Deus Ex Human Revolution

Well, that looks alright.

Actually, I think that games are moving towards the "more accessible" and "more casual" way. No exception.
Indeed. Apart from, of course, all the exceptions. The very most you can say is that big-budget AAA games are universally moving that way. And there are a great many interesting games scampering around their ponderous heels. Besides, I'm comparing modern games not with past glories but with a future that hasn't arrived yet.

Accessibility is not the same as complexity or depth. Minecraft is accessible, because it begins with fairly simple tasks like 'staying alive', 'digging', and 'punching trees'. But it has a good deal of complexity simply because of its freedom. Likewise, games like Brink promise to offer easy access to depth. Deciding that all games forever will now be CODBLOPS isn't a rational response to a foregone conclusion. It's merely buying into the PR of certain companies that consider it a sustainable business strategy in creative endeavour to only ever sell things that have already been sold. Perhaps they'll get by with that, but innovation can sell too (The Sims, after all, was almost unprecedented). Part of the problem may be that AAA development is now so expensive that the idea of taking any risks at all is unconscionable - but as I mentioned, we are already seeing the success of various nimble and adventurous mid-range developers like Red Redemption, Frictional Games, 1C, etc, etc. So perhaps we'll just see a big stratification of the market. Or perhaps AAA will continue to inflate until it collapses, causing an enormous market shakeup. Who can tell? In the meantime it seems to me pointless and defeatist to stop expecting games to get better and cover new territory as they advance.
Looks like glossed up, smoothed out, trailer magic bullshit. The game looks so much less sleek in actual motion that I really can't take anything there seriously.

I'm trying to stay optimistic, but man...
Hang on just one damn minute - that dropship has 'BOOBEE' written on the side!

They're sexing up Deus Ex, the bastards!
In the meantime it seems to me pointless and defeatist to stop expecting games to get better and cover new territory as they advance.

Indeed. By the way, you know... in my opinion "more accessible" and "more casual" is not necessarily a bad thing. It's a matter of what you are simplifying and what you are enhancing.
Back in the old days, playing an rpg meant writing maps, taking hand notes, and so on. I hated auto-mapping in more modern games because I thought it was stripping some of the complexity of the game. You know what? Maybe I have grown older and my tastes have changed, but taking pages and pages of notes when playing a game is not funny anymore to me. I want to jump straight to the meat of the game. Just to say.
Wow, the combat looks even more shitty than the original Deus Ex. At least people didn't die in one hit in the first one. Looks like the guns-blazin approach will be the easiest method the game, which is retarded. Hopefully you can turn difficulty up high enough to make it not as easy as it was in that video.

Of course, it was a trailer too so they probably made it look worse than it is, for the sake of making idiots go "omg kewl" in their youtube comments.
Well, trailers are regularly easified to make them look cool, and in the yappy-woman trailer we did see the player take quite a lot of damage quite quickly. Maybe everyone dies fast - I'd prefer that to bullet spongeing.

Indeed. By the way, you know... in my opinion "more accessible" and "more casual" is not necessarily a bad thing. It's a matter of what you are simplifying and what you are enhancing.
Back in the old days, playing an rpg meant writing maps, taking hand notes, and so on. I hated auto-mapping in more modern games because I thought it was stripping some of the complexity of the game. You know what? Maybe I have grown older and my tastes have changed, but taking pages and pages of notes when playing a game is not funny anymore to me. I want to jump straight to the meat of the game. Just to say.
I agree that simplifying and accessibilitimakingising aren't necessarily bad things at all, but I hope there will always be room in games for an unmodded version of Minecraftwhere you have to make your own paper maps. On the other hand, Jesus Christ, some of us have jobs and wives. Not me, you understand. But some of us.
Indeed. By the way, you know... in my opinion "more accessible" and "more casual" is not necessarily a bad thing. It's a matter of what you are simplifying and what you are enhancing.
But adding ammo into ME2 because some retards can't stop holding down the fire button is a bad thing.
They got rid of it, and what they gave you instead borderlined on insulting. There's not even a point to the weapon selection screen since any new weapons you get are flagrant upgrades.

