

Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
I just wanted to thank each and every one of you here for everything you have done, in one way or another. For all the tips/advice/help you offered in every thread I made, and for the numerous laughs that were had by the crazy antics that occur here (Willie's Christmas Story reading comes to mind.) Lately I've been getting tired and bored of games and gaming, like it used to bring hours of joy, but now there's this void in me that used to be full when playing a new game. As of New Years Eve, a part of my resolution was to learn how to free run.

It is now 12:25 AM, and for the last hour I have had a video on loop that has made me realize that I need to find something more. Something more then videogames, more then what exists on the internet.

I've failed time and time again, and always tried to find a way to avoid the blame for it. Always tried to pin it on someone or something else; hell even ended up lashing out at the community in general (though unintentionally and not realizing it until the next day.) and for that I apologize, I really do hope that the members of this great community can find it within themselves to forgive me. Basically I've only failed because I've chosen to.

Anyway, after an hour or so of watching and listening to this -

I have decided to take a break. A long break. From everything. In order to pursue what seems to be the only thing that can put a smile on my face anymore, to improve. And I thank you,, for kicking me enough to finally stand up again. You all helped me through many rough times, and simply saying thanks just doesn't feel like it's enough.

Well, I wish you all the best.

Good-bye for a while;
Ryan (Frosted)
Goodbye and good luck. Make sure to come back at some point. <3 :D
:*( Daw...

Good luck with everything mate, stay strong and come back soon!
Later Frost. I gave you a hard time in chat sometimes, but I never really thought badly of you or anything. Hope you find what you're looking for. :)

Also, as it's tradition: you'll be back.
Hey man, best of luck ahead. You know where to go if you need some one to talk to/destroy you at HL2: DM.
Good luck Frosty! Be sure to post about your free running experiences if you're going to keep doing that.
I enjoyed our short and hilarious and awesome and completely messed up time together in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Good luck, man.
Good luck on your adventure in life. Come back with some awesome stories
I dont get why you make so mcuh threads,you are a doctor,you save lives,or contribute to save them,you make us look useless :L
He'll come back. They all come back. (Good luck though)
My name is Ryan as well. I wish you luck comrade.
Parkour is awesome. this dude is pretty damn good - decent story teller to boot. Good thread. Go get 'em, dude.

I forgot what to do here.

You were very pleasant to have around man.

Goodbye and good luck!
Free Running? Hopping cripples earns you massive man-points. Just saying.
Here I thought the internet is life.
Well... Good luck in life man. Make sure you check in here every once in a while.
Firstly I just want to thank everyone. I'll be on and off of here occasionally and will also pop into the group chat once in a while.

Hahah. This amuses me. I imagine Frosted trying to be cool, but ultimately doing this:

Basically, when most traceurs/traceuses start off, they say the feel like they look like that and/or their skill level is about on par with that. Myself included. But just sticking with it and progressing your way up is what makes anyone who trains better.

We need a video of you doing it when you come back.

Despite that I have a few that basically just look like that Office clip, here -

On top of the PK training, I've begun eating way better, going to a gymnastics class and getting into a proper strength training routine which is in the spoiler at the bottom for anyone interested. In about 2 months my confidence has gone up a TON, though it's still not enough to make me feel as though I can do most things. Right now I'm resting my ankle after I sprained it doing a precision jump. I knew I could do it, but half way through something in my mind went "Nevermind no I can't OH GOD WHY" and my foot bent up 85 degrees when I landed.

I've also started learning to accept more of what life gives me, and have begun trying to work around any little problems that spring up. It's helped me overcome the depression which I began training with PK for in the first place.

I'd absolutely recommend it to anyone who wants to give it a try, but I also recommend finding some people who have trained it for at least a year or two first. Trying anything for the first time can be VERY dangerous (learned the hard way).

I had tried a good number of things and never felt so much joy and pleasure doing any of them like I do with my training.

A video I absolutely recommend watching -

Also this -

That guy basically inspires the hell outta me. After a long/hard day, if I come home sore as **** thinking "why am I doing this?" I can throw on one of his videos and remember why.


Gymnastics class for an hour, but I'd like to fill this with some light workouts.

Tuesday (Lower Body)


3x10 - 45lbs (bar alone)
3x10 - 55lbs
3x5 - 95lbs

3x20 - 45lbs (bar alone)
3x15 - 95lbs
1x however many I can do - 115lbs

1/2mile in less than 2 minutes

Wednesday(upper body)

Dead-hang Pullups:

Kip-Ups (I've only managed 2 so far, but a part of it was because I had poor form):
Basically as many as I can while maintaining proper form and control.


Rest? Maybe a light workout here, something like bench press - 2x5 @ 10lbs?

Friday (Upper body/reps)

Bench Press (dumbbells):
3x30 - 15lbs
3x25 - 20lbs
2x20 - 25lbs
1x15 - 27.5lbs

Military Press (dumbbells):
3x25 - 20lbs
3x20 - 25lbs
2x15 - 27.5lbs
1x5 - 30lbs

Dumbbell Fly:
3x30 - 20lbs
3x27 - 25lbs
3x25 - 30lbs
2x15 - 35lbs


PK training



I wanted to leave my FB page here, so should anybody wish to get in touch with me or just ask a question and I'm not online (idk how often I'll come and check this forum and chat)then I can still get back to you -
Good luck and stay Frosty Frosted! Free Running is a blast and I hope you find what you're looking for. :)
I find the first video ridiculous.

He obviously doesn't know what people do with games.
That first video....

I've never laughed so hard in my life.

but keep up the hard work.
I haven't done anything remotely life-aiding to any member of this forum since joining.

Happy trails!

but keep up the hard work.

I saw that image ****ing earlier. Get offa /v/, unless someone there ripped it from somewhere else. Was it you?!

&Awesome Frosty, it's always nice to hear success stories. You don't get many of them these days.
Yea that first video was the first time I ever went to train, all alone and going by a handful of tutorials. In all it was not a good experience.

But it was the first time I had a bad experience trying something and didn't give up.

Since then I've joined the American Parkour forums and got in touch with a fairly large team that gets together to train and I've come to learn a lot.

A couple of us met up today to train, and well, this shot was taken:


It's a speed vault, the second vault I tried learning and I'm finally perfecting it after a week of drilling it both with and without a safety tap (planting my foot down on the obstacle for a second).
Good to see you're getting into it!
**** yeah, Frosted. Keep this thread going and I might actually get some exercise when the snow clears.