Day 6: Spy Unlock - The Ambassador

Hectic Glenn

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Aug 8, 2004
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[br]The spy's next unlock has been unveiled and this time it is the replacement weapon for the revolver, the ambassador.
It has the ammo count of a revolver and the pinpoint accuracy of a sniper rifle, even at long range.
Each shot puts out a lot of heat, so the cool off between firing will be lengthy. Spy update page.
Heh, note the James Bond-style pose of the spy :)

Doesn't strike me as a weapon for a spy, but then again, perhaps that's the point.
I knew this gun was coming. Valve gives hints to what they are releasing. If you go to the release day where the razorback was released, in the background theres a dead blue spy with the ambassador next to him.
This will replace the old one for sure...
I am making the above picture as poster in my gaming room :)
I knew this gun was coming. Valve gives hints to what they are releasing. If you go to the release day where the razorback was released, in the background theres a dead blue spy with the ambassador next to him.

No there's not.
that sounds more like a HEAVY alt gun, it doesn't match the spy... but after all the shit valve has created, I'm not surprised... the model looks awesome at least :] shame I suck as a spy :/
gonna love play Pyro these days \o/
Yep, it does. Doesn't look like the ambassador, does it?

I suck at being sneaky so I normally just run around shooting people with the revolver. This will help nicely.
Does the revolver ONLY hold one clip of ammo, or does it just have a low clip size?

I suck at being sneaky so I normally just run around shooting people with the revolver. This will help nicely.



Eh, since I don't know anything but the vague details it's hard to say much as of now, but it looks as if it's to be a much more powerful and much more accurate (and that's saying something) than the revolver, but it has a cooldown which makes it only good for one shot at a time. I will probably not be using it. Looks sexy as hell though.
You read my mind.

It's going to be extra awful to deal with all the want-to-be-spies doing the same thing in this update.

I'm inclined to disagree with you on that point. Killing wave upon wave of achievement whores is a very delightful aspect of the updates. And Spies who don't know how to play fail harder than any other class, and you're kidding yourself if you say they're not the most fun to kill (not counting kills as Spy).
Bur-ninating, the spy-i-cide, burn-inating, the peasants...
I'm inclined to disagree with you on that point. Killing wave upon wave of achievement whores is a very delightful aspect of the updates. And Spies who don't know how to play fail harder than any other class, and you're kidding yourself if you say they're not the most fun to kill (not counting kills as Spy).

Well as someone who is a spy, I want these updates, and I want to try them ASAP. The only other update I will really care about is the Engie update.

So basically, I don't want to have to wait a full month until the newb spies to die down, because the good ones cover's will be blown by the shitty ones, because if you have 3+ spies on a team they are easily spotted and killed.

And spies are not my favorite to kill, Engies and Snipers are, no matter what class I am playing as.
So day 1 and 3 for new sniper weapons, day 4 and 6 for spy weapons, so day 7 will have the last weapons for both spy and sniper?
I honestly expected it to be a silenced Pistol. A two shot Derringer would have made more sense. Anything but another Revolver. This is somewhat lazy of Valve.
Well as someone who is a spy, I want these updates, and I want to try them ASAP. The only other update I will really care about is the Engie update.

So basically, I don't want to have to wait a full month until the newb spies to die down, because the good ones cover's will be blown by the shitty ones, because if you have 3+ spies on a team they are easily spotted and killed.

Fair enough. I just take the time to have fun killing noobs and playing classes I don't play as much as others. It does kind of suck to not to play my main class, but I guess you take the good with bad eh?
They obviously don't want to change the classes too much. A silenced pistol would be of no benefit unless it removed kill indicators, at which point it is certainly overpowered. You can see how they are trying to keep things within balance.
I actually find that not making the most predictable weapon possible tends to be the less lazy option.
Fair enough. I just take the time to have fun killing noobs and playing classes I don't play as much as others. It does kind of suck to not to play my main class, but I guess you take the good with bad eh?

A balance of Spy and Engie is how I used to roll, since they nerfed the Engie, I put my wrench away.
Nerfed? Spy is definitely my main role, Engi and Pyro fight for the love I have left over.
When not telling people to get a girlfriend and pretending I don't want to be places to be cool, I'll be playing Pyro, easy kills with the flamethrower.

Though I'll probably get backstabbed a shit-ton to, but its nice that people's killing method matches their black noobish souls.

Also on a random note, V is for Victory, which spells Victory.

Spies are OP enough, and i hate them enough, as it is, we don't need all this uber strong stuff for them >: (
Actually a 'silenced pistol' that didn't remove disguise but did negligable damage would have been an interesting (if not extremely useful) addition.
So day 1 and 3 for new sniper weapons, day 4 and 6 for spy weapons, so day 7 will have the last weapons for both spy and sniper?
There's two more days to go- 21st May Valve time is the 22nd to us.

Still there's a lot to cram in:
Spy melee weapon
Sniper melee weapon and achievements
All class content (hats)
Community maps?
Probably start doubling up on releases.
I was also holding my breath for a sapper replacement but that is a lot of stuff for a day 7 update.
By the way, the link to this was from our friend Stavros.

Hello to you! My name is Stavros. I am now Vice President of Valve game company! Is very exciting! But much work. I am now head programmer, animator and game designer, plus I am washing Robin's clothes. (So many beef stains!)

But Robin is busy man, so I not mind. He is Big Valve President now and decide not to fire me. He sit on Valve President Yoga Ball and say "I am need someone to shoot at with BB gun, Stavros." Then he does! Ow! But is all in good funs. (Except when I am trying to return the funs, then Robin say he kill me.)

Today is Day 6 of Spy Update. Please to pursue this link to Ambassador, a new revolver for Spy. Hooray!

Now to shoe Robin's horse. Robin enjoy riding through office some times to chase Stavros.
EW, I don't like the design on the gun, but the shape and colour is cool.
I too was expecting a silenced gun. The magnum is already pretty powerful but I guess we'll see how well this will work.
The Revolver is one of the few weapons in TF2 without rapid fire, splash damage or multishot. The others being the Sniper Rifle (perfect accuracy) and the Flare Gun (large projectile). From that perspective it makes sense to give the Spy a perfectly accurate weapon with downsides.
The Revolver is one of the few weapons in TF2 without rapid fire, splash damage or multishot. The others being the Sniper Rifle (perfect accuracy) and the Flare Gun (large projectile). From that perspective it makes sense to give the Spy a perfectly accurate weapon with downsides.

I follow the life lesson of letting burning spies and scouts burn, they ussually die, so its no big deal, just flame the spy up a bit then duck away from his shiney new MILF gun.

Oh right, if your other classes. Well technically if a spy is trying to have a running gun-battle with any other class and he wins, then you deserve to die.
Not really. The Ambassador will suffer from damage falloff, unlike the Rifle.