Dead Space is looking well....pretty damn sweet

Am I the only one who finds every gun aside from the one you start with ****ing worthless?
Am I the only one who finds every gun aside from the one you start with ****ing worthless?

I like three of the four I have. The line cutter is brutal for getting rid of enemies quickly as it pretty much slices them in half - very handy for slowing down an attack of say, 2-3 different enemies in a small space. I love the stasis gun, too, as that's also great for giving your a little bit of space to breath when outnumbered.

Plasma cutter is pretty much THE weapon, though. My fourth, the pulse rifle, sucks.
Am I the only one who finds every gun aside from the one you start with ****ing worthless?

Nope , that thing practically fires hell bullets with flaming nipples when its upgraded.
I think the Line Cutter was the only one I didn't get, because having 'timed mines' seemed like it might run into the problem of either a) I mine every hallway and waste all the ammo being paranoid, or b) they go off too late or too soon.

And yeah, I upgraded the hell out of it since it was the only weapon that I was using. It's unbelievable now.
I think the Line Cutter was the only one I didn't get, because having 'timed mines' seemed like it might run into the problem of either a) I mine every hallway and waste all the ammo being paranoid, or b) they go off too late or too soon.

And yeah, I upgraded the hell out of it since it was the only weapon that I was using. It's unbelievable now.

I haven't actually used the timed mines yet. Actually, I don't think I even have any mines. I think I may of used one when I first got it and that's it.

If I do get some, I'm gonna save them for something big.
Hello, McFly, think!

You're an engineer. What do engineers do?

Still doesn't mean it's irritating when suddenly something else has broken when you've collected 3 mcguffins for something else :|
Still doesn't mean it's irritating when suddenly something else has broken when you've collected 3 mcguffins for something else :|

Its not that hard to "fix" stuff , i mean if real life had magic buttons you could press to fix everything we would have no mechanics.
I suppose not but still. Its not that irritating , plotwise sure because its just a filler for the next juicy installment of death in the story... Of death.
Pretty much infectants.
You got any source for that?
It doesn't show in the death animation nor does it say so in the comics or the movie, the only other besides the flying infectors that I've seen being able to actually take one over are the heads that have tentacles sticking out of them and climb on the walls etc, they rip off your head and then attach themselves to it and take over your body.
when you put a sentence in spoiler tags, please start it with "In chapter X"
Did anyone come across the crying woman in the medical bay whilst on the run from the regen, when heading towards Mercers office? Weird stuff. She just stands watching an empty bed, swaying and crying. When the atmosphere is vented she isn't there anymore, which makes sense, but still

If you stick around long enough she starts to laugh un-controllably in between cries.

You got any source for that?
It doesn't show in the death animation nor does it say so in the comics or the movie, the only other besides the flying infectors that I've seen being able to actually take one over are the heads that have tentacles sticking out of them and climb on the walls etc, they rip off your head and then attach themselves to it and take over your body.

Actually it does show in the animation because after you fall they are still latched on to you. Maybe willie is right.
Speaking of heads with tentacles, mother ****ER I wasted so much ammo trying to hit those things.
I use the plasma cuttah , just flip it on its side (length ways) then wait for them to pop open the tentacles , usually manage to get two tentactles in one killing them instantly. I have only ever got hit with thier ranged attack once.
Sounds like you're talking the fetuses. I'm talking about the ****** tentacle head spiders straight out of The Thing, mother ****ers never sit still.
Oh. I dont think i got to those guys yet. Unless your talking about the ones whose limbs turn into more enemies upon being severed? Cause i have fought the limbs of one. Or maybe the ones we was talking about earlier? Hmm turns out alot of enemies have tentacles and never sit still in this game :P.
I always hate save points...they were super-ultra-mega gay in FF games and even gayer here because the game auto-saves right before every point where you are basically going to die anyway...

So I was playing and I opened this door and the floor looked really awkward, almost pond/swamp like. I walked out onto it and fell...and fell...and fell...and about 30 seconds later my character died. I reload, go to the same door and open it but this time there's a floor. Weird.

Then after that every door wouldn't open for me on the first, second, third, or fourth try. One door took me probably 2 minutes to open and then I just had to quit the game because I got stuck between two doors that wouldn't open. I spent 10 minutes trying to open them but I couldn't go anywhere. They both had the 'unlock' screen on them, my breadcrumbs pointed me under one door, and when I pressed 'e' it makes the opening noise and the 'open' screen shrinks away. Some doors before that would play noise like something scary happened...but of course I couldn't see it because even though the game thought I went through the door (presumably) I was still stuck behind a closed door. So I just wasted like 40min of play time because this ****ing game has ****ing save points and the programmers can't ****ing program doors to open.

at least stalker had the decency to stick you back at the desktop and not toy with you indefinitely..."oh oh! am I gonna open this time?? Noooo!"
I always hate save points...they were super-ultra-mega gay in FF games and even gayer here because the game auto-saves right before every point where you are basically going to die anyway...

