Dead Space is looking well....pretty damn sweet

I think my only complaint so far is that corridors are really predictable sometimes. Yeah, okay, there's an air vent in front of me and one behind me, I wonder just what will happen if I walk dow-- oh, there you are! Rarrrgh!

Sometimes the corridor scares are cool but theres now been so many of them that they just aren't anymore. The real scares for me have been seeing the crazy people in the medical labs or when a Necro is generally just walking around. Creepy mother****ers.

Can't wait to get stuck into this when all of my friends are around, though. Maybe then I won't be complaining, haha.
I'm just starting Chapter 5 and I'm really liking this.

My only potential complaints are that the Gore feels a bit over the top and the weapons are generally worthless. Originally not being able to bind movement to the arrow keys annoyed me (I'm left handed) but I got over it when I realized they used the keys elsewhere. functionality > laziness.

Really loving the audio stuff, particularly in 'outdoor' segments. Love the upgrade stuff. The game itself is just pretty brilliant so far.
HOLY **** I hate the Nemesis-style enemy Mercer unleashes on you in the medlab, ****ing regenerating bastard! Had a really hard time when you have to get through the med treatment area(the one with a waiting room outside) and the ****er comes in, I didn't realize that you can't 'kill' him there to open the doors, you have to kill all other enemies, around 6 human necromorphs and 2 baby-necromorphs(this is on hard by the way). I feel a bit like a 'cheater' though, seeing as I pre-ordered the game I got the special Scorpion-armor from the start, it's a Level 5 suit.
Mother ****er was worse the second time around.

What's the Scorpion armor like?
I think he was just hallucinating again. I mean, she really didn't look that much like the other necromorphs. She looked more like just herself with that shit all over her, not deformed or anything like that. I also wouldn't think that she was suddenly, out of nowhere, just on that ship at the perfect time.

Thats the thing, theyre hive minded and knew about his preoccupation with his girlfriend so they sent her in looking normal, complete with a set up where they "attacked" her to make it believable. When he got through it she attacks quickly
But there's no way it could have just created some copy of her. The only way she was actually there was because the Marker actually messed with Isaac's psychosis. The same way most of the crew in the Ishimura were going insane before the events of the game. When he saw the Necromorph on board his escape ship, it was his insanity coupled with Nicole fresh in his mind that caused him to see her as the Necromorph attacking him.

Or maybe I just read what you said wrong and just reiterated.
But there's no way it could have just created some copy of her. The only way she was actually there was because the Marker actually messed with Isaac's psychosis. The same way most of the crew in the Ishimura were going insane before the events of the game. When he saw the Necromorph on board his escape ship, it was his insanity coupled with Nicole fresh in his mind that caused him to see her as the Necromorph attacking him.

Or maybe I just read what you said wrong and just reiterated.

They probably werent attacking nothing when he first saw it, and even if it was a necromorph, it is probably the same thing that got on the ship with him on the Ishimura, so it refrained from attacking him. She could have just got regurgitated from the wall growths somewhat or never was fully mutated. And it was apparently the hive mind and not the marker that caused the abherrant behavior and not the marker, the marker only interfered with it
Found this on another forum, lol ridiculous-

I am a Christian, so the language in a game is a big deal for me. I was looking at Dead Space, and it looks neat, and was wondering if any of you have played it and know how Strong the language is, and if there is a filter. It says "Strong Language",

But so did CoD4, and that had less language than Blacksite.
Ok, so watching strategic dismemberment and drop kicking mutated babies is fine, but your worried about the language...?
Lol, i know what u mean. I'm mainly not too disturbed because you're fighting aliens and creatures, not humans.
and into the big, wide world where hes gonna be out on his arse before his feet touch the ground
Plasma cutter > everything. You can get through the entire game with the plasma cutter alone. Ripper's plain fun though. Good for slowing enemies down by shearing off legs.

The energy gun's useful for the end, but absolutely unnecessary before then.

Also, anyone else think of the hydra at certain points? Valve can cram it up their ass. "How do you fight something like this? It just wouldn't be fun." PLAY DEAD SPACE, VALVE.

Valve might be able to pull it off if the upgraded their engine every once and a while :|
All I have to say is, the flight deck might be one of the most visually stunning areas in a game I have ever seen.

Originally not being able to bind movement to the arrow keys.

I'm sadly just not able to game using "WADS". I have tried & I have tried & I have tried. :( From day one, I have always used the mouse with my left hand & the arrow keys to move with my right. (I'm right handed) If I am unable to rebind the keys, them i'm sadly just not going to be able to play this game any more.

Crapola! It was fun while it lasted.




Anyone who has the PC version, have you managed to enable any AA? Apparently it's a problem with both Nvidia and ATI, even though there is an in menu option for it, that won't work either.

Just wondered had anyone got it working?
I'm sadly just not able to game using "WADS". I have tried & I have tried & I have tried. :( From day one, I have always used the mouse with my left hand & the arrow keys to move with my right. (I'm right handed) If I am unable to rebind the keys, them i'm sadly just not going to be able to play this game any more.

Crapola! It was fun while it lasted.


