Dead Space is looking well....pretty damn sweet

True, but

As long as the ship was anchored down on the landing pad while you were taking care of business, a Necromorph could have infiltrated the ship, but true she didn't appear too ****ed up. Something about her face really didn't seem right though. Hard to get a good glimpse as quickly as it jumped to credits. Anyway, here's hoping Isaac is alive and well.

Also, Barney Calhoun was the gnome. I believe it.

"Barney Calhoun was the gnome" huh?
Good for you. Still waiting for it to be released here....
Just finished on Impossible and actually finished faster than I did on Hard. Weird.
Dead Space... is.... awesome :D

Started the game on hard today after reading this thread, and damn was it difficult in the beginning. I was constantly out of ammo and health, constantly getting killed. Once the game starts throwing you some ammo it isn't nearly as bad. Like everyone has said, play on hard. The atmosphere and intensity couldn't be matched playing it on medium.
Dead Space... is.... awesome :D

Started the game on hard today after reading this thread, and damn was it difficult in the beginning. I was constantly out of ammo and health, constantly getting killed. Once the game starts throwing you some ammo it isn't nearly as bad. Like everyone has said, play on hard. The atmosphere and intensity couldn't be matched playing it on medium.

Upgrade your stasis first and foremost. IT is the most important weapon.
I won't be getting Dead Space straight away. The publisher is out of his ****ing mind, pricing it as if it was 1997 all over again.
I won't be getting Dead Space straight away. The publisher is out of his ****ing mind, pricing it as if it was 1997 all over again.
Eh? Here in Sweden Dead Space has the same price as any other new PC/PS3/360 game from a big company..
Here it's 120-130. Orange Box was 140, and I can understand that, but a new release of a single game?

Even ****ing FO3 standard version is 99.90.
I payed ?50 for a midnight release of GTA4, bloody ripoff as the monday after it was down to 39.99...I think.
Is the PC version just a blatent port or have thay actually coded it for PC aswell? I dont if I should get this for PC or 360
I've heard the PC port is well-made and well-optimized, however, just like the game Dead Space partially mimics(Resident Evil 4), the controls with keyboard+mouse are less than satisfactory, so if you're planning on getting it for PC, I suggest you have a joypad.
Upgrade your stasis first and foremost. IT is the most important weapon.
I'm playing through with only the Plasma Cutter, and I haven't thought to upgrade my stasis once. I guess I've been too preoccupied with upgrading the plasma cutter, and never thought about how useful upgrading stasis would be :laugh:
Zomgod, getting this tomorrow looking forward to it. Going to play on hard and take my time.
This game is so ****ing good. It's more like System Shock than Bioshock, by far.
This game is so ****ing good. It's more like System Shock than Bioshock, by far.
Yeah, EA has really done well with Dead Space, I just finished watching the animated movie(Called Dead Space Downfall) which explains how the aliens got onboard the ship, really cool and well-done movie.
Wasn't Downfall supposed to be premiering on Starz! or some shit?
Well, I had more.. questionable ways of getting my hands on Downfall..
I'm really enjoying the game. I just finished Chapter 6. Two things I can say about it:

1. It's like Resident Evil 4, but better in every way.

2. It's closer to a spiritual successor to System Shock than BioShock ever was.

Man system shock was legend.....

Although the whole ZOmbie in space thing tracks back to Doom :cheese:
My girlfriend just noticed that if you add the first letter of each chapter name you slowly unravel a message.
Although the whole ZOmbie in space thing tracks back to Doom :cheese:

If you go back in time, you find Project Firestart:




My girlfriend just noticed that if you add the first letter of each chapter name you slowly unravel a message.
Haha, my heart skipped a beat. Pretty cool. Don't try to read it if you haven't beaten the game yet guys. Massive spoilage.
Just got on to the second chapter, so fun so far, though on medium it can be pretty hard when getting swamped, especially with hardly any health packs.
Holy **** this game is good. I'm dog tired right now and the only reason I'm not hiding under a blanket in fear is because I've been playing it with a group of mates whilst drunk, but sheeeeeeeet, scary stuff. I find the scariest of moments are when you simply get attacked from behind, and not so much when the creatures jump out at you. For instance, I'm walking around the tram depot when all of a sudden I see a the end of some Necro blades bobbing up and down behind me from the top right of the screen. I ****ing JUMPED.

Loving it.
If you go back in time, you find Project Firestart:





that actually looks alot like Dead Space lol

but seriously, i'm having a blast with DS. i JUST destroyed the Leviathan (not really a spoiler) and i must say that it was one of the most exciting boss battles i've experienced in recent memory

how bout fav weapons? i've noticed that the flamethrower is weak as shit and eats up ammo like nothin else. i suppose i could put more points into it but i want to max out my RIG first
the plasma cutter and line gun and pretty awesome. i also like the ripper and energy cannon (whatever it's called..the one that can charge the primary and slams the ground secondary)
Plasma cutter > everything. You can get through the entire game with the plasma cutter alone. Ripper's plain fun though. Good for slowing enemies down by shearing off legs.

The energy gun's useful for the end, but absolutely unnecessary before then.

Also, anyone else think of the hydra at certain points? Valve can cram it up their ass. "How do you fight something like this? It just wouldn't be fun." PLAY DEAD SPACE, VALVE.
I got it yesterday and I am now at chapter 4 and I have to say it's an unbelieveable game and it truly is ****ing terrifying :D
Also yeah plasma cutter > all :P
Went to my friends house and played it. We started to play at like midnight with no lights for maximum scare factor. The he fell asleep, so I was playing the scariest game i've ever played, alone, in the dark...
Dead captain Necro-slashers eyes HOLY SHIT when it see's you behind the glass OH MY GOD GET AWAY FROM ME.
Scariest bits are when the mutants aren't around...the anticipation keeps me on my toes.

The big medical room was the best, walk in a few feet and then the lights all go out and the quarantine light comes on