Dead Space is looking well....pretty damn sweet

Looks pretty good, but other than that, I haven't followed this game at all. Hope it doesn't turn out to be another Doom 3?
Looks pretty good, but other than that, I haven't followed this game at all. Hope it doesn't turn out to be another Doom 3?

No, it seems much more than that. The premise may be similar but the gameplay is much different.
Looks great - Metroid meets RE. The pace and perspective tick my boxes :)
That actually looks pretty good, kinda like a a much better RE4. One thing about RE4 that really pissed me off was the need to constantly break immersion by pausing to enter the menu in order to heal / switch weapons / look at map / etc. Looks like the guys behind this picked up on that as well.
Looks pretty good, but other than that, I haven't followed this game at all. Hope it doesn't turn out to be another Doom 3?

hey, doom 3 is a modern classic, i say modern cuz for now its still a good game but it wont be forever like the half life games ect.

This game looks good, but i loved how at first they made it seem so ****ing scary, like really, watch the first trailer... But now they are showing ingame footage and stuff and its loosing its fright imo....
it's because you're not playing the game...
Ok, I'm curious what rediculous explanation they're going to give for the: corpses of the dead crew turn into "the thing" part.
If Dead Space doesn't turn out to be an awesome survival horror game, I will dump orange preservatives on my head and post pics for you guys.
Mind you most of is a bunch of nitpicky and jaded bastards that hold Deus Ex and such the Holy Grail of gaming, so I really don't stand much of a chance here. :/
Is this for PC? Please tell me we can switch away from 3rd person if so.
Weeeee RE4 in space.

Wait not weeeee..

What's the word for that?

It was...


oh yea - GAY.
Sort of reminds me of System Shock 2. Looks alright, so far.
Don't worry im pretty hyped for this too.

Have to agree here, this is looking to be what I'd consider my perfect survival/horror game. This also seems to be the first game to somewhat take into account that space does not allow for sound to travel, even though you can still hear them. The muffle effect is great though.
It most certainly is, I own all the comics in paper form(Originals) and got the movie pre-ordered, as well as the game.

Anyone else played through the NoKnownSurvivors game(It's a web-based game for Dead Space)? It's pretty ****ing awesome.

And I think calling it Resi 4 in space is unfair, for one, according to my friend who played the game at PAX, the game has a control scheme that's miles ahead of RE4s, and on another, killing enemies the 'wrong' way will make them mutate and become more dangerous.

Edit: Also for those wondering, yes, it is coming out for the PC too, at the same time as the console versions!
Isaac Clarke = lamest character name ever ;)
But the game looks ok, as long as it's not another dumb doom3-like shooter.
I've been looking forward to this. Looks like what would happen if DOOM and Half-Life had a 3rd person love child.
Is it my imagination or is the camera angle like the one in Gears of War.
I ****ing hate that camera angle.
Have to agree here, this is looking to be what I'd consider my perfect survival/horror game. This also seems to be the first game to somewhat take into account that space does not allow for sound to travel, even though you can still hear them. The muffle effect is great though.

Yeah the space sections look great. At first I wasn't too sure about the game, but after the videos and comics and everything its become a buy for me.
Odd, I find that angle makes things seem that much more immediate and in your face - even more so than in FPS, where often you can't see things around you or get as good a sense of perspective. Plus it's like having a Gi Joe figure that actually does cool stuff. Go Joe!
I quite like the over the shoulder 3rd-person camera. Behind the head just feels so awkward.
This is the kind of camera angle I want in a 3rd person game:
Based on some of these videos and the sheer number of different transformations enemies have, it'll be interesting to see the different ways you can die.
This is the kind of camera angle I want in a 3rd person game:

While that is certainly suitable for action shooters like Max Payne and Mercenaries, I really don't think it would work as well with this genre.
I still find the game a bit generic

it just dont feel that good to me
And I think calling it Resi 4 in space is unfair, for one, according to my friend who played the game at PAX, the game has a control scheme that's miles ahead of RE4s, and on another, killing enemies the 'wrong' way will make them mutate and become more dangerous.

Edit: Also for those wondering, yes, it is coming out for the PC too, at the same time as the console versions!

How is it better? I think RE4's control scheme was perfectly fine, anyone who bitches about it is nitpicking, you aim and shoot with the analog sticks, what's better?

And also - Killing them the 'wrong' way? You mean like shooting their bodies, rather than their mutated tentacle heads.. You're right, that wasn't in RE4.. No wait, it was totally in RE4.
Cant wait for this !

The ingame HUD is why i am getting this not for the game itself. I just love it!

