most criminal/ghetto/Gang Wars place in USA Compton VS Hampton

I think I heard a quote something along the lines of, "There's enough nukes in the world to launch one every single day for the next 500 years."

Though maybe thats just one countries(like the united states or Russia) capacity. I can't remember... the quote is vague in my head.

1. There is no such thing as an anti-nuke weapon.
2. France is, I believe, quite a nasty place for poor Muslim immigrants.
3. Only extremists hate 'ridiculous things like barbie dolls'. The general populace needs something that more directly affects them to hate America.
4. "Becuase we won't sit around and watch while countries like Iran are building nukes and openly, vocally threaten Isreal and America, and have been found to support terrorists." You are doing exactly that right now. If, indeed, Iran are actually building nukes.
5. What would you rather have a million dollars spent on? One patriot missile? Or a social welfare program and free health care improving the lives of a whole load of people?
Sulkdodds said:

1. There is no such thing as an anti-nuke weapon.
2. France is, I believe, quite a nasty place for poor Muslim immigrants.
3. Only extremists hate 'ridiculous things like barbie dolls'. The general populace needs something that more directly affects them to hate America.
4. "Becuase we won't sit around and watch while countries like Iran are building nukes and openly, vocally threaten Isreal and America, and have been found to support terrorists." You are doing exactly that right now. If, indeed, Iran are actually building nukes.
5. What would you rather have a million dollars spent on? One patriot missile? Or a social welfare program and free health care improving the lives of a whole load of people?

1. Thats what you think. Why do you think we are spending money on defense to design things like that? Do you think its a bad idea to launch something like a patriot missle to destroy a nuke missle in mid-air before it has armed itself, and away from a major city - say like over sea?

4) I'm sitting around and watching ? Thats not my job. I am a citizen and do not work for the government. Come on Sulkdodds, you are a smart man, thats just a rediculous statement. What do you suggest I do? Fly to Iran and destroy their facilities? No sir, thats what our defense budget is for - if need be.

5) We have a welfare program, but health care is different in America, right now, you pay a small monthly fee to an insurance company that will cover your health care costs. Other people get free health care from their jobs. And this is something America is really dealing with right now, working towards an improved health care system.
VirusType2 said:
Do you think Iraq, Iran, *other* is dumping loads of money into Health care and public services/amenities?

We can't afford to **** around dude
Iraq and Iran are hardly model countries now, are they? You're saying that because they're spending more money on military than on healthcare or education or, you know, the general well-being of its populous, you must do likewise? But just think about how much more money you have than these countries. Consider how bloated your military is already.
I say this not as some conceited Limey ponce, but as another human being: I think it's obscene that your government (not the US as a people) chooses to pour more money into the already-oversized behemoth of the US military than it does into setting up a free healthcare system, for example. Or pouring more money into education, or underpriveleged areas. Simply, spending more money on bettering the coutry and its people. It's a crying shame.
el Chi said:
Iraq and Iran are hardly model countries now, are they? You're saying that because they're spending more money on military than on healthcare or education or, you know, the general well-being of its populous, you must do likewise? But just think about how much more money you have than these countries. Consider how bloated your military is already.
I say this not as some conceited Limey ponce, but as another human being: I think it's obscene that your government (not the US as a people) chooses to pour more money into the already-oversized behemoth of the US military than it does into setting up a free healthcare system, for example. Or pouring more money into education, or underpriveleged areas. Simply, spending more money on bettering the coutry and its people. It's a crying shame.
No, Im not saying becuase they are spending their money on nukes that we need to spend money on more ordinance or nukes, I'm saying that becuase they are spending all their money on trying to kill us, that we need to make sure there is enough money to do whatever the hell we need. Whether it is intelligence, ordinance, military fuel, as well as pay all the people involved.

America has done fine from day 1 without a free healthcare system, its not like its failing or anything, we just didn't do things like that. I can't see how making sure the country and the entire world is safe from attack isn't bettering the country and its people.

If we eventually adobt a free healthcare system for all, then I'm all for it.

However, don't be misled, if someone cannot afford to get patched up if they are injured, someone picks up the bill, whether it be the government or the doctors perform the needed care at a lower rate - which is also paid by the government.

So for example, I drive up to the store to buy some groceries, and my car is plowed into by a big truck and I am all smashed up clinging to life, the police, ambulances, fire trucks, whatever, they all show up and the EMT's peel me out of the car, put me in the ambulance or helicopter and take me to a local hospital, administering treatment all the way there. When I get there, they do any kind of emergency care, and try to patch me up. Then the find out who I am by my vehicle tags, or wallet, or witnesses, and find out if I have any insurance, then they go from there. If I don't have insurance, they don't get paid as much to fix me up, they get paid a lower rate from the gov't, but anyone who is a doctor will still do what they can I should think. They are required to. I know becuase, my dad is a doctor, my mother is a nurse. This is what your car insurance is for. Everyone who drives a vehicle is required to have car insurance. If it was the other drivers fault their insurance must cover you. If it is your own fault and you have cheap liability insurance ( this is the minimum amount of insurance by law ), that doesn't cover you, that only covers other drivers, so in this case, I can only assume they put it on your tab and you make payments on it. So its a great idea to have insurance.

Life/health insurance are different, but again, if you don't have insurance, you will be required to pay it back with monthly payments. Since medical bills can be enormous, its a good idea to have insurance. If you were a bumb that had no job, then I guess you can't pay it back can you? Leaving the hospital with the bill, but they probably get some money - at least to pay for supplies - but not labor - from the gov't.

We don't just let people die. People with low income, or people recieving government assisted living (single mothers with children, disabled, etc.) also have things like Medicaid to cover these types of expenses, and medications.

Please don't be misinformed.
Virustype said:
4) I'm sitting around and watching ? Thats not my job. I am a citizen and do not work for the government. Come on Sulkdodds, you are a smart man, thats just a rediculous statement. What do you suggest I do? Fly to Iran and destroy their facilities? No sir, thats what our defense budget is for - if need be.

1. Let's asses the possibilities when it comes to nukes.
Option 1: You get broadsided by a load of missiles. Result: apocalypse. Chance of stopping it with technology: er, not much.
Option 2: You get shafted by a terrorist attack using a small number of nukes (or just one) in specific places. Result: Hurt. Chance of stopping it with technology: None at all. Either you don't know about it at all or you stop it using methods that have nothing to do with anti-missile measures.

4. By 'you' I meant your country.

5. I didn't say you had no healthcare or welfare system. I merely said that such a system is probably a better thing to spend one million dollars on than a single patriot missile.
I found what I was looking for:

The problem, I think, with American culture - in terms of how it justifies its system - is that it assumes everybody has an equal chance in life and if you're poor, it's your own damn fault.
This is incorrect.