Not sure where to go now. The Catacombs require special weaponry to defeat the enemies there and Blighttown sounds like a bitch. New Londo requires you being cursed to defeat the enemies, too. Also, I keep giving loadsa stuff to Blacksmith Andrei but he never makes anything for me. Wish the game did a better job of explaining what you need to get for him to ascend your weapon or whatever.

Firstly, yes Blighttown is indeed a bitch. As for the rest,

Catacombs: defeat the boss in Darkroot Garden and get the ember just past the area you fight him. Andrei will then be able to upgrade any +5 weapon to divine, which will kill skellies dead. Ideally you want to upgrade a blunt weapon as they'll do a bit of bonus damage and seem to dismantle skeletons more often, meaning you can effectively stunlock them if you get them alone. That said, you might be hard pressed to find anything but clubs early on, and I found their attack patterns to be pretty bad, so just go with whatever feels right (except maybe thrusting weapons, which seem to be weak against them).

New Londo: you should have found some transient curse items early on. If you didn't figure it out already, these give you a temporary buff which allows you to hit the ghosts as though you were cursed. They seem to last about 10-15 minutes a piece, so you get some decent mileage out of them. If you run out, there are a few more scattered around on corpses in the area, and the ghosts also drop them sometimes (if you have a certain ring on they'll drop like crazy). Exhausting those options, the vendor in the waterway shortcut between Firelink and Depths sells them at something like 4k a pop. Might be steep where you're at, but just grab 1 or 2 and you should have enough drop to keep you going if you're moving through at a steady pace. ALL THAT SAID, you can safely skip New Londo until after you've beaten Anor Londo, as you won't be able to progress past a certain point until then. There are some nice items scattered around, though.

Weapon ascension: okay so, giving the embers to Andrei (or whichever blacksmith uses them - don't worry, there's no way to screw this up, they'll tell you if they can't use them so just say yes if they ask) only actually gives you the ability to ascend, you have to do the rest yourself. How it works is, once you have a weapon upgraded to +5 normally, they'll vanish from the upgrade window and you'll have to ascend them through the modify weapon window. The options at the top of the modify window are whichever modifications that blacksmith can perform, which depend on who he is and which embers you've given him. You'll need different kinds of titanite to ascend a weapon, and then to upgrade it further once it's ascended. Once you've ascended a weapon (let's say, for example, you change a +5 normal weapon to a divine weapon), it will vanish from the modify window and reappear in the upgrade window. A little confusing, I know. Important to note here that you only need to talk to a specific blacksmith to ascend a weapon - once it's ascended you can upgrade it further from any blacksmith, or at a bonfire if you buy the weapon box from Andrei. Using the divine weapon example, you could upgrade it from +1 through +5 divine without having to visit Andrei, but if you wanted to advance past +6 you'd need to visit him again to modify it (and only after finding a more powerful ember, but now I'm getting ahead of myself). Basically, just keep in mind that you'll always have to visit the appropriate smith to modify a weapon every time it reaches a multiple of 5. Also worth noting that certain ascensions require a +10 normal weapon, but you won't encounter those until a little later, so it's best to leave your weapons at +5 for now until you find some nice embers.

Anyway, that probably made it sound horribly overcomplicated, so here's a couple of handy charts to simplify things. (I wouldn't worry about spoiling yourself, weapon upgrades really require some forethought unless you want to waste your precious ores.)


Dat text!

Thanks for that. I see now about the +5 for standard weapons. I've been using my Drake Sword+1(upgraded with Dragon Scale) for everything. Every other weapon is at default except for a Scimitar+2. Not sure what to upgrade really. Like you said, no point wasting ores. I thought about upgrading a standard longsword or broadsword, perhaps.

Went to Blighttown, btw. Lit the first bonfire and looked about a bit. DAT FRAMERATE!
Pyromancer. Level 2. Upgraded Vitality twice so far. Will probably do endurance next. Still have all starting equipment. Going to the first area. Stupid one campfire per area. Going to rage a lot me thinks.

So other pyromancers out there. What armor/weapon type do you prefer? Especially for the early part of the game.
yeah my biggest annoyance thus far is the framerate. WTF this is like 10FPS or something
I gave up already. Extremely butthurt. Going to send it back to GameFly and hopefully get Batman: Arkham City.
Thanks for that. I see now about the +5 for standard weapons. I've been using my Drake Sword+1(upgraded with Dragon Scale) for everything. Every other weapon is at default except for a Scimitar+2. Not sure what to upgrade really. Like you said, no point wasting ores. I thought about upgrading a standard longsword or broadsword, perhaps.

