Day of Defeat: Source Approaching Beta

Well the models do need alot of work, it seems as if they were partially updated. If mod teams can manage models ingame already, then i am sure the DOD should be able to do that also.

I hope these are just the place holders. Overall though it is the gameplay i am after, and i will play it but i am left with an underwelmed feeling.

I'll definitely give it a go. Im sure it'll look fine running in high res with AA and AF on full. Sure, its not what I was expecting but its still a big leap from what it originally was. :thumbs:
just so you know, there's a quote out there that I don't feel like finding by FuzzDad that claims that DoD:S is not a straight port by any means. All artwork and sound is being redone. Those models are placeholders, guarantee.
hmmm dont know what to make of it, i'll decide when I see more or play the beta *kisses ati coupon* :E

oh and spring is tooo far off
Looking at those screens lowered my IQ, I think Ill keep playing Cod:uo and not fork out cash for a near direct port of a 5 year old dated looking mod,

just my 0.02
"Help! My gun is a cardboard cutout I got from eating Lucky Charms!"
"You think you've got it tough? Ever try looking through a square scope?"
Hold on a second, they want us to pay for that?? :O Ok, i know its a beta but common why couldnt we just get it for free if it were to look like that? i know it isnt going to look like that, but if it is. Best that we get it for free.
It's not going to look like that
It will be the same or better in quality compared to CSS

I don't know why they're releasing those pics, all they show is the dynamic lighting...
Was never a fan of dod. but ill give that a try.
I don't even get a choice. It's like you buy HL2 retail, and then you find out about steam and what you missed out on by not buying online... even if I didn't want DoD:S, I need HL:S (though actually, I've never really played DoD. I played Medal of Honor a long time ago and then I lost my cable and had dial-up).
DoD: Source is really a waste of time. They should really just work on DoD2 or TF2. It seems pointless if they aren't going to go any further than what I've seen in the screenshots. This whole porting idea is pretty stupid. I believe it's just a total waste of time. I guess I'm just stating the whole "go big or don't go at all" mantra.
Yes I agree with Mr. Rogue, gameplay is what makes a game. True. But theres absolutely no point in it because we already have a game with exactly the same gameplay and only less attractive maps. And if they are going to be updating the models and what not at later then why bother showing us?
Hey, it's something new (sort of) to play with, I'm all HL'd out, and I'm getting a little tired of deathmatch. Don't cost me nothin' extra, so i say: rah.
im mad for dod, and if they would have simply added ragdolls i would have paid for it. dod in my opinion it is still one of the best, if not the best, online action game. it does everything so well. sign me up for this beta.
some people on other forums already have the beta and are playing it!! this sucks..
krzylildude said:
some people on other forums already have the beta and are playing it!! this sucks..

Its not actually in beta yet.. so they're wrong :thumbs:
Better models or no better models i still hope that the physics are implemented better than tehyw ere with HL:S

And if they werent overhauling it, why did it take so long?
crap.. was going to post the ss's here.. but they guy took it off when he realized he might get banned from steam.. gr..
Chris_D said:
Here we go... cue the "it's not good enough" rubbish. Be happy you in-grates!!
You think it is?

It isn't if that's near final release (which thankfully it isn't).

Yea, I don't know why they released that pic, they should've had a juicier pic (say beach level in all its mortaring glory eh??)
If they're going to release pics of DoD:S they should at least release good pics! It's entirely clear no where near the effort that went into porting CS is going into porting DoD. Same old models, same old textures, same old maps, with SLIGHT graphical upgrades (Purdy water?). They've been working on DoD:S for months now and all they have to show for it is... a direct port of DOD with nicer lighting.

Sorry, that sucks. DoD's gameplay is what ultimately counts, but since that's already there in 1.3, they should be spending time on all the graphical goodness that is source. Vehicles, new models, new maps, new textures. This just... gah! It sucks :mad:

But maybe they're just not that far in development yet and MAYBE come early spring when its released it'll look a lot nicer than it does now, which is a direct port of HL DOD.
Dunno if this was asked yet, but what maps are those? I cant think of any dod maps that look like that...maybe anzio for the first one but pfft
Why would they spend any of their time making new maps!? I wanna play a redone version of charlie or avalanche!!! :D

cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait :bounce:
They've gone to the effort of making the maps Source-worthy. It wouldn't make sense to not do the same for the mdoels.
It just looks WRONG with really nice surroundings but these ye olde models/textures. Its unwise of valve to have released these screenshots 'pre-beta' without stressing the things that will change in the future. The people defending valve rabidly arent serving the process, they are hindering it. Calling us ingrates or stupid or whatever for wanting to see the game improve is wrong. If they wanted to make a HL:S out of DOD they should have told us before. I want a 95% port: the other 5% being graphics. Good start but yeeshh leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
Valve said it was going to be a 90 percent port. I'm tired of the people whining about how much their getting ripped off, or how Valve is repackaging old shit when they couldn't read between the lines.

Those character models are horrid, and besides, why worry? If Valve doesn't deliver by the time it's released, the community will. You can always replace the models. Quitcherbitchin.
Some_God said:
The thing I saw first were the hands... ARGGG! The second thing: This looks like the HL1 engine. I don't know if I want to dish out money just for ragdolls.

Ah dam, I forgot you have to pay for this! Sorry but if you have to buy it then in all fairness you're allowed to be critical. I think it's easy to be critical looking at those screens lol :LOL:
wow.. say hello to dod:lego! lets hope there are great improvements between now and the release
that doesnt look much better than the original DOD. 3rd person weapons are 4 sided HAHAH :>
but the flag looks cool =)
the truth is

this is the level of detail they are at right now.
these aren't promotional shots, trying to entice you to buy the game.... merely a generous update on where they stand.
I mean we have been begging for a glimpse of DOD:S for a while, just because they aren't as far as we would want them to be, doesn't mean we should appreciate it any less.

I appreciate that they showed us anything at all, and I really respect and congratulate them on their attempt at keeping the community up do date on happenings.. weekly no less... ... for free.
what other developer does that?

even if it were simply DOD in the Source engine... (so you get soundscapes, physics, ragdolls, better particle effects, explosions, texture details and more intricate world geometry as a given, as well as dynamic lighting etc etc) we only paid 10 bucks extra for both DOD:S and HL:S

can't really see the use in getting dissapointed.
looks good for 5 bucks, even in it's current unfinished state.
Ok, I haven't followed this thread since about the second page, has there been anyword on any redone models.
Let's hope those models are only placeholders... they hands look like crap. But thank you, thank you, thank you Valve for finally giving us a time estimate on this! I have faith in the team and will buy the Mod since I only have retail version, but loved the old school version of DoD. :cheers:
Apparently it's meant to look and play really good apart from the player models.
Jesus Christ people, are you really blind? For once and for all: they DID overhaul the maps, they did overhaul the textures, they are using better models from CSS and HL2, only the PLAYER MODELS are old. Not really fair of accusing them changing nothing.
From what the beta testers are saying the game rock, I can't wait to hear the sounds for myself, althought I am a bit dissappointed about being unable to prime your own nades. As for the models we knew all along it was a 90% strate port. To be frank I would rather have a strate port with ragdolls now then a complete overhual later, seeing as I can have both.