The saves are for when you are turning off the console, auto saves are only for continuous play when you die. I only save when I'm finished my session.
Need to continue playing this. Far Cry 2 has taken up far too much time.
I tried to not get caught into the hype and i am glad that i didn't.
Wow,what phenomenal game. I have barely touched the game but i am very impressed with what i have seen so far. It's very scary indeed. The sounds of the environment alone make me jumpy. Call me a pussy, but i am not touching the game again until i see until daylight.
The visuals are superb. I Am shocked how well it runs even on the highest settings. Not one hiccup or slowdown so far. By far the most optimized game of this year.
I also like the fact that the game has those vents they come out off everywhere, but they don't make use of them all, so sometimes you walk through rooms where there's a shitload of noise and those holes, you're just expecting an enemy to come, but they don't, so when you enter the next room you're kinda "relaxed", and then they jump at you..*Shiver*
^ This. Especially in those damn quarantine rooms because even though they have the same amount of vents as most other rooms you notice them more and become paranoid. And as for that door glitch i had something similar today but nowhere near as bad , i loaded my latest save which turned out to be right infront of a door so i walked up and tried to open it but it kept giving the "opening" icon so i backed up and tried again and my x-box then told me the disk was unreadable. Took it out had a look , looked fine to me so i tried again and it worked. Was strange.
Since it's generally a better idea not to run from enemies, you don't see it often but it's also cool how the necromorphs can track and hunt you via the vents. I once ran away (low on ammo, health and bravery) from a group of slashers with the help of stasis, and once I checked nothing had chased me, I felt relieved as I entered a room with a store for some refueling. I nearly shat myself when the lot of them crashed through the ventilation and proceeded to manhandle me with their pointy appendages.

Just beat the game today. Brilliant game, it's just one of those that don't seem to lose quality at all no matter how far you progress.
Yeah, the vents are annoying. I'm there picking away at a slasher and he suddenly turns... um, tail, and begins clambering into a vent and you know you're ****ed then. It's always amusing to try and catch them before they scurry off but ach, next thing you know they're right behind you.

Damn vents.
Ahh my video card (NVIDIA 7600 GS) Isn't supported to run Dead Space! I am not happy :(
The best weapons I found against those small fetus leapers that come in swarms is the ripper, just pull
out one saw blade with your primary and move around until you saw them all to bits, 1 saw is usually

I'm at level 5, and best weapons imo are Plasma cutter, Pulse Rifle, Ripper
Ripper for mini bosses and fetuses, Pulse for those crawling heads with tentacles
that can trow projectiles at you, and plasma cutter for the rest.

I used a trainer after a safe point and bought all the guns and fully upgraded them, to see
how effective they would be. The pulse rifle is really good once upgraded. Haven't had the
chance to check out the Contact Beam fully upgraded.

At this point I don't think the game is as good as a lot of people, but I'll wait till I play it trough.
Just beat the game today. Brilliant game, it's just one of those that don't seem to lose quality at all no matter how far you progress.

same here
so much so that i'm planning on playing it again on "impossible" with only the plasma cutter :P
Just finished it myself. This is truly a great game. I very rarely say it but hats off to EA.
If you are a fan of sci-fi horror flicks,you should definitely give this game a whirl. It's a mixture of Event Horizon,The Thing and Aliens. The eeriest atmosphere that i have ever experienced in a game.
The sound department should pat themselves on the back. The environments are both,disgusting as well as breathtaking. The zero gravity sections of the game are a lot of fun but made me very jumpy.
Enemies attack from every direction.
Weapons are varied but i mainly used the Line Gun,Plasma Cutter,Pulse Rifle and the Flamethrower once the necro's came too close. The other weapons either lacked in range or fire rate but were still fun to use if i wasn't too overwhelmed with enemies. I found the secondary fire functions to be situational but some of them are a life saver. Pulse Rifle especially.
Again,no stability or slow downs. I ran the game flawlessly on the highest settings at a 1440/900 resolution. If only all of today's games were as optimized as this.
My 'Game of the Year' so far. Do yourself a favor and go get yourself a copy of this soon to be classic.
Game's working and up to level 3. Really wish I had of bumped the difficulty up a bit now. So far I've really enjoyed the game. I'm a wuss at horror games but never before have I jumped and screamed my throat sore as I have in this one :P Love the game even if I suck at it :)
Hmm I'm stuck.
Think it's level 4. Where you go outside and it's all zero-gravity and you need to get past some how. When i try i always get torn apart within the first 10 seconds. tried jumping around but that didn't work. How did you guys do it? =/
Hmm I'm stuck.
Think it's level 4. Where you go outside and it's all zero-gravity and you need to get past some how. When i try i always get torn apart within the first 10 seconds. tried jumping around but that didn't work. How did you guys do it? =/

You have to hide behind the large vents/objects that stick around from the ground. At first I thought it might be something cool involving jumping around, but nay, it's just a generic 'hide whilst a set animation of things happen, then run'
Please stop talking about how awesome this game is. I so badly want to play it, but since i'm a little cry-baby because I can't rebind the controls, I am unable to play. :P The icon is just sitting there on my desktop, taunting me...

Can't you some how get used to the controls?:S
Movie was pretty decent. Aimation was very much like that of the Aeon Flux series from the 90's.