Deus Ex Human Revolution

they spent a million dolar on a ****ing trailer, but they still have shitty facial animations in the game.
So far the only thing I don't like is the color palette. It looks like everything is either a shade of orange or green... *facepalm*
Its not just the facial animation thats shitty. All the character animations, with maybe the exception of the canned-kill animations are shit.

I still want to see a completely un-f*cked-with video of gameplay. I was hoping the first mission walkthrough badhat posted would be a video one, but it wasn't. I'd hazard the spoilers to see if the gameplay was any good.
Yeah, months ago anyways, that's what Square Enix told retailers. A few months ago they told everyone it was being delayed, but still left "Early 2011" up on their website. For the past week or so they have had a countdown to when they were going to announce the new release date (yes, I am totally ****ing serious..)
Hopefully its for a good reason, like de-consolifying the game for PC or something. Its a pretty huge delay, so they must be changing something up, or they were way behind. Either way, its good that the publisher is giving them significant amounts of extra time to do it right.

If anything, I'm less apprehensive about the game after this news. Also it means I can buy Portal 2 and Shogun 2/Dragon Age 2 in this half of the year.
I'll accept any amount of delays (within reason) if it means it comes out fully baked.

Also, those countdown-to-announcement things are ****ing annoying, especially when it's essentially counting down to... another countdown.
I know it'll be a better game in the long run but this was high on my list of day 1 purchases. I guess I'll just buy this with my bday money then
tbh i think it was just delayed for a fiscal reason =/

february still lied within Square's previous fiscal year (which was really bad apparently due to things like K&L2 and especially FF14) so it was delayed out of that year perhaps to boost their next fiscal year. As for the august date, its worked out really well for them before with batman arkham asylum and places Deus ex 3 as the first big fall game of the year. I doubt the delay actually had much to do with fixing anything really, just business
tbh i think it was just delayed for a fiscal reason =/

february still lied within Square's previous fiscal year (which was really bad apparently due to things like K&L2 and especially FF14) so it was delayed out of that year perhaps to boost their next fiscal year. As for the august date, its worked out really well for them before with batman arkham asylum and places Deus ex 3 as the first big fall game of the year. I doubt the delay actually had much to do with fixing anything really, just business
FF14? Maybe. Kane and Lynch 2? Definitely not. The game sold millions of copies. In economic point of view, the game was a major success.
ah good point point i tried to forget that piece of info :(

maybe FF14 then, I do remember hearing bad things coming out of the fiscal reports tho =/
The game seems to switch to third person at every available opportunity, why don't they just make it a third person game? Switching views to climb a ladder? How pointless.
It's not pointless, and I've found that the third person stuff isn't as much of a problem as I thought it would be. I just played Vegas 2 and it has an almost identical third person cover system. You go into third person in cover and on ladders; third person ladders allows you to survey the top of a roof before blindly climbing up. I thought the First to Third Person mechanics in Vegas 2 were really fun and smooth, if DX:HR is anything like it, I wont be bothered.

I am concerned about take-downs still though, I'm worried that you can just abuse the take-down system by running up to guys and pressing a button. I don't know if they mentioned if you have to get them by surprise or not. Which brings me to my next concern, if there are no melee weapons in the game, if you have little ammo and get caught by a guard, how do you defend yourself?
Overall looking fun, but that highlighting is retard and ridiculous.

Oh hey let's highlight every single interactive object because we know you're a ****ing idiot and can't figure it out for yourself!

Besides that yes, it does look like fun. I'm also glad that they wont force you into action or stealth.

However on the graphics side, is it just de quality of the video or does the game look terrible? Not impressed.
It's not pointless, and I've found that the third person stuff isn't as much of a problem as I thought it would be. I just played Vegas 2 and it has an almost identical third person cover system. You go into third person in cover and on ladders; third person ladders allows you to survey the top of a roof before blindly climbing up. I thought the First to Third Person mechanics in Vegas 2 were really fun and smooth, if DX:HR is anything like it, I wont be bothered.
Played Vegas 2. Hated the camera switching.
However on the graphics side, is it just de quality of the video or does the game look terrible? Not impressed.

PS3 versionderp

Don't like:
- highlighting
- instant takedowns(reminds me of Rogue Warrior *shudders*)
- graphics look poor, environments look kinda bland.
- looks easy? dumb A.I? (maybe just the way the vids are presented)
However on the graphics side, is it just de quality of the video or does the game look terrible? Not impressed.
I wouldn't say terrible, but certainly not very good. Despite all the effort to make the game look a lot more stylish, it still has this incredibly ugly look because all the environments and objects mush together from all the yellow and orange. If they added some purple and blue a good portion of ugliness would be fixed. It might be a curse that all Deux Ex games are ugly.
Umh... graphics not impressive but it could be fun. I'm optimistic.
Hopefully they stick with their "these features are terrible but idiots want them, so we've made them optional" philosophy for the highlighting thing. If I cant turn that off, I will probably lose a lot of interest, because "exploring" will become "look at this shiny thing" and not fun at all.
Did the takedowns always have that split second of black screen before the animation? Good god that looks jarring. Give me back my prod please.

Besides that and some things you guys have already mentioned, it looks pretty good. Whoever wrote that narration is pretty dumb, though. "Loot/hide this body, just for fun!" You know, when you say it like that, you make it sound like it doesn't actually matter to the gameplay. Kudos. Also, if the cover system is "incredibly useful" and has no obvious drawbacks, then I kind of object to calling it "entirely optional."
The moderate interest that I had in this game evaporated when I watched that trailer. GG consoles.
Am I the only one who honestly thinks this game looks ****ing rubbish?
Am I the only one who honestly thinks this game looks ****ing rubbish?

Check the post immediately before yours?

Can't say I'm interested. But then, I didn't even like the original Dues very much.
Way to show off features the original game already had, what, 11 years ago? Nice work guys, truly nice work.
Just play the original Deus Ex like a man, and pretend no sequels were made.
I am probably still gonna end up getting this, one way or another.

I know, it doesn't look great, but it's Deus Ex, I feel forced to.
I wouldn't mind the highlighting so much (okay, I would) if it didn't seem so omni-present. By all appearances, it seems to always be on instead of just highlighting what you're aiming at. Way to encourage curiosity and exploration...
I wouldn't mind the highlighting so much (okay, I would) if it didn't seem so omni-present. By all appearances, it seems to always be on instead of just highlighting what you're aiming at. Way to encourage curiosity and exploration...

That kind of "feature" is usually optional in videogames. I wouldn't be too worried about that.

Unless they explain it as a kind of neural/visual augmentation. But I still think it will be optional.
Pretty sure Anfossi said it wasn't optional as it's part of the "game experience".

But he did promise it wouldn't be as annoying in the shipped product, so WOOHOO AWESOME GOTY
Just as i expected. Another game that's been simplified for the console peasants.
Just as i expected. Another game that's been simplified for the console peasants.

Yes it's all the console-lovers fault, the PC community surely isn't also filled with young gamers who want "casual" experiences and hence also encourage simplification . . .