Whoa for real you can't rebind the movement keys to the arrow keys, what were EA thinking.
Thanks for the heads up, i'am not buying till they fix that in a patch. Shame really i was really looking forward to this game :(
Whoa for real you can't rebind the movement keys to the arrow keys, what were EA thinking.
Thanks for the heads up, i'am not buying till they fix that in a patch. Shame really i was really looking forward to this game :(

WASD is very painful for left-handed people. Waiting for a fix.
Just got the game wow. I only played about 5 minutes because i have to go to sleep now, but shit freaked me out already, had 2 major jumps and screams so far, just from 5 ****ing minutes.

I will enjoy this game......A LOT!
The WSAD thing does suck (being left handed) but you can get used to it. Sort of. I'm still able to play, at least.

Just started chapter 7. The sheer awesome has not stopped.
Just got onto chapter 6 and good god chapter 5 was tense as hell!! :D
Regenerating necromorph can go suck a lemon. Give me ammo, you mother****ers.
Whoa for real you can't rebind the movement keys to the arrow keys, what were EA thinking. Thanks for the heads up, i'am not buying till they fix that in a patch. Shame really i was really looking forward to this game :(

Come to think of it, I wasn't able to rebind ANY of the keys to any key other than what the game came with as default. Which is odd, since it gave you the "option" to rebind keys, just not the ability to actually do it. For instance, I would go into the Options menu, Choose Controls & when I went to rebind the key, the space would flash "?????" waiting to a new binding, but no matter what key I pressed, it would instantly go back to the default keys.

I read that the other keys were used later & so that's why you couldn't rebind them. So why not be able to rebind those keys as well then? I know a vast majority of gamers use the WADS, but not all gamers do.

God, the game was fun & spooky as hell the first 10 mins I was able to play. I loved how the action started almost immediately, but as soon as it did, my fingers got all spastic & proceeded to have a mind all of their own. My brain would tell them to press the key to flee, but my fingers refused & instead were about as dumb as a heard of sheep. So of course I died... over & over & over. In the end, my right had just mashed the WADS buttons. All to no avail.

Chapter 01: New Arrivals
Chapter 02: Intensive Care
Chapter 03: Course Correction
Chapter 04: Obliteration Imminent
Chapter 05: Lethal Devotion
Chapter 06: Environmental Hazard
Chapter 07: Into the Void
Chapter 08: Search and Rescue
Chapter 09: Dead on Arrival
Chapter 10: End of Days
Chapter 11: Alternate Solutions
Chapter 12: Dead Space
Oi Comibine Hybrid.... you ever heard of spoiler tags u knob
****ing ban that stupid ass mother****er bitch go suck a dick in hell you banana prostitute sagtit
Whew, thank christ for my scrollreallyfastwhenmyspoilersensetingles emergency manoeuvres.
I still haven't finished it, too busy jumping between Fable 2, Far Cry 2, and this..

And now Fallout 3 comes out in a few days.. Wonder whether I should buy it or not..*Hides from Mikael*
Just started playing this myself, and I agree the key binding bugs suck. I wanted to bind the right mouse button for walking forward and w for aiming and the ****er wouldn't let me.:frown:

The game itself seems alright but the FOV and camera position are bugging the hell out of me...

As for the monsters, I beat the crap out of them with my fists and foot stomp, because I'm just badass like that :P. That is untill one managed to knock me down and bite my head off. I'll be sure to return the favor next time.
Assistance if possible:

I'm about half way through chapter 4 (I think) on hard. I've reached a large medical emergency room where, upon entering, I get attacked by the large regenerating necromorph and 2 female necromorphs that seem to keep coming after I kill one. Am I supposed to keep killing them, or is there something else I have to do to make it out of the room before they overwhelm me? It's not easy with limited ammo at this point.

I really don't remember too much, but by the sound of it you're in the room with the medical tables and the mutilated corpses on them. If I remember correctly, you have to keep running.
Assistance if possible:

I'm about half way through chapter 4 (I think) on hard. I've reached a large medical emergency room where, upon entering, I get attacked by the large regenerating necromorph and 2 female necromorphs that seem to keep coming after I kill one. Am I supposed to keep killing them, or is there something else I have to do to make it out of the room before they overwhelm me? It's not easy with limited ammo at this point.
The quarantine is lifted after you've killed all necros except the regenerating one, there's -NO- point in the game where enemies spawn infinitely, I know this for a -FACT-.
We have Dead Space now.

Should I be scared of playing it?
At first i was wow, then I noticed the game felt sluggish due to the deadzone on the analogs being to
big, and then I remembered I don't like horror, because I get scared easily and I don't like being
scared. Still seems nice.
This game has quite a creepy atmosphere and frightening moments, but what almost threw me over the edge is...
The freaking regenerator. I can't emphasize enough how much I hate (not the angry kind...) running from invulnerable enemies, especially after this freak climbs in a ventilation hatch and keeps roaring at me from every little hole in the ceiling/walls. When it attacked me in the med lab and I found out that the doors had locked around me, a total waste of ammunition on every even slightly flesh-coloured particle in my sight was assured.
Anyone know the button to use aircanisters? cant find it in the options (pc)

I put the webcam up and filmed while i was playing to show a friend on msn (playing with projector) and we both jumped and screamed as i played, it was hilarious.