Went to Blighttown, btw. Lit the first bonfire and looked about a bit. DAT FRAMERATE!

No problem, the game is a little counter-intuitive in certain regards so it helps to have the right information without straight up spoiling everything for yourself.

Drake Sword is a good choice early on as it has comparatively high attack power and nice patterns, only downside being it's a bit pricey to repair. The earliest you're likely to get a more powerful weapon is by upgrading something from +5 to fire, which requires a trip to Catacombs (blacksmith is a huge pain in the ass to get to). As for which weapon to upgrade, just go with whichever one you like the feel of. Stat scaling is a more or less a non-issue at low levels, and upgrading it to elemental nullifies all the bonuses anyway, so as long as you meet the requirements you should just go with whatever you like. With very few exceptions, any weapon you find in the game, regardless of how early (even the class starters) can be upgraded to be competitive throughout. You might be reluctant to use one weapon over another on account of a few points of attack damage, but really the most important thing is that you're familiar with the weapon and know how to use it's speed, range and patterns to good effect.

Edit: Almost forgot, I found a nicer upgrade guide than the one above while checking on something. Shows which smiths/embers you need for ascensions, too.

No problem, the game is a little counter-intuitive in certain regards so it helps to have the right information without straight up spoiling everything for yourself.

Yeh, I don't want to refer to the wiki too much for every troublesome part I encounter.

Just trawled through all of Blighttown. Not sure I'll go back there much. I just found the boss there but got pwnt by one of its attacks that basically insta kills me. Might try going human and summoning the phantom that is available there as my Drake Sword is pretty useless against it.
Edit: Almost forgot, I found a nicer upgrade guide than the one above while checking on something. Shows which smiths/embers you need for ascensions, too.


See, THAT one makes sense and can be followed.

And this is where the real Dark Souls grind is. Getting all the weapons in the game. All the rings. All the unique armour. Most satisfying if time-consuming platinum medal in gaming as far as Im concerned. Practically demands multiple playthroughs, as sometimes you need one bosses soul 4 times to get everything (that princess in Demon's Souls with the silver knight body guard for example), meaning a minimum of 4 play throughs.

Love it and hate it. Might get shelved for a while with Skyrim coming, but it will sit there, waiting, to hook me in again.
Finished my first playthrough, finally. At last count, just over 100 hours played, soul level 80. Yeah, I may have been a bit too thorough. :)

Probably going to hold off on playing again until the patch finally shows up...
Pyromancer. Level 2. Upgraded Vitality twice so far. Will probably do endurance next. Still have all starting equipment. Going to the first area. Stupid one campfire per area. Going to rage a lot me thinks.

I wish it was one per area. Some have two, some have none. Christ.
Good lord, I realized what a fool I was for conserving my upgrade stuff. Even just adding some titanite shards to a longsword really makes a huge difference when it now takes three hits to kill a basic enemy instead of four
Man, fuk Blighttown's boss. Seriously, this bitch is driving me mad. I've used up all my humanity summoning people to help me including all my double-humanity stones. I went and got the Dragon Crest shield to try and help make it easier but no luck. The last time we had her down to a 1/3 health when the
Spider basically started doing a new fart fire attack out its ass. fukthatshit.
Being behind it whacking away with my sword meant instant death. Using dung pies didn't hurt her at all neither.

I'm thinking melee classes are ****ed over a lot for this boss compared to pure magic/archery who can just strafe and stay away from her. Wish I could just glitch this bitch and be done with this horrible area for good.
Melee classes are anything but gimped for her.

As with any other boss, you just need to pay attention to her animations until you know which one means "I'm about the explode so step off." As melee, you don't even need to be on her butt to get hits in, just get really close to her front while she's doing her melee swipes and they'll go clean over you. You may need to dodge to one side when she does the stab, but that's telegraphed pretty clearly. But yeah mostly just watch for that "fire fart" - which, by the way, hits you on all sides, not just her back. Roll away a couple times to be clear of it when you see it coming, the wind-up is fairly long.
I wish it was one per area. Some have two, some have none. Christ.

Can't think of any areas off-hand that don't have one.

Oh, except Crystal Cave. **** that place.