I'll rent it for PS3 and get it for PC.
And also - Killing them the 'wrong' way? You mean like shooting their bodies, rather than their mutated tentacle heads.. You're right, that wasn't in RE4.. No wait, it was totally in RE4.

No no no.

The guy you're playing as has this kind of welding tool/cutting gun or something. It has enough power to take a limb off. The problem being every enemy is different. For instance cutting one creatures leg off might slow him down, but doing this too a different creature might result in him just adapting and coming at you faster then before or some other nasty surprise.

In RE4 it was pretty much "shoot me in this spot. No where else. NOWHERE ELSE.NOWHERNOWHERENOWRELESELESE"
How is it better? I think RE4's control scheme was perfectly fine, anyone who bitches about it is nitpicking, you aim and shoot with the analog sticks, what's better?

And also - Killing them the 'wrong' way? You mean like shooting their bodies, rather than their mutated tentacle heads.. You're right, that wasn't in RE4.. No wait, it was totally in RE4.
Adrik explained my second point well, Dead Space is better in that it amongst other things allows you to actually strafe both without a weapon and with a weapon, it's very annoying when you're trying to run from enemies and can't strafe, seeing as it's such a basic ability I reckon any non-handicapped human has.

In a recent interview based around RE5 the producers at Capcom even admitted that RE4 had its fair share of flaws in the control system and that they were looking to revamp it in time for TGS '08..

So whilst you may think RE4s control scheme was perfect, not even the devs themselves seem to agree.
How is it better? I think RE4's control scheme was perfectly fine, anyone who bitches about it is nitpicking, you aim and shoot with the analog sticks, what's better?

And also - Killing them the 'wrong' way? You mean like shooting their bodies, rather than their mutated tentacle heads.. You're right, that wasn't in RE4.. No wait, it was totally in RE4.

The only thing i really couldnt stand about RE4 was the laser sight instead of crosshair. Not really a control issue but it bothered me to no end. Did the pc port change that?

Anyways this strategic choppy choppy thing looks almost unused, every time i see gameplay it looks like the things are going way too fast to do shit to them and the developer always just slices them in two with a more powerful weapon. That stasis thing looks like it can help save it but ill see.

Really the more i see of this the more i feel ambivalent.

The first verdict for EA's impressive survival horror game is in - and the score should keep fans excited.

The latest Xbox World 360 mag, on shelves today, awards the survival horror game 91%, claiming that Resident Evil developer Capcom should take note, "Because EA can teach them a thing or three about survival horror."

Exploring the decks of the Ishimura is a "nail-biting experience," says the mag, driven forward by the "film-worthy" script and "inspired" setting. "It's Rapture in space: every bit as disturbing, just as meticulously designed and easily as believable.

The strategic dismemberment system, it says, enforces a much more tactical approach and makes other horror game foes look "decidedly average".

"Keeping a clear head sits just below keeping a head at all in the importance stakes," it says. "Because unless you carefully pick the limbs off the approaching enemies you'll find yourself surrounded with an empty cartridge in your weapon.

"The Ishimura has a fully designed vent system which allows monsters to make their own way through the ship. Fail to stop them before they jump into an air duct and they'll pop out behind you minutes later and take two bites out of your arse."

But Dead Space's real showpiece, continues the review, is its Zero G environments. "When the gravity is removed the fun really starts," it says. "Usually the space hopping is combined with a lack of oxygen. If you've not been bolstering your O2 supplied via the BENCH upgrade system, the time limit can make for a tense scramble for the next airlock."

According to the mag the Zero G environments, which it calls Dead Space's "party piece", make up less than the 33% promised by the game's exec producer. It also complains that one boss encounter, described as "scariest beast we've ever faced" could've last longer.

"Dead Space doesn't quite give its strengths as much screen time as they fully deserved," it says, "and often falls back onto the standard staple action of Resident Evil 4.

"But what action to fall back on. The very fact that we wish Dead Space included more of its original features and less content pulled from the last generation's greatest game speaks volumes for the quality on show."

Do want.
Yeah not surprised, I've had high hopes for this from the beginning, especially due to the effort EA put into it, this was one game they couldn't let themselves mess up and I think they were aware of that, what with the comic books, and the feature film that's coming out this month.. It's gonna be awesome!
What's the complete opposite of being interested in a game, because that's how I feel about this one. I do however despise 3rd player perspective so that has A LOT to do with my lack of interest here. The setting also turns me off quite a bit. Bland, dark, gray corridor crawls are getting so old. Strategic dismemberment seems uninspired and clunky in the videos I've seen. I do like the hud/holographic type things, but that's about it. It looks like they did a very good job technically, but that means nothing to me with the gameplay I've seen. Shame too, because when I only read about it, it sounded cool and I love sci-fi.