Dear, I f*cked up

Pull the door off a microwave and tell her to hold it..... (a little bit later) PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!!!
Just proves that today's youth is just getting dumber by year, all thinking they can go through life without being touched. Yes you ****ed up, but why you are bringing situations as serious as this to bunch of strangers is beyond me, because we certainly aren't your 'friends', we are just a collection of avatars on a forum to you.

But anyway, if I were you I'd get the **** out of there. Regardless of your feelings for this girl, she did lie to you to have sex and got herself pregnant because of it (even though you should have been wearing protection yourself), you don't want to have to deal with this baby at your age, because it well everything you ever thought about future wise, or career wise even, all of it goes out of the window. If she wants the baby then let her have it, but get away from her and keep your life intact. Yes you made a mistake, but learn from them.
Peelz make girls less horny according to research. So girls, if you want to **** and really feel it, stop with deh peelz! (It's called a calendar!)
next time hit where she doodie at
I'm surprised no-ones berated him for sleeping with his friends girlfriend yet. Poor form!
If that child is yours then you have a responsibilty for it, so you can't just cut and run.
Babies needs the mother the first years. The father becomes more important in the early childhood. So I say he's got a couple of years of doing what ever, and then taking this thing on. I mean she pretty much tricked him into it. He should do what he wants.
You can always watch "16 and pregnant" episodes on the MTV website and think about what those couples did.
But are you even sure it's yours? The whole "I forgot my pill for a week" thing makes no sense to me. The pill isn't like a magic sperm shield, it works by tricking your body into thinking it's ovulating. You take it for three weeks and then stop for a week, and then take it for the next three weeks and so on. So if she forgot to take it, she wouldn't begin to ovulate immediately, she would only ovulate when she was next supposed to. A young woman can get pregnant technically at any time of her cycle, but you should be absolutely sure. It's also very, very unusual to get your period while pregnant.
Sure she said she was on the pill, but it was your fault for not wearing a condom too. You're both stupid kids. She lied to you and you were foolish to believe her. So now you're in an awful situation because you both barely have 2 brain cells between each other.

Although you might not want to speak to her again, you really need to sit down with her and discuss it properly. I doubt at your young ages she really wants a baby, and that it's more about keeping you connected to her somehow. On that premise I would explain to her that because she told a terrible lie about taking the pill that you can't forgive her for that. Tell her you were stupid to have trusted her too and you don't think you could trust her again.

I personally believe due to your ages, she should abort it. You are both evidently too idiotic to bring a child into the world and supporting it. Stern is ages old and he's barely capable of doing it! On the basis of the break down of trust and your age, advise her the best thing would be to have an abortion. Tell her that you completely understand it is her body and she should think about it and you're not forcing her.

Explain she can build her trust up with you again by what is best and that you'll be more careful in the future. The shock of something like this can make people scared and need others for support, so offer her that support now and after, even if you can't stand the sight of her. If you can resolve things you can part ways afterwards; leaving her with a broken heart but not a broken family for some poor baby.

edit: And as Kiplings said, the story with the pill doesn't make any sense. Based on what he said, I don't think she's even been prescribed the pill.
tell theyr christians parents that the kid will be the antichrist,that will make them support the abortion
First thing I thought of was the Willie story too.

I've had a girlfriend for 7 months, and we've been at it for 5, and that is my biggest fear in life, so she takes the pill, and I pull out. I also wear a condom if I want to fire it off inside. It's hard work to get there, but worth it 100%

OP, don't leave the kid. I'd say stay nearby, but do not live with that psycho bitch. If you can, get the kid away from her, do the world a favor. And have her reproductive gear yanked out. All girls get psycho about babies when they see them on youtube. My own girlfriend has told me on several occasions that she wants her own baby. It's their instinct. It's just like out instinct to **** anything that moves. It's how we're naturally supposed to work. Granted, that doesn't make it a good idea to work that way in our society, but do your own kid a favor, and don't let it grow up near that psycho... if she's willing to **** you just for your seed. Bad sign. That means she'll do it to other guys too. Run. Holding your kid's hand, run.

EDIT: If it makes you feel better, I'm sure you'll take any sign of hope, you're a Daddy. You got a little girl, or little boy, ready to learn all the facts of life from you. Feel important yet? Sure, there's some scary responsibility in there, but everyone jumps into the real world their own way. You have no choice, might as well be the best ****ing Dad ever. Right? Don't let anyone's opinion get in your head. You made a mistake. An easy one to make when mixed with temptation, and from a girl you have a crush on. People will do anything for love, and men will do anything for pussy. You're only human. Don't beat yourself up, and don't let others beat you up.

