Dead Rising Superthread

Cheers Axyon.
Didn't know you could spit! :O

This game rocks. Can't wait for the full game, gotta be so many secrets in that.
You lucky Americans get it soon :(
I love the demo!! :D This game is getting bought!

Only a few slight annoyances - like opening doors/going places that abruptly end the demo with absolutely no warning at all. The number of ways to kill a zombie is seemingly infinite and infinitely hilarious, though.
Cheers Axyon.
Didn't know you could spit! :O

This game rocks. Can't wait for the full game, gotta be so many secrets in that.
You lucky Americans get it soon :(
What's even better is that you can make a drink in the blender to power up your spit and use it to kill zombies. I love this game on so many levels :D
What's even better is that you can make a drink in the blender to power up your spit and use it to kill zombies. I love this game on so many levels :D

Haha! :D Super-Spit ftw!
For your guys information, many posters etc give you large PP points if you take pics of'em, an example is the small firestairs or w/e that're near the toilets on the first floor, run up for them, there's a huge poster on the wall, photo it.:)
Isn't that game is all about shooting hords of zombies as they come or i'm missing something? it seems to me it's a mindless shooting zombie-galary shooter.

Though , it does sound really fun the way you describe it.
Isn't that game is all about shooting hords of zombies as they come or i'm missing something? it seems to me it's a mindless shooting zombie-galary shooter.

Though , it does sound really fun the way you describe it.
No, that's not the point of the game at all. There's a full mission structure and tons of side-missions to complete. There is also an infinite time mode where you can just sandbox and kill zombies, yeah, but it really doesn't get boring, believe me. There's over 1000 items and weapons in the full game.
^ what he said.

This is the most fun game i've played in quite a while. Cheers for the heads up on the blender btw - pie and orange drink ftw \o/

Using the golf club to whack balls into zombies heads is so satisfying, as is lining them up and using a bowling ball :)
So has anyone figured out the camera system yet? Like what are the different picture types you can get?

So far I've managed to get only horror, except one or two erotic ones (wtf lol?)

Seems awesomely fun though. Wish there was some way to disable that damn time limit :(
Drama would be like uniting family members and photograph them hugging.
I think there's a humor. Shove something on their head or make them fall.
Brutal would be photographing a person being eaten alive.
So has anyone figured out the camera system yet? Like what are the different picture types you can get?

So far I've managed to get only horror, except one or two erotic ones (wtf lol?)

Seems awesomely fun though. Wish there was some way to disable that damn time limit :(

More zombies on screen = more points.
Erotic photos are like women with low cut tops on whatever.
And i guess there hidden ones like the poster at the top of those stairs :)
Worth noting is that you get huge bonus points for example, throwing a bench at a bunch of zombies, then as it's hitting'em, take a picture.:)
Brutal(ity), is not photographing a person being eaten alive, photographing a zombie being injured works just as well.:)
Also, there's no 'humor' for taking photos of zombies with 'items' on their heads, those photos are called "Outtakes".
Erotica you can get from taking photos of some zombies breasts, there are females who walk around with nothing on their legs except trousers, or nothing on their top except bras, take pics of those areas :)
Erotic photos are like women with low cut tops on whatever.

Yeah I figured something like that. But one time there was a random female zombie (not dressed particularly erotically) and the game decided to put a random pink circle on her crotch when I took the picture. Actually, I think that was the highest rated picture I've taken yet.

Also I'm guessing we get to learn those cool wrestling moves we saw in the trailer? If that was just in the trailer that would suck. I wanna do all sorts of crazy melee moves. Or at least one or two combos. And some sort of exploding weapons/objects.

