most criminal/ghetto/Gang Wars place in USA Compton VS Hampton

there are gangs in southern Mexico made up mostly of centroamericans who kill other centroamerican immigants en route to the United States just for fun. Yeah, for fun.
When you guys learn to fight wars without calling us to save you, then talk shit.
Guess who lost in Vietnam.

Also, because you have no history, Hollywood resorts to stealing ours.

-Angry Lawyer
This thread is ****ing retarded now. You are trying to claim "the most ****ed up inner cities"

You should be trying to push that on other places not claim it.
Compton. You guys who haven't been there, shut your mouths because you don't know shit. If you've never been to the ghetto, don't ever come to the ghetto.

Compton isn't the worst either, try living in other places around Hell A, especially in MS 13 areas. I've been there, you guys don't have a ****ing idea what hell it is. Waking up to gushots or helicopters every night, and maybe waking up the next morning with a dead friend like i did.

My friend died 2 years ago after being shot for no ****ing reason, and my brother had 2 friends killed 4 months ago, why, no reason, just mistaken identity as the cops said, never found both of their killers and it pisses me off.

Hell i don't know why the hell we have troops overseas when there is a bigger war going on in the streets.

Sorry, kinda had to vent...
Angry Lawyer said:
Guess who lost in Vietnam.

Also, because you have no history, Hollywood resorts to stealing ours.

-Angry Lawyer
We never lost in Vietnam, but we never won. Besides, who had trouble defeating the French? We went up against a brilliant strategist, Ho ChI Minh, instead of some crazy French chick.
Angry Lawyer said:
Guess who lost in Vietnam.

Also, because you have no history, Hollywood resorts to stealing ours.

-Angry Lawyer

That reminds me! I never got the chance to congratulate you Brits on defeating the Spanish Armada!
operative x said:
We never lost in Vietnam, but we never won. Besides, who had trouble defeating the French? We went up against a brilliant strategist, Ho ChI Minh, instead of some crazy French chick.

O' Rly?

Wikipedia said:
All American troops were withdrawn by March 29, 1973. By April 30, 1975, North Vietnam had overtaken South Vietnam and by 1976, Vietnam was officially unified under the North Vietnamese government as The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The commies beat you there.


Wikipedia said:
By 1921 the British Empire held sway over a population of about 470–570 million people; roughly a quarter of the world's population. It covered about 14.3 million square miles (more than 37 million km²), about a quarter of the world's total land area.

Yeah, we're all weakings over here :dozey:

-Angry Lawyer
operative x said:
We never lost in Vietnam, but we never won. Besides, who had trouble defeating the French? We went up against a brilliant strategist, Ho ChI Minh, instead of some crazy French chick.
We were winning enormously militarily. Tet Offensive showed us OBLITERATING them in conventional battle. Towards the latter days of the war counter-insurgency operations were fucntioning very well and achieving desired effects. General Vo Nguyen Giap even admitted their cause was all but lost if it wasn't for things collapsing at home in America to support the war. On a boots in the mud level, the US Military was superior.
RakuraiTenjin said:
This thread is ****ing retarded now. You are trying to claim "the most ****ed up inner cities"

You should be trying to push that on other places not claim it.

lol, it's like trying to brag about having the smallest pen0r.
England would have got annhiliated by the Nazis if it weren't for us. And btw, If you say we lost in Vietnam, I say we just lost interest in fighting there. Which is what you Brits said about the Revolutionary War with America. The British were indeed once the most powerful. But times have changed and now it is America.
what? what? history? you're pushing history on us? cut it out. everyone knows Korea is the best country in the world.
Que-Ever said:
what? what? history? you're pushing history on us? cut it out. everyone knows Korea is the best country in the world.

Let's all chant in unison:

poo poo head said:
Compton. You guys who haven't been there, shut your mouths because you don't know shit. If you've never been to the ghetto, don't ever come to the ghetto.

Compton isn't the worst either, try living in other places around Hell A, especially in MS 13 areas. I've been there, you guys don't have a ****ing idea what hell it is. Waking up to gushots or helicopters every night, and maybe waking up the next morning with a dead friend like i did.

My friend died 2 years ago after being shot for no ****ing reason, and my brother had 2 friends killed 4 months ago, why, no reason, just mistaken identity as the cops said, never found both of their killers and it pisses me off.

Hell i don't know why the hell we have troops overseas when there is a bigger war going on in the streets.

Sorry, kinda had to vent...

Always wondered why we dont have the troops purge the really bad cities.
One reason maybe people playing the Race Card and calling Racism.


that is all.

EDIT: btw, that video ruined natalie portman for me ;(
madog said:
And btw, If you say we lost in Vietnam, I say we just lost interest in fighting there.
Right. So thousands of lives were lost, and then someone said "you know what? I'm a bit bored now. Shall we just go home? We just came to see what the weather was like over here anyway."

That's like using your life savings, and selling your mother to be allowed to sit a test, failing, then saying "I didn't really want to pass anyway."

America lost. Deal with it.
Shasta said:
Right. So thousands of lives were lost, and then someone said "you know what? I'm a bit bored now. Shall we just go home? We just came to see what the weather was like over here anyway."

That's like using your life savings, and selling your mother to be allowed to sit a test, failing, then saying "I didn't really want to pass anyway."

America lost. Deal with it.

We could probably win if we took it up again today.
According to Wikipedia president Bush and his dad lived in Compton. Go figure.

PS: In re the war in vietnam: not winning the war is not the same as losing the war.
madog said:
We could probably win if we took it up again today.
What is your point? You could probably go get a standard road car of today and go faster than a specially designed record-attempt car from back then too. But what would that prove?

