Demon's Souls

Cling ring.

Anyways, getting my ass kicked by the Tower Knight, having a hard time clearing out all the archers before his mega man blaster nails me
Is there any penalty for killing npcs for example, the knight dude who asks for help to kill danglings in 1-1.

BTW, I'm really screwed. I don't think I can kill any boss after tower knight with my hp drained in half, after dying.
You need to get the Cling Ring, in chapter 1-1. It brings your health to 75% in soul form.
or if you can't find Cling Ring, just level up you're HP and you'll be able to take more hits. another pro tip would be: not getting hit
Is there any penalty for killing npcs for example, the knight dude who asks for help to kill danglings in 1-1.

BTW, I'm really screwed. I don't think I can kill any boss after tower knight with my hp drained in half, after dying.

...You killed Brostrava?

Damn, he gives some cool stuff and helps you later on. No real penalty, you just lose some opportunities until NG+.
I wouldn't kill Ostrava. He gives you hawt lootz in 1-3, 1-4. Btw if you walk over the long bridge in 1-2 on visits back to the area you can hear him clattering around under the bridge :P Noisy bastard.
Cling ring.

Anyways, getting my ass kicked by the Tower Knight, having a hard time clearing out all the archers before his mega man blaster nails me

I sprinted past him and up the stairs immediately. I made it there fast enough to take cover from his 1st flying spear thing. After that you're pretty much protected as you make your circuit and kill all the archers.

From there it's just a matter of staying behind him and knowing when to break lock-on so you can sprint to the sides to properly avoid his attacks.
Got him down, haven't moved onto 1-3 yet as I'm considering stocking up on arrows and giving the red dragon a shot on the bridge

Anyone know about how long it takes to kill him with arrows? Or if he hangs around after you kill the tower knight?
Got him down, haven't moved onto 1-3 yet as I'm considering stocking up on arrows and giving the red dragon a shot on the bridge

Anyone know about how long it takes to kill him with arrows? Or if he hangs around after you kill the tower knight?

It took me just under 100 arrows. I did it from the 1st tower as the dragon makes passes torches the 1st walkway on that bridge. It was mindless enough to do while I was eating lunch one day :P

That'll get you the Purple Flame Shield - apparently one of the best shields in the game.
finally bit the bullet and ordered this. expecting it soon.

you guys better not grief me with false messages.
Killed the dragon and got the shield + str ring, am now in full blown "I ****ing love this game" mode
**** me, got killed by a false idol boss in 3-1. With my lame weapon, there is no way in hell I can beat this boss. what kind of weapon did you use to kill this boss?

BTW, what's the best tactic with octopus-man? I only do backstab once they turn around, but that is just too time consuming.
**** me, got killed by a false idol boss in 3-1. With my lame weapon, there is no way in hell I can beat this boss. what kind of weapon did you use to kill this boss?

BTW, what's the best tactic with octopus-man? I only do backstab once they turn around, but that is just too time consuming.

I alternated sniping the boss with a Sticky Compound Longbow +5 and stabbing whichever copy of her was nearest.

I either sniped those mages or rolled to the side to dodge their crazy electric-stun spells as I approached.
Combine Hybrid: I beat False Idol on the first try, just get a good sword. Mine was a Dragon Long Sword +1.

Dalamari: Wait until you get better gear. 1-4 has at least 6 or 7 of those, and at level 46 I can take 'em easily. At least, as long as I don't get hit. Which I don't. You also can't go past Tower Knight(once you beat him) until you get an Archdemon soul. World 2 is the easiest way to do this.
Any tips for beating the red eye knight in 1-1?

The one with the spear? Don't bother. You won't be able to get into the area he's guarding until you get a key in 1-4 anyway. If you want just lure him to the stairs where the dreglings are and maybe he will fall off. Or lure him to the 'soulpit' and exploit his pathfinding so he'll fall in.

But anyway there is no point confronting him as you can't get into the area.

Btw for the tenticle enemy in 3-1 onwards, hide behind the walls/pillars with thief ring and ambush him. If you have full stamina 3 R2 attacks in succesiion will end him(depending on your stats and weapon ofc). Just make sure you have the stamina as you won't 'stun' him if you don't and he will just 'freeze attack' you.
Combine Hybrid: I beat False Idol on the first try, just get a good sword. Mine was a Dragon Long Sword +1.

I don't even know what Dragon long sword is. Never found it, but sounds pretty good weapon. I had Scimitar +2 as my main weapon and did way too small dmg against the boss.

btw, is a frezze stab attack by those tentacle-man an instant death? I personally never got killed by them but it seems many players got raped by that enemy since there are literally bloodstains all over the prison level.
Killed the 2-1 boss, gonna bust my ass in 2-2 so I can move on in the first act.

When the hell do you get new armor? Been using my standard TK armor since I started
Very tempted to buy this when I'm back from school and, god willing, pick up some temporary summer employment. You guys make it sound quite engrossing and there's really nothing even remotely similar on 360 or PC right now.
I don't even know what Dragon long sword is. Never found it, but sounds pretty good weapon. I had Scimitar +2 as my main weapon and did way too small dmg against the boss.

btw, is a frezze stab attack by those tentacle-man an instant death? I personally never got killed by them but it seems many players got raped by that enemy since there are literally bloodstains all over the prison level.

The mindflayers(as I call them since that's the most comparable creature in DnD) are very, very easy to beat. It's not instant death, but it does enough damage that when in soul form(with less HP) to kill you, while leaving you at 15% or so while in living form. The hardest part of 3-1 is not getting lost.

Dragon Longswords are just longswords with fire enhancements damage stacked on.

Killed the 2-1 boss, gonna bust my ass in 2-2 so I can move on in the first act.

When the hell do you get new armor? Been using my standard TK armor since I started

You can find new stuff way later on. I'm still using my leather armor at 55 since I can't stand lowered speed and want my full roll.

Very tempted to buy this when I'm back from school and, god willing, pick up some temporary summer employment. You guys make it sound quite engrossing and there's really nothing even remotely similar on 360 or PC right now.

I would love to say this is GOTY, or at least PS3 GOTY. I know Uncharted 2 will probably get it because of bigger coverage, though.
ace, add me on psn.

MyLostTemplar is my id.

btw, where did you find dragon longsword? I haven't found any element-enhanced melee weapons yet.
ace, add me on psn.

MyLostTemplar is my id.

btw, where did you find dragon longsword? I haven't found any element-enhanced melee weapons yet.

I recall already adding you. That might have been something else, though.

And, I can't quite remember, since I got it so long ago. I just sort of stumbled on it. Might have been world 3 or 4.

By the way I have two purple flame shields.
Getting rocked by the Dragon God now, not sure how much better I can get behind a ****ing pillar, but I'm not doing it right apparently
From the earlier videos the combat looked a bit stale and repetitive, is it proving engaging enough in the full release? I'd watch videos but I'm on my fubar'd laptop at the moment.
btw, where did you find dragon longsword? I haven't found any element-enhanced melee weapons yet.
You can find one in the tunnels of 2-2 before you get to Flamelurker. Not helpful for him obviously, but great for black phantoms, black skeletons, and other beasties due to the flame effect. :E
From the earlier videos the combat looked a bit stale and repetitive, is it proving engaging enough in the full release? I'd watch videos but I'm on my fubar'd laptop at the moment.

It's great because you're not fighting the same things over and over. Each different enemy takes a different strategy. Even now some of the weaker enemies, if they mob me, can kill me in fairly short order. Plus there are some guys that can one-hit me.

I had to fight one NPC black phantom which had a scraping spear.

long story short, I spent at least 30k souls on repairs.

Other players like to stand there and spam soul arrow(read: magic missile). This does not work. Remember that. Anyone with any sense will not be killed by it, at least in PvP.

It's not just the combat. It's everything else that's taken into account. Plate and chainmail tink when you run forward, when wearing heavy armor and rolling it actually FEELS like you're wearing heavy armor(until you become godly in your endurance stat).

Boss battles range from ridiculously easy(Phalanx, leechmonger) to 'what the **** is this shit' hard(flamelurker, the maneaters while doing single player).

Exploration is rewarding; the only hints you get are other player's messages, and those can be endlessly helpful. When you just cut a gigantic wriggling mass of slugs from the top of a cave wall, and there's this massive sword waiting for you, it just feels good man.

also there are some funny moments.
the fat jester-looking guys always make me laugh when they waddle away.
Arrrgh do want. Need money. The little bit of cash I have may just have to go towards this... instead of booze for the rest of the semester, haha
Arrrgh do want. Need money. The little bit of cash I have may just have to go towards this... instead of booze for the rest of the semester, haha

trade in some rubbish games/movies/music and use that cash towards Demon's Souls
I would buy this but I'm not sure, I'm not that big a fan of linear RPGs so..
Killed the 2-1 boss, gonna bust my ass in 2-2 so I can move on in the first act.

When the hell do you get new armor? Been using my standard TK armor since I started

I'd leave 1-3, 1-4 towards the end. They are rather difficult. 1-4 has the last boss.
I would buy this but I'm not sure, I'm not that big a fan of linear RPGs so..
I would definitely NOT call this a linear RPG. You are required to complete area 1-1 before you can start advanceing in soul level, but after that, almost the entire rest of the worlds are open to you. The areas are quite large and there are multiple ways to get through them to many of the bosses. It has never in my hundreds of hours playing it felt like a linear RPG. Tales of Symphonia (Wii) feels more linear than this. Do not let certain reviewers saying this stop you from playing what is in my estimation the best game on the PS3 (along with Uncharted 2, though DS is more fun for me).
well, i finally caved and bought a ps3 slim, this, and uncharted 2 today. (100 weeks interest-free purchases at PC Richard!) just got through the tutorial with a temple knight, and stopped to grab a bite to eat.

not sure if anyone mentioned the wiki yet:
Some of you guys must be really fast and/or good to be so close to the end. I got the Asian copy in late August and haven't finished it yet. Although tbh I haven't played it much the last few months. My playtime so far is at about 55hours according to my save game.
So from what I gather this is sort of a medeival Shadow of the Colossus on a more grand scale and with a lot more complexity? I'm planning to play the living shit out of it once my friend gets it.
Not like SoTC at all tbh.
Well, to be fair, there are some similarities: HUGE enemies (though not quite as huge as SOTC), very lonely feel, great atmosphere, loads of different areas/environments to explore, emotional content (killing one of the bosses in particular makes you question your motives...or at least did for me). So there are some similarities, but the world is not as open in DS. Still, both games are at the top of the pile in my estimation. Enjoy!
Some of you guys must be really fast and/or good to be so close to the end. I got the Asian copy in late August and haven't finished it yet. Although tbh I haven't played it much the last few months. My playtime so far is at about 55hours according to my save game.

I've talked a lot with people who play it, so I've gotten lots of tips. I use the wiki every so often, mostly just for upgrading and world tendency stuff.

co-op makes most of the bosses insanely easy, and I'm pretty good at action-RPGs in the first place.
just arrived in the mail. add me so yall can teach me a lesson!