I won't deny that inventory was a mess in the first ME, and some trimmings were probably appropriate. But man, the replacement system was barebones as hell. That is a trend I don't like seeing.
They got rid of it, and what they gave you instead borderlined on insulting.

Imo, the new system was more adequate to that kind of gameplay. Mass Effect is more a shooter than a role-playing game, so I didn't miss an inventory. But that's just me.
Imo, the new system was more adequate to that kind of gameplay. Mass Effect is more a shooter than a role-playing game, so I didn't miss an inventory. But that's just me.

It's not just you, it's me too!
I much preferred ME2's approach, but a compromise between the two would have been better. Didn't miss the inventory management, but I did miss the incremental upgrades and things like damage mods and grenades.

On topic -

Here's hoping it goes through, I can't imagine it making too much extra work for them. At the very least, it's nice they're listening to the community.
Yeah, I really hope that highlighting things is optional. I'm hoping at E3 or something they have something that is playable so we dont have to just judge trailers and staged demonstrations.
great so they are promising things that SHOULD be basic for pc games

yet we are in an age where we are praising such bare bone features being included?
Meh, they shouldn't be lauded for it, but I appreciate them going to the effort anyway. Looks nice.
great so they are promising things that SHOULD be basic for pc games

yet we are in an age where we are praising such bare bone features being included?

I don't think they're looking for praise - rather a nod of appreciation. It should be basic, but as seen in other titles - it isn't. So it's noteworthy when someone tries to do it properly.
They're not looking for kudos. They're vainly attempting to placate the pissants who bitch about every little thing that veers away from their pathetic idea of a thoroughbred PC game. Hell knows why. They're never going to be happy. Oh no, the items are shiny! Oh no the health regenerates! Oh no, a 'don't switch off your console' loading screen found its way into this obvious port! Won't someone take this abomination and drown it in a bag of cats!
featuring revolutionary mouse reticule control and breathtaking WSAD movement options
They're not looking for kudos. They're vainly attempting to placate the pissants who bitch about every little thing that veers away from their pathetic idea of a thoroughbred PC game. Hell knows why. They're never going to be happy. Oh no, the items are shiny! Oh no the health regenerates! Oh no, a 'don't switch off your console' loading screen found its way into this obvious port! Won't someone take this abomination and drown it in a bag of cats!

You, Sir, are totally right.
Well that's all true and shit - this press space bar to continue bullshit has to stop.
Well that's all true and shit - this press space bar to continue bullshit has to stop.
You mean as a prompt at the beginning of a game? Funny thing is that that screen is surely equally completely redundant on the consoles. I don't disagree that certain things in modern games suck... but their suckage is typically platform agnostic.
so is this game going to be good or bad? I'm not following it since they delayed it.
so is this game going to be good or bad? I'm not following it since they delayed it.

Its going to be pretty good. Its got some consolitis, lots of not-so-innovative features, some weird animations and some questionable dialog. Still, its going to be better than most of the blockbuster filth as of late, and some aspects they havent shown in detail yet could actually turn out really well (hopefully augmentations). Usually when I follow a game like this closely I get turned off by it, but that hasn't happened to me yet, I still check the thread every time its bumped.
Samon is going to hate it, so clearly it will at least be decent. I mean, he likes Halo and Deus Ex: IW. Come on.
gameplay trailers, interviews, previews, are you seriously going to pay 60 bucks to see how the game is?
gameplay trailers, interviews, previews, are you seriously going to pay 60 bucks to see how the game is?

When it comes to games, I usually only trust my own opinion. This is why I wait for price drops and never buy games on day one. By the way, current trailers and gameplay videos are getting me very excited, but keep in mind that I'm not a big fan of the original Deus Ex, so if DE3 is at least decent I'll be happy.
Its always worrying when a developer addresses PC gaming like its a tragic disability, they make 'Mouse and Keyboard' support sound like its a set of special shoes and a wheelchair ramp that they went out of their way to install.