Coulda woulda shoulda.
Shasta said:
Right. So thousands of lives were lost, and then someone said "you know what? I'm a bit bored now. Shall we just go home? We just came to see what the weather was like over here anyway."

That's like using your life savings, and selling your mother to be allowed to sit a test, failing, then saying "I didn't really want to pass anyway."

America lost. Deal with it.[/I]
It makes perfect sense, you just don't understand it. People lost faith in the war so we decided it wasn't worth it to continue. Besides, Ghandi scared you all off without even firing a shot! Hah!
operative x said:
It makes perfect sense, you just don't understand it. People lost faith in the war so we decided it wasn't worth it to continue.

You lost faith in the war because you were losing.
SixThree said:
You lost faith in the war because you were losing.
Not really. If we really wanted to beat the Viet Cong (like really badly) we could've nuked the shit out of the place.
Sure, we were hit hard by the Tet Offensive, but like I said we could have resorted to more drastic measures at any time (of course the use of nuclear weapons would have dire consequences for America's foriegn relations, as well as moral issues, which is why we didn't use them).

Anyway, the reason why we pulled out of Vietnam was simply because the war was unpopular at home. The Tet Offensive added to its unpopularity, but we could have recovered from the Tet Offensive, heck we could have nuked all of north vietnam's cities if we wanted to- but the government just gave in to the pressure.

Also, it depends on your definition of "lose".
If by "lose" you mean that our military strenght was crippled and tanks were rolling down our streets, then obviously we didn't lose.
If by "lose" you mean that we did not complete our objectives, then yes we lost.

Either way, even if we "lost", we were never losing.
Teta_Bonita said:
Not really. If we really wanted to beat the Viet Cong (like really badly) we could've nuked the shit out of the place.

Yeah, sure. In your ROFLcopters.
Why did this turn into a vietnam/america/something thread?

Anyway, Project Black with its Operations Dark Storm and Hammer Fall, hitting targets alpha and tango, (Washington DC and New York) with naval artillery barrages and the landing of 200,000 infantry with tank support would be enough to comprimise the east coast and

I've said too much. ahem.
South Central LA pwns both Compton and Hampton.
Espionage said:
hahaha you have to be bloody kidding me?! Pansy’s!? Our bloody culture revolves around fighting, trouble and power. America has well more ''Pansy’s'' than England and to be honest we are not the country that carries around firearms for 'protection'. I’ve been to America mate, your bullshit comments sickens me! But with an IQ of whale shit I'm not surprised.

Sorry, 'pansy fagg-ts' is what I meant to say. Does that clear it up for you? Your culture revolves around brushing your teeth with roquefort cheese and drinking tea. We carry pistols for protection because of all the non-pansies in America that will stab you for the 5 dollars in your wallet. So is it more pansy to cry and get stabbed while you get mugged, or is it more pansy to pull out a pistol and apple sauce his head? Nice logic, cap.

Oh, and to Sulk, so um, how about England just takes us Americans back if you're so much tougher than us?

Angry Lawyer, any asshole who passed 7th grade knows we lost the Veitnam War. Unlike some other countries, America has some people that aren't afraid to admit defeat when it happens.

Oh, and what cars have we stolen? You mean, bought out? Ford did a nice job with that.

P.S. Using the term 'kid' doesn't really work, as I am older than you. Come up with a better one.
15357 said:
Why did this turn into a vietnam/america/something thread?

Some of the English folks. They are STILL bitter that like 12 Americans liquified their entire army back in 1776.
Oh, nationalism...


Que-Ever said:
what? what? history? you're pushing history on us? cut it out. everyone knows Korea is the best country in the world.

<3 <3 <3
Glo-Boy said:
Sorry, 'pansy fagg-ts' is what I meant to say. Does that clear it up for you? Your culture revolves around brushing your teeth with roquefort cheese and drinking tea. We carry pistols for protection because of all the non-pansies in America that will stab you for the 5 dollars in your wallet. So is it more pansy to cry and get stabbed while you get mugged, or is it more pansy to pull out a pistol and apple sauce his head? Nice logic, cap.

Oh, and to Sulk, so um, how about England just takes us Americans back if you're so much tougher than us?

Angry Lawyer, any asshole who passed 7th grade knows we lost the Veitnam War. Unlike some other countries, America has some people that aren't afraid to admit defeat when it happens.

P.S. Using the term 'kid' doesn't really work, as I am older than you. Come up with a better one.
This has to be the BEST thread ever! Now we somehow actually have Americans trying to prove that America is worse than other countries! The thread-starter is a god!

As for saying America has some people that aren't afraid to admit defeat when it happens- you aren't paying much attention, are you?
I f*cking hate nationalism. You are all assholes and I hope that some sort of war does erupt so that you all wipe each other out.


Glo-Boy said:
15357 said:
Why did this turn into a vietnam/america/something thread?

Some of the English folks. They are STILL bitter that like 12 Americans liquified their entire army back in 1776.

No, I think you'll find what changed this thread from a relatively light hearted (and I say that because chavs are funny) discussion on inner-city crime into a narrow-minded, jingoistic flame-fest was not a few comments from 'English folks' (and I suggest that you learn the difference between British and English, dipshit) but rather what you said here:

Glo-Boy said:
Uh, it doesn't matter if English people hijack the thread. Are you guys REALLY that jealous of our country that you have to claim that you have worse neighborhoods than America? Bring on your 'chavs'... hah. All he has to do is show you his unbrushed teeth and breathe his disgusting breath on you and you'll shit yourself in fright.

Nice one.