EDIT2: And don't listen to the "adults" on these forums. They grow up and forget what it's like to be a horny teenager. You made the same mistake hundreds of other kids make across the world every year. You're not that smart, sure, but who could expect you to be? You're still a kid. Don't make excuses for yourself, but understand the difference between reality, and fantasy. She tricked you, and you were a fool. There's a thousand different ways to be tricked by someone, she just chose one of the worst possible ways to do it to you. You're lucky she didn't decide to kill your ass. You get it, it was a shitty idea, but the best way to learn is through trial and error... You just chose the wrong situation to experiment in. If you're going to experiment at all, have protective gear at least. Your kid's won't make you mistake though, I can assure you of that. If you talk to your kids, this WILL come up when they get curious.

/me Waits for other forumers to tear up his post.
Tell her you love her and want to stay with her no matter what, maybe even propose.
Then tell her, you'd love to have children further down the road but not now, neither of you are ready.
Persuade her to get an abortion, re-assuring her you love her and are going to be together.
Once she gets abortion, call her a manipulative whore and leave her to deal with the guilt of murdering her baby alone whilst you go and party in college. Profit.
Conspiracy Theory: Girl is pregnant and just broke up with the father. Finds nice guy she knows fancies him and ****s him claiming she's on the pill. Then tells the guy he's the baby's father.
Tell her you love her and want to stay with her no matter what, maybe even propose.
Then tell her, you'd love to have children further down the road but not now, neither of you are ready.
Persuade her to get an abortion, re-assuring her you love her and are going to be together.
Once she gets abortion, call her a manipulative whore and leave her to deal with the guilt of murdering her baby alone whilst you go and party in college. Profit.


EDIT: **** it.

Conspiracy Theory: Girl is pregnant and just broke up with the father. Finds nice guy she knows fancies him and ****s him claiming she's on the pill. Then tells the guy he's the baby's father.

This too.
Yeah sorry man, you ****ed up alright. You use a condom unless you're living with the chick and make sure she remembers the pill - if she forgets and you get her pregnant it's as much your own fault if you aren't using other methods too.
Toaster leigh is a chick and so doesn't understand just how crazy girls are.
Just verify thats its your kid with a DNA test.

If it is yours, you're in a pretty sticky situation. Your best bet is to flee and change your name. **** having children.
Pull the door off a microwave and tell her to hold it..... (a little bit later) PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!!!

And if it doesn't work you'll have a baby with 3 arms and 14 fingers!
First of all, it was your own damn lack of discipline that got you there in the first place. I mean, who the **** has relations with others in frigging high school? Also, don't you have to be over a certain age to buy contraceptive devices, like 19 or 20?

Secondly, is there a reason why she doesn't want to abort?

Thirdly, man, it must suck.
don't you have to be over a certain age to buy contraceptive devices, like 19 or 20?

Why in the hell would that be a law? Contraceptives are a good thing. Making them illegal for kids to buy wouldn't stop them from having sex. Did you even think for a minute about what you are asking?
Not sure if pre-natal DNA tests are possible at 3 months, but here's a link:

445$ is not a large price for being certain that the kid is or is not yours. Call them, find out if they do prenatal DNA tests, get tested and then either grow a pair of balls and accept the child or call her a slut and kick her out your life.
I'm sure your parents would shell out the money for the test if you couldnt afford it too. I would if my kid was in your situation.

Also, one other possible out is to become a drug addict. Nobody would expect you (or want you) to be a father then. I hear Meth works wonders for this purpose.
Also, one other possible out is to become a drug addict. Nobody would expect you (or want you) to be a father then. I hear Meth works wonders for this purpose.

or having child porn in your pc
All I know is don't leave the kid, because you might be the only sane (or half-sane) parent it has. I know I wouldn't want to be stuck with the crazy mom, and neither would anybody else.
I'm holding out hope that Willie developed an alt account just for this. If not, good luck dude.
You wish queer. If OP is serious tell that bitch to suck it, her parents to bow down before Satan, cause you're bad as f*ck and everyone else can blow themselves.
Will someone think of the baby ? I would like to have a kid someday, to hold it for the first time in my hands.

But at 16 ? **** that broskis.