Dear god its hot *fans self*

Eeeeeeewwwww. Did you have to say that??? *turns green*
I have such old aunts, she'a about 20 years older than my father

*watches llama throw up, laughs evilly*
*turns round to throw up on Skaadi*

pwnt :p

Oh yeah, stop inciting my to spam in my own thread :P
Yeah, considering the hottest we normally get around here is about 35C
I was walking in 1.5 ft of snow today. It was COLD. *stands by heater*
It's 70 degrees F here...and that's retarded for beginning of January weather.

I quit Missouri, shitty state.
Churack said:
Snow? What is this snow?

Its this green stuff that floats up off the ground, it hovers about 2 cm off of the ground. Its like really thick fog that looks like mucus. But its really cold.
The hottest temprature in Sweden ever was 38°C. Although I was in Death Valley this summer. It was 123°F/51°C there.
I thought this thread was going to be about something sexy.
Churack said:
The hottest temperature we've had is 50C.
and diden't we love that, almost as much as the coldest it has been (-1C) *X-TREME SHUDDER* My God that was f'ing cold