Is it just me or does the katana properly slice the zombie based on where you hit it? If my eyes werent decieving me then that is reeeeeallly cool. True choppable ragdolling NPCs. I'm liking this generation of console games more and more - plus the xbox live demo facilities are so cool. I mean this sort of pre-release downloadable demo was unheard of prior to the 360. And now we get so many awesome ones.
You use the Prestige Points to level up and 'buy' extra melee moves, if you so desire. You can get 10000 PP in the demo by turning the Servbot head in the toy store so it changes expression, by using a water pistol or gun.
I finished downloading it earlier this afternoon and I gotta say that it's a complete blast. The number of weapons at your disposal is amazing. In one area, I was on the second level in a coffee shop and I looked over the side and saw tons of zombies skulking around on the ground floor. I grabbed a stack of plates and begun to rain down porcelian shards on their undead noggins. After I ran out of plates, I grabbed a plastic chair and hurled it over the side in a random area and took out one zombie. One of the other things that had me laughing was when I discovered the skateboard. Mowing down hordes of the undead while zooming by on your skateboard is incredibly satisfying. This game is going to be tons of fun. Can't wait to pick up my copy on Tuesday.
Well, I just bought a 360 for this game and a few others, namely burnout and ninja gaiden. Here's to hoping that this game is sheer gold/
If there's one thing that's painful now, it is that you damn amerikanskis get the game in 3/4 days, whereas us europeans get it in over a month.:(
And many sites has listed the US version as not being regionfree, and being regionlocked.. I sure hope they're wrong because I want this game noooow..!
Goddamnit, I already did a big bandwidth splurge on Saint's Row and Ninety Nine Nights... gonna have to wait unless I can find it on a magazine =/
I just watched it, seems like an overall good game, marred by some issues, such as the problems with the AI on escort missions, and the problems with the radiostuff, where if you do anything else except running around and jumping, the whole radio convo is reset(or was it missed?).

Edit: Ren, :)
Yeah, just went and found it and watched it too. Was just me being lazy.
Does sound like it'll be lots of fun and the issues with the game aren't that bad. Bad AI is in every game, and with the radio talks you could just hide out somewhere for a min or two.

I'll be getting this. Shame we have to wait another month (for us Europeans)
The demo is great, but really short. Shopping trolley ftw.

Go to the cinema entrance, there should be a fat woman with a trolley that respawns every 10 seconds or so... I raked up 250-odd kills just doing trolley dashes. :D

I wondered why I kept finding packets of sugar... didn't know about the mixing stuff, or the spitting. Jesus, I have to put it on again (played it 5 times so far).

Bring on the full version!
Damn right. This demo has already provided more fun than many full priced games i've bought recently.
Double tap the movement stick in any direction to forward roll, jump on zombies shoulders with a well timed hop and flying kick by jumping and attacking. \o/
One thing that I discovered last night while playing is that if you get one of those jugs of cooking oil and make it burst, the zombies will start slipping on it. At first I thought they were slipping on the blood on the floor, then I remembered that I smashed it when I hit one of the zombies. It was hilarous watching those guys slippin' around on the stuff. :D
Goddamnit, I already did a big bandwidth splurge on Saint's Row and Ninety Nine Nights... gonna have to wait unless I can find it on a magazine =/
In one night, I downloaded around 10 GB. It was mostly from the massive amounts of demos I downloaded and the Windows Vista beta.
Unlimitied bandwidth ftw!

I noticed the cooking oil too :) Such an awesome demo.
Put a frying pan on the cooker for a few secs till it glows red - then take it off and hold the attack button whilst you're facing a zombie. It'll fry their face. Take a quick picture of them before they fall down for easy points.
That's soooo yesterdays news :)

I love the little dance when you put on a funny hat or piece of clothing XD
How long does this demo take to download on a pretty good connection?
I have a 1mb connection, I did it in about 5 or so hours I think.
Ok, I got the demo and it rocks. But what is the microwave for in the fast food joint? I can't figure what to put in that thing.
Ok, I got the demo and it rocks. But what is the microwave for in the fast food joint? I can't figure what to put in that thing.

I know you can mix ingredients for different types of smoothes, which result in some kind of bonus. I'm guessing you will be able to do the same thing with food, too.
i downloaded and played it at work

awesome fun, my coworker and i got a huge kick out of it

i like hopping on zombies heads and doing jump kicks, myself
How much replayability do you think this game will have?
hopefully it'll be large and varied enough for a good bit... the demo does not have much longevity though
According to 1UP replayability is one of the main factors, they apparently played it through several times and got diff. endings.:)
Anyway, jumping on the zombies can be fun, but you know, if you keep A pressed when you've come ontop of him, you can walk along their heads?:D That's hilarious stuff!