Deus Ex Human Revolution

Pre-ordered after seeing the trailer. Damn, 2011 is going to be a year of starvation. So many games to buy, so little money for food :D
The really long trailer for some reason feels like a kojima trailer
Not to mention it gives me more time to wait with getting my new PC!

No way I am getting a Deus Ex title on a console, playing the first one on the PS2 was enough for me in terms of console experience.:p
''negative feedback against key title?'' FF I guess.
Yeah, and 14 more than 13 I imagine. I am sure they have had to throw a TON of resources at trying to get 14 into presentable shape (even though it already came out!). PS3 release of it will need the same help. I just hope the DE delay does not affect Thi4f!!!!!
damnit!! Why can't something like killzone 3 get delayed? :(

that's another game releasing close to my exams so i can't play it on release :|
I've heard it got delayed until next fiscal year, which is between April to 2012. But I hope it got delayed to April...
I've heard it got delayed until next fiscal year, which is between April to 2012. But I hope it got delayed to April...

Yeah, I read some more and got the same info, so it could come out as late as 2012.

I hope it doesn't though, I need a new cyberpunk-ish game!
I hope it does. A delay of any sort of significance, which this is, probably means its got a big flaw in it, or several decent flaws. Hopefully they're fixing the ones people have been criticizing, and its not something worse like bugs or completely broken mechanics.
Wow, thats a huge delay. I honestly think it has little to do with "polishing" the game, and a lot more to do with generating more sales. From what I've read, Eidos wants this title to be huge, and they want to make a 10 year plan of Deus Ex. I wouldn't be surprised if the number of pre-orders is rubbish and it's freaking Eidos out.
Garrett disapproves


It's only a working title, anyway:
I would be more keen on the idea if they made the f into a 4 since it looks more like an f than an e, i.e. THIE4.

Preferably though, I would want THIEF 4.
That's a massive difference from their first acclaimed 40 hrs.
Maybe it lasts 40 hours if you do "everything".

If it takes 25 hours to complete the main quest and there are still subquests which make the game "not even close" to 25 hours long, then I'd say that's a decent length.

How long did it take to finish Deus Ex 1 (I don't remember)?
Why does anybody still believe the bullshit times developers say it takes? My guess, if they say it takes 25 hours to do the story, it will probably take 20 for the whole thing. Also "do everything" includes achievement grinding, guaranteed.
Why does anybody still believe the bullshit times developers say it takes?

I find that usually the hours they say are pretty accurate, in fact, it often takes me longer.
Deus Ex was 30+ hours long, at least. The main quest was massive.
They always say that. Like how they said ME2 was 60 hours or something, and yet I did everything possible in 25. I don't even know how you guys managed to play that game longer.
I think internal gameplay estimates account for the time the 'typical' player spends reloading and dying (and perhaps, sitting through menu and load screens). At any rate, end users under-estimate most games by looking at the in-game clock which usually tells the story of how long it would have taken in a perfect world where they didn't completely suck.

My Steam playthrough of Deus Ex took me 22 hours apparently, but then I died a lot... still, surprised it took me that long. I've completed the game in excess of 10 times, surely. Regardless, Deus Ex is probably the longest First Person game I can think of... really quite extraordinary in size (ok erm... perhaps it's too big?)
You've replayed Deus Ex over ten times?

Christ, I've only replayed it three times.

I don't really see how you could be motivated to replay it over ten times..

Do you like play it once a year or something?
You've replayed Deus Ex over ten times?

Christ, I've only replayed it three times.

I don't really see how you could be motivated to replay it over ten times..

Do you like play it once a year or something?
Well it's not like I'm keeping tally or anything, but I think I did it through three times in 2000, maybe twice the next year, and went back to it something like once every two years. I highly doubt that my replaying pattern was unusual either (I mean, 'everytime you mention it, someone reinstalls it'). Bearing in mind I was what... 14 when this came out? All the time in the world and no money to spend on games. Naturally, the opposite is now true. All the money to spend on games, and no bloody time to play them :p

I'd reckon a similar amount of time went into Half-Life 1, but I doubt there's anything of similar scope I've gone through that much. And hey, what was that figure about Mass Effect 2? That someone had completed that 28 times (about half a year after release). That's genuinely crazy.
I have all the time in the world too, being unemployed and on what used to be called "premature retirement" in my nation.

But I still have such a backlog I rarely manage to replay games.

But that might be because I buy too many games based off the recommendations of people in here rather than relying solely on my own taste and opinions.

I replayed Deus Ex three times totally, once on PS2 and twice on PC.

Other long games I've replayed was Mass Effect 360, four times total but that was mostly due to OCD/achievement-whoring disorder back then, I haven't replayed the sequel for example.
I probably have replayed deus ex fifteen times or so now. Granted I didn't get to the end with each playthrough, but still. It's not something I plan, like I don't say "hey, it is a new year, time for another playthrough of deus ex!" It just comes naturally. Plus there is just so much to the game that I still find something new every time I play.
I probably have gone for a walk fifteen hundred times or so now. Granted I didn't get to the end without pooping, but still. It's not something I plan, like I don't say "hey, it is a new day, time for another walk!" It just comes naturally when my master puts my leash on me. Plus there is just so much to the neighborhood that I still find something new every time we go out.
Stop acting like such sperglords.

That's my role.

Also, for me a replay of a game means you finished the game, I can sometimes boot up titles and just replay a specific level in a game for fun, but that's not the same to me as replaying the game, I'd rather say "I replayed PART of the game" in that case.

See, now that's some proper spergin' I do right there.
Information blow-out courtesey of RPS!

New trailer -

Hands-on impressions (minor spoilage) -

First level blow-by-blow (big spoilage) -

Interview with lead writer -

Impressions seem pretty damn positive. It reads a bit like hype, but they don't normally engage in too much of that, so I'm not too sure what to make of it. Probably just tempered by their excitement of getting to play it, as with many previews.