Day 6: Spy Unlock - The Ambassador

Oh, and Glenn, in the Character Info and Setup there is only slots for Knife, Revolver, and Invisibility Watches, so don't be suprised if they're is no unlockable Disguise Kit.
He's played it so many times he knows every strategy, every outcome, every possible permutation of play. He can play it in his head.

a) I agree, and

b) I could stare at your avatar all day.
Am I the only one who uses the revolver outside of retreating? The revolver is perfect for destroying sentries that are too heavily defended to be sapped. For example, on Badwater Basin I'll sneak near the enemy spawn and shoot at the sentries from a distance. A sniper would never be able to get there consistently, but a spy sniping with a revolver can.
You people who don't even know what it was like to be spy stab under the moonlight of feign death on the lights of flit from shadow to shadow in watch a man drown in the underwater tunnels of 2fort as he struggled against the poison in his veins, the lethargy slowing his movements as the water slowly filled his lungs and deprived his brain of oxygen, causing him to die quietly and never having reached your base, or return to his own...are you people happy now? He's got a big fucking revolver instead of the silent, usually-nonlethal tranquilizer gun he should have.

Why does this look like roleplay material?

Anyway, your trashtalking of the Sniper class doesn't make me happy. I've been on servers where the entire team was screaming at the the Spies the whole time. Telling them to take out the Snipers. Snipers can severly hinder a team's progression depending on the map, and if your team's Snipers aren't up to par, a Spy is the next best tool for the job.

And like people have already mentioned, it seems like you're pissed off because Valve doesn't share your same view on TF2. I'm glad you have your rosie TF memories, but this is TF2 -- the two means it's a sequel. Not TF + shinny new graphics. I'm glad Valve has decided
Darkside has succeeded once again.
I commend you.
Why does this look like roleplay material?

Anyway, your trashtalking of the Sniper class doesn't make me happy. I've been on servers where the entire team was screaming at the the Spies the whole time. Telling them to take out the Snipers. Snipers can severly hinder a team's progression depending on the map, and if your team's Snipers aren't up to par, a Spy is the next best tool for the job.

And like people have already mentioned, it seems like you're pissed off because Valve doesn't share your same view on TF2. I'm glad you have your rosie TF memories, but this is TF2 -- the two means it's a sequel. Not TF + shinny new graphics. I'm glad Valve has decided

Why did you suddenly just end your post mid sentence? It's not like you said Candlejack or anything. I mean, if you had po
Good show, Jintor.
But I mean, don't you think that Candlejack meme has gotte
I feel that the Ambassador is going to play an important role in killing those enemies the Spy can't catch up with. Not to say it will have an instant kill function, but being that it has sniper accuracy and no doubt will be powerful, a well placed shot in the head could deal a substantial amount of damage, maybe even enough to kill the character.
Anyone else seen this...
rather interesting change to the spy update page?
Hit f5 a couple times.
What's with people thinking that headshots are going to do more damage with the Ambassador? That's a Sniper only trait.
Wait, did the page get updated? I see the Spy looking off to the side and a jar of urine flying at him...

EDIT: Or it could be an Easter Egg, since I noticed its not always there. You do have to refresh to get it sometimes. I got it first time I saw the picture.

Link here to what I saw, since i know people won't believe me:
No. And those who know me, know I lack the skills to do so.

/EDIT Or awesome way of transitioning back to sniper.
Well i have refreshed the page 50 times, it hasn't come up.

It would be pretty funny if they did include the piss. They first used it for april fools, but maybe now there going to include it.

Still doesnt explain why they havent done a day 7 update and changed it to that new pic permanently.

it is now 5:06pm official valve time and no update.

edit: dont know if you guys notice, on steam they are advertising tomorrow (thursday) as a free tf2 day, you can play it for free. It includes both the sniper and spy update.

Lol, no its not. Its a joke. The sniper had to get back into the update somehow after the spy killed him. Is there any better way than this? It will be interesting to see what the last unlock winds up being, though.

edit: I meant yes, the picture is real, no, its not necessarily a bad sign.
Re-Reading my post in a Heavy accent makes me laugh.

Anyway crossposts from PA and PCPP are telling me the coding has changed so it's not showing up anymore.
The sniper is using it to attack the spy, to bring himself back into the update. Expect sniper news soon.

Oh and this too: (will include it in the next news post also)

To celebrate the Spy/Sniper Update coming this Thursday via Steam, Valve has made the Team Fortress 2 game files available for pre-loading. This allows players to have everything they need to play the full game over an extended Free Weekend, with no purchase obligation
The sniper is using it to attack the spy, to bring himself back into the update. Expect sniper news soon.

Oh and this too: (will include it in the next news post also)

Yeh i saw that when i logged into steam.

Oh and if the sniper is using it to attack the spy to bring himself back into the update, how come im still getting the old picture and not the knew one with the jar of piss? :p also the day 7 update is really late today.
lol sigh, i really hoped this jar of piss would only be an april fools but they have put it in the game now :(
splash-damage, thrown
puts allies out of fire
shorts out spy cloak
makes enemies take 35% more damage
washes off in water

Effects I can agree with. Intrestesting stuff.

It's just the concept of throwing my piss around that bothers me.
Just pretend it's lemonade.

william tell overkill is the absolute best thing ever.
Jarate. Awesome. Didn't think they'd actually do it but goddamn.
Have you considered the fact that you have no idea how it works at all?
Uh, we all have a good idea of how it works. It does a lot of damage and has a big cooldown. It says right there on the page.
He's played it so many times he knows every strategy, every outcome, every possible permutation of play. He can play it in his head.
Doing it right now.
Anyway, your trashtalking of the Sniper class doesn't make me happy. I've been on servers where the entire team was screaming at the the Spies the whole time. Telling them to take out the Snipers. Snipers can severly hinder a team's progression depending on the map, and if your team's Snipers aren't up to par, a Spy is the next best tool for the job.
Sorry guy, unless you're on Lazytown, Orange Cross, maybe Snowbridge, or you're playing sniper on a surfing map, snipers are generally shit. That's just the way it is. If you're getting locked down by snipers anywhere else, maybe the problem is with you.

And like people have already mentioned, it seems like you're pissed off because Valve doesn't share your same view on TF2. I'm glad you have your rosie TF memories, but this is TF2 -- the two means it's a sequel. Not TF + shinny new graphics.
Believe me...I'm well aware that this game isn't TF with new graphics.

Even if I wasn't taking TFC into account, I still say this is a stupid unlock for a spy. "Add wheels to it and it's a cannon." Because that's what the stealthiest class needs. A HAND CANNON. Herp. Derp. Etc.

You know, TFC spies had the super shotgun, the most powerful shotgun in the game.

Spies that used the super shotgun were MAGETS. Utterly disgraceful and ineffective in their craft.

Inelegant weapons do not suit the spy. Even the normal revolver is unbecoming of a spy. The only reason it's there is to give the spy some kind of long range killing capability. Since that niche was filled by the revolver the unlock could have opened up something different, a weapon for a different scenario. Even if it wasn't the tranquilizer gun. It could have been SOMETHING more than just "Here's another weapon that gives you long range offensive capabilities, just bigger."

In truth, what I'm really pissed off about isn't so much that they aren't harkening back to's that they're perverting the spy so that he becomes something he is not. They're giving him weapons he shouldn't have to cater to people who wish to "play him differently," rather than give him something useful to both himself and his team.

You want to give him something that isn't a tranquilizer? What ever happened to that idea of 'spyder grenades' from Brotherhood of Arms? They'd be these little cameras that you could place to spy on certain areas. The unlocks don't always have to be a gun to replace another gun; look at sandvich. It could be something completely different. I'm not really in a brainstorming mood right now, but listen, the point is they gave the spy a big ol' gun, bigger than the last gun, doing more damage than the last gun. Don't you know that the revolver is already damn accurate and drops most classes in 2-4 shots? And now he's got a BIGGER gun? Wasn't the point of the unlocks to give the classes something different for different circumstances? A big gun that does the same thing as the little gun, just with more punch and slower reload, that's for the same damn scenarios, man.

Everyone thinks the base of my gripe is because it's not like TFC. That's incorrect. The base of my gripe is that it isn't the spy. If you think of a stealthy, silent, professional assassin, you don't think "big, cannon-like revolver." Did none of you ever watch Leon?

Mainly I just wanted it to be the tranq gun because it'd be helpful, and quiet. Slows people down. Doesn't make a lot of noise, in effect being a silenced pistol with nonlethal damage and a status change to the enemy. It's very spy-like.

tl;dr: A big gun is not the weapon of a spy. A big gun is the weapon of an action hero.

Maybe the Last Action Hero.

Which was a good movie.

But I think it was the badguy that used a revolver in that movie. I can't remember.
Everyone thinks the base of my gripe is because it's not like TFC. That's incorrect. The base of my gripe is that it isn't the spy.

I would say that the base of your gripe is that it's not the TFC spy.
Well no, because TFC spy had stupid super shotgun and nailgun. Also frag grenades. Why does a spy need frag grenades? Ridiculous.

Listen, perfect spy would basically be